1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Oh no Gohan. I'd be fuming too. I just hate most ER doctors!! I don't see how he didnt run any tests or if he Was so sure what it is why didn't he explain it to you or discuss your meds/if you're pregnant etc. Soooooo infuriating! ! Def go to your own doc tomorrow and if u can't get an appointment just wait to see them. From the sounds of it it may be your lymphs. But those swell etc for many different reasons so you definitely need to get checked out properly. Big big hugs. X
What an idiot Gohan! Did he even tell you what is wrong or just randomly give you pills? I'd be furious too! Definitely go back to your doctor tomorrow!
Ugh, Gohan, I know how you feel! I was having this epic headache once, and to make matters worse I was extremely nauseous. I was more concerned with the nausea than the headache, so I went to an urgent care clinic. (I hate ERs. All they ever want to do is take blood and give me IVs for no reason I can find.) Anyway, I told them that I was extremely nauseous and that my head hurt, and they decided it was a migraine. And that they would give me morphine. They never asked if I could be pregnant, or when my last period was, and the only reason why I agreed to the morphine was because I knew I wasn't preggers ( I wasn't even fertile yet). If any of you have ever gotten a shot of morphine, you might know something I didn't. It makes you really nauseous. It did nothing for my headache, and I spent the rest of the night running to various safe places in case I threw up (which I finally did, after ingesting some liquids.) So, I know how you feel.

On a different note, guys: I am feeling really down. I feel like this is all kind of pointless. After trying for 10 months, I feel like it's just wishful thinking now. Even after DH and I BD, I lay there for 20 to 30 minutes, giving the little guys a chance to get to where they need to go, and I think about how it's probably not going to mean a thing. AF will still come, and we'll just have to try again. I sometimes wonder if we should even be trying anymore. I can't even imagine what a :bfp: would be like.
:nope: I feel like all my symptoms are either really normal for me, or just flimsy. Like I'm looking too hard and it's all psychosomatic at this point. Ugh.
Oh Gohan. I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I will be praying for you. Keep us posted. Get lots of rest and take it easy on yourself.

I know how you feel, Geek girl. This is only our second month trying and I already feel down in the dumps about it. Maybe we will get our bfps this month!!

I am still having lots of great symptoms so I am trying to feel hopeful. I am 9dpo today so I may take a FRER. I was telling my sister how I was feeling and she is 5 months pregnant with her 3rd. She is convinced I am Preggo and has a left over FRER and wants me to take it today!! I will let you all know what happens. I am supposed to get my period in 6 days and I know many people have had a BFP at 9dpo. So praying it is positive.

My boobs are killing me, I'm super emotional, increased sense of smell, twinging and cramping near my uterus.. If this is another month of great symptoms accompanied by a BFN I am gonna be so frustrated. If it's a bfn I wish I would just have no symptoms!!!
Hey Ladies,

The pain is still not going away in my throat, legs or arm, but I was able to sleep for a couple hours this late this morning/early afternoon. I feel a tad better...but now I just feel more tired and I have a headache. I've been extremely agitated all day, and DH even mentioned it. He tried to help me relax by letting me sleep a bit, and it helped. But now I just wanna sleep for the rest of the day. Before I fell asleep, I had some shooting pains in my pelvis/vagina area and my CM has definitely increased(although it's still water-like CM), so I'm hoping for that :bfp: My chest started feeling tight around the time a was falling asleep, as well, but that happens sometimes, I have some irregular heartbeats on a rare occasion and I'm just letting that ease my mind so I don't go into another spool of psycho-crazy crying and anxiety. I'm just curious that maybe the pain and swelling in my legs actually is related to early pregnancy symptoms. I guess we'll see.

I'm praying that all our hopes will be restored and we will get our :bfp: this cycle! Still trying to fight the urge to POAS, but that's nothing new. How are my ladies doing? :flower: :hugs:
I'm ok... Cleaning house and trying to think about Xmas shopping to keep me distracted. I've been feeling hopeful and then negative and everything In between...wish I had more symptoms but I don't really have any.

I feel bad that some of you are having such hard times. I wish I could help.

I guess I just feel kind of numb ... Like , "whatever happens, happens" . I can't imagine getting another BFP .... And if I do, I'm afraid to get excited in case I lose it again.
I'm ok... Cleaning house and trying to think about Xmas shopping to keep me distracted. I've been feeling hopeful and then negative and everything In between...wish I had more symptoms but I don't really have any.

I feel bad that some of you are having such hard times. I wish I could help.

I guess I just feel kind of numb ... Like , "whatever happens, happens" . I can't imagine getting another BFP .... And if I do, I'm afraid to get excited in case I lose it again.

