29yrs old, TTC #1

Annie that is so exciting that you finally ovulated!!! Also I am glad that you know that you ovulate later in your cycle. It sounds like you and the husband got all days covered :)
Heather I am excited for you to be the first to start testing! : D
I am REALLY trying to cut back on the caffeine. Just one cup of coffee or one diet coke a day. I have been having a lot of hot chocolate lately :)
well I had a dream that I got the same symptoms last month at this time... the pink tinged discharge and brown spotting. Wahh I hope it it doesn't mean anything.

So far this is what I have noticed yesterday...
I was really tired, took a nap - my sleep pattern is all over the place this week so it could mean nothing
really light pinching and popping feeling in lower abdomen... different then gas
-I had a pinching in my left flank area, but I don't know what that would have to do with implantation
-This one is odd... my urine was really cloudy the last half of the day, but the color was clear since I had been drinking and no other UTI symptoms... except that pinching in my flank.
I have had a UTI and kidney stones before and this was very different.

I completely cut out caffeine last month and then started again after my BFN, but I decided I am cutting it back out completely starting today. So water, refresh green tea from Starbucks and grapefruit juice is on the menu now.

Mandy... feeling anything?
Heather you had spotting? Could it be IB?
Symptoms? Hmmm I am being kinda bitchy to DH :( he keeps asking me if I have pms. I hope not haha. I have kinda had cloudy urine too; but had same issues previous cycles and thought it was related to my prenatals. I do sometime have strange sensations in my lower abdomen. Just a full feeling/dull pain. I dunno it could be all in my head.
I have decided to test on wed. I am working thurs/Friday next week. Rather have the day wed to either celebrate or be disappointed with the husband with out stress of having to work.
No, I had a dream I had spotting. I hope it isn't a sign!

I am not sure what is up with the cloudy urine... so weird. I didn't notice it as much this morning, but I am going to drink lots of water today and just watch it. I will wait until Wednesday and test with you! It will give me a reason to hold off a little longer.:winkwink: This two week wait stuff is really not fun!
Heather, don't worry about that dream! It's probably just stress from remembering what happened last month. This month is its own new chance! You are 100% still in the game, girl!

Mandy, I bought a big box of hot coco too. I'm trying to use that to convince myself to steer away from the Dr. Pepper. I'm not a big coffee drinker, so soda is my main temptation.

That's interesting that you are both having some similar symptoms. A sign of a couple of BFPs on the horizon, perhaps? :p I'm so excited for Wednesday now! I'll be refreshing this page like crazy that day to see your results, haha. Stay positive, ladies! We can do this!
hey girls ... yeap been reaaaly busy at work ... but will keep checking on u girls as much as i can on an official trip now ..
hey girls ... yeap been reaaaly busy at work ... but will keep checking on u girls as much as i can on an official trip now ..

Hey Sana! Good to hear from you! Are you planning on testing this week???
Well ladies I am starting to have AF like type cramps. Starting to think I may be out. It is a little early to be having them though. So who knows. We are being positive right? :)
How is everyone else holding out? Sana it's good to hear from you- sorry work is keeping you so busy!hopefully that has helped to keep your mind off of everything else though.
Heather don't worry about your dream! We will say it is a sign that implantation took place :)
Not too much longer until we start testing! Positive thoughts and fingers and toes crossed for us all! ♥
Hey girls! Well... NO symptoms today! I will drop to the floor if I get a positive on Wednesday! I keep telling myself it's not over until AF shows her face so I am not giving up yet! How ironic would it be to get a BFP with no symptoms after having every. single. symptom last month!? I would love that!
Mandy maybe it's implantation cramps!!?? I am still feeling like this is a lucky month... ONE of us has to get a BFP this month!!!! :hugs:
I'm so excited for your testing day on Wednesday, ladies! Only two days away! Mandy, I agree with Heather--maybe those could be implantation cramps? Heather, I think that would be a lovely irony to get a BFP with no symptoms after months of disappointing symptom spotting :)

I am feeling pretty sad today as my temp went down instead of up this morning. I'm worried that means I didn't really ovulate after all. I'm holding out a tiny shred of hope that my temp will shoot up tomorrow, but I feel like it's already too late at this point. Still, I refuse to count myself out yet. My temps have been all over the place anyway, so maybe I shouldn't worry about it.

Can't wait for Wed!
Heather I read a lot of stories on twoweekwait.com about girls feeling like they didn't have any symptoms when they got their bfps! If anything it could be a good sign :)
I doubt this would be implantation cramps but that would be awesome!
My husband wanted me to test tonight but I am still holding out. I also have a feeling that at least someone on this thread will get a bfp!!!! : D
Annie I definitely wouldn't count yourself out! Especially if your temps are all over the place anyhow. Plus we know that you o'ed and that y'all covered all your days. Positive thoughts :)
........ CONFESSION!

I tested BIG FAT NEGATIVE! I know it's early, but I have zero symptoms! No cm, boobs aren't sore, the pinching went away, no spotting... nothing!

I couldn't take it anymore!:dohh::dohh: The test was white as snow! I am not out till AF shows!

