I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling sick. Eating has become such a chore. There's so much food in my house because each day there's something that sounds good when everything else makes me sick. Problem is that the thing that sounds good has been changing everyday! Hopefully it's a good sign that baby is a ok.
That's what's been happening here. Building up a collection of various foods. My nausea still hasn't returned, but still, most food doesn't taste or sound good. Yesterday DH so kindly picked up chinese for me on his way home from work. By the time he got home, the shrimp didn't sound as good as originally lol. I mostly ate the fried rice and egg drop soup. I bought bananas yesterday afternoon even though they didn't sound that good to me. I figure I know they're healthy and decided I'd attempt to eat them. thought might be good for having next to the bed, too. Well, here comes lunch time today and nothing sounds good...except a banana!

Finally a win!
I have officially decided pregnant me, at least for the time being, HATES broccoli. First instance, I wanted cooked carrots, DH suggested the bag of frozen blend of carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower we had in our freezer. Nope. Wasn't having it. The idea made me cry.

Then out to eat this weekend, took a bite of broccoli from the mixed veggies on the plate. Blech. Expressed my distaste for which DH said he thought it was good. Said maybe it's just me. Then yesterdays Chinese food had a piece of broccoli in it. Took a bite and decided, yep, I currently want nothing to do with broccoli!
Greats, don't blame you for being aggravated with DH! That would tick me off, too!