1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi mrs.vet. Welcome! Hopefully your af stays away and you get your bfp soon!! How long are your cycles typically?

Nothing new my side ladies..still same same. Feel normal apart from my usual pms symptoms so can't help thinking that I won't get a bfp this cycle but it's ok. I won't lose hope there. Always a chance until af shows up!

Gohan... Any updates? Hope you're doing ok xxxx
Thank you! I hope the :witch: stays away for you too! I read a lot that people got no symptoms the month they got their BFP! So maybe no symptoms is a good thing?

I just got regular the last few months and they seem to be 31-34 days. CD 28 today.
But I also ovulated almost 2 weeks early this time so the whole cycle might be shorter as well?

Still no AF, hope it stays that way and my temp is going back up!

Smelling our dog's food made me sick tonight, wondering if it could mean something..
hi everyone, hope youre all ok??

im still not sure how many dpo i am seeing as i read all m opks wrong, so dont know if even dtd in the right week lol. did another opk today just to see and got a faint line, do you think thats just the aftermath of ovulating? or am i still to ovulate? so confused, i know i should just write this month off and do next month properly. still holdin onto a glimmer of hope. have got nausea but i know its far too early to be a symptom so must be a bug :(
I always get faint lines on my OPKs, they just get really dark around ovulation, when I finally got a positive for the first time there was no doubt!
So you could have ovulated, are you temping?
thanks mrs vet, thats good to know x am not temping as i really dont want to stress and fixate any more than i am!

when i ttc with my daughter i only got positive on one day, no lines the rest of the time and it only took that one cycle, so im quite naive about all this planning and plotting x
Well, I'm 8 DPO, and my temps are staying up! Fingers x'd that this chart really is triphasic! Haven't had much change in symptoms except for some shooting pains in my right bb and a few twinges on my right side. Also, I'm freezing!!! I dunno if that has anything to do with anything, but our heater is running, I pulled on a hoodie and climbed under the covers in bed and just laid there being cold for over an hour.

Finally, I just layered a lot. I've got a pair of knit leggings under my jeans, and a shirt under my sweater, and my calf-length slippers. That's right, ladies, slippers that go up to my calves! Meanwhile, DH is just sitting in a pair of jeans. Lol. I don't feel sick otherwise, so I don't think I'm running a fever...

Lovedbaby2b, I'm in Texas, but still too far away to take your sticks away. Give them to your hubby and tell him to hide them somewhere you'd never find them! Lol Tell him no matter how much you threaten his life, he must never tell you where they are until 13 DPO. :haha:
Hey Ladies. Just an update. Doctor's office called me today and told me the urine test was a :bfn: It really bummed me out, but I knew it would say that anyways. What pregnancy test could show positive before implantation could possibly occur?! I feel so stupid. :dohh: But as of today, I am 6dpo, so I should implant anytime from here on out. Keeping an eye out for IB, as well. I went out and bought 5 "Assured" Dollar Tree hpt's just in case I have the urge to POAS. I read that they measure any 20miu/ml and over test as positive, so praying that this could be my cycle! DH is at work, and I'm here with my FIL just relaxing. So, I'll be available for a lot of the day.

How are all my ladies doing? Updates? :flower:
Gohan - Too bad about the BFN but glad you aren't giving up. I agree it's too early to be reliable.

7/8 dpo today and had a good temp spike. However I didn't sleep well so not sure how accurate. I have some shooting pains in my left breast and some mild cramping. I've also been super tired. I really want this to be my cycle but I don't want to get too excited and then be completely disappointed.

How's everyone else doing? When are most of you planning to test? The 28th?
Gohan - Too bad about the BFN but glad you aren't giving up. I agree it's too early to be reliable.

7/8 dpo today and had a good temp spike. However I didn't sleep well so not sure how accurate. I have some shooting pains in my left breast and some mild cramping. I've also been super tired. I really want this to be my cycle but I don't want to get too excited and then be completely disappointed.

How's everyone else doing? When are most of you planning to test? The 28th?

I plan to start testing on the 27th, so if I do have an early BFP, I can call my family on Thanksgiving Day to announce it. :blush: (but I know myself better than that! I'm fighting the urge to POAS now! :haha: )
Ugh. Not having a good night. Hubby and I had a nice relaxing day, put up our Christmas lights outside.. Did a puzzle. This evening he had some stuff to do around the house. He was upstairs for over and hour and I lost it. Went up and told him how upset I was that I was by myself and he told me I had been moody all day and that I was being ridiculous. Which I am. So emotional. I am going nuts and just feel so down. Tons of symptoms still today but feeling so depressed like I will definitely be getting a bfn. I don't even want to test anytime soon because I feel so rotten and negative. 8dpo today and AF is a week away. Hope you ladies are having a better evening than I am.
Hi ladies
I think we all need to try our best to stay positive. Let's put that positive energy out there :)

Gohan I'm sure it is just too early for the hpt to be pos.

