2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

I'm off for 4 weeks now and then just 2 weeks left of Uni with an exam in June and then I'm done! I graduate in July!

I have no energy either, been on the sofa with duvet all day feeling sorry for myself!! OH has been looking after me!

I can't wait for Monday and Tuesday! Appointment on Monday and scan on Tuesday!

Wow I just sneezes and it killed, a sharp pain. Have you experienced that?
Oh that's good that will be over before you know it. Isn't it funny how the timing worked out on that I remember you saying ok if I get pg after today baby will be born after I graduate. That's great.

Yay, hopefully it goes super quick for you.

I feel like I'm coming down with something I have a sore throat and I feel warm I would love to just go lay down right now but I have 2 hours left and I will surely be balled up with my duvet as well.

Yes, I have had pains when I sneeze...or cough or really anything that makes me tighten my stomach muscles. I got out of the car the other day and I was like holy hell that hurt. I just figured with my uterus growing and stretching I'm bound to have some pressure and discomfort every now and then. I've only had one situation where it was a stabbing pain and lasted about 5 mins and then went away I looked it up and it seems it was a common thing for 11 weeks. I've only had minor discomforts and they never last long term. Only when sneezing or coughing, etc.
I still can't believe we got pregnant within 1 cycle of each other after all this time!! So good!! You obviously sent lots of baby dust my way!!

I hope the 2 hours zooms by and you can get in your comfy clothes and curl up with your duvet in front of the tv!!!

Yeah the pains worry me slightly but then I look them up and realise it's all normal!! 7 weeks is defo a big milestone; 8 weeks is the next one and then 10 weeks and then 12 weeks!! And then 16 weeks for the gender scan!!

12 weeks has gone so quickly for you; you'll know the sex before you know it!! Are you swaying towards one? What do you think it is?
I know that is so crazy that we got pregnant so close to each other, especially after all the time we both were trying.

45 minutes more and I'm actually counting down. Ugh.

I know isn't it crazy the first couple weeks just drug on and on but I think around 9-12 has just zoomed by. I love milestones. I know we will know very soon. I don't know I mean really at the end of the day I just want a happy healthy baby but I do have this nagging feeling I'm having a boy. Dh thinks it's a girl.
MIL wants it to be a girl, (she has 4 boys), DH thinks it's a girl (but he secretly wants a boy; he's always said that before we got pregnant!) and I'm happy with either, at first I thought boy but now I'm swaying girl and I would love it to be a girl but as long as it's healthy I really don't mind!! For names though; a girl would be easier lol we cannot agree on a boys name at all!!
I told dh he's not allowed to tell me any names he likes until we find out what it is bc I know so many people who pick a couple names for each but then end up with the opposite of what they really wanted and are upset because they didn't get to use the names. He only told me one name "Marciano" and then I told him wait that's it no more.

I'm so sick right now I started feeling warm so I took my temp and it was 99.9, ugh! I'm resting. I took some Tylenol but my throat is so sore it sucks. I hope I feel better in the morning or else I will def call off of work
Yeah there are so many people with gender disappointment! I think it comes more when people have 2/3 of one sex and then try for another and it's not the opposite sex!

I have defo had the cold like symptoms stuffy nose, but not had a temperature. Maybe worth a call to doctor? That seems quite high!! I think a day off work will do you some good (I'm a bad influence lol having the day off myself and the next 4 weeks off - have so much work to do but don't physically have to go to Uni which is great!)

Have you looked into the nub theory for your 12 week scan? Look at ingender.com and under gender prediction then ultrasounds.
Also look at this website it's fascinating!! https://baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html
I ended taking 2 hours off today. I have this horrible virus. It's a cough, sore throat, fever, body aches etc and everytime I cough I feel like I'm going to throw up. Once the Tylenol kicked in I felt ok enough to work but I probably should have just taken the day off but with it being the end of the month I felt bad for them.

Ohh I checked out those websites but none of the pics I have show a nub at all so I can't even guess at this point but maybe when I go on Tuesday I can get some better scan pics.
Sounds like you needed it; that sounds horrendous!! how are you feeling today? the tiredness is killing me; i haven't any energy to do ANYTHING!!!

hopefully on tuesday you get a nice nub photo; maybe ask for one specifically?

not long to go now until our scans!! eeekk getting super excited!! :happydance:
Still feeling like rubbish today. I think I'm going to have to cave and take some robutussin bc the Tylenol is not doing anything for my throat or cough just controlling the fever. And barely even touching the body aches. I haven't been sick like this in years.

Yeah, maybe I will ask I don't want thinking I'm crazy tho so only if it comes up in conversation lol

Yes, not long at all I have a busy weekend planned so I need to be over this cold by tomorrow otherwise I'll miss the auction on Saturday and it only takes place once a year so I really don't want to miss it. If I end up in bed all weekend then surely it wil go slower. Only 5 days left!!
Sorry you're feeling so poo :( hopefully it eases up soon!!

