33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi guys!

Glad you are both feeling ok about things. Still no AF here, a little spotting still and a BFN this morning which I was 100% expecting.

We're all in this together and I'm so glad for that. I'm feeling ok with everything. The support here really helps.

Nicole, I'm still holding out hope for you!

I think I will try charting again for this next cycle but if it begins to make me crazy I will stop.

Have a great day guys! :hugs:
I'm holding out hope for you both!! Please keep posting on your status - it's so boring now being out of the 2 week wait! I actually have to do my work now!
I have some cramping this morning and spotting is picking up, I think I'm definitely out. I wish AF would just come so that I can start over. Joanna, did you tell your sister you TTC? Did you guys have a good time this weekend?
Hi Erica! Sorry that the spotting is increasing, but as they say, you're not out till you're out, right? (well not those exact words but ya know what I mean). I'm glad you're feeling ok about it. I really credit you girls and this site with my considerably increased peace about AF this time around. Didn't mention that we're ttc with my sis this weekend. We had a great time, but DH was with us the whole time, so didn't seem like the right time to chat with her about it. I think my family assumes that we're trying, and have been since we got married in December (if I'd known it might take several months, I woulda started before the wedding tho!!). But they are too polite to ask us about it or say anything. Not sure tho. I'll probably chat with my sister about it later this week (she's out here until the weekend). Are you able to talk about it with your sister (or other family)? Do you? I go back and forth because I worry if I tell too many people, then I'll start to get lots of annoying questions when if it takes a while (and it's already month 4 now).
Hi Erica! That's a long time spotting! Does this happen regularly? I would be so confused if it were me, but we all have different patterns!
Joanna, thanks a bunch for the kind words to us! I have been feeling down lately, but nothing compared to what it would have felt like without you guys! NO doubt about that!
Hmmm, I'm a blabber mouth, and I told my family, a little early, way too early. Now I regret it, and I'm telling everyone we've stopped trying because our "situation" is too complicated. Hahahaha!!!!! If they only knew! the questions have stopped though, what a relief... Can your sister keep a secret? That's the question!
Erica, who have you told?

I think that the last month has been hard on me, and that the pressure, twinges and bloating were really due to stress, although I HATE to admit it (I have been acting like a yogi otherwise!). Another BIG symptom I can get rid of. Did I tell you that two months ago, I spotted pink for two days at 6 or 7 dpo? Wow, goes to show that symptom spotting is useless.

Joanna, I'm so glad you and your sister are having a nice visit. I've told my sister but after having 3 kids of her own, she doesn't ask me about it until I bring it up. I don't ever tell her how hard it was on me in previous months because she had a baby in October and I just don't want her to ever think that she should down play her happiness because of me. Aside from that we haven't told anyone.

Nicole, Yes, it's a long time to spot. I usually do for 1 or 2 days but this time longer. Although Friday it was so so miniscule, literally a spec. Saturday I had a little spotting after our date and :sex: and Sunday was only a little and it was after I was straining a little to have a bm :blush: sorry WAY too much info. Today is the first day that it happened without those things.

Nicole I was gonna ask you, since you're in book club, any good books lately?
I think that the last month has been hard on me, and that the pressure, twinges and bloating were really due to stress, although I HATE to admit it (I have been acting like a yogi otherwise!). Another BIG symptom I can get rid of. Did I tell you that two months ago, I spotted pink for two days at 6 or 7 dpo? Wow, goes to show that symptom spotting is useless.


I totally agree on the twinges/bloating/pressure--tho in your case it still might mean something! I, on the other hand, am out and can conclusively say that even if pain wakes me up during the night, and it have a big temp dip, it is not implantation! I mean honestly I thought that had to be significant, since I'd never had it before, but now I think really I probably have had it before--from eating a rich dinner or some such thing, or general stress--but I just am noticing EVERY LITTLE THING now. And over-analyzing it!

Anyhoo, I'm looking for good book recs too, if you have any Nicole. Just bought John Irving's latest paperback. He's one of my favorites. So far, pretty good. I honestly went to the bookstore yesterday afternoon in a fit of desperation - I had to stop obsessing over charts and ttc. Definitely helped to have something to take my mind off it!
Sorry to hear the witch got you workingttc. :(

I really don't have any symptoms I can definitely say are symptoms yet. I feel like I'm getting winded more easily that I should with exertion, but then, I'm in a climate that's significantly warmer than I'm used to! Vacation makes it pretty much impossible to symptom spot. Think my BBs maaaay be getting a bit sore now, but I'm really not sure yet. I rally won't complain too hard if I don't get any symptoms until after I'm home... as long as my test lines keep getting darker. :haha:
Hey girls! Yes! Let's talk books!

