1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hey guys,

I was taking the day to just restrengthening my self. Went to church last night for a few hours.

The lab tech thought it would be funny to tell me that I'm pregnant as a joke.

For us as a couple the break is to help me focus on a few things I might be losing sight of. I can't make myself pregnant before it is going to happen. Stressing myself out is not cool. :)

The doctor assured me that if I am pregnant and took provera that I wouldn't miscarry. So, that is a comforting thought too.

How are you all feeling today?
Liz - I'm so glad to hear that the Doc isn't concerned! :hugs: Your little baby is safe inside their mommy! :hugs: :baby:

Excited - It's good to just relax and spend time with God, I wish I had the faith you do! :hugs:

AFM...AF came today. 6 days late. :dohh: It's not too bad this time around, which is nice. :thumbup:

DH had his eye procedure done this morning. When we went in his Doc checked the progression of the retinal tears and the vitreous detachment, and there was no progression. He said this is the best thing that could have happened. He had the procedure done, and it was a complete success. He said that this is exactly how it needed to go, and since everything went so well, that his chances of going blind within the year have almost vanished. Doc said that he will have his vision for years to come, as long as nothing else pops up. :happydance: I'm so grateful for this. God is good! :happydance: :cloud9:

DH and I are in kitty mode now. We get paid Friday, and that will be the beginning of our search. :cat:

I love you all very much! :hugs:

Missing you, lilsoy! :flower:

Has anyone heard from wishing? I wanna know how she's doing! :)

I'll talk to you all soon! :hugs:
Hey ladies!

Uhm, I just wanted to ask you all to pray for a very important matter.

We found a kitten on an adoption website, and we absolutely fell in love. She's got vision issues, just like DH. Her vision is stable, but permanent. So, it won't require any further treatment, but no chance of her lost vision coming back. But that just makes us love her even more. We sent in the application for her right away, and we just pray that this little girl will come home to us. This is going to be a big deal in our lives, and we would like as much prayer as possible. We want God in this too. I've attached a picture of this adorable little lady!

Thank you all for being so wonderful! I will keep you posted on our kitty situation!


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After speaking to someone they advised me not to take the prover until I get a blood test from the doctor. I am trying my best not to symptom spot but it can be so hard. I want to wait until CD60 before requesting the blood test. I might even go back to my endocrinologist for it. If I am pregnant that would mean I would then be 7 weeks 1 day. I don't mind (I do) if I am out, but I couldn't forgive myself if I took something and cost me to miscarry. This is all supposing this is not just an anovulatary cycle.
Hi ladies! It's been super slow on here. :nope:

A quick update:

We were not chosen for the kitten. They wanted too many things and ultimately judged us for things we cannot control. So, that's that.

But, we do have an adoption in place, and we just have to wait until the kittens are old enough to be weened. They are about 5 weeks old as of now, and are very tiny. But oh, so cute! :cloud9: So, in about 2-3 weeks, our little furrball will come home with us!

She is a white Siamese/Tabby mix. I've attached a picture. :cloud9:

We are adopting her from a woman in a close town. I'm so blessed to find our little kitten. :cat:

That's all for now. I miss you all! Updates would be wonderful! :hugs:


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Hey girls,

I just wanted to say hello. There isn't anything new from me. I'm ready to get this surgery over with and get off these BCP's. They make my boobs big and sore plus they make me spot all the time...it sucks!! I'm going to a wedding next weekend in NYC so I will be pretty busy until I get back from that. I have to get plans togethr for the sub and also just get myself ready. I'm excited for a mini vacation though.

What's new with everyone?

Excited~ Sounds like you are still in limbo. When will you get some answers?

Gohan~ Congrats on the new edition to your family. That will be exciting.

Liz~ What's new with your pregnancy? I hope you are feeling better.

Mrs. Vet~ What's new with you. I haven't heard from you in a long time.

Wannabe ~ It's probably any day for you now right?

Well, I just wanted to check in . I hope you are all well and enjoying life.
Congratulations on the new kitty.

As for me I think I have an yeast infection. This just hit me out of no where! Im heading to the pharmacy now to get some treatment because there is no way I can wait for a RX.:cry:

I think I might have a UTI because of the constant urination.

And I won't be out of the limbo for 12 or so days when I get blood drawn.
Seems like I am talking to myself. So I do have a UTI and a yeast infection. So I have to take antibiotics for three days and them one dose of the yeast infection cream.

