**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Sorry you're throwing up now Greats, that really sucks :hugs:

I'm not feeling great either, tiredness is really starting to kick in and feel very nauseous in the afternoons, especially driving home :sick: Isla is also teething this week so her sleep has not been great...

Mummy, the Chinese gender predictor was correct for me last time. I got Girl again this time too!
Trying saltine crackers now. It doesn't help that I've asked my lovely dh to clean out the litter box for 3 days now. I explained to him about pregnant ladies can't do it. But he doesn't seem to have gotten the message. I walked past it, my poor kitty has to do her business in there and it's soooo filthy! I sent a rather mean text to dh. He's on my shit list right now for being downright lazy.

Chinese gender said I was having a daughter last time and was right. It says daughter this time as well so we shall find out in March lol
I just called my Dr to see if my blood came in, it did but my Dr. is away until tomorrow. I kept asking the girl if there was anyone who could tell me, or if I could come in to a walk in because I was really nervous. She recognized my name, and she's the one who took my blood (I've seen her a lot in the last 6 months), and I think she felt bad and heard the desperation in my voice, so she said the level is at 5 weeks. My heart sank at first, but then I realized I got it done last week when I was 5 weeks... so YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can we all let out a big breath for me, that's another milestone passed.

I went to yoga and got a latte today. I'm not nauseous, but I find I don't have an appetite either. I was starting to feel light headed though, so I made rye toast with avacado and a hard boiled egg on top. Now I'm trying to eat some almonds. Nothing appeals to me right now except oranges.

As for the chinese gender predictor - I got Boy. But I also tested a bunch of people (ie. my family, DH, my SIL) and they were ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!! My mind was pretty blown, but still slighttttlllyyyyyyyyyyy disappointed about the boy thing. God that makes me sound awful. I've just never had such a strong gut feeling about it before. It's 100% a boy.
I was going to comment on a few but fell asleep :( And now I don't remember what I was going to say.
Gosh I am worried what the mw will say about my weight. I think I am around 16 stone!! Going to be eating slimming world style food though so hopefully will not gain much!

Did the conversion to lbs and me and you weigh the same lol. I'm maintaining though.

I'm another who can only eat "breakfast food" at breakfast time. It grosses me out that my dh will eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast - straight out of the fridge :sick:

I pretty much just alternate between Bacon and eggs and porridge with assorted topping (peaches, banana and coconut, caramalised Apple, etc). I'm so boring lol. Occasionally I'll do waffles or pancakes or French toast etc but cleanup for pancakes and waffles makes them not worth it :haha:

Oh I love breakfast all the time... Having cereal now and it's 4pm lol

Oh I worded it funny I meant I can't eat non breakfast food at breakfast time. I can eat breakfast food at any time of day :haha: I don't do boxed cereal though. Maybe a museli/granola on occasion if I've been too lazy to make any.

Hi everyone! Room for another?

I am due August 27th...2 days before OH's birthday! What better present than a new baby? :haha:

we will be staying team :yellow: for the whole pregnancy but chinese gender predictor says :pink:

Congrats! Will add you.

Still feeling like crap here. OH brought me some crackers as I've read it's best to eat right when you wake up. Tried that....had to spit the cracker out it made things worse. She got me some peppermints too which seem to be helping today, but still quite nauseous. But I did have a small breakfast so that's good. My boss is home today (I'm a nanny so I work in their house) not feeling well and I don't feel well so it's awkward bc the boys are in school. There's about 4 hours in the am I am just chillin at their house and it's awkward with her home I feel like I should do something. But I do laundry Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and grocery shopping on Fridays. So there is literally nothing for me to do today. And I feel like crap and I've told her I'm sick. She dropped the boys at school and is picking them up, they have no activities after school today so I don't understand why she hasn't told me to go home. Awkward....

Awkward.... I would be asking her if there's anything she would like you to be doing ad you feel rather useless. Maybe she'd get the hint and send you home :/

I just called my Dr to see if my blood came in, it did but my Dr. is away until tomorrow. I kept asking the girl if there was anyone who could tell me, or if I could come in to a walk in because I was really nervous. She recognized my name, and she's the one who took my blood (I've seen her a lot in the last 6 months), and I think she felt bad and heard the desperation in my voice, so she said the level is at 5 weeks. My heart sank at first, but then I realized I got it done last week when I was 5 weeks... so YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can we all let out a big breath for me, that's another milestone passed.

I went to yoga and got a latte today. I'm not nauseous, but I find I don't have an appetite either. I was starting to feel light headed though, so I made rye toast with avacado and a hard boiled egg on top. Now I'm trying to eat some almonds. Nothing appeals to me right now except oranges.

