Ushindi - I am sorry you are having trouble sleeping and, in turn, trouble at work. Luckily, I have a very supportive boss who is also a friend. He knows about all of my miscarriages and has known about this pregnancy since the day after I found out. It has made my life a lot easier on days when I don't feel well, need to leave early or just zone out for 10 minutes. Whether or not you should tell work, I think, depends upon your relationship with your boss and if their knowing will bring you relief.
We all have good and bad days. Personally, I am not religious. However, we all find paths that bring us relief - be it praying, exercising, breathing, whatever it is. I hope that prayer and your belief in God bring you some comfort while still in 1st tri - and thereafter. I also hope that I will feel more calm once 2nd tri hits but, I am sure, worries will still
come. And hopefully will better sleep. (I wake up at 4 am and can't fall back to sleep.)
Confuzion - good luck with your scan tomorrow! Mine is tomorrow too...