Blood draw in a few days.
I'm here to listen/read :). Ugh! A UTI and yeast infection at the same time sound HORRIBLE!! I hope you feel better soon. I've heard that a yeast infection can be a good sign of pregnancy because of the imbalance of hormones. Hang in there!
Excited - I'm sorry to hear about the UTI and yeast infection. I'm still fighting my UTI, and they suck so badly. :nope: I'm praying for you that it gets better. And I agree with lilsoy, I've heard yeast infections are fairly common when it comes to pregnancy. It has to do with the hormone and pH balance changing in your body during pregnancy. Praying this is a good(yet super annoying) sign! Praying for your blood draw to go well! :hugs: :flower:

AFM...I'm in the process of doing some DIY projects for Miss Chi before she comes home. I'm decorating a box to put over her litter tray, to kind of hide it out of sight, if you know what I mean. I got her a little collar yesterday, and I'm going out this weekend to buy some fabric to *attempt* (keyword, attempt) to make her a little bed. We are going out next weekend to pick out her food/water bowls and get her ID tag. It's all coming together! :cloud9: :cat:

Like I said above, I'm still fighting my UTI. I go in on Wednesday to get labs drawn, and Doc will do an hCG level, just as a precaution. It's pretty standard now. DH picked up some hours at work, which is nice. :thumbup:

Although, our washing machine is broken. We have a repairman coming tomorrow, but if it can't be salvaged, we're in the market for a new one. :dohh: Seems like every appliance we own is dying. Ughh. :nope:

Fall has officially begun, and it is still rocket hot here in Kirkland. Although, it could just be me. :shrug:

Anyway, that's about it for me. I haven't heard from Liz recently, I'm gonna PM her on FB and see how she's doing.

wishing should be due any time now. :happydance:

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Hi ladies :hi: how are you all?

Gohan so so happy you're getting a kitty sooo super cute and I love her name- Miss Chi :) ♥
Excited sorry to hear about your uti and yeast infection. ..I agree too.. very common in pregnancy. With DS I suffered with yeast infections a fair bit. I hope you feel better soon. Soaking in a bath with sea salt or epsom salts can help soothe it. Or google bicarb of soda paste to put in Bath to balance your pH- I remember reading about that.

Lilsoy how are you? When is your op? I hate bcp too..so hard to find the right ones.
Wanna are you ok? I hope your MS has subsided a bit at least. I know how you feel :-( when is your next scan? In October?

Well I'm 39w1day and I feel like I'm gonna pop :haha: I have my section booked for next Monday when I'll be 40w. The hospital actually thinks I will only be 39w3d then so I'm curious to see if baby wants to come beforehand. Baby is breech though. Have had a few false alarms though..nothing to warrant going in to the hospital though. I will update you all by monday :) very excited and I want to thank you all for keeping me sane on my ttc journey. I am praying for bfps for all of you too xx
wishing- so excited that you'll be meeting your daughter soon,

Thanks for responding guys while I had my pity party.

hope everyone is well.
Hey ladies! I'm just back from a 4 day trip to Eastern Canada.. We visited DH's family.. It was a good but tiring time. I was forced to eat regular meals so the MS was not too bad. Can't believe I am 8w5d! So crazy. Nothing new really.. My next scan is booked for Oct 23. I will be exactly 13 weeks. So nervous for it! I'm feeling really nauseous again today. Ugh.. Hanging in there though. I cut back my hours at work for the next 4 weeks in hopes my Ms will die down after that.

Elena.. Your kitty is so adorable! I'm so happy for you!! You must be so excited!!

Excited.. Sorry about what you're going through. I hope it clears up soon!!

Lilsoy have the best time at the wedding!! Your surgery is coming up! Hang in there!

Wishing.. I can't believe you are so close. I am so thrilled for you! You must be so excited!!!

Have a good day everybody. Talk to you soon!
Excited - I'm sorry to hear about the UTI and yeast infection. I'm still fighting my UTI, and they suck so badly. :nope: I'm praying for you that it gets better. And I agree with lilsoy, I've heard yeast infections are fairly common when it comes to pregnancy. It has to do with the hormone and pH balance changing in your body during pregnancy. Praying this is a good(yet super annoying) sign! Praying for your blood draw to go well! :hugs: :flower:

AFM...I'm in the process of doing some DIY projects for Miss Chi before she comes home. I'm decorating a box to put over her litter tray, to kind of hide it out of sight, if you know what I mean. I got her a little collar yesterday, and I'm going out this weekend to buy some fabric to *attempt* (keyword, attempt) to make her a little bed. We are going out next weekend to pick out her food/water bowls and get her ID tag. It's all coming together! :cloud9: :cat:

Like I said above, I'm still fighting my UTI. I go in on Wednesday to get labs drawn, and Doc will do an hCG level, just as a precaution. It's pretty standard now. DH picked up some hours at work, which is nice. :thumbup:

Although, our washing machine is broken. We have a repairman coming tomorrow, but if it can't be salvaged, we're in the market for a new one. :dohh: Seems like every appliance we own is dying. Ughh. :nope:

Fall has officially begun, and it is still rocket hot here in Kirkland. Although, it could just be me. :shrug:

Anyway, that's about it for me. I haven't heard from Liz recently, I'm gonna PM her on FB and see how she's doing.

wishing should be due any time now. :happydance:

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
I'm into crafts too. I'm looking to make some aprons soon and matching potholders using some extra batting I have lying around.

