1DPO! TWW Buddies?

wannabemamaz ugh I am so sorry you feel sick and are still dealing with this throat thing :( No wonder you are upset, that would make even a saint miserable! I have no answers, just hope it clears up quickly on it's own. Does your doctor know you're going away? Maybe she can give you something?

Gohan3117 :( awww I am so sad with you. This stuff is the worst. I agree with those who suggested temping. It does give peace of mind to see exactly when Oing occurs etc.
I hope you are being cared for by DH. They don't endure the day in and out torture of this stuff and it's their job to be very supportive, so I hope yours is! *hugs*

AFM it's 6dpo and I did test today, hehe. This early, the bfn don't bother me so I'll keep doing so.
I have PCOS and long story short we need to see an RE and do monitored cycles if this one is a bust. Today I called the only place in town who does that and found out it was at least a two month wait.
Had a big meltdown over it. :( Just so so tired of this whole nightmare. I know you all can identify. So exhausting.
thanks minuet.. you're so sweet. :flower: still bugging me today.. i got zantac 150 and i plan on taking it for the next 3 days in hopes it will give my irritated throat a break from the acid.. crossing my fingers it works!!

i hope you get your bfp this cycle!!! i'm 4dpo.. lets both get our bfp's and be bump buddies!! i'm so sorry that the wait is so long to get in to that clinic.. but positive thoughts and lets pray that you don't even need to have an appointment because you will be preggo!! hang in there love..

hang in there elena. how are you doing today? you're in my thoughts and prayers today!!

boobs are getting sore. specifically my right boob which is kinda odd..but that what happened in my BFP cycle! trying to be positive!!

still feeling sick today.. but just trying to ignore that!!
Hey girls!

Gohan I am so sorry! Stupid witch, I was so hopeful for you this month!

Minu welcome! I hope you will enjoy our little group!

We have been trying a little over a year now and learned earlier this year that DH's sperm count is low and doesn't move well :( We tried fertility vitamins but it only slightly improved.
We are back to NTNP for now as we are tired of stressing and have so much going on right now that we just need this break.

I quit my job last week after they gave me shit again over doing sth wrong that they refused to explain to me because no one had time. I didn't like the work hours anyway and this just felt like the right thing to do. We don't really need those few bucks (it was only a student job twice a week) so I am taking my time trying to find sth that fits better.

The kitten is still a handful, he is getting fixed on thursday so hopefully he will be more mellow soon! He is very cute at the same time though!

Overall life is good, with ups and downs as usual.
Hey ladies. AF is a bitch this time around. Lots of cramps and a very heavy flow. But, I'm just relieved to be out of limbo. I was really devastated yesterday, but today I'm doing better. It's not like we have to stop trying. ;) I talked to my mom today and she's doing much better than she has in months, which I am happy about. DH let me get whatever I wanted for dinner last night, so I got Panda Express, and he let me get a new CD. I bought a new book to read at the ocean next month. DH got a bunch of extra hours at work yesterday, and our new refrigerator will be delivered tomorrow. So, out of the ashes I will rise, and put on my big girl panties and keep pushing on. At least in 4 more days, DH and I can :sex: again. We were being cautious during my TWW to not :sex: as it could be bad with my history of MC. So, now we can relax and fool around. :haha: But overall, I'm hanging in there. Although I got AF in the middle of Lowes with no pads or tampons with me. I had to run across the street to Bartells to get some. Talk about embarrassing. :shy: anyway, that's about it for me. Thank you all for the love and prayers. You all are such good friends. I couldn't do all this TTC nonsense without you all. :hugs:
Hey Elena. So good to hear from you. Sorry that AF is being a witch. I hate that.. But I'm so glad you are out of limbo and I'm so glad that hubby is taking good care of you and letting you get treats! You deserve it!! Do you plan to do anything different this cycle? I also love our little group.. It's so nice to know I can always come here and vent!! Definitely having some good symptoms but at only 4dpo I know that it doesn't mean anything.