That's good that you are trying to distract yourself. I'm the same way, I feel hopeful, then negative and every emotion in between. My issue is, though, my symptoms are so abnormal for me(not counting the leg swelling stuff) and they fit perfectly into the Early Pregnancy Symptom category. I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, because like you, I'm afraid that even if I do get my BFP...I'll lose it again... I'm just trying to stay calm, I guess(but it's not working). I've been very flustered and agitated for the past couple days. When I wiped today after peeing, I think I saw a wee bit of pinkish blood...so I have my fx'd! I'm praying for you, soybean. :hugs:
Went to the bathroom a bit ago and was greeted with a nasty case of the runs. Nausea swooped in again and I am surviving by drinking Sprite. Just praying it'll be all worth it and I'll get that :bfp:

Some good news, though...is the pain in my legs and my right arm seems to be lightening up. I can walk a bit easier now and it's less painful. The left leg still definitely hurts the worst, but over all, I think it's getting better. Now, if my headache would go away and I could think about food without gagging...I'd be in good shape! :haha:

I also peed again and wiped and there was two tiny little dots of pinkish color on the tissue, still hopeful and praying that this is a good sign! [-o<
Well, it's getting mighty lonely in here. :nope: I'm so tempted to POAS tomorrow. I just have that gut feeling! I'll try to hold out...but it's gonna be hard... :winkwink:

Anyone else have anything to say? It's been a ghost-town in here for most of the day! Y'all :sleep: ???
Do it Gohan! So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!! All of those symptoms sound great!! And let us know! I used the frer today and it was a bfn. I'm still only 9dpo and I feel definitely preggos but trying not to get my hopes up. And remembering that tons of people don't get their bfps til later on!!

Still peeing like crazy and still super sore boobs.. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings for me!
Do it Gohan! So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!! All of those symptoms sound great!! And let us know! I used the frer today and it was a bfn. I'm still only 9dpo and I feel definitely preggos but trying not to get my hopes up. And remembering that tons of people don't get their bfps til later on!!

Still peeing like crazy and still super sore boobs.. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings for me!

Yay! Finally someone is here! Yeah, so basically, a compilation of symptoms would be...

Shooting pains in breasts
Throbbing pains underneath breasts
Dull aching/pressure in pelvic area
Shooting pains and pinches on the right side of pelvis
Extreme nausea that comes on suddenly
More frequent headaches
Increased watery CM(usually as dry as a bone at this point!)
Constipation, gas and diarrhea that comes and goes at will
Sore throat
Lower back pain
Big blue veins on breasts, and visible through my areolas
Cyst-like bumps that are very painful and in abnormal places(like my knee, belly, top of thighs, underneath right breast)
Possible IB?
EXTREME fatigue
Worsening insomnia
Appetite changes/food aversions

So yeah, basically that's my list of symptoms throughout the past 3ish days. For the first 4 days or so, I had like, no symptoms. So, I'm keeping positive! Definitely think I'll test with one of my "Assured" Dollar Store cheapies. It'll probably be negative, but I'm trying to save the FRER's for later on(around 10dpo).

In a few hours I'll be 8dpo! It feels like this week has gone by sooo slow! But then, all of a sudden I'm 8dpo! What the heck!? :thumbup:

Praying we all have little :baby: in our bellies! :dust:
Those all sound great!! I've been keeping a list of all my symptoms as well each day.. Planning on posting them if I get a BFP!!! Oh man I hope we do have babies in our bellies!!!!!!!!
Those all sound great!! I've been keeping a list of all my symptoms as well each day.. Planning on posting them if I get a BFP!!! Oh man I hope we do have babies in our bellies!!!!!!!!

Ahhh! I just peed and I definitely saw some pink streaks! I think I'm having IB! Maybe that's why I got the sudden diarrhea!? :happydance:
Hi ladies

How are you all?

Gohan so good you're feeling better and it definitely sounds like IB!! Fx'd.i caved and tested...of course bfn...and a stupid evap.

8 dpo today. Temp still up. Bbs hurt. All yesterday I had O type pain. Have any of you experienced this after O. It was quite intense.i was a bit light headed yesterday but I think it was due to my hunger. I'm positive either way though. Yesterday I felt super positive Hahaha.
Who is furthest in dpo out of us?
Hi ladies

How are you all?

Gohan so good you're feeling better and it definitely sounds like IB!! Fx'd.i caved and tested...of course bfn...and a stupid evap.

8 dpo today. Temp still up. Bbs hurt. All yesterday I had O type pain. Have any of you experienced this after O. It was quite intense.i was a bit light headed yesterday but I think it was due to my hunger. I'm positive either way though. Yesterday I felt super positive Hahaha.
Who is furthest in dpo out of us?

Well, I was feeling better. Now this horrible fatigue has taken over me. Also...I found out that the pink streaks weren't IB...I have a little cyst in my lady bits just on the inside of the labia. It popped and that's what caused the bleeding...I know because when I wiped, a jolt of pain went all through my lady bits. Talk about a downer... :nope:

But even so, I still try to stay hopeful. I ate a turkey sandwich for dinner tonight, so I'm getting some good nutrition for the most part. Although, I've noticed today I all of a sudden have like, 6 canker sores in my mouth and on my tongue and inside of my lips and stuff. Very painful. :nope: But I read that those can be an Early Pregnancy Symptom. (yes I've gotten back into searching every little thing online) So I dunno...just trying to hold on, I guess. :wacko:
Hi ladies

How are you all?