Hey ladies! I'm just back from a 4 day trip to Eastern Canada.. We visited DH's family.. It was a good but tiring time. I was forced to eat regular meals so the MS was not too bad. Can't believe I am 8w5d! So crazy. Nothing new really.. My next scan is booked for Oct 23. I will be exactly 13 weeks. So nervous for it! I'm feeling really nauseous again today. Ugh.. Hanging in there though. I cut back my hours at work for the next 4 weeks in hopes my Ms will die down after that.

Elena.. Your kitty is so adorable! I'm so happy for you!! You must be so excited!!

Excited.. Sorry about what you're going through. I hope it clears up soon!!

Lilsoy have the best time at the wedding!! Your surgery is coming up! Hang in there!

Wishing.. I can't believe you are so close. I am so thrilled for you! You must be so excited!!!

Have a good day everybody. Talk to you soon!
Thanks hun, It's just one of those things. Prayer meeting tonight.:hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies :hi: how are you all?

Gohan so so happy you're getting a kitty sooo super cute and I love her name- Miss Chi :)

Well I'm 39w1day and I feel like I'm gonna pop :haha: I have my section booked for next Monday when I'll be 40w. The hospital actually thinks I will only be 39w3d then so I'm curious to see if baby wants to come beforehand. Baby is breech though. Have had a few false alarms though..nothing to warrant going in to the hospital though. I will update you all by monday :) very excited and I want to thank you all for keeping me sane on my ttc journey. I am praying for bfps for all of you too xx

wishing! :happydance: You're so close to getting to meet your little one! I'm praying for a smooth delivery and the section to go beautifully. Please keep us posted! Miss you so much! :hugs: :flower:

I love her name too. :cat: It fits perfectly with her! I can't wait until she comes home! :cloud9:

Hey ladies! I'm just back from a 4 day trip to Eastern Canada.. We visited DH's family.. It was a good but tiring time. I was forced to eat regular meals so the MS was not too bad. Can't believe I am 8w5d! So crazy. Nothing new really.. My next scan is booked for Oct 23. I will be exactly 13 weeks. So nervous for it! I'm feeling really nauseous again today. Ugh.. Hanging in there though. I cut back my hours at work for the next 4 weeks in hopes my Ms will die down after that.

Elena.. Your kitty is so adorable! I'm so happy for you!! You must be so excited!!

Have a good day everybody. Talk to you soon!

I'm glad you were doing better for awhile, Liz. I'm glad to hear you are still staying positive and taking everything in stride. I miss you terribly, and I love you! :hugs: :flower:

I'm into crafts too. I'm looking to make some aprons soon and matching potholders using some extra batting I have lying around.

I've always been crafty, but since getting married I've kinda jumped off the bandwagon. :dohh: I'm excited to make some things for Miss Chi, though. :cloud9: My mom is going to be sending us a little basket of gifts for her. :cat:

I'm glad to hear from everyone! I miss and love you all! :hugs: :flower:

DH has today off from work. I cleaned the bathroom today, on my knees, with 500 cleaning products. Talk about feeling dizzy from the fumes. :dohh:

Taco's are on the menu for dinner tonight. I'm finally beginning to feel better. I'm sleeping better and I feel more rested. I'm motivated to get things done for Miss Chi. I'm feeling better than I have in months. (minus the UTI)

Anyway, that's about it for me! I love you all! :hugs: :flower:
Quick update: Washer is broken. We're buying a new one soon. :dohh: :nope:

Nothing else to report for now. I love you all! :hugs:
Since I enjoy doing laundry Im excited you're buying a new washer. :)

Last day of antibiotics. I started a new diet.
Since I enjoy doing laundry Im excited you're buying a new washer. :)

Last day of antibiotics. I started a new diet.

I enjoy doing laundry too. :blush:

What kind of diet did you start? I hope the antibiotics killed the infection. Love you, girlie. :hugs:

AFM...I talked to the lady who is raising Miss Chi's litter, and she said that the kittens are in the process of being weened and should be ready by next weekend or early that next week. So, only about a week and a half to go! :happydance: :cat:

I splurged yesterday and bought Miss Chi a food and water bowl set, and a couple of toys. :blush: DH didn't mind too much. :haha:

I'm still dealing with an almost absent sex drive. It's really bothering DH and I don't know what to do. It's like my mind is turning my hot spots off. I don't even know what the heck is going on with my body.

I ended up not going to see Doc yesterday, it was pouring rain and I would have had to take the bus...I had a headache and I just didn't feel like it. Meh. Maybe I'm going through a blip of depression. :shrug:

I'm getting a haircut today. A much overdo one. I'm gonna get it cut pretty short, so I can let my natural hair color grow out. I'm ready to have my natural hair color again. :thumbup:

Anyway, that's about it on my end.

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
I'm going to see an RE on the 13th of October. I have already taken three days of Provera and I stopped. He's going to fax over my blood work to them. He doesn't think it's simple fix but he's not willing for me to wait a year. He gave me a referral in July but I never used it. I was sure we'd be pregnant by now since we are young.

Gohan- is it bothering him that you don't want to have sex? He just have to deal with it. I'm sorry but your health is priority. Last night I told MH I wasn't in the mood.

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