1DPO! TWW Buddies?

You are all the sweetest. Your words mean so much.

I am out for the count with this nausea. It is just horrible. I have an appt with my doc for this afternoon and I'm hoping I can get a prescription for something. I am not functioning and the nausea makes me so so anxious. I hate to complain because I am so thankful to be pregnant. But I am just not feeling well at all. Can't leave the house.

I'm also petrified to do any physical activity or to DTD. I'm so scared of bleeding again. I hope I can get some insight today at my appt.

Love you all. Happy Friday.
Hey ladies! Glad everyone is doing well!

I went to my Doc today, and UA culture confirmed a doozy of a UTI. I start antibiotics tomorrow. My hormone levels are effed up. I'm not ovulating. But I guess that's as good of a contraceptive as anything, and less Bipolar symptoms. Thyroid is up so I started a natural thyroid booster. Hopefully that helps. But Doc said I'm good to try Softcup. I hope it works as well as I've read. It would be so good for me since I can't use tampons(due to vaginal scarring from rape) so this could be life changing! I'm so glad to go to Lincoln City! And my kitten! I post pics when we find our little kitty! I love you all! I'll try to pop in once in a while! :hugs:

The cups are amazing. I know some women even have sex with it. I use them.:thumbup:
Hey guys. Got a prescription for diclectin. She said it is 100% safe and should start working in the next few days. I'll be looking forward to that kicking in!

Hope you're all having a nice Friday night!
Thanks, excited. I'm glad to know that someone uses them! I'm glad everything is going smoothly, dear Liz! :hugs:
Aw shame Wanna I know how u feel. I had super bad ms for over 16 weeks and I lost weight but I didn't take anything for it so I think this should help you a lot. Hope it works and you feel better soon xx
I think I'm seeing things IRL. If this isn't my cycle I'm taking a break.

Also I may have a new job please pray that something works out. :)


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Oh man. I'm convinced. Can't wait to see tmrws test! Have a good sleep chica!
And I'm sure I ovulated when I did but today I got a faint line On a OPK.
I've heard of women getting positive OPK's when Preggo.. I've seen a ton of posts on here about it!
Excited I think I see a line too!! The pink dye tests are the best! !

Please update us. P.s. I've also heard of women getting pos opks when pregnant! ! :)
I hope this test aren't trying to drive me crazy because I clearly see something on them. Today the OPK is a smudge or two lighter than the wondfo hpt.

I did one at 6dpo that was stark white on both brands. the clinical guards are still white but the wondfo is getting a line.

Even though I have PCOS, I don't have the multiple surges of LH some women have post ovulation.

It's in God's hands now.
how are you, excited? i'd love to look at more tests!

i am still miserably nauseous. i guess the diclectin isn't working.. =(
I'm here. No spotting, no boob pain nothing. Just a tension headache. I can't even/ don't want to take my ibuprofen for it. Still getting a barely there line on the OPKs, and I thought I was seeing something on the HPTs. I just have to wait and see. :AF: is due tomorrow since I have a 12 day luteal. If it's here, it's here at this point. :shrug:

On the other hand I am preparing for an interview tomorrow. I would really love to get this job, I ask that you ladies pray for me and for us. This job would mean not having to delay TTC but means that if for some reason I don't get pregnant in the year a lot of the cost could be on the new insurance.

Hi ladies.

I don't have too much time right now to talk, but DH saw the Retinal Specialist, and it's bad...really bad. Since June, he has developed retinal tears, viterous detachment and a deteriorated vision. They said since this has progressed so rapidly, that it will continue at this rate. Which means in two months time, without treatment, his retina will detach and he will most likely lose all current vision and be completely blind. This is serious. He has a procedure tomorrow to attempt to seal the tears, but there is no guarantee that it will work, and if it does, it's not guaranteed that it will hold and he could still go blind. So, it's just a matter a time. We might have 2 months, maybe more, maybe less. So please pray for peace in this situation. It's so hard right now...
excited.. i'm praying for your interview. let us know how it goes. how are you today? any sign of AF? fingers crossed!!

oh elena. i'm so sorry.. that is just devastating news. but god is the ULTIMATE healer. and we must keep our hope in him. praying for your husband and for you both in this time of stress and worry. i pray that the doctors would have healing hands. on a side note.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I pray that God would bless you this year and that it would be the best year yet. i hope you can find time today to celebrate YOU. you are special and you deserve to be celebrated..

how are all my other ladies?
@gohan. I'm so sorry that this is happening. I hope the surgery helps. :-/
Enjoy the vacation with your husband. I know your breakthrough is coming just like ours.

Today Fertilityfriend said was my test day. I'm 12dpo. No spotting, no cramping. No sign of AF. I took a first response digital and forgot about it.:dohh: Will have to retest tomorrow.

When I came back from my interview I dropped it before getting to see what it said. When I looked at it it said yes but I want to take that reading with a grain of salt.

I have a follow up interview tomorrow which I hope is a good sign!

I want to add you ladies on social media. Anyone interested send me a PM and I will send my Facebook and instagram.

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