2ww- Testing Dec. 31- Anyone Else?

me 2!

so all of a sudden i feel like CRAP even worse, and i had bad cramps. so i went potty expecting to see something, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. it felt like af cramps. now they feel a little better. im tired of cramps! i wish i had an answer as to what they are from. :(
eek! i hate feeling like crap! totally sucks, i'm actually feeling alot better today, compared to the past couple days i felt like crap... i just helped Lilyann clean her room so that makes me happy!
ohh how cute! i help my dd once in a while, but shes 9 so im teaching her that it is her responsibility :)
yeah she mostly does all the work, until she sees a toy that was buried in the mess.. then it's all me! bahahha
I too have had pretty normal cycles since coming off the pill. Mine was a pretty low dose hormone so... I wasn't sure I was O-ing either and used OPKs this month so I know I did. I usually always get a visit from the :witch: around the 25th. Last year I remember :af: arriving on both thankgiving and Christmas. So I'm expecting it to show soon. Of course though I've got my FX for her taking a hike and harassing some one else :haha:

I am a Florida girl. Moved to Montana October 08. I'm not quite used to the snow either. And the -20 degrees temps are CRAZY!! I'm a beach bum so I'm used to 90 degree weather so it's like A HUNDRED DEGREE DIFFERENCE!! :cry:
BTW Blessed you are a dirty dirty mamacita!! :rofl: I hear vivid dreams are a good sign
Merry Christmas New year testers - hope you have a brill christmas and that those BFPs are waiting in our stockings to be unwrapped on NYE :happydance:

No real symptoms for me yet apart from extraordinarily veiny (.Y.) and slightly sore nips.

Oh and without realising I managed to eat 10 rashers of bacon yesterday...oops!

Christmas babydust to all of y'all x
Can I join in? Af due on new years
day, will prob test on 31st. I took two weeks off work this cycle and have tried to relax about everything hoping that it works, we bd'ing at least every other day from af to af (or bfp whichever comes first) hubby thinks it's an early Xmas present lol, I was being really good and not symptom spotting at all so I've not really notcied little cramps, cm and stuff like that but some stuff I can't ignore, headaches, off my food but really craving snacks like crisps and stuff, last night I had such a vivid dream can't remember what happened but when I woke up I found I'd thrown my bedside table across the room! This morning I feel horrendously sick brushing my teeth made me gag! I'm trying not to see too much into it lol but hubby wants me to test now even tho I've told him it's too early! He's the poas addict on my behalf lol. Everyones symptoms sound really good and I think this might be a lucky thread for bfps by the sound of it. :)
Meant to say too that bbs are huge (more so than usual!) and really painful.
whew! i just got caught up and i feel like i ran a marathon :rofl:

StonesWife: I am so ready for the 31st! Everyone following my WTT journal is getting impatient and my best friend PineappleHead is convinced I'm PG. Those little cramps you're having sound like twinges to me! Here's hoping the :witch: stays away this Christmas!

Blessed: :rofl: @ your dreams. Mine haven't been about babies or me being pg but they have been weird situations and very vivid. I keep having this feeling that I just know that I'm pregnant. It's weird and I keep pushing it out of my mind trying not to get my hopes up anymore than they are.

Jen: Welcome! I think most of us are testing on the 31st. And it sounds like you are getting some good symptoms too!

Oh wow. This thread is full of American ladies! that's exciting! I'm from Georgia.... and we very very very rarely get snow. :cry: I'd love to have a white Christmas just once.
pnutprotecor and stoneswife, i'm totally feeling like the odd one out because of my dreams... had another one last night... makes sex seem filthy.... i told my DH and even he was a bit weirded out! My nipples are a bit sensitive today, and feel almost bruised.. still my bbs aren't sore, good sign for me since they usually hurt for 2wks before AF shows...

Welcome to the thread tanana!
Well I couldn't take it any longer, I was obsessing so I just did a FRER today and got a BFN :(

I did the test 5 days earlier, I'm still praying to God AF doesnt show.. I really thought I'd be pregnant since I got IB or what I think was IB

Fingers crossed still!!! :dust:

Anyone else tested early?
that's a big N-O for me as to testing early, quite proud of myself because i've got my dollar store cheapie in my drawer! I'm just exhausted today, and i've got a pretty bad headache so i'm going to sleep it off (hopefully)
I've been thinking I might test Christmas morning, but I'm not sure.
I considered testing Xmas day but if it's a bfn I don't want it to spoil the day. I'll hold out as long as I can
that's exactly why i'm not testing on the 25th, i want it to be about my daughter and my husband having a great day, and i'm planning a HUGE dinner for the three of us, so a BFN would ruin it all.... AF better not show up either!
I'm so confused, I started a thread for some answers but thought I'd ask here as well..

I had IB a few days ago (5dpo) for approx 4 days and now I'm 11dpo and I'm seeing tiny pink spotting again! AF is due in 4 days

Could I have IB again? What is this? Could I still be pregnant? :( so confused
well, tbh, did you know that you were in fact pregnant? like, positive hpt or a blood test? (just curious) But- yes, it is possible that the spotting early on could have been fromt he egg bursting from your ovary, and the spotting now can be IB- IB can occur between 5-12dpo. BUT it could also be a tear somewhere that you aren't aware of... or something else. Just wait it out and see!
Hey ladies, I'd like to join. I'll be testing New Year's Eve...I'm not completely convinced I O'ed this month. I have an appointment with the doctor on New Year's Eve as well. I don't have a lot of symptoms (I'm 7dpo) other than some slight cramps here and there. Good luck to the ladies testing soon! :dust:

Happy Holidays!
well, i'm cramping right now and have been for about 20 minutes... i keep going to the bathroom to see if i've started to bleed or spot, and nothing but loooooots of cm. Hopefully that's a good sign considering my irregular cycle, i'm on cd28 today so hopfully AF isn't on her way...

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