1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Minuet~ Keep us updated on your testing. Do you have any symptoms? Quick background on me. Hubby and I have been trying for over 2 years. We got our first BFP in June 2013 but I miscarried at 10 wks. We have since found out that hubby's sperm isn't great....low motility last time. We went to a fertility specialist in July and he thinks I have endometriosis so we scheduled a LAP for Oct. 9 and a few tests before then to look at the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby also has to have another test in about a month and a half so hopefully we'll see some improvement there and will get our BFP in time for Thanksgiving!!

I'm getting ready to start. I've been spotting for the last 3 days. I really just want it to get here already so I can get all these tests out of the way. I can't believe I have to start BCP this month...that seems crazy! So I will definitely not be trying again until after the surgery in October. I will be checking on and praying for all you gals though!

Aww I'm sorry you have to delay things for surgery, but at least afterwards you will know that everything is A-ok!
Is your hubby taking any supplements to help with swimmers? Mine just started taking Fertilaid, which has good reviews on helping with quality and quantity. It takes three months for new sperm to mature, so he'll be taking it for at least that long and then checking to see if there is improvement.
If you have to wait until after surgery to try, that would give you a good three months to pump your DH up on supplements and see if that helps!

Yes, doc put him on something called Conception XR. I'm hoping it helps!
lilsoybean Ah, good. I hope the ConceptionXR works really quickly for you guys!

I'm doing ok. My temp has been falling badly so I know AF is going to be here any time. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday, so hopefully that will go well.
We need a referral to the only in-town RE, and I'm hoping to get some CD3 bloodwork done. I still have this annoying pain in the ovary I ovulated from, so am contemplating asking her to do a scan to check for a cyst.
Otherwise I think we'll have to wait until October to do any medicated cycles. Maybe there'll be a miracle and I'll ovulate naturally?
Hey ladies! Just joined today and have been thread hopping a bit. I am 9 dpo tomorrow and have had a few symptoms during my tww such as nausea, dizziness, metallic taste (I think), cramping and an eye twitch that just started yesterday. (Random I know but supposedly a symptom many have had during pregnancy).

I decided to pee on an ovulation test strip tonight just because I was curious. The there is a strong line and a weaker line. Definitely two lines. Does this mean anything? Is it just from the ovulation hormone sticking around since I'm 9dpo? I have a FR that I'm going to take as soon as I drink some water. : )
An ovulation test is only positive when both lines are the same darkness, it is negative if one is lighter.

Question: Do any of you ladies experience hip pain during the TWW, or before your period?
I've had this dull ovary ache on the side I O'd from, basically all TWW, that also at times felt like it was in my hip. Today though, this hip pain has grown more to where it actually hurts, and it's spread through my left lower back too.
It's painful and annoying. I see google says some say it can be a sign of endo, or just a side effect of clomid.
Have you ever experienced it?
Hey lovelies! We are having the best time in Mexico! I took this cheapie test this aft.. After peeing less than an hour before and having a ton of water. I thought I saw a line but wasn't positive of the line until it dried after 10 minutes. What do you make of it? I'm 11dpo... (And I've been trying to upload the pic forever and it won't go! Stupid internet! There is a definite line.. But it's faint! I'll take a frer tmrw am and hope it's positive! I'll update you tmrw night!!!!)
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA. My computer got a virus and was out of commission for quite a few days. But I'm back now. :hugs:

Liz - I hope this is it for you! :hugs:

lilsoy - I'm praying for you, darling! :hugs:

minuet - I hope AF stays away! :hugs:

AFM...I finally saw my Doc today. He did a whole bunch of blood work, including an HCG, just to rule out anything. I've been super constipated today and yesterday, but meh. Nothing really new to report. DH is dealing with a ton of anxiety, so he had an appointment with my counselor today, he said it went well! My boobs are still hard and hurting, which is super weird. But nothing else to really report, I guess. My birthday is in a tad over 3 weeks. I'm excited to go to the ocean! DH is buying me a whole bunch of new music this weekend. For my birthday. :happydance:

But I hope everyone is doing alright. I love you all! :hugs: :flower:
Hey ladies! Just joined today and have been thread hopping a bit. I am 9 dpo tomorrow and have had a few symptoms during my tww such as nausea, dizziness, metallic taste (I think), cramping and an eye twitch that just started yesterday. (Random I know but supposedly a symptom many have had during pregnancy).