As for the chinese gender predictor - I got Boy. But I also tested a bunch of people (ie. my family, DH, my SIL) and they were ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!! My mind was pretty blown, but still slighttttlllyyyyyyyyyyy disappointed about the boy thing. God that makes me sound awful. I've just never had such a strong gut feeling about it before. It's 100% a boy.

80-90% of old wives tales plus my gut told me I was having a boy first. I got the shock of my life when a girl popped out. There's still hope :flower:

Chinese gender calendar says I should have two boys so not right here. I also should have been a boy apparently.
I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling sick. Eating has become such a chore. There's so much food in my house because each day there's something that sounds good when everything else makes me sick. Problem is that the thing that sounds good has been changing everyday! Hopefully it's a good sign that baby is a ok.
That would really annoy me Greats :growlmad: One of the amazing perks of pregnancy for me is getting out of cat litter duty :winkwink:
I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling sick. Eating has become such a chore. There's so much food in my house because each day there's something that sounds good when everything else makes me sick. Problem is that the thing that sounds good has been changing everyday! Hopefully it's a good sign that baby is a ok.

That's what's been happening here. Building up a collection of various foods. My nausea still hasn't returned, but still, most food doesn't taste or sound good. Yesterday DH so kindly picked up chinese for me on his way home from work. By the time he got home, the shrimp didn't sound as good as originally lol. I mostly ate the fried rice and egg drop soup. I bought bananas yesterday afternoon even though they didn't sound that good to me. I figure I know they're healthy and decided I'd attempt to eat them. thought might be good for having next to the bed, too. Well, here comes lunch time today and nothing sounds good...except a banana! :rofl: Finally a win!

I have officially decided pregnant me, at least for the time being, HATES broccoli. First instance, I wanted cooked carrots, DH suggested the bag of frozen blend of carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower we had in our freezer. Nope. Wasn't having it. The idea made me cry. :haha: :dohh: Then out to eat this weekend, took a bite of broccoli from the mixed veggies on the plate. Blech. Expressed my distaste for which DH said he thought it was good. Said maybe it's just me. Then yesterdays Chinese food had a piece of broccoli in it. Took a bite and decided, yep, I currently want nothing to do with broccoli! :shrug:

Greats, don't blame you for being aggravated with DH! That would tick me off, too!
Sorry you ladies are feeling sick. I've really started feeling it the last couple of days too. Today I was getting a lift after work with a friend and I felt so sick in the car I could barely join in the conversation. Got a banging headache today too. And started to feel lightheaded which feels completely weird.

I had my first episode of baby brain too, I was out for a meal with work tonight and as i was leaving my friend asked what I had for my main course and I couldn't remember! I had literally just eaten it! I felt rough and shattered so was not my normal self and I'm pretty worried my workmates suspect me but what can I do?! I hope I convinced them I'm just ill and that's why I wasn't drinking and went home early!
It's so funny that you say that, I can't do broccoli either. I bought a bag of raw mixed veggies and I seperated all the broccoli out because I didn't even want to look at it. Not sure why, I'm usually fine with it.
Oh, dear, jaspie! Hopefully they believe the feeling ill! That really sounds like something that could happen to me.

Hopeful.one, that is funny. I usually enjoy broccoli, too. The trend though is definitely telling me it's not happening for now!

Feeling a little bummed. Midwives office called and said the midwife had something come up and needs to change my appointment to Thursday. Wednesday worked perfect as DH already had day off for an event we're going to in the afternoon. Now he can't guarantee he'll be able to make it. Ugh. Guess I just keep my fingers crossed at this point. :shrug:
Not feeling hopeful as my lines haven't darkened in two days. Maybe a smidge fainter even :( symptoms have kicked in though. I will keep you updated.
It's still early - only 11dpo today, bit I would have expected to see some progress at /east.
Not feeling hopeful as my lines haven't darkened in two days. Maybe a smidge fainter even :( symptoms have kicked in though. I will keep you updated.
It's still early - only 11dpo today, bit I would have expected to see some progress at /east.

fx all will be ok
Gosh I am worried what the mw will say about my weight. I think I am around 16 stone!! Going to be eating slimming world style food though so hopefully will not gain much!

I'm doing slimming world too, so not really a diet :)

Although struggling with breakfast ideas x

I am doing slimming world as well, lost 1.5 my first week when I found out I was pregnant and maintained last week

This week I have two weetabix with some milk and fruit after that seems to be going down ok for now, you do get extra Healthy B and A options as well still managing to eat healthy for now anyway :flower: have you told your consultant yet I want to hold off for a while guess Christmas will be a good excuse if I do see a gain I be happy holding my own though only want to gain baby weight this time :flower:

Yeh I have told them because you get a form that you have to give to the mw.

