2WW, End of August/beginning of September testers!

Thank you all!!! Now it's 3gg0 and Jess' turn!!! And next cycle for Mbrink and Heather!!

I just went in for my beta. I hope I get good numbers. They will repeat it on Friday and make sure it's doubling up nicely and I'm not quite sure what's after that. Maybe they will have me wait until the 6 week ultrasound to send me back to my OBGYN or until the 8 week ultrasound.

Still hard to believe.... :winkwink:
I think I'm hyperventilating. I got up this morning and took a test and....

I can´t believe it! I think I´m in shock!!! I wanna cry, I wanna laugh, I wanna shout....

I'm gonna call my RE clinic at 7 to have my beta done (it's their protocol) and hopefully the numbers will be good.

Shellgirl, we can be bump buddies! I think my due date is June 12th. Is there a June thread already? Can I join the May one too, Powell?

This is AWESOME news for this thread, Polita!! I am so happy for you!

What did you do for your BFP?
Believe it! Plus, didn't you check to see if it had left your body with a test awhile back? I thought you did...and that is a NICE AND DARK line! I'm just so happy for you :hugs:

I did... at around 9 days post trigger I think. It was a cheap test, from the One Dollat Store, and the control line wasn't solid all the way through so my mind starting playing tricks on me but, as I said before, I think that if it was the trigger, the line would be fainter... Gosh, this is going to be some long 9 months!!:haha::haha:

I have a question for those of you living in the US, what´s the procedure now? When is the first ultrasound scheduled? 8 weeks?

I'm not sure. They went ahead and did mine at 5w2d and 6w2d to check for a heartbeat, after checking HCG 5x and progesterone once. I think because I had a MC in June. I'm not technically HIGH RISK but I think I'm close since I've already went so many times lol
Congras Polita!!! My OB doesn't see me until 10 weeks thats still a whole week away! I think it depends on the dfoctor and your medical history though. I have heard some that don't get in until 12 weeks.
So I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much then. I picked the wrong medicaid plan and my OB doesn't take it so I have to wait a month for the change to take place. So instead of my confirmation appointment being tomorrow, it's the 5th of November. That'll put me 13 weeks. BUT I have already been to the doc like 7 times lol
Yay Polita!! Congrats!!!

I really thing 3ggo is next as well!!!!

I have my first Ultrasound tomorrow at 9 weeks, but I made an appointment with a doctor at about 4 weeks to check her out, since I had to get a new doctor. I think every office is different though... how exciting for you!!! :)
So, after a week and a half I finally have my second set of lab results, and I'm not quite sure what to think.

The nurse said that my FSH levels are double what they should be for the second month in a row. She also said, that they think I'm more or less ovulating the first week I'm coming off of my period, as opposed to mid way during my cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this?

I'm really confused. I mean, I get positive OPK's midway during my cycle every month and have since I started TTC. I guess it makes since as to why I'm not pregnant yet. Would this mean that even if I do have a fertilized egg, that since the progesterone hasn't kicked in, that its not able to implant?

Apparently I'll be starting clomid next month because they think it will be a way to control my ovulation, more or less. How crazy.
So, after a week and a half I finally have my second set of lab results, and I'm not quite sure what to think.

The nurse said that my FSH levels are double what they should be for the second month in a row. She also said, that they think I'm more or less ovulating the first week I'm coming off of my period, as opposed to mid way during my cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this?

I'm really confused. I mean, I get positive OPK's midway during my cycle every month and have since I started TTC. I guess it makes since as to why I'm not pregnant yet. Would this mean that even if I do have a fertilized egg, that since the progesterone hasn't kicked in, that its not able to implant?

Apparently I'll be starting clomid next month because they think it will be a way to control my ovulation, more or less. How crazy.

Hmmm, that's very interesting. It's strange that you're getting the +opks when you've already ovulated. I think it's good that they're putting you on clomid and maybe they can do progesterone for the second part of the cycle. I hope that the meds help you and you get your BFP right away :hugs:
Mbrink, that is so weird! I am glad they are putting you on Clomid though, that is what helped me finally! I got PG my third cycle (only second cycle ovulating) on Clomid so I am a believer. Let me know how you feel symptoms wise and I can tell you what is probabley from the Clomid and what could be pregnancy signs :)
Mbrink, that is so weird! I am glad they are putting you on Clomid though, that is what helped me finally! I got PG my third cycle (only second cycle ovulating) on Clomid so I am a believer. Let me know how you feel symptoms wise and I can tell you what is probabley from the Clomid and what could be pregnancy signs :)
It really is!! I honestly don't want to believe it. I've never, ever in the history of googling all things TTC have heard of this. I'm sure it's not common but I'm sure it's not exactly uncommon, either.