Last book was Room by Emma Donoghue (lives in Canada! woohoo!), but beware! It's the story of a little boy and his mom who live in a room... Although it is narrated by a 5 year-old boy, it deals with a serious and traumatizing theme.
I'm reading one of Isabel Allende's novels right now. Also, I love Margaret Atwood. I think my favorite after The Handmaid's tale is The edible woman.
We'll be reading In the Country of Men next: also narrated by a young boy (not on purpose!) growing up in Libya. Will be interesting to talk about the revolt talking place over there, under
Anyhoooo (like Joanna would say ;)) - I'm happy we're changing the subject!!!
I LOVE Margaret Atwood; favorite besides Handmaid's Tale is The Robber Bride. I will have to look up the book your reading about Libya- sound really interesting and timely!! I miss my book club!!

Nicole, what did your temp do today? Erica, any updates! I am so anxious for you girls - you're both still in it!! :happydance:
Hey girls! I'm out, the :witch: came with vengeance last night. So I guess I'm on CD2 now. I'm looking forward to ovulation. I'm anxious to try again :)

How about you Nicole how are you feeling?

Thanks for the recommendations, I also enjoy Margaret Atwood. We should start our own little book club!
Sorry to hear that Erica, but I think we're all in the same boat! Only, I'll be a little behind the two of you. This morning I spotted a teensy bit. I can't feel a difference between the cramping and back ache I am having now and have been having for the past week and a half... :shrug: but if I'm spotting, I'll be out by tomorrow or Thursday as planned.
Not sad!
Dh's mom dreamed last night that we had a baby boy, and that she was feeling very guilty because she couldn't remember his "american" name (she's french)... would have been kind of neat if her dream had been a premonition :winkwink:

I'll have to read the Robber Bride next!

What book should we choose for our online book club? :happydance:
Ooh, I love the idea of an on line book club!! :happydance: I'm up for anything! Nicole, you seemed to have a few ideas, so maybe one of those?

Erica, sorry the :witch: arrived. Welcome to CD2, however! I'm glad your anxious to try again - I'm in the same boat! Temping again this month, starting at the beginning this time (last time started on CD7 or so) and also going to try the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. Got one from a friend who got pg recently. We'll see if it helps....

Nicole, keep us posted! We're here for you either way!! :hugs:
Nicole! did you test today?? Just saw your chart - if you're not spotting any more, I totally think this might be your month! Your temp is up, and looks higher than last month at this time, and the spotting you had yesterday could be implantation spotting from the slight dip you had a couple days ago. Not to stalk your chart or anything ;) but I am sooooo excited for you!! I hope I'm right!
Haha! Hi Joanna! I KNEW you would say that! My temps are making me craaaazy! But I spotted more this morning, although the flow hasn't hit yet. I'm definitely out, I recognize the AF pattern. Rrrrrr. Again, I'm not sad! :thumbup: - just looking forward to meeting you guys "on the other side".
Yesteraday I told DH we should try a little harder :blush: - I hope he understands that that means :sex: every other day now!

I think that each time I have an infection, my temps stay up... Two months ago, my temps stayed up when I had a two week long cold (virus of some sort). This month, maybe it's the YI I'm trying to fight off? That could explain the higher temps (instead of pregesterone keeping my temps up, it's my body fighting a virus?). I hope nothing's wrong with me?

As for the book club... I do'nt have any suggestions! But I will think about it.
A book that helped me recently - self-help book (I usually stay away from these, but it was book club assigned) is: ..A new Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Very interesting!
:hugs: to the 3 of you!
Rats! Oh well. We will welcome you "on the other side" if/when you get here. :flower: Hang in there, glad you're feeling ok about it. Btw, for Erica, you were looking for book recs - my most recent favorite was Cutting for Stone, can't recall author. Highly recommend it. :hugs:
Good Morning Girls,

Hope everyone is doing well today. I am sick thanks to my little angel who passed his germies on to me! I hope I get better because we're having a nice get together at my sisters this saturday and we'll put the kids to bed and break out the wine:) Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get together and have a few glasses?

NicoleI know how you feel about just wanting to cross over, I was the same this weekend. I had all the signs of AF just not the :witch: herself.

Have a great day guys!
You bet! I'd love that! and celebrate a new cycle!!! :drunk:

Erica, and Joanna, thanks for the nice words! I just hate being 4 days behind you! :winkwink:

Cutting for Stone is by Abraham Verghese (looked it up) - I want to read it too! It's very close to Isabel Allende's prose (Google books preview...). I think you would like Allende!

I'm getting ready to make a list of things I want to do when AF truly shows up.
And most of all, make a list of resolutions for next cycle:winkwink:
Maybe we could help each other out with these resolutions? :shrug:
Resolution # 1 for Joanna: NO symptom spotting!! I am beginning to believe that you don't truly have "symptoms" until you have enough hcg to show up on a pregnancy test. So whether that's totally true or not, it makes sense to me and I'm done with them.

Resolution # 2: Take temps with a grain (ok, maybe a heap) of salt

Will post more resolutions as I think of them....

PS - Love Allende as well. Have only read House of the Spirits, but really liked it!
hmmmmm, resolutions?

Resolution 1 for me: Stop thinking that there is something wrong with me. I know it was easy with Dom but every pregnancy (or soon to be) is different.

I'll have to think of a few more.

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