How's everyone else doing? Anyone who is in their TWW know when they plan on testing?? 4 days til Mexico and getting so excited!! Eeeeeeek!!!
I'm CD9. I can be stress free until CD17. I ovulate late so I can enjoy the BD.

Elena did your doctor told you to stay away from BD during your TWW? The reason I ask is I know you don't temp and if you're not BDing you. Might miss some of your fertile window.

I temped and OPK last cycle and it was great watching the progression of the OPKs. And watching it coincide perfectly with temping.
Hey girls!

Gohan I am so sorry! Stupid witch, I was so hopeful for you this month!

Minu welcome! I hope you will enjoy our little group!

We have been trying a little over a year now and learned earlier this year that DH's sperm count is low and doesn't move well :( We tried fertility vitamins but it only slightly improved.
We are back to NTNP for now as we are tired of stressing and have so much going on right now that we just need this break.

I quit my job last week after they gave me shit again over doing sth wrong that they refused to explain to me because no one had time. I didn't like the work hours anyway and this just felt like the right thing to do. We don't really need those few bucks (it was only a student job twice a week) so I am taking my time trying to find sth that fits better.

The kitten is still a handful, he is getting fixed on thursday so hopefully he will be more mellow soon! He is very cute at the same time though!

Overall life is good, with ups and downs as usual.

Sorry about the job. Hope you find something soon.
Hi everyone!

Mrs. Vet~ It's good to hear from you again! I was wondering where you had disappeared to. I bet your little kitty is cute. Sorry about the job though...bummer!

Elena~ AF is beyatch!!! But at least you know and can focus on next month. I would take the advice about temping that others have given. It's not really hard, just take your temp every morning and let fertility friend do all the work :)

Liz~ You leave for Mexico soon right? I'm so jealous. My hubby and I went to Cancun for our Honeymoon and are dying to get back down there and log in some serious beach/pool time. What part are you going to visit? I'm sorry you still aren't feeling very well. I actually used to have esophogitis. I forget what they put me on though. It was so long ago. Your symptoms sound promising even though it's early.

Minuet~ Keep us updated on your testing. Do you have any symptoms? Quick background on me. Hubby and I have been trying for over 2 years. We got our first BFP in June 2013 but I miscarried at 10 wks. We have since found out that hubby's sperm isn't great....low motility last time. We went to a fertility specialist in July and he thinks I have endometriosis so we scheduled a LAP for Oct. 9 and a few tests before then to look at the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby also has to have another test in about a month and a half so hopefully we'll see some improvement there and will get our BFP in time for Thanksgiving!!

Excited~ I hope you are doing well. You are waiting to O right? Enjoy the pressure free BDing. It's the best!!

I really love this group as well. You are all the best!

I'm getting ready to start. I've been spotting for the last 3 days. I really just want it to get here already so I can get all these tests out of the way. I can't believe I have to start BCP this month...that seems crazy! So I will definitely not be trying again until after the surgery in October. I will be checking on and praying for all you gals though!
Hi everyone!

Mrs. Vet~ It's good to hear from you again! I was wondering where you had disappeared to. I bet your little kitty is cute. Sorry about the job though...bummer!

Elena~ AF is beyatch!!! But at least you know and can focus on next month. I would take the advice about temping that others have given. It's not really hard, just take your temp every morning and let fertility friend do all the work :)

Liz~ You leave for Mexico soon right? I'm so jealous. My hubby and I went to Cancun for our Honeymoon and are dying to get back down there and log in some serious beach/pool time. What part are you going to visit? I'm sorry you still aren't feeling very well. I actually used to have esophogitis. I forget what they put me on though. It was so long ago. Your symptoms sound promising even though it's early.

Minuet~ Keep us updated on your testing. Do you have any symptoms? Quick background on me. Hubby and I have been trying for over 2 years. We got our first BFP in June 2013 but I miscarried at 10 wks. We have since found out that hubby's sperm isn't great....low motility last time. We went to a fertility specialist in July and he thinks I have endometriosis so we scheduled a LAP for Oct. 9 and a few tests before then to look at the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby also has to have another test in about a month and a half so hopefully we'll see some improvement there and will get our BFP in time for Thanksgiving!!

