1DPO! TWW Buddies?

-start rant-

I'm about ready to pull my effing hair out. I joined a group in the TTC #1 forum, there are six of us who are TTC #1. So this chick creates the thread and is like, "Oh, I know it's gonna be a long journey...it won't be easy...blah-blah-blah." and then she gets her BFP on her FIRST EFFING CYCLE. Ugh, this makes me wanna effing scream! Why can't we just get our BFP's... :cry: It makes me so upset and I wanna cry. It's not fair. It's NOT FAIR! :brat:

-end rant-
oh love.. i'm so sorry. i cant even imagine how difficult that must be. i know one day you will understand God's plan for you and why he allowed you to go through so much heartbreak. i really pray that you get your sticky bfp soon. i am DYING to see what your frer says!

here is a question for you ladies. i have always felt that i was not comfortable having ANY alcohol of any kind during the TWW. but - we are going to mexico to an all-inclusive with our best friends. they know we are TTC.. but if i'm not pregnant this cycle i might wish i had a FEW drinks while we were relaxing on the beach. i don't want to indulge and have a ridiculous amount.. just a few here and there. from what i've read online a woman doesn't even share blood with a fetus until 6 weeks... and that you should 'drink til it's pink.' what do you ladies think? i feel a bit guilty even thinking about it because i want the absolute BEST for my baby. don't judge me for even asking.. i was so nervous to bring this up! i am potentially supposed to get my period around the last day we are there.. obviously if i take a test and get a BFP i will NOT drink.. i think i will test on the 19th or 20th..
Liz - I would think its fine. I go by the drink til it's pink. I wouldn't worry. Enjoy yourself! :hugs:
thanks friend..

elena - i just went back and re-read from when we got our BFP's in Feb.. this cycle sounds very similar as your cycle then... you got AF.. but with BFN's... and then got preggo!! this really could be the same thing!!! hang in there love.
hi ladies, may I join you? :flower:

I'm just 4dpo and the TWW is already killing me! I'd love to join some other ladies who are wishing time away also. :)
Of course! Welcome, Minuet! This little thread has some of the best ladies on bnb! I'm Elena! The rest of the gang is wannabemamaz, lilsoybean, wishingforbub(who got her BFP and is now very preggo!) Mrs. Vet, and Trappy(who has been MIA for awhile now...). But welcome! How about I introduce myself. I'm Elena, I'm 21(22 in September), I have PCOS, Bipolar, Epilepsy and Hashimoto's Disease. I have gotten two BFPs, but both ended in MC. :cry: DH is 30, with no known health issues. We have been TTC for 18 months now. Welcome!

AFM...AF is still a no show. No signs yet. I hope you are right, Liz! I have my fxd! I love you all! :hugs:
Of course! Welcome, Minuet! This little thread has some of the best ladies on bnb! I'm Elena! The rest of the gang is wannabemamaz, lilsoybean, wishingforbub(who got her BFP and is now very preggo!) Mrs. Vet, and Trappy(who has been MIA for awhile now...). But welcome! How about I introduce myself. I'm Elena, I'm 21(22 in September), I have PCOS, Bipolar, Epilepsy and Hashimoto's Disease. I have gotten two BFPs, but both ended in MC. :cry: DH is 30, with no known health issues. We have been TTC for 18 months now. Welcome!

AFM...AF is still a no show. No signs yet. I hope you are right, Liz! I have my fxd! I love you all! :hugs:

Thanks for the warm welcome! :hugs:

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses :( that must be so very hard to go through.
It's good that AF is a no show though - that is always a very promising occurrence!
I have PCOS too and we've been TTC for over 4 years now. This is my first cycle on Clomid and we were so shocked that it worked - I ovulated. :D

Now to survive the TWW...... lol

Looking forward to seeing a test from you tomorrow with two lines! :flower:
Hey ladies.

The FRER is stark white. I've tweaked and altered every way I possibly can, but it's still white as snow. :cry:

AF is still a no-show. 3 days late now...

I despise TWW Limbo. I've only had to deal with it once before, and it was almost unbearable. I'm calling Doc tomorrow to make appointments for DH and myself for Tuesday, and he will draw blood for an HCG and hopefully I'll get an answer finally. I've read about bunches of women who never got a BFP on an HPT, and had healthy pregnancies. That was what happened with my first MC. I never got a + HPT, but the blood tests showed it. Maybe it's just like that. I don't know. But the creamy CM is still here, and isn't dwindling at all. So I don't know what's going on. But I'll keep you all posted. :hugs:
welcome minuet! great news about your cycle. i hope this is it for you!!