Do you think it will help me get a bfp faster since I'm already ovulating though? I have so many questions!
It should because it builds of your eggs and ovaries nice and strong and raises progesterone levels at O time, I have NEVER felt myself ovulate until I took Clomid, you will not wonder if you O or not, I promise! It can be very intense, which kinda sucks because you really don't want to BD LOL. I dropped my pants and told the DH to just hurry up and get it over with on O day HAHAHAHA (tmi?). BUT, it works. I have been on a couple Clomid threads here, look for one called "Calling all the Clomid Ladies" and "Starting Clomid this month" the women on those threads are AWESOME! Clomid helped me O as I wasn't consistently on my own and it also helped regualte my cycle length. My first round I didn't O at all so my OB upped the doseage from 100mg to 150mg and thats what got it, the second cycle of 150mg. I think Clomid also does a lot with hormone stimulation and regulation because it releases the hormone to help your eggies grow into nice baby making eggs which kicks off the rest of the hormones in sequence during the cycle. Sounds like that is what you really need right now!

Anyway, I would definitely recommend you keep temping! The temps along with the Clomid and stronger signs of O will help you know for sure when you ovulate. That alone was peace of mind for me, just knowing my body was working right (FINALLY).
Thanks to everybody again!

I went in for my beta and they called back. At 14dpiui I'm at 193 which the nurse said were "great numbers". I'm going back on Friday and having it checked again to make sure it's doubling nicely. (FX for me, please!)

Let's see if I can remember all I did. I have been going to acupuncture since last cycle so this is my cycle number 2. My acupuncturist prescribed some chinese herbs (in pill form) called pregnancy prep. I was to take 2 daily. I've also been taking Prenatals for the last 8 months (2 a day, 1000 mg folic acid), DHA (250, good for baby's brain) and vitamin D (this is mostly for me, because I have a deficiency).

I went for my acupuncture treatments once a week and on week of iui twice, once before and once after. I also ate pineapple for 5 days starting on day of iui (for you it would be ovulation). It is supposed to help with implantation. There is some food I ate more of to help with the lining (my acupuncturist recommended it. If you gals are interested I can scan it and post it here). This cycle I also used castor oil 2 times a week up to ovulation to prevent clots I had during my last period which my acupuncturist said could mean the lining wasn't very good.

As symptoms go, it's hard to tell because I am not sure what could be the trigger and what was pregnancy. At around 7dpiui my breasts starting hurting pretty much, then my nipples got sore and very sensitive. Around 9 dpiui I had a huge pimple. From 10 dpiui or so I had occasional hot flashes. I also have had pretty creamy cm during the whole 2ww. If I can think of anything else, I'll let you know!

Hope this helps!!

Congras Polita!!! My OB doesn't see me until 10 weeks thats still a whole week away! I think it depends on the dfoctor and your medical history though. I have heard some that don't get in until 12 weeks.

Thank you for answering! I will be calling my OBGYN after Friday's 2nd beta and hopefully I get an ultrasound at around 6 weeks. I might be getting it with the RE clinic, I'm not sure about that.

3gg0, GL!!!
So, after a week and a half I finally have my second set of lab results, and I'm not quite sure what to think.

The nurse said that my FSH levels are double what they should be for the second month in a row. She also said, that they think I'm more or less ovulating the first week I'm coming off of my period, as opposed to mid way during my cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this?

I'm really confused. I mean, I get positive OPK's midway during my cycle every month and have since I started TTC. I guess it makes since as to why I'm not pregnant yet. Would this mean that even if I do have a fertilized egg, that since the progesterone hasn't kicked in, that its not able to implant?

Apparently I'll be starting clomid next month because they think it will be a way to control my ovulation, more or less. How crazy.

Could it be that you ovulate twice in a cycle? I've never heard ovulating so early. That would make your LP super long. How are your cycles? Very heavy? With clots? Does your blood look like old or new blood? I'm just saying that because I would assume that a long LP would make a difference in how your period is and that could give you a clue.