I decided to pee on an ovulation test strip tonight just because I was curious. The there is a strong line and a weaker line. Definitely two lines. Does this mean anything? Is it just from the ovulation hormone sticking around since I'm 9dpo? I have a FR that I'm going to take as soon as I drink some water. : )

If you haven't yet, i would wait until tomorrow or the next day to use your FRER unless your going to hold your urine for a few hours. Welcome! We hope you stick around even with your :bfp:

An ovulation test is only positive when both lines are the same darkness, it is negative if one is lighter.

Question: Do any of you ladies experience hip pain during the TWW, or before your period?
I've had this dull ovary ache on the side I O'd from, basically all TWW, that also at times felt like it was in my hip. Today though, this hip pain has grown more to where it actually hurts, and it's spread through my left lower back too.
It's painful and annoying. I see google says some say it can be a sign of endo, or just a side effect of clomid.
Have you ever experienced it?
I don't but I hope you feel better. Did your RE tell you that was one of the side effects?

Call then and find out. Maybe you're over responding to the drugs and the ovulation pain is more than what it usually is.

Hey lovelies! We are having the best time in Mexico! I took this cheapie test this aft.. After peeing less than an hour before and having a ton of water. I thought I saw a line but wasn't positive of the line until it dried after 10 minutes. What do you make of it? I'm 11dpo... (And I've been trying to upload the pic forever and it won't go! Stupid internet! There is a definite line.. But it's faint! I'll take a frer tmrw am and hope it's positive! I'll update you tmrw night!!!!)

I am praying this is your :bfp:.

Hope you and hubby enjoy your day.

Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA. My computer got a virus and was out of commission for quite a few days. But I'm back now. :hugs:

Liz - I hope this is it for you! :hugs:

lilsoy - I'm praying for you, darling! :hugs:

minuet - I hope AF stays away! :hugs:

AFM...I finally saw my Doc today. He did a whole bunch of blood work, including an HCG, just to rule out anything. I've been super constipated today and yesterday, but meh. Nothing really new to report. DH is dealing with a ton of anxiety, so he had an appointment with my counselor today, he said it went well! My boobs are still hard and hurting, which is super weird. But nothing else to really report, I guess. My birthday is in a tad over 3 weeks. I'm excited to go to the ocean! DH is buying me a whole bunch of new music this weekend. For my birthday. :happydance:

But I hope everyone is doing alright. I love you all! :hugs: :flower:
I get a ton of free music online through Amazon prime.

I have way too many HPT. I feel like I am jinxing myself by having so many. I ordered from OPK and got 21 HPT. 11 were free. And I had a bund from before.
My bbt IS BROKEN. I am glad my local pharmacy had one. It cost less than Amazon.

afm: We are looking to move, and I wanted to move next june. However, if this is our cycle, I would be moving with a newborn. And, while that is stressing enough, I will have just graduated! And that will be a very busy season of my life but with God all things are possible right?

I have a a week or so until I ovulate. Thinking of trying everyday in FW but that would mean I have to initiate and I never initiate. ugh!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone.
Hey loves! It's official! I'm pregnant!!! Took a frer this morning at 5am and it was positive right away! So many symptoms. All week I've been super moody.. Really picky about foods - even the ones I love.. ANd I get full SO fast.. Praying that this is a healthy pregnancy with my take home baby at the end. I took tons of beach pics today to use as announcements once we are past the first trimester. I'll update my FRER pic when we get home on Friday. Love you all!!!
OMG Liz!!! That is soooo exciting! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see the pic when you get back. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have safe travels.
:happydance: LIZ! :happydance: Congrats on your :bfp: ! I'm so happy for you, darling! I will pray and pray and pray that this is your sticky bean that you will take home with you! :hugs: I pray for a very Happy & Healthy 9 Months, my dear! :hugs: :baby:
Hey loves! It's official! I'm pregnant!!! Took a frer this morning at 5am and it was positive right away! So many symptoms. All week I've been super moody.. Really picky about foods - even the ones I love.. ANd I get full SO fast.. Praying that this is a healthy pregnancy with my take home baby at the end. I took tons of beach pics today to use as announcements once we are past the first trimester. I'll update my FRER pic when we get home on Friday. Love you all!!!