I can't wait, I'm literally so excited!!! I hope this weekend goes super quick for us!!

Nausea has eased a bit but the tiredness is getting worse :( I'm staying at my parents this weekend as it's Mother's Day on Sunday and will be seeing my grandparents aswell, I hope I'm going to be okay!!!
Hi Laura, I hope your weekend went super quick. Mine did but we had horrible weather. Rained all weekend and I'm still very sick. Nothing seems to be helping me other then the Tylenol keeping the fever at bay. I've still got a horrible sore throat, headache, body aches, chest congestion, you name it. Ugh.

On a happier note, I got my maternity jeans in the mail and got to wear them all weekend they are a god send, all jeans should be made this way lol they are very comfortable.

Only 2 more days until your 8 week scan, how exciting. And your 8 weeks tomorrow Yay!!
Had my booking in appointment this morning; everything's fine! I'm low risk so in theory I can have the water birth I really want :D also I got my 12 week scan date...28th April!!

Andddd I have my scan tomorrow woohoo!!! Cannot wait but getting a bit nervous!!

Weekend went very quickly !! Sorry your feeling very poorly still :( can you go to the doctors and see if they can give you anything?

Yeyyhh for maternity jeans!! I can't believe you're 13 weeks; another bump picture is needed!!!
Yay so exciting. What all did they do at the booking in appointment? Yay for your 12 week scan date that's very exciting as well.

Would the water birth be a center or at home? That's not very popular around here they have tubs that you can labour in but they won't let you deliver in them. That actually reminds me we have to schedule an appointment for a tour of the hospital.

Afm, I'm going to mention the cold and fever when I go tomorrow seems like it might be more of a flu then just a common cold. I'm feeling just a tad but better since yesterday but still not at my prime. Today is he last day of the month so I'm swamped for work today but that's ok bc I got out of working the weekend bc of the doctors note so I can not complain at all. Lol

I think I'm a peach this week hehe, that's pretty big.
They took lots of history of me and OH and blood and urine sample, was about hour and 15 mins!

The water birth would be at a birthing centre attached to the hospital!

My hayfever is awful this week; can't stop sneezing!!

Good news, we had the scan this morning and baby was perfect! Measuring ahead at 8w5d!! We heard and saw the heartbeat and got 3 lovely scan photos!! I'm so happy!!


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Aww how precious. Your little gummie bear.

My scan isn't until 5pm so I've got close to another 7 hours to wait...I hate going in the evening but dh wanted that so whatever. I've had like 7 scans already so what's another 7 hours lol.

Oh that sounds wonderful about the birthing center being attached to the hospital. Doesn't this feel so much more real now? I have to admit I have days or times of days when I completely forgot I'm pregnant or I'll be making plans to do something and then be like oh wait I won't be able to do that I'll be 9 months pregnant by then lol it's very surreal sometimes and then I'll get a scan or hear the hb and be like wow there is a human being growing inside of me.

I saw a tshirts online before that saying , I grow humans, what's your super power? I think that is the funniest tshirts ever.
Forgot to post my "bloat bump" picture from a few days ago . Today's it's gone rock solid but I haven't taken a picture!

Have you done another bump shot?

I look forward to seeing your scan picture; how many more scans will you be getting?

Yeah I do forget all the time!! But then the tiredness and nausea comes and I am reminded! I have just slept for 2 hours because I was knackered!

I still can't quite believe it though even though we've heard the heartbeat but omg I am so excited :happydance:

You should defo get one of those t shirts!!!

We've told OH older brother today because he was at his mums when we went round and his younger brother already knew but I said to him would you like to meet your niece/nephew and showed him the pictures and he jumped up and down (I don't think he believed OH when he told him!) OHs mum said she can't wait to meet him or her!!


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Nope I haven't taken anymore bump pics, maybe tonight. Such a cute little bump lol super tiny compared to mine lol

Just returned from my appt with the ob, no scan done today but that's ok she listened to baby on her Doppler and said all is well. We have another scan next Tuesday that one will be for cervical length so we will def get pics then. She took me off the thyroid meds she said if anything she'll def lower my dose because headaches are not good but that it's up to me.

Aww how sweet of dh's brother to jump up and down. My dh's one brother was very excited too I wasn't expecting him to be so excited but he asked a lot of questions lol so glad your able to keep announcing and have a pic now to show that's so exciting.
You should see my belly sometimes though, the day I took that was more of a bump then bloat whereas some photos I have is all bloat and all podgy and big!! Excited to see your bump!! I bet at 13 weeks it's grown!!

Aww sorry you didn't get a scan but hearing baby is almost as good!! And you get a scan next week! I wish I got to have as many scans as you!!! I think I'll only have 4 more :( how many will you get it total?

That's good news about not being in the thyroid meds anymore! Such a relief!! It's clearly not a problem anymore so that's good!!

It feels very real now after the scan! Feels amazing!! I plan on telling my parents this week sometime!

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