Hopefully clomid will help regulate your cycles and next cycle will be yours.

The best of luck to you!!!
So, after a week and a half I finally have my second set of lab results, and I'm not quite sure what to think.

The nurse said that my FSH levels are double what they should be for the second month in a row. She also said, that they think I'm more or less ovulating the first week I'm coming off of my period, as opposed to mid way during my cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this?

I'm really confused. I mean, I get positive OPK's midway during my cycle every month and have since I started TTC. I guess it makes since as to why I'm not pregnant yet. Would this mean that even if I do have a fertilized egg, that since the progesterone hasn't kicked in, that its not able to implant?

Apparently I'll be starting clomid next month because they think it will be a way to control my ovulation, more or less. How crazy.

Could it be that you ovulate twice in a cycle? I've never heard ovulating so early. That would make your LP super long. How are your cycles? Very heavy? With clots? Does your blood look like old or new blood? I'm just saying that because I would assume that a long LP would make a difference in how your period is and that could give you a clue.

Hopefully clomid will help regulate your cycles and next cycle will be yours.

The best of luck to you!!!

Thats what I'm thinking happens, I'm just so confused! My cycles are typical 28 days. I normally get my positive OPK around CD 13/14 (today I got mine). I get LOTS of EWCM around this time.

My periods are normally heavy for one day, and super light the other 3. I don't remember the last time I had a period that lasted for a week. I do get clots, and the blood looks like new (bright red on my heavy days).

I also wonder if I might have also have a progesterone defiancy. Its just so crazy to me, because I honestly never, EVER in a million years would have anticipated having this problem. I'm 105 LBS and pretty healthy. Don't smoke, drink (except for the occasional margarita of course :thumbup:), and eat a well balanced diet.

If anyone has any advice for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I really have a lot of faith and trust in you ladies!
So, after a week and a half I finally have my second set of lab results, and I'm not quite sure what to think.

The nurse said that my FSH levels are double what they should be for the second month in a row. She also said, that they think I'm more or less ovulating the first week I'm coming off of my period, as opposed to mid way during my cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this?

I'm really confused. I mean, I get positive OPK's midway during my cycle every month and have since I started TTC. I guess it makes since as to why I'm not pregnant yet. Would this mean that even if I do have a fertilized egg, that since the progesterone hasn't kicked in, that its not able to implant?

Apparently I'll be starting clomid next month because they think it will be a way to control my ovulation, more or less. How crazy.

Could it be that you ovulate twice in a cycle? I've never heard ovulating so early. That would make your LP super long. How are your cycles? Very heavy? With clots? Does your blood look like old or new blood? I'm just saying that because I would assume that a long LP would make a difference in how your period is and that could give you a clue.

Hopefully clomid will help regulate your cycles and next cycle will be yours.

The best of luck to you!!!

Thats what I'm thinking happens, I'm just so confused! My cycles are typical 28 days. I normally get my positive OPK around CD 13/14 (today I got mine). I get LOTS of EWCM around this time.

My periods are normally heavy for one day, and super light the other 3. I don't remember the last time I had a period that lasted for a week. I do get clots, and the blood looks like new (bright red on my heavy days).

I also wonder if I might have also have a progesterone defiancy. Its just so crazy to me, because I honestly never, EVER in a million years would have anticipated having this problem. I'm 105 LBS and pretty healthy. Don't smoke, drink (except for the occasional margarita of course :thumbup:), and eat a well balanced diet.

If anyone has any advice for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I really have a lot of faith and trust in you ladies!

Mmm... so they concluded that you ovulated early because your FSH was high? Did you talk to a nurse or your OBGYN?

My acupuncturist told me that clots could mean the lining is not good enough, that's why she asked me to use castor oil up to ovulation and then stop. I was meant to rub it liberally on my belly and then put a heating pad on it for like 20 min twice or three times a week.

If you want to find out about your progesterone, ask your doctor to have some blood drawn on day 21 of your cycle. The levels of the progesterone would let them know if you ovulated or not.

With all this said, I'm not a doctor, I've just read a lot but you should always double-check what we say with your provider. They are the ones who have studied many many years. :winkwink:
Well ladies... I was going to test this morning, but decided not to since my temp dropped again.
Well ladies... I was going to test this morning, but decided not to since my temp dropped again.

I'm sorry to hear that! But, remember, until AF is not here, there is hope.

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