Gohan so good you're feeling better and it definitely sounds like IB!! Fx'd.i caved and tested...of course bfn...and a stupid evap.

8 dpo today. Temp still up. Bbs hurt. All yesterday I had O type pain. Have any of you experienced this after O. It was quite intense.i was a bit light headed yesterday but I think it was due to my hunger. I'm positive either way though. Yesterday I felt super positive Hahaha.
Who is furthest in dpo out of us?

Well, I was feeling better. Now this horrible fatigue has taken over me. Also...I found out that the pink streaks weren't IB...I have a little cyst in my lady bits just on the inside of the labia. It popped and that's what caused the bleeding...I know because when I wiped, a jolt of pain went all through my lady bits. Talk about a downer... :nope:

But even so, I still try to stay hopeful. I ate a turkey sandwich for dinner tonight, so I'm getting some good nutrition for the most part. Although, I've noticed today I all of a sudden have like, 6 canker sores in my mouth and on my tongue and inside of my lips and stuff. Very painful. :nope: But I read that those can be an Early Pregnancy Symptom. (yes I've gotten back into searching every little thing online) So I dunno...just trying to hold on, I guess. :wacko:

Oh ouchy Gohan have you had them before? Regardless only a small % of women experience IB anyway. I most certainly didn't with DS.

What are canker sores? Like blisters? Do you have something for them? If it's what I think it is maybe you could put salt on it.
I have nothing out of the ordinary. So nothing that is really giving me any hope for a bfp.

Hold on hun x
Oh ouchy Gohan have you had them before? Regardless only a small % of women experience IB anyway. I most certainly didn't with DS.

What are canker sores? Like blisters? Do you have something for them? If it's what I think it is maybe you could put salt on it.
I have nothing out of the ordinary. So nothing that is really giving me any hope for a bfp.

Hold on hun x

Canker sores are basically little blisters in your mouth. They are very painful and sting. I haven't had any problems with them since I was pregnant back in May(MC) until now, which kind of gives me hope. But for the sores, I use Oragel Mouth Wash. It really does help! I do get those little cysts on my lady bits on occasion, usually when hormones are high, so that also gives me hope! :dance: I didn't have IB with LO either. So maybe we are just ladies who don't get IB? :thumbup:

Still praying and sprinkling :dust: for you! :flower:
BFN here again and coming down with a cold :( Have a terribly sore throat starting out of nowhere last night. I have an appointment with my GP today anyway, I'm going to see if she can make a blood test without having to go to the OBGYN, maybe she can do it so I can stop wondering. I am 12dpo, a blood test should be able to tell for sure at this point, shouldn't it?
Feeling down this morning :(

Gohan I'm glad you're doing better! The symptoms sure are promising! So when are you planning on testing?
Oh ouchy Gohan have you had them before? Regardless only a small % of women experience IB anyway. I most certainly didn't with DS.

What are canker sores? Like blisters? Do you have something for them? If it's what I think it is maybe you could put salt on it.
I have nothing out of the ordinary. So nothing that is really giving me any hope for a bfp.

Hold on hun x

Canker sores are basically little blisters in your mouth. They are very painful and sting. I haven't had any problems with them since I was pregnant back in May(MC) until now, which kind of gives me hope. But for the sores, I use Oragel Mouth Wash. It really does help! I do get those little cysts on my lady bits on occasion, usually when hormones are high, so that also gives me hope! :dance: I didn't have IB with LO either. So maybe we are just ladies who don't get IB? :thumbup:

Still praying and sprinkling :dust: for you! :flower:

Oh thanks Gohan..praying for you too. X
Those symptons sound really positive! !!! Yay!
I've been hit right now with extreme tiredness. I had a good sleep last night too. Hopefully it means something.

Mrs.Vet hope you are able to get a blood test. Should def show something this early. Fxd for you xx
Gohan sounds like youve had a nightmare past few days, hope youre feeling better now from your trip to the ER x

And all those symptoms sound oh so promising, ive got high hopes for you x

I didnt have implantation bleeding with my daughter so I'm not worried that i've not had that.

I think by my reckoning I am 7dpo today and although i know in my head that i missed it this month, a tiny bit of me is still very very hopeful! i've had nausea for a good few days now, which i know is far too early to be a symptom but its there none the less, and i had horrendous morning sickness last time.

I took a test today, i am a POAS addict!! of course it was negative....!

wishingforbub - tiredness is a very good symptom, i had a nap the other day so am clinging to that thought!!

mrs vet i hope you get a blood test and a BFP, i so wish i was as far along as you! xx

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