I'm so happy for you! I pray that that this is your sticky bean!:happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs:
Thanks ladies for the congrats. It has just been the best. Still so many symptoms and I'm paranoid about miscarrying again. Hoping I can relax about it soon. I will be very much looking forward to my 8 week ultrasound to make sure baby has a strong heartbeat.. Tons of pulling in my uterus and hips. Peeing every 2 hours. Super bloated. Instantly full when eating. Pretty sure today is the day I should have started my period. I have a good feeling about this one!
Wannabe Congrats hon! I'm so happy you got great news on your trip!

Excited2See I know exactly what you mean about next June. My spouse will be graduating next May, and we plan to move as soon as possible afterward. So if one of the next couple cycles takes, we'll be moving either with a newborn, or a very pregnant and uncomfortable wife!
Thank goodness we already determined that this move(the 7th in 4 1/2 yrs) we will be paying movers to load and unload the trucks! We'll pack all the boxes, but will not move a single one ourselves. I can't take another couple days of lugging boxes and furniture up and down flights of stairs.

AFM AF showed up today with a vengeance, as she is known to do after Clomid. This cycle I'm really hoping to ovulate naturally and hopefully catch the egg. However hubby has low sperm count due to recovering from cancer, so that is going to hinder things.
We aren't doing another Clomid cycle until his count has improved more to up our chances of success.
OMG Wanna I am so excited for you!! Congrats!!! Praying for a strong heartbeat and healthy 9 months!!!

Sorry I have been MIA so much! Lots of decisions to make over here.
I had quit my job 2 weeks ago because it sucked and wasn't worth the money to me anymore.
Now we decided that I am quitting law school and find a job in the field that I worked in before , I have been unhappy for a long time and they will most likely kick me out anyway as I am pretty sure I won't pass my final for the second time and that is the end here anyway. I feel bad about the years wasted on it and might end up doing online school for a bachelor's degree at some point but I am also excited about not having to study anymore and go to work and come home and be done with it.

We are also planning on moving into a house asap. We are both sick and tired of so many neighbors (there is always someone complaining about something) and ready for more space and a yard and with me working too it won't be an issue at all to pay more rent (if we are renting that is), we can afford it now too but will have to limit some other expenses then.
We are looking into rentals but also have a bank appointment today to see if we would qualify for a loan yet to buy a house. I doubt that they are giving us one as they want you to already have a down payment in savings and we don't but I know sometimes they do a full loan so I am hoping we get lucky.

I do think I ovulated but I have no idea when, my temps are lower than normal post-o temps for me but too high to not have ovulated. I have been nauseous this morning and get raging anger pretty easy, I think my hormones might be off.
I hope if we can get rid of stress because of too little room in our apartment, neighbors and law school that it can help us to get pregnant easier, I know it won't help with DH's sperm count but maybe it helps on my side to increase the chance of conceiving with what we have.
OMG Wanna I am so excited for you!! Congrats!!! Praying for a strong heartbeat and healthy 9 months!!!

Sorry I have been MIA so much! Lots of decisions to make over here.
I had quit my job 2 weeks ago because it sucked and wasn't worth the money to me anymore.
Now we decided that I am quitting law school and find a job in the field that I worked in before , I have been unhappy for a long time and they will most likely kick me out anyway as I am pretty sure I won't pass my final for the second time and that is the end here anyway. I feel bad about the years wasted on it and might end up doing online school for a bachelor's degree at some point but I am also excited about not having to study anymore and go to work and come home and be done with it.

We are also planning on moving into a house asap. We are both sick and tired of so many neighbors (there is always someone complaining about something) and ready for more space and a yard and with me working too it won't be an issue at all to pay more rent (if we are renting that is), we can afford it now too but will have to limit some other expenses then.
We are looking into rentals but also have a bank appointment today to see if we would qualify for a loan yet to buy a house. I doubt that they are giving us one as they want you to already have a down payment in savings and we don't but I know sometimes they do a full loan so I am hoping we get lucky.