Excited~ I hope you are doing well. You are waiting to O right? Enjoy the pressure free BDing. It's the best!!

I really love this group as well. You are all the best!

I'm getting ready to start. I've been spotting for the last 3 days. I really just want it to get here already so I can get all these tests out of the way. I can't believe I have to start BCP this month...that seems crazy! So I will definitely not be trying again until after the surgery in October. I will be checking on and praying for all you gals though!

Yes I am. I went for my annual today and the GYN is also a midwife. And she is amazing. I'm still in awe of her :) she gave me a tub of the lube that they use for examinations. Said that it won't hinder sperm if used in small quantities.

I have BV and I'm glad that I went in today. Especially since it can cause early labour and miscarriage. I would've been dealing with that if I had gotten my :bfp: sometimes my disappointments always show me how God is really in control.

Praying that your surgery leads to your thanksgiving :BFP:

Elena how's your friend from the other thread that got her bfp?

Minuet I'm new but about me : 25. He is 25. Married almost two years.
He's my first everything.
Yes I am. I went for my annual today and the GYN is also a midwife. And she is amazing. I'm still in awe of her :) she gave me a tub of the lube that they use for examinations. Said that it won't hinder sperm if used in small quantities.

I have BV and I'm glad that I went in today. Especially since it can cause early labour and miscarriage. I would've been dealing with that if I had gotten my :bfp: sometimes my disappointments always show me how God is really in control.

Praying that your surgery leads to your thanksgiving :BFP:

Elena how's your friend from the other thread that got her bfp?

Minuet I'm new but about me : 25. He is 25. Married almost two years.
He's my first everything.

That is so sweet. :) You sound like you have a great relationship with your spouse - definitely needed during this difficult TTC process.

Have you tried Preseed? It's lub that is specifically designed not to kill swimmers. I'd be nervous to use a lub that wasn't clearly marked as fertility friendly, even if the doctor said it was.

I'm glad you have a great doctor though, that is so hugely helpful!
Minuet~ Keep us updated on your testing. Do you have any symptoms? Quick background on me. Hubby and I have been trying for over 2 years. We got our first BFP in June 2013 but I miscarried at 10 wks. We have since found out that hubby's sperm isn't great....low motility last time. We went to a fertility specialist in July and he thinks I have endometriosis so we scheduled a LAP for Oct. 9 and a few tests before then to look at the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby also has to have another test in about a month and a half so hopefully we'll see some improvement there and will get our BFP in time for Thanksgiving!!

I'm getting ready to start. I've been spotting for the last 3 days. I really just want it to get here already so I can get all these tests out of the way. I can't believe I have to start BCP this month...that seems crazy! So I will definitely not be trying again until after the surgery in October. I will be checking on and praying for all you gals though!

Aww I'm sorry you have to delay things for surgery, but at least afterwards you will know that everything is A-ok!
Is your hubby taking any supplements to help with swimmers? Mine just started taking Fertilaid, which has good reviews on helping with quality and quantity. It takes three months for new sperm to mature, so he'll be taking it for at least that long and then checking to see if there is improvement.
If you have to wait until after surgery to try, that would give you a good three months to pump your DH up on supplements and see if that helps!
Yes I am. I went for my annual today and the GYN is also a midwife. And she is amazing. I'm still in awe of her :) she gave me a tub of the lube that they use for examinations. Said that it won't hinder sperm if used in small quantities.

I have BV and I'm glad that I went in today. Especially since it can cause early labour and miscarriage. I would've been dealing with that if I had gotten my :bfp: sometimes my disappointments always show me how God is really in control.

Praying that your surgery leads to your thanksgiving :BFP:

Elena how's your friend from the other thread that got her bfp?

Minuet I'm new but about me : 25. He is 25. Married almost two years.
He's my first everything.

That is so sweet. :) You sound like you have a great relationship with your spouse - definitely needed during this difficult TTC process.

Have you tried Preseed? It's lub that is specifically designed not to kill swimmers. I'd be nervous to use a lub that wasn't clearly marked as fertility friendly, even if the doctor said it was.

