1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hey everybody! I am back at work today after our fantastic vacation. Thanks for all the congrats on our BFP! We are thrilled. I see my Dr today.. I am trying to decide if I want to push to have any testing done or if I should just try to relax and wait for my 8 week ultrasound. I am feeling gross today. Woke up thinking I was about to get sick.. and instead started having diarrhea. Lovely! But I'll take it gladly. I'm having one symptom I definitely did not have last time.. My underwear is constantly wet. I keep feeling like maybe I started my period so I run to the bathroom and it's just totally wet. I guess it's pretty common from what I read online.

Hope the rest of you are doing well. I am sad to see Gohan leave our group for now. I sent her a FB message. I hope she is doing ok. If you guys don't want to hear updates from me I totally understand.. I would love to stick around though if you still want me!!

Love to you all.
Gohan I'll PM you in a minute!

Excited, that is great! Where are ya'll moving?

Wanna I am crossing my fingers that everything is going ok, what a beautiful BFP!

Not much to report here. I took a test this morning as I broke my tooth of on saturday, went to the ER for them to take off the sharp corner as it was cutting my tongue SO bad but I still have to go to my dentist to see what the cause is and what needs to be done on wednesday and I wanted to be sure I'm not pregnant in case he needs X-rays. BFN of course. Since we only BDed once 2 weeks ago this month I am sure it's accurate. I wasn't even sad this time, it really is ok right now as there are so many changes in our lives.

I am already job hunting now, once I am out of trial period (over here during the first 6 months they can fire you with no reason and no notice) we qualify for a loan to buy a house. :happydance: So we are looking at starting house hunting around spring next year probably.
Meanwhile we are observing the market, learning what we can about the process and are also looking at rental houses, if we find a good deal we might rent for 2 or 3 years and then buy.

We are getting another kitten. All of you girls who want to have a kitten, take 2 of them!! SamSam is an absolute monster!! He is attacking the dog constantly along with our feet and legs. He doesn't mean bad, he just wants to play and wrestle like a young cat. I learned that he is being so bad because he doesn't have another cat to play with .
So since it was getting another one or give him up because it is just not tolerable right now, we went to one of the local shelters and they are getting a bunch of cats his age next weekend from Spain and might have another one by then. Longest week ever I can tell you! This was unplanned but we are excited to add to our little family and hope that this will calm things down for us and our dog!
We are already thinking of names but haven't come up with one yet. It will most likely be another boy! :happy dance:

So, things are getting tight in our apartment for now, the cats basically will have the spare room for their litter box and to be put in there if we need to separate them from the dog (we can't leave them together unattended yet). Between that and me starting to work again and us trying to move into a house we will just keep NTNP until things are settled next year, then we might take some time of actively trying again.

I will keep checking in though and see what everyone is doing and obsess about symptoms here and there! :D
Hey everybody! I am back at work today after our fantastic vacation. Thanks for all the congrats on our BFP! We are thrilled. I see my Dr today.. I am trying to decide if I want to push to have any testing done or if I should just try to relax and wait for my 8 week ultrasound. I am feeling gross today. Woke up thinking I was about to get sick.. and instead started having diarrhea. Lovely! But I'll take it gladly. I'm having one symptom I definitely did not have last time.. My underwear is constantly wet. I keep feeling like maybe I started my period so I run to the bathroom and it's just totally wet. I guess it's pretty common from what I read online.

Hope the rest of you are doing well. I am sad to see Gohan leave our group for now. I sent her a FB message. I hope she is doing ok. If you guys don't want to hear updates from me I totally understand.. I would love to stick around though if you still want me!!

Love to you all.

Please don't leave us!!!