I looked up weetabix and it said there like 7 sins each :-/ I will get some later though. I lost 1 stone and then found out I was pregnant. I also maintained last week but this week I think I have gained a couple of pound xx

same here lost 1 stone and then discovered I was pregnant :haha: you can have them as a healthyB option you do not have to syn them, then make sure you have some fruit if you can manage it :flower:

I like the special k porridge as well another HB option check out the foodlog online it give you more options on what you can have for your healthy A and B handy I love having the alpen light bars I am breastfeeding as well so making sure I eat the 2 healthy B and A options I need

I keep forgetting to look in the book :) I maintained again this week :)

I have seen in the book we can have the shredded wheat with fruit in which I love so going to buy some tomorrow x
Gosh I am worried what the mw will say about my weight. I think I am around 16 stone!! Going to be eating slimming world style food though so hopefully will not gain much!

I'm doing slimming world too, so not really a diet :)

Although struggling with breakfast ideas x

I am doing slimming world as well, lost 1.5 my first week when I found out I was pregnant and maintained last week

This week I have two weetabix with some milk and fruit after that seems to be going down ok for now, you do get extra Healthy B and A options as well still managing to eat healthy for now anyway :flower: have you told your consultant yet I want to hold off for a while guess Christmas will be a good excuse if I do see a gain I be happy holding my own though only want to gain baby weight this time :flower:

Yeh I have told them because you get a form that you have to give to the mw.

I looked up weetabix and it said there like 7 sins each :-/ I will get some later though. I lost 1 stone and then found out I was pregnant. I also maintained last week but this week I think I have gained a couple of pound xx

same here lost 1 stone and then discovered I was pregnant :haha: you can have them as a healthyB option you do not have to syn them, then make sure you have some fruit if you can manage it :flower:

I like the special k porridge as well another HB option check out the foodlog online it give you more options on what you can have for your healthy A and B handy I love having the alpen light bars I am breastfeeding as well so making sure I eat the 2 healthy B and A options I need

I keep forgetting to look in the book :) I maintained again this week :)

I have seen in the book we can have the shredded wheat with fruit in which I love so going to buy some tomorrow x

well done I go to SW on a Thursday so hoping for the same this week my self have you ever logged on line there is a section for a food diary I do not fill it in but it is good when you want to find out what is in the Healthy B section and it is updated quicker than the books :)
Well I'm not sure if I had my first wave of nausea or I was just hungry. I seemed to be feeling sick but then I ate and I've been fine since. Hmmm. Was hoping that would be a sign. But for a split second I remembered how bad nausea feels and I'll just try to consider myself lucky for now.
I just watched some childbirth videos . . . WHY DID I DO THAT?! Freaking out a bit. Oh goodness
I love watching birth videos <3 I'm choosie which ones though and always read the description first. I always bawl through them even when not pregnant lol.
That would really annoy me Greats :growlmad: One of the amazing perks of pregnancy for me is getting out of cat litter duty :winkwink:

Heh my husband has always done cat litter duty because it's his cat. But because the litter box sits on top of the dryer, he's also doing dishes.

I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling sick. Eating has become such a chore. There's so much food in my house because each day there's something that sounds good when everything else makes me sick. Problem is that the thing that sounds good has been changing everyday! Hopefully it's a good sign that baby is a ok.

That's what's been happening here. Building up a collection of various foods. My nausea still hasn't returned, but still, most food doesn't taste or sound good. Yesterday DH so kindly picked up chinese for me on his way home from work. By the time he got home, the shrimp didn't sound as good as originally lol. I mostly ate the fried rice and egg drop soup. I bought bananas yesterday afternoon even though they didn't sound that good to me. I figure I know they're healthy and decided I'd attempt to eat them. thought might be good for having next to the bed, too. Well, here comes lunch time today and nothing sounds good...except a banana! :rofl: Finally a win!

I have officially decided pregnant me, at least for the time being, HATES broccoli. First instance, I wanted cooked carrots, DH suggested the bag of frozen blend of carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower we had in our freezer. Nope. Wasn't having it. The idea made me cry. :haha: :dohh: Then out to eat this weekend, took a bite of broccoli from the mixed veggies on the plate. Blech. Expressed my distaste for which DH said he thought it was good. Said maybe it's just me. Then yesterdays Chinese food had a piece of broccoli in it. Took a bite and decided, yep, I currently want nothing to do with broccoli! :shrug:

Greats, don't blame you for being aggravated with DH! That would tick me off, too!

That's me with eggs, ick.

Well I'm not sure if I had my first wave of nausea or I was just hungry. I seemed to be feeling sick but then I ate and I've been fine since. Hmmm. Was hoping that would be a sign. But for a split second I remembered how bad nausea feels and I'll just try to consider myself lucky for now.

I get nauseous if I don't eat by a certain time. And when I do eat I get sick after eating...

Also I'm getting a random cramp on and off on the left side... It doesn't feel like an AF cramp... Back on that side hurts too. o_O

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