I'm glad you have a great doctor though, that is so hugely helpful!

I've heard about preseed. This stuff has basically the same ingredients. I compared the ingredients list online. And it definitely leaves you with a wet feeling afterwards. Due to my BV treatment he can't ejaculate inside me but I still have the feeling he did.

Yes she's amazing and knowing that unless I'm high risk during my pregnancy I can stick to her is a good feeling.

I'm not nervous using a lube that says otherwise because even if this cycle is a bust there's always next cycle.

I personally think some of these companies prey on ttc women. There's no reason why prepared is basically 24 dollars! I'm tv but not willing to throw all my money out the window.

Me and H does have a pretty good relationship. Can't complain at all.
Hi everyone!

Mrs. Vet~ It's good to hear from you again! I was wondering where you had disappeared to. I bet your little kitty is cute. Sorry about the job though...bummer!

Elena~ AF is beyatch!!! But at least you know and can focus on next month. I would take the advice about temping that others have given. It's not really hard, just take your temp every morning and let fertility friend do all the work :)

Liz~ You leave for Mexico soon right? I'm so jealous. My hubby and I went to Cancun for our Honeymoon and are dying to get back down there and log in some serious beach/pool time. What part are you going to visit? I'm sorry you still aren't feeling very well. I actually used to have esophogitis. I forget what they put me on though. It was so long ago. Your symptoms sound promising even though it's early.

Minuet~ Keep us updated on your testing. Do you have any symptoms? Quick background on me. Hubby and I have been trying for over 2 years. We got our first BFP in June 2013 but I miscarried at 10 wks. We have since found out that hubby's sperm isn't great....low motility last time. We went to a fertility specialist in July and he thinks I have endometriosis so we scheduled a LAP for Oct. 9 and a few tests before then to look at the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby also has to have another test in about a month and a half so hopefully we'll see some improvement there and will get our BFP in time for Thanksgiving!!

Excited~ I hope you are doing well. You are waiting to O right? Enjoy the pressure free BDing. It's the best!!

I really love this group as well. You are all the best!

I'm getting ready to start. I've been spotting for the last 3 days. I really just want it to get here already so I can get all these tests out of the way. I can't believe I have to start BCP this month...that seems crazy! So I will definitely not be trying again until after the surgery in October. I will be checking on and praying for all you gals though!

Hi lovely! Yes we leave on Saturday! Today is my last day of work so I am frantically trying to get everything finished and organized.. I am feeling a lot better today. Still some cold symptoms but I am handling it a lot better. And still having the lump in my throat. It feels way smaller and isn't bothering me as much. I really hope you can have a nice relaxing break from TTC.. and I hope your tests go well. Yes PLEASE keep us posted on you.

Yes I am. I went for my annual today and the GYN is also a midwife. And she is amazing. I'm still in awe of her :) she gave me a tub of the lube that they use for examinations. Said that it won't hinder sperm if used in small quantities.

I have BV and I'm glad that I went in today. Especially since it can cause early labour and miscarriage. I would've been dealing with that if I had gotten my :bfp: sometimes my disappointments always show me how God is really in control.

Praying that your surgery leads to your thanksgiving :BFP:

Elena how's your friend from the other thread that got her bfp?

Minuet I'm new but about me : 25. He is 25. Married almost two years.
He's my first everything.

That is so sweet. :) You sound like you have a great relationship with your spouse - definitely needed during this difficult TTC process.

Have you tried Preseed? It's lub that is specifically designed not to kill swimmers. I'd be nervous to use a lub that wasn't clearly marked as fertility friendly, even if the doctor said it was.

I'm glad you have a great doctor though, that is so hugely helpful!

It is amazing how God shows us he is in control. We feel so strongly that God used our miscarriage to strengthen us. Just a reminder that God is the ultimate provider and he is the one who gives and takes away. Where do you live? We are the same age! :happydance:

I am 6dpo today and still having lots of symptoms. Still having lots of boob pinching.. SUPER fatigued in the evenings.. pretty moody I would say.