When are you testing on Wednesday Mandy?? We should try and do it at the same time!
Uh oh I have to confess too- late last night I took a test too :(
All I have a digital tests- got a big "not pregnant" uuggh!!!! I am still a little too early to get a positive on a digital too... so I am not giving up yet. And it's still very early for you heather!
We are in until we see AF!
I have to work Tuesday night so the plan is to test when I get home from work. I plan on holding my urine as long as I can- which shouldn't be a problem because most the time I don't have time to pee at work.
Mandy and Heather, you are both still in! 8 dpo is really early to get a BFP. I'm sure I will do the same and test early. I just can't stand the agony of waiting.

I did get a temp spike today! I dreamed about it all night, so I think it might have been on my mind a little bit :) It jumped up 6/10ths of a degree, which is the biggest increase I've had this cycle. I had some jumps earlier on that were almost that big, but my timing on those days was pretty erratic. For that past several days, I've been trying to take it right around 7 am. I'm really hoping my temp stays up and that I can officially call today 1 dpo!
Hey ladies! I hope it's not completely in my head and I am not being psychosomatic but I was looking at food magazines this AM and everything is making me nauseated. It's gotta be all in my head lol. I would be 11/12 dpo by now. I still hope it was too early for positive on digital test. I think we can all agree the TWW sucks!
Annie I am so excited about your temp spike! When is your AF due and when do you plan to start testing?
I plan on buying some FRER at the grocery store when I go in a little while. I plan on testing with one of them instead of cb digital.
Heather I forgot to mention I get off work around 7:30 ish depending on how things go. I should be hope around 7:45-8:00 eastern time.
Mandy you get an award for holding out so long!! Those digi tests are pure evil when they pop up the not pregnant! I am going to be a few hours behind you because you are three hours ahead of me and I only get up at 4:30-5 of I have to go to the bathroom or go to clinicals! Haha

So... Still not feeling pregnant! I can't even imagine up symptoms! The ONLY thing weirs is I get this weird Sensations in my uterus an it's so brief and light I can't describe it. It's like... A quick pull that feels like pressure, no pain and literally lasts a second. I have been feeling that for the last week... No signs of implantation so I am expecting AF signs soon.

Annie, I am SO glad you had a spike!!!! Maybe you are going to be the BFP this month?! I am still picturing us ALL getting one! It's not over until AF starts so we still have a chance. I did decide that if this isn't my month I am throwing caution to the wind next month and wine will be my only aid in getting pregnant! Haha. I will take the month of opks and just relax because This whole process consumes my mind!

Off to school... Have a good day ladies!!
Ok, I am such a ttc addict! I'm supposed to be working right now, but I couldn't resist checking in :) I made it through teaching my class and working on my paper for an hour, and then I caved. 15 minute break, then I'm going back to work--for real this time, haha.

Mandy, I think the nauseousness could be a good sign! And I'm sure it was way too early to detect a BFP with a digi. I've heard those aren't as sensitive and will only detect a pregnancy after your missed period.

Heather, the uterus twinges sound promising! I've never had that before. I love your idea of just throwing caution to the wind next month. This is getting way too stressful!

I was pretty excited about the temp spike too :) Now we'll just have to see if I follow my normal "mountain range" temp pattern and see a plummet tomorrow (please no!) or if it stays up. Mandy, AF is scheduled to come on Nov 30 for me. I'm really hoping she doesn't show! I'm going to try to hold out on testing until 10 DPO, which will be Nov. 28.

Ok, I have to get back to my research paper. Ugh! Thinking of you ladies, and wishing you lots of happy baby dust :)
ok.... I'm a loser! Took another one! BFN, of course! Also, I just started getting af cramps so this will be an interesting week! ;) She is due tomorrow but that doesn't mean much with my irregular cycles.
Uggggh I hate this! I am a loser too lol! Bought my FRER at the grocery store and they were just too tempting. Bfn of course. So that being said, I am probably out :(
Annie I think we are all a little ttc addicted :) its like every free minute I get I assign on here or googling something ttc related.
I'm with you heather if I am out this month I am just relaxing next month and enjoying the holidays :) uggh I still have a feeling that someone will get their bfp! :) ♡
Uggggh I hate this! I am a loser too lol! Bought my FRER at the grocery store and they were just too tempting. Bfn of course. So that being said, I am probably out :(
Annie I think we are all a little ttc addicted :) its like every free minute I get I assign on here or googling something ttc related.
I'm with you heather if I am out this month I am just relaxing next month and enjoying the holidays :) uggh I still have a feeling that someone will get their bfp! :) ♡

:hugs: THAT is why you need buddies for this adventure!! I busted up laughing when I saw you tested too, Mandy!! See, we were all meant to find each other! I love that I can sneak a test and come on here and tell you girls without a lecture!
I feel like af cramps have kicked in even more after that first test so I am pretty sure I am out! BUT I learned a trick when I took the FRER... my eyes played a trick on me so I turned the lights off and held my cell phone underneath it and it illuminated the test area! Basically it is like inverting it! Just open a bright app with a white background! Definitely nothing there! :wacko: Glad I figured that out for the future anyway!


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