Thanks ladies.... ta Gem for updating everyone!
Another long and rough day... old people losing the plot and taking about 30 min to tell you something that should take 5 min is about the best way I can sum up things here!
They keep forgetting important things, they're stubborn and don't listen and my god it's tough trying to keep Lottie entertained through this all.
She's been a dream though. Mike's Dad and Aunt arrive in London tomorrow morning and will be here by the late afternoon... I think we're staying Wed night too so we can 'hand over' to my FIL and AIL (Aunt in law??) and then head home some time on Thursday.... my god I can't wait for my bed!
We're still sorting stuff out with the hospital (death certificates etc) and funeral directors.. for Aunty Flo who passed away... Papa still can't use his hands and isn't eating much and Grannie is having fits of fevers and shaking badly!
I think we need to get home to get over this all!
PS... I've swollen up to the size of a small elelphant!

Even my girly bits are swollen???? I'm going to the main town tomorrow to get my BP checked. I need to take it easy, but it's a bit difficult!
We were in bed asleep from 9pm last night until nearly 8am this morning and had to stop at the M&S near our hotel to get more clothes!!
I've just had to arrange accommodation for my FIL and AIL - all of this would happen at the busiest peak season in the busiest town in Cornwall!

so using internet source quickly and thought I'd drop in to say hi!
Chat to you all soon!
Love Cath xxxxxxxxxx