I just chatted with a friend and she is TTC in her first month with #2. I'm so excited that we could potentially get pregnant around the same time! She doesn't live too far from me so we could have babies grow up together.. and it would be so fun to be pregnant at the same time. The only thing that makes me nervous would be if we both get pregnant and then I have another MC.. then it will be so hard to watch her go through her pregnancy knowing it could have also been me.. Trying to not worry about those silly things right now!!

So yes - we leave on Saturday. I think I will test on Wednesday.. Not sure how much I will be able to update while I am there. I hope I have GREAT news when I come home!!
I'm in NY.

I guess you just have to pray about your anxieties.

Well we are planning a move, ttc and I'm working and I'm sin school in a few weeks. So much going on.

So easy to lose sight of God as our refuge.
I looove NY! A ton of my family lives there!

Yeah prayer is so important to me in these times. It's the only thing I can count on!

Wow that is a lot going on! and it is difficult to lose sight of God. I'll be praying for you that you can keep him at the center of it all.

So I just stocked up on dollar store tests and you can be assured that I POAS! At 6dpo. I'm a fool.. Lol. Obvs BFN! But I just had to!!!
Hey ladies. I'm CD4 today, still having tons of cramps. I don't have much to report, really. DH and I are doing alright. I decided to drop out of the other thread...I just can't deal with it. But I'm not going to temp this cycle, maybe next one. This cycle is my birthday cycle, so I want it to stay mellow. I'm considering taking my last dollar store test the first day AF is gone, just to make sure what happened last cycle didn't happen again. Anyway, that's about it for me. I love you all. :hugs:
I looove NY! A ton of my family lives there!

Yeah prayer is so important to me in these times. It's the only thing I can count on!

Wow that is a lot going on! and it is difficult to lose sight of God. I'll be praying for you that you can keep him at the center of it all.

So I just stocked up on dollar store tests and you can be assured that I POAS! At 6dpo. I'm a fool.. Lol. Obvs BFN! But I just had to!!!
Lol. I have over forty IC and a FRER but I have OPks to get over my POAS addiction.

Thanks for the prayers. If ever you are in NYC we can meet IRL in the most non creepy internet way possible.
Hey ladies. I'm CD4 today, still having tons of cramps. I don't have much to report, really. DH and I are doing alright. I decided to drop out of the other thread...I just can't deal with it. But I'm not going to temp this cycle, maybe next one. This cycle is my birthday cycle, so I want it to stay mellow. I'm considering taking my last dollar store test the first day AF is gone, just to make sure what happened last cycle didn't happen again. Anyway, that's about it for me. I love you all. :hugs:
Sorry you're still cramping. I had to use the heating pad this CD1 and 2.

It helped a lot. And tea.


I just know your sticky bean is coming.
Hey friends!!

Just wanted to give you another update on my TWW. I am 7dpo today and I am going crazy in the last hour. So many stabbing, pinching pains in my uterus on the left side.. The same spot I had my ovulation pains. They are making me crazy.. It seems like a really good symptom and I know this would be around the time of implantation. We shall see.. Hubby and I went out today and got all our travel necessities... Including 2 FRER's. I Can't wait to take one this week... I'm feeling really positive and hopeful about this cycle. My boobs are still really sore and pinchy.. And I'm still mega moody as well.

We leave early tmrw am.. Really hoping for a fantastic trip that invokes a BFP! But I will try not to be too sad if it it's bfn...

Have the best week, my sweet friends!!! Love you all!!
Liz~. Your symptoms sound so good! Can't wait to hear what happens. Let us know as soon as you can. I hope you stick around with us when you get your BFP .

Excited~ I will be in NYC in September.

Minuet~. How are you doing?

AF finally came and I had the ovarian reserve blood test. I should know the results later this week. I really hope my eggs are in good shape. I scheduled the SIS test for Friday, Aug. 29th. I started BCP and took my last Wellbutrin so I'm curious to how all that will effect my mood and what not. So we're officially out of TTC mode until Oct/Nov.

I hope you are all well!

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