I do think I ovulated but I have no idea when, my temps are lower than normal post-o temps for me but too high to not have ovulated. I have been nauseous this morning and get raging anger pretty easy, I think my hormones might be off.
I hope if we can get rid of stress because of too little room in our apartment, neighbors and law school that it can help us to get pregnant easier, I know it won't help with DH's sperm count but maybe it helps on my side to increase the chance of conceiving with what we have.

I'm glad that you are doing things that will make you happier in the long run.

It can seem so hard after building up expectations :hugs:

DH and I are moving out of state next June and I am so excited. A new family, a new town, a new lease on our relationship.

Yes, my family are our neighbors so I know what complaining neighbors can do to a relationship.
Blazing :bfp: ! Congrats, Liz! :hugs:

AFM...I took a FRER, because I was having a lot of pressure down there...turns out I'm not pregnant, I just have a horrendous bladder infection. :dohh: :nope:

But DH and I are talking about taking a break from TTC. It's just too much for the two of us to handle right now...due to a new series of unfortunate events.

DH's vitreous in his right eye is detaching. That basically means, that what happened with his blind eye, is happening with his good eye. So, he's going to see a Retinal Specialist next week, and we will access on how good his chances of keeping his vision are. Right now, it's not looking too good. :cry:

So, we decided right now we have to put TTC on a complete hold. We have been talking about getting a kitten, so I can mother something. I hope I get to get one! :happydance:

But anyway, I probably need to stop coming here so much...it just makes it so much easier to want to symptom spot. I need to just stop all this...

So, I'm going to have to go on hiatus. I'm already friends with Liz and lilsoy on FB, I'm friends with wishing on Instagram. So, Mrs. Vet, Excited, minuet, if you guys want to add me on FB, please pm me so I can give you my full name and whatnot. I'll check back tomorrow...but I think I just need to take a break from all this...I want to keep our friendships, and be kept up to date on testing and whatnot. Please pm me so I can add you guys on either Instagram, FB or Twitter. :hugs:
Gohan:hugs::hugs: I totally understand about needing a break, we've had to do that a few times as well. So sorry to hear about your husband's eye, I hope the specialist gives you some encouraging news.
Getting a kitten is a wonderful idea! We got one when we were first married, and then almost a year ago exactly,when I was so sad over TTC going on what could have been a permanent hold, we went and found the perfect kitty.
The process of getting a kitten is so fun, too! Going to the humane society and looking at all those cute little baby kitties, then getting to pick out the right :cat:
Our guy was an older kitten, about 7 months, and we overlooked him the first round of looking. It was a busy day, and we had to wait a while to see any kittens, and by then most of them were claimed. Good thing too, or we've have totally missed out on a great :cat:
Our buddy got our attention by banging his head against the glass, rubbing against it and purring and meowing so insistently. Instant sweetheart. :cloud9:
I say that getting a kitten helps, and that you should pick one out who is naturally trying to cuddle with you from the start. Don't get one of those aloof snobby ones like our first kitty. :haha:
Gohan:hugs::hugs: I totally understand about needing a break, we've had to do that a few times as well. So sorry to hear about your husband's eye, I hope the specialist gives you some encouraging news.
Getting a kitten is a wonderful idea! We got one when we were first married, and then almost a year ago exactly,when I was so sad over TTC going on what could have been a permanent hold, we went and found the perfect kitty.
The process of getting a kitten is so fun, too! Going to the humane society and looking at all those cute little baby kitties, then getting to pick out the right :cat:
Our guy was an older kitten, about 7 months, and we overlooked him the first round of looking. It was a busy day, and we had to wait a while to see any kittens, and by then most of them were claimed. Good thing too, or we've have totally missed out on a great :cat:
Our buddy got our attention by banging his head against the glass, rubbing against it and purring and meowing so insistently. Instant sweetheart. :cloud9:
I say that getting a kitten helps, and that you should pick one out who is naturally trying to cuddle with you from the start. Don't get one of those aloof snobby ones like our first kitty. :haha:

I want a kitty too. DH and I have decided that I will take the semester off school . My anxieties are bad enough that I am considering medication. I am also job hunting. :) Please pray for me ladies that we can find a job that will get us out of this apartment soon.

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