33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

AF today - I think the medication for YI has interfered with my flow ... TMI ... it's pink and orange!!!! But definitely AF now.
I wonder how this will interfere with Ov date.
So, I'm officially CD1 finally!

No charting at all, jsut OPKs and CM checks. Going to do my best not to make myself crazy this month!

Nothing planned for this weekend, it's raining.
Joanna, there's nothing to be afraid of radiation wise. I've done my research, and we've been told by our SCHOOLS (that should be reassuring) not to worry.
You can have a look at this : https://www.radiationnetwork.com/
Thanks, Nicole! DH is being a bit :wacko: about the whole thing, so glad I can reassure him with something concrete.

Your attitude for this month sounds great. Hopefully we can all be equally laid back (and you won't have me stalking your chart so that should help!!)

I hope you both enjoy the weekend (rain for Nicole and me, maybe better weather where you are though, Erica?). :hugs:
Hey girls, hope you're both having good weekends. My father in law is here so we've been visiting lots and spending time with family. Its SNOWING here! Calling for 20 to 30 cm. I'm so ready for spring to start!

Yay to a fresh start and new outlook on this month for everyone. Love the positive attitudes!

Talk soon :hugs:
Hi girls! Just checking in to say hi. Erica, I can't believe it's snowing where you are!! It's raining like crazy here. Nothing new to report on my end...just counting down days till ov and chilling at home. Enjoy the rest of your weekends! :kiss:

I was just on the tww forum. Believe it or not, I was bored after reading one or two threads! Now it seems like I've actually reached a point where I know what there is to know, and if there's more, I'm not interested, because it will most likely not be helpful in any way :)
And it seemed so ridiculous to spend that much time symptom spotting! Easy to say now right?

I miss you guys, but I'll probably be around once a day only now :haha:

We partied a lot this week-end :happydance:
Went for a few walks... and I KNOW I have to start going to pilates right? Will be going maybe once a week to start with.

What did you do over the weekend? You girls still have a week right?
Hi girls.

Nicole, I know what you mean about the tww forum. I've been bored with that since AF came pretty much (except for checking if a few people got their bfps). I think it's really only interesting when you're in the tww. According to FF, I should OV this Friday, possibly on Thursday. So my focus right now is on :sex: It will be a bit tricky as DH's friend is staying with us until Thursday, though....So we'll see how that goes.

My weekend was super lowkey. Tons and tons of rain down here. We made dinner for my mother last night. Saturday saw a movie. I swear, we are like 90 year olds sometimes. :blush:
Good Morning Girls!

It is still snowing here, we didn't get as much as what they called for but enough to make me wish I was somewhere tropical:)

I expect I will ovulate around the 27th or 28th. I'll just have to see I guess.

Joanna you will have to dtd quietly! Could be sort of adventurous having dh's friend in the next room:)

Have a great day guys
I love lowkey weekends! Last weekend, I didn't do anything either, we went to a movie, and uh... that's it! I don't even think we left the house (was raining mostly).
Ha! BD shouldn't be a problem as long as this friend is not sleeping in your bed :haha: - no, seriously, I see what you mean. I hope it won't be a problem.
Anway, that's super exciting! Your BD pattern is always good, you guys are NOT 90 year olds :winkwink:

Yesterday it was warm, and sunny! This morning the sun is coming out!:happydance: - what a difference it makes! :flower:
Oh, hi Erica!!!
Are you taking anything prenatal care wise?
you ladies always manage to make me laugh :haha:

pre-natal carewise, i'm taking a prenatal vitamin ("one a day" brand with DHA) and also extra vitamin B6 and B12, since the amount that is in the one a day vitamin is really low (although it is the recommended daily amount apparently).

pilates today, nicole? i've never tried that, and have always heard good things. i'm thinking about getting back into yoga...

I'm taking a pre-natal vitamin with folic acid. I'm so bad at remembering though!

Nicole I've never done pilates, is it hard? I've been doing hot yoga, I enjoy it. I should go more often but it takes a lot out of me. I lost about 10 lbs in january, yoga was a big part of that, I'd like to lose another 10, I just can't get motivated to do it. What sort of yoga do you do Joanna?

I woke up to more snow today. I sure wish I had sunshine! It really does make you feel so much better.

Have a great day girls:)

We have sunshine here today, which is nice (except of course I'm trapped in my office all day). I *used* to do just regular hatha yoga; haven't in a couple of years (I'm mainly a runner and biker these days). But I'd love to get back into it. Going to look up some local classes next week, when things are a bit less hectic at work.