AFM - I'm 25. we had a MC in February at 7 weeks.. now we are in our first cycle TTC again after a 5 month break. i am currently 3dpo! we have been married for 4 years, together for almost 7. we are heading to mexico on saturday for our anniversary and i plan on testing while we are there! when do you plan to test?

elena.. i'm sorry about the frer.. that's so strange. your symptoms just sound too perfect.. keep us posted.

i'm beyond irritated with my throat. the diflucan didn't help.. so i assume i don't have thrush after all. the dr told me it would take around 2 days.. but its now been 2.5. really don't know what to do at this point. my mind starts to race and i freak myself out that i have like a throat tumor or something.. ugggh!!

as for symptoms at 3dpo.. not much! CM is pretty much non-existent at this point.. i've been having some on and off cramping.. nothing major. still have cold symptoms that are making me nuts. cervix is tender during BD.. and i've had some shooting pains down there. oh and my chin is breaking out like crazy. i think thats it.. but of course i'll be updating. i went back and wrote down all my symptoms from my bfp in feb. if i start to get shooting pains in my boobs that would potentially be a tell-tale sign for me because that only happened the month of my BFP... we shall see!
Gohan3117 - I think you should feel hopeful. You are late, no spotting, creamy CM, and didn't get a positive hpt previously.
Tuesday should help clarify things for you, I'm sorry the wait is being prolonged.
AF is 4 days late now...stunned, really. No signs of her at all. The creamy CM is still abundant, boobs are becoming much more tender and swollen. I'm having frequent headaches, and still having loss of balance. Yesterday I had some pain in my right pelvic area, so I'm hoping that's a good thing. Continuing to stay hopeful. I love you all! :hugs:
@Gohan do you temp? iI don't remember reading if you do or not. It would make the TWW so much easier! If you don't I suggest you do.

Welcome Minuet!

I find that after CM is not always reliable on its own and temping is the only way besides bloodwork to confirm ovulation. This will help you pinpoint exactly when you ovulate and won't have to stress yourself out during the TWW.
@Gohan do you temp? iI don't remember reading if you do or not. It would make the TWW so much easier! If you don't I suggest you do.

Welcome Minuet!

I find that after CM is not always reliable on its own and temping is the only way besides bloodwork to confirm ovulation. This will help you pinpoint exactly when you ovulate and won't have to stress yourself out during the TWW.

I actually don't temp. I find it to be a pain in the butt and I really don't know how to use a temp chart. I bought a BBT but I just can't figure out how to use it and whatnot.

But I didn't test today, I'm just trying to relax.

I just remembered that my Doctor's office is closed on Tuesdays. So I gotta wait until Wednesday to get my blood drawn. I'm getting depressed from all this. I just want to know. :cry:
Well, my FIL and I are off to buy a new refrigerator. Even after spending $1000+ dollars, it still refuses to work. Over the last month, DH and I have thrown away or lost over $300 in groceries. I'm so upset. DH is working a 10.5 hour shift today, and I'm so lonely. I feel so emotional and depressed. No AF yet. 4 days late...I just can't stand this anymore. I'm having to really restrain myself from testing...I only have 1 IC and 2 FRER's left. I've used 30+ HPT's this cycle. I just don't know what to even feel anymore. I ate a PB&J again today, it's was pretty good. But I just really have no appetite. I'm having trouble sleeping...I've been so constipated. I just...if I'm pregnant, I just want to know. I'm tired of this. I just...I just want to know... :cry: :nope:
Sorry about your fridge! How frustrating... I hope the new one will relieve some stress!!

Oh man you must just be in agony. I guess it is possible that you ovulated later than you thought and it's too early to pick up on a test yet? Not sure though.. I hope you get some solid answers on Wednesday! You should take another frer!!

I'm 3dpo today and I just lost it at my man. I felt so bad afterwards.. It came out of nowhere. I'm feeling horribly sick still today. I talked to my dr and she wants me to have an upper GI exam done for my throat. I've had one before and it SUCKS. Unfortunately since it involves X-rays it isn't safe for TTC.. I had to schedule it for the week of my period. It scares me to think that there is something really wrong. She thinks it may be esophagitis.. I'm worried it will get worse and flare up horribly while we are in Mexico and that I'll be miserable. Ugh. My anxiety goes nuts just thinking about it. Trying to trust God that he will take care of me and protect me on our trip. Wondering if I can find some medicine that will help.. That's about it for me this evening.. Trying to relax.
oh nooooo. i'm so sorry love.. i HATE af. she is such a @$#!%. have a drink tonight and your favorite snack. let your hubby pamper you when he gets home from work. maybe a nice hot bath?? praying for you <3
AF is here. :cry:

That's my ovulation chart.

Last cycle I ovulated three days later and because I take my temp I knew that so I didn't drive myself crazy thinking I was there days late when I really wasn't.

Im really sorry about CD1/AF.

Please consider joining fertility friend. You will really lose some of the stress of TTC.

There's an app for it on iPhone or any smart phone really. Just enter your temp every morning and it analyzes the information for you. They even give you VIP access free for thirty day!

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