So, my Ovarian Reserve Test came back today. They said my ovaries are working better than they predicted for my age so I am super happy about that. I'm having the SIS test on Friday so I will let you know how that goes as well! Meanwhile, my BCP's are making my boobs soooo sore. It's awful. Oh well, I'm hoping my body adjusts soon and they will stop hurting.
Hi ladies. I'm having such a hard time letting go of you all. It seems life has gone from bad to worse. :cry: Family issues, stuff with hubby and myself. I am constantly crying. I'm nauseous and have no appetite, but when I do eat, I get full so fast. Hubby is bugging me to eat, since I have a history of bulimia, I can see his point. But I just don't know. I'm still cramping on and off, it's dull, but I really don't think I have a UTI. I just...I don't know. I just don't feel right. My boobs are hurting, I'm much more fatigued. I can't make this stuff up. I swear...if I'm not pregnant, something is seriously wrong with me. I bought a Target brand hpt to see, and I swear there is a line. But if I was pregnant, it'd be so obvious by now. I'm just thinking what happened last year in June is happening again. I'm probably just crazy. I've attached a picture of my test, just to let you all see. I'm probably just insane. :nope:


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I'm sorry you are having such a hard time lately. Maybe I'm mixed up on dates but I thought you just had your period recently? I thought we were sort of on the same cycle. I think I am CD 12 right now. Well, I hope you figure out what is going on soon. It sounds like you could use a bit of a break from TTC. Thinking of you!
thanks, lilsoy! ok i wont leave!!! that is great news about your ovaries. so happy for you! ugh, BCP's can be such a witch. i hate them!!

i hope gohan is doing okay today. i chatted with her on fb for a bit last night..

i had a great appt yesterday afternoon. my first ultrasound is booked for sept 18th. i'll be exactly 8 weeks. i am hoping and praying that i make it to that appointment. i have a really great feeling about this pregnancy. and i'm talking to myself positively!

the last few days i've still been having cramping on and off.. it stressed me out but then last night the achiness spread to my hips. i think it isn't cramps.. i think everything is just loosening up. i didn't have this last time so i am very happy about that! i've had it on and off now since last thursday so i am confident that everything is okay. i am having a boatload of symptoms all around. not too much nausea yet! only when i wake up in the morning but it goes away pretty fast.

how is everyone else doing? what is new??? i would love to have all of you on facebook! if we aren't already friends on there PM me! (if you want!!)

enjoy your day ladies!!! love you all! <3
Hey Wanna!

I'm so glad you are feeling confident and that your symptoms are so obviously apparent. I think the cramping and pulling are pretty common...all a part of your uterus changing and getting ready for that sticky bean!! yay!!

I hope you are feeling better Gohan!

How is everyone else?
Went to the Doctor again today. HCG level was 0.1miu, so definitely not preggo. He is concerned about my hormones though, so he did a full panel, plus I peed in a cup to make sure it's not a UTI or something. Everything else was perfect though:)

DH on the other hand...he got diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and he is borderline diabetic. His testosterone level is lower than it should be. It should be 1.5 but his is 1.4. It's not concerning to Doc, though.

Just wanted to update. Keep in touch on Facebook ladies! Love you all! :hugs:
Just wanted to share that I'm now one week past AF and the test line is only now as dark as the control on the cheapies.. I feel like a frer would've looked like this several days ago.. I hate these tests!image.jpg
Hey everybody! I am back at work today after our fantastic vacation. Thanks for all the congrats on our BFP! We are thrilled. I see my Dr today.. I am trying to decide if I want to push to have any testing done or if I should just try to relax and wait for my 8 week ultrasound. I am feeling gross today. Woke up thinking I was about to get sick.. and instead started having diarrhea. Lovely! But I'll take it gladly. I'm having one symptom I definitely did not have last time.. My underwear is constantly wet. I keep feeling like maybe I started my period so I run to the bathroom and it's just totally wet. I guess it's pretty common from what I read online.

Hope the rest of you are doing well. I am sad to see Gohan leave our group for now. I sent her a FB message. I hope she is doing ok. If you guys don't want to hear updates from me I totally understand.. I would love to stick around though if you still want me!!

Love to you all.
I want to hear more. Please don't leave.
Gohan I'll PM you in a minute!

Excited, that is great! Where are ya'll moving?

Wanna I am crossing my fingers that everything is going ok, what a beautiful BFP!