Anything new with you girls? I should be ovulating Thursday or Friday; going to have to force myself to stay far away from the tww section after that!
Looking forward to the second week of tww for the two of you. I'm so far behind!
Thanks for sharing on the prenatal vitamins and all. I'm not taking anything, but I have a pretty healthy lifestyle, so I'm not too worried. Saving those for later... although I might have a mouthful of them just after ovulation to feel in control :haha:

I HAVEN'T started pilates yet!!! Just zumba and yoga... I promised, I know! thanks for reminding me :blush:

Will be back soon! :hugs:
Hi girls. Hope you're both doing well. My job just got super super hectic, so less time to spend on here (good thing I think!). Hopefully the hectic-ness will stay thru the 2ww to keep my mind off it...

I'm already somewhat baffled by my temps, despite my vow to take them with a grain of salt. I am slightly concerned I ov'd super early (on CD 7), which I think would definitely mean no BFP this month. But we'll see. Tomorrow is when I'm supposed to ov, and no positive OPK yet or "peak" on the CBFM. Maybe my problem is having too many devices - Nicole, I may go your less is more route next month!!

JOanna, I really wouldn't worry! Your temps look good, they're just bouncier this last month.
Wait and see.
Are you SURE about the EWCM on the 7th???

Dh and I haven't BD'd in more than 2 weeks, he is sooo stressed at work right now :nope: + I get up earlier than him to go to work, and he goes to bed later than me because he even works when he gets home. Poor guy...
He's going to Washington this Monday, and will be back Wednesday night, day before Ov for me (or the day after:shrug:). We really have to get in the mood before he leaves, otherwise we'll have forgotten how when he gets back!!! :haha:

I'm happy we're all busy!

Yes, at the risk of super tmi, I am definitely sure about the EWCM on CD7. I'd actually never had it before, so it really threw me for a loop - had always been like, what exactly is it? Now I definitely know! That's what's kind of freaking me out. If only I hadn't failed to do the OPK on CD6--if I'd done it then and it had been negative, I would definitely not worry. But because I didn't do it, my wandering imagination is like, hmm, could it have been +?

Anyway, going skiing this weekend so not going to think about it. Hoping I get a peak day on the CBFM tomorrow so I don't have to transport it on the ski trip -- really just seems excessive!!

That's really tough with the stress/different wakeup and bedtimes issue. We've definitely had that before. Hopefully you can have lots of welcome home :sex: when he's back from Washington!! I definitely feel like DH likes BD'ing a lot more when it's been a while--he's always very anxious as my period's ending. (Again prob tmi--sorry ladies).

Hey Girls,

Glad to hear we're all keeping busy with other things, I was going a little loopy checking B&B every hour.

Joanna, I get very stretchy CM a few days before ov. I've had it for a few days and no +OPK yet. Maybe you're having it before hand too?

Nicole I feel for you. I hate when my hunny gets stressed with work. I always wanna just make him better. When you two finally get some time to :sex: he should have a pretty good build up of :spermy: lol

My dh has also been a bit stressed at work, but I'm gonna cook him a nice supper and try to get him to relax tonight. He's been so tired lately, I'm gonna let him sleep late tomorrow. It's so hard with Dom, I'll have to try to get up before Dom wakes us and let him watch a movie to keep him quiet so daddy can sleep. Nothing else planned for the weekend, I have a paper to write and aside from that itl'll be low key.

Have fun skiing Joanna!
Awwww, thanks girls AGAIN!
True, and :sex: is always better after not seeing each other for some time. As for the buildup you were talking about... apparently it reduces the quality of the sperm for a man if he doesn't have :sex: often enough :dohh:
By the way, tmi does not freak me out, ever!

Erica, I think it's great how much you take care of your DH, I should be cooking for him, doing the housework... I'm definitely not doing things right. Poor guy, I've even been going out without him and although that isn't usually a problem, right now I think he needs me more. I'm so ashamed right now:nope:

I think this month will be about us, not about a potential baby. I'm really sincere about this, he needs a break, or he'll just collapse under the pressure.

JOanna, about EWCM, this might be asking for tmi, but id you actually go find it, or was it a panty thing? Sorry... just trying to help :blush:
I find it really improbable that you ov on the CD7. But BD looks good no matter what! Hope you get a positive today!

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