I'm 7dpo today. Bbs are so so sore. last night had those pokey O type twinges again. That's it. Also been very tired but I have been staying up every night studying for my exam on Thurs so I think that's why.

Hope u all have a lovely sunday.
Gohan I agree, a positive at 6dpo would be really rare! You are not out until the witch gets you!

AFM - no AF here still. She isn't due until thursday though if my cycle keeps at 31-34 days. Still cramps and this morning also a heavy feeling, still BFN on the IC though.
They are known for not showing positive until after even a clear blue shows a BFP though even though they should be 10 miU, the amazon reviews are full of people saying they never got a bfp with them.
I don't want to waste another FRER though (especially sice I can't get them over here) so I'm holding out with them until at least thursday..
Hey ladies. Well, today I wasn't having hardly any symptoms...until about 7pm. I started to get very frustrated and annoyed with DH. Nausea swooped in full-force(still nauseous right now), as of a few minutes ago, I'm having shooting pains in both breasts and a dull pain/ache in my pelvis. Very unusual for me, especially at only just barely 7dpo. Maybe it's a sign that I've implanted? Praying for that :bfp:

But something that I found to be really weird...but I definitely don't think is a symptom, is for a few days I've had this ache in my left leg, right above my ankle. It's gotten progressively worse and it seems to be making my ankle swell a little bit. There's no sign of any kind of bite or sting...just a big bump underneath the skin. It's very tender to the touch. The only new medication I've been on has been the Naproxen that my Doctor prescribed for me to relieve my headaches. It's concerning me...it makes it painful to walk. :nope:
I also just noticed some dark purpley-blue veins on that same ankle?
I would see a doctor about the ankle! Better than walking around in pain..

My left boob just randomly started hurting. But still BFN.. I just feel like a crazy person at this point...
I would see a doctor about the ankle! Better than walking around in pain..

My left boob just randomly started hurting. But still BFN.. I just feel like a crazy person at this point...

I'm getting scared. When I started to try to go to sleep, my throat hurt a bit. Now, I after over 5 hours of trying to get to sleep and stay asleep, I gave up. Only to find that the swollen and painful leg is still there, it's spreading. I now have the same pain in my right leg, in the same place, and in my right arm, just above the side of my wrist. My throat is so sore, that every time I swallow it brings tears to my eyes and my neck is swollen, too. I don't know what's going on! :cry:
Oh no Gohan. Is DH at work? Do you have a fever? I think you should go to a doctor. I don't know what it could be.

Big hugs x
Please see a doctor today, go to the ER! That sounds scary!
Oh no Gohan. Is DH at work? Do you have a fever? I think you should go to a doctor. I don't know what it could be.

Big hugs x

Please see a doctor today, go to the ER! That sounds scary!

Well, I went to the ER. Never going back to that hospital again. The ER Doc looked in my throat, very painfully felt my leg(only one!) wrote me a prescription for steroids and an antibiotic, and shook my hand. When he came back to give me the RX's I looked at him and asked, "Are these medications safe during pregnancy?" He looked at me and asked "Why, are you pregnant?" I'm like, "I don't know, but a decent Doctor would have asked before prescribing a prescription like that to a 21 year old married woman. He wrote me a new prescription and the nurse brought it this time. I complained to her. I basically said,

"So, your Doctor thinks it's wise to send a 21 year old woman home with medications she's been on before and had adverse reactions to, without asking about her current health situation? Or how about your Doctor implying that I'm making the pain up because I've been in here a few times recently? I'm obviously not here to get drugs, since every time anyone offers me a pain med I decline. The only meds I've ever asked for here were Zofran and lorazepam. I'm obviously not here because I have some sick addiction to blood draws or tests, since every time I come in and you put in an IV, I go into a panic attack. So, what other reason would I have for coming in if I wasn't in real pain or feeling sick?"

The nurse was quite angry and tried to calm my nerves. It didn't work. I'm as angry as a bull who has seen red. It's unbelievable. They didn't do blood work, no urine sample, no IV, nothing. He looked in my throat, felt my leg and threw meds at me. Again...the last time I EVER go to that ER. :gun: :devil:
Ugh. Not having a good night. Hubby and I had a nice relaxing day, put up our Christmas lights outside.. Did a puzzle. This evening he had some stuff to do around the house. He was upstairs for over and hour and I lost it. Went up and told him how upset I was that I was by myself and he told me I had been moody all day and that I was being ridiculous. Which I am. So emotional. I am going nuts and just feel so down. Tons of symptoms still today but feeling so depressed like I will definitely be getting a bfn. I don't even want to test anytime soon because I feel so rotten and negative. 8dpo today and AF is a week away. Hope you ladies are having a better evening than I am.

I'm sorry you had such a rough night. Try to stay positive and think of all the good things you have in your life. It's normal to be emotional right now....it's stressful! I hope you feel better soon.

Gohan- All that sounds awful. I hope you can get some answers and start feeling better as well. Maybe make an appt. With your primary care doc?

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