Not much to report here. I took a test this morning as I broke my tooth of on saturday, went to the ER for them to take off the sharp corner as it was cutting my tongue SO bad but I still have to go to my dentist to see what the cause is and what needs to be done on wednesday and I wanted to be sure I'm not pregnant in case he needs X-rays. BFN of course. Since we only BDed once 2 weeks ago this month I am sure it's accurate. I wasn't even sad this time, it really is ok right now as there are so many changes in our lives.

I am already job hunting now, once I am out of trial period (over here during the first 6 months they can fire you with no reason and no notice) we qualify for a loan to buy a house. :happydance: So we are looking at starting house hunting around spring next year probably.
Meanwhile we are observing the market, learning what we can about the process and are also looking at rental houses, if we find a good deal we might rent for 2 or 3 years and then buy.

We are getting another kitten. All of you girls who want to have a kitten, take 2 of them!! SamSam is an absolute monster!! He is attacking the dog constantly along with our feet and legs. He doesn't mean bad, he just wants to play and wrestle like a young cat. I learned that he is being so bad because he doesn't have another cat to play with .
So since it was getting another one or give him up because it is just not tolerable right now, we went to one of the local shelters and they are getting a bunch of cats his age next weekend from Spain and might have another one by then. Longest week ever I can tell you! This was unplanned but we are excited to add to our little family and hope that this will calm things down for us and our dog!
We are already thinking of names but haven't come up with one yet. It will most likely be another boy! :happy dance:

So, things are getting tight in our apartment for now, the cats basically will have the spare room for their litter box and to be put in there if we need to separate them from the dog (we can't leave them together unattended yet). Between that and me starting to work again and us trying to move into a house we will just keep NTNP until things are settled next year, then we might take some time of actively trying again.

I will keep checking in though and see what everyone is doing and obsess about symptoms here and there! :D
We are looking into Florida. Although I am a bit worried about the job market down there.
Hi ladies. I'm having such a hard time letting go of you all. It seems life has gone from bad to worse. :cry: Family issues, stuff with hubby and myself. I am constantly crying. I'm nauseous and have no appetite, but when I do eat, I get full so fast. Hubby is bugging me to eat, since I have a history of bulimia, I can see his point. But I just don't know. I'm still cramping on and off, it's dull, but I really don't think I have a UTI. I just...I don't know. I just don't feel right. My boobs are hurting, I'm much more fatigued. I can't make this stuff up. I swear...if I'm not pregnant, something is seriously wrong with me. I bought a Target brand hpt to see, and I swear there is a line. But if I was pregnant, it'd be so obvious by now. I'm just thinking what happened last year in June is happening again. I'm probably just crazy. I've attached a picture of my test, just to let you all see. I'm probably just insane. :nope:
Please eat something. I'm sorry you have so much going on right now.

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time lately. Maybe I'm mixed up on dates but I thought you just had your period recently? I thought we were sort of on the same cycle. I think I am CD 12 right now. Well, I hope you figure out what is going on soon. It sounds like you could use a bit of a break from TTC. Thinking of you!
I second this. Maybe that will serve as the rejuvenate you and your ttc journey.
Just wanted to share that I'm now one week past AF and the test line is only now as dark as the control on the cheapies.. I feel like a frer would've looked like this several days ago.. I hate these tests!View attachment 798061
I never used those. I used wondfo and then follow-up a FRER. Althought I'm hearing the wondfos have been evap lining recently. There is another site that sells test cheaper than wondfo's or the same price and I got stark with :bfn: No squinters to worry about.
Hi ladies. I'm having such a hard time letting go of you all. It seems life has gone from bad to worse. :cry: Family issues, stuff with hubby and myself. I am constantly crying. I'm nauseous and have no appetite, but when I do eat, I get full so fast. Hubby is bugging me to eat, since I have a history of bulimia, I can see his point. But I just don't know. I'm still cramping on and off, it's dull, but I really don't think I have a UTI. I just...I don't know. I just don't feel right. My boobs are hurting, I'm much more fatigued. I can't make this stuff up. I swear...if I'm not pregnant, something is seriously wrong with me. I bought a Target brand hpt to see, and I swear there is a line. But if I was pregnant, it'd be so obvious by now. I'm just thinking what happened last year in June is happening again. I'm probably just crazy. I've attached a picture of my test, just to let you all see. I'm probably just insane. :nope:
Blue dye test are the devil.
Hi ladies
How are you all?
I know I'm very quiet but I do check on you all :)
Gohan I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. I think a break from all the ttc talk will do you good. I will see you on instagram! Thinking of you and your DH.
Mrs vet. .glad the changes you are making feel so good! I'm sure everything will work out just fine. The time u spent studying is not a waste.. you'll see one day :)
Lilsoy so glad that the test came back good! Hope your next results are just as promising.
Wanna! I'm so so happy for you!! You looked so beautifully happy on your holiday and this news is just the best! Praying for a beautiful sticky bean for you!!!
Excited and minuet how are you?? Excited where are you living now? Florida sounds lovely!

I have been so busy with my studies...have an exam on Wednesday. They booked my c section for the 29th of september! ! So one month to go :yipee: but I have a feeling she might want to come before then! So I'll keep you all posted. :)
Wishing- We are in NYC. Countdown to baby has begun for you.

I'm either 5dpo or 2dpo.

I missed so many temps this cycle :dohh: but I was still using my OPKs. :thumbup:

So, I'm in the 2ww:happydance:. I think our timing is great!

I have a cold, can't wait for it to be over. My anxieties aren't as bad now that classes have resumed :happydance:.


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Yay excited!! Welcome to your TWW!! What other symptoms are you having? When did your cold pop up? I had a cold during both of my BFP TWW's.. That is a great sign!!! Keep us posted!!! fx for you!!!!

Thanks for your prayers wishing. I can't believe your little girl will be here so soon!!!!

Still having lots of symptoms. A ton of pinching & pulling. Peeing all the time.. Not really any nausea yet so that is nice! Everytime I eat my dinner about an hour after I can barely move I'm so bloated. And I look 4 months pregnant in the evenings! Makes me so excited for when this bloat is actually a baby bump! Feeling positive about the pregnancy and spending a lot of time in prayer. Just trying to focus on God and his plan for us. It is giving me a lot of peace!

Love you ladies. Hope you are having a nice long weekend!
It popped up about Wednesday. It was so sudden. I woke up so congested. And it got worse at night. I don't want to symptom spot too much but I had heartburn for two days.

Jesus is at the centre of it all so I can only wait in him. I hope this is our cycle.

Thanks for all your well wishes ladies. All the same to you. This cycle has been a bit rocky. Not knowing how many days post ovulation I am is driving me crazy.

Happy holiday we are having a small BBQ.
Those are great symptoms! I'll be eager to see how your TWW finishes! I hope you can find some things to keep you busy so it goes by fast! So awesome to hear you talking about your faith in Jesus. So wonderful.

Enjoy your BBQ!
Lol. Don't get me start on my love for God. It's insane knowing that he life's me more than I could ever understand. When I think about our yearning to be mothers it amazes me that a parent our Father gave his only sons for us.

I have classes to get my mind off of it. :) I have DH to keep my mind off of it. I swear my sex drive increases when I am in my TWW. Not symptom spotting is so hard. I had indigestion every tww so that's nothing new. Charting as helped me to recognize new symptoms otherwise it's just a cold.

And craving ice cream.
That's so great. I'm very much the same. We are so lucky to be loved by a God who is so good.

Haha.. That's always good!! Enjoy!! ;)
I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. It was weird to not have to do anything about it because of the BCP's but I'm trying to enjoy it. My test of Friday went well. They didn't find anything to be concerned about it my uterus so that is good. Now, it's on to my surgery in October so a little over a month away. I can't wait to get it over with.

Excited - those symptoms sound good. I also had a cold when I was very early in my pregnancy and have heard others have had the same thing. I hope it's a good sign for you.

Wanna- It seems like you are well. Tell us how the pregnancy is going. When is your next appt. again? I think you said 8 weeks. Ok well, I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I did too much stuff...and should have gotten more rest. Oh well. Talk to you soon!

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