33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

I took my temp again this morning. I think I must just have low body temp? it was 35.6 again this morning with a new thermometer.

Usually I turn on my lamp and take it lying down, today I sat up before I took it, I forgot until I saw it on my night stand. My feet never hit the floor though, is that ok?
Hi girls!

Erica, how are you feeling by the way? And Dom? By the way, anything about him is fun to hear!
You're fine taking your temp after you sit up, better not too though. Your temps are low, that doesn't really matter as long as your temps show a shift after Ov. The first time I saw your temps I jumped to conclusions and I feel very sorry about that (like I'm the experienced temper... I still don't know when I ovulated:dohh:) - if your temps are whacky, don't fret, let them be, they could be like that only through dbo (days before Ov), or they're very whacky throughout your cycle but there's an obvious shift, or... anything can happen! We'll be here to analyse it with you :happydance:

Today, VERY VERY DRAMATIC TEMP DROP! Did you see that???? :wacko:
I'm scared period is going to make a very sudden and dramatic appearance too. Ladies and gentleman! The Witch!

Joanna, I TOTALLY agree with you! I have looked at all the pregnancy signs on the internet, and I have also started to believe that pregnant or not, the symptoms are the same! It really starts only when HCG is high, and that can happen way after implantation anyways.

#1: NOT temping on fertilityfriend - noting Ov signs (CM, cervix, and OPKs) on piece of paper beside bed and not touching or looking at it throughout the day!
#2: Starting pilates to complete my workout week. As long as I'm not pregnant, I want to use that precious time to feel stronger and healthier.

Good morning girls. Saw the temp drop, Nicole, but not going to read too much into it (see Resolution 2). You're not out till AF arrives!! And right now you're 1 day late, yes? my fingers and toes are soooo crossed!! Are you going to test is she doesn't get here today?

AF seems to be wrapping up for me today. Let the BD'ing begin! Decided to try drinking green tea this month also. No idea if that will have any impact but I like feeling like I'm doing something more...

Have a good day girls! :hugs:
HI there! I love your positive attitude Joanna! :hugs:

I think we should put our resolutions in our signature!
I'm feeling good thanks for asking :) I keep telling Dom to share....well he was generous enough to share his nasty cold and cough with both DH and I. So I took monday off to be with him since he was still too sick to go to the dayhome and now I'm at work, sick as a dog.

I did some reading about body temperature, and apparently we reach a low point sometime around 4am and then it starts to rise again to a peak around 6pm and then begins to drop again. I seem to be in the normal range so I'm gonna go with it.

Nicole, I am still hoping for you! I saw the temp drop but I can't help but hope still.

Joanna nice pic! AF is wrapping up for me too. I'll be back in the saddle (so to speak) in the next few days. I am gonna try to have a lot of :sex: this month. I think it'll help DH and I have some fun with it.

Not this weekend because we're not feeling great but next weekend (which conviently will be close to when I'm due to ovulate) I am gonna cook my DH a romantic supper and get him a little thank you present. He has been so good about my freakish mood swings. He puts up with my baby babbling and tells me to do whatever I want (temping, opk etc.)
All three of us are here right now.....hi girls!!
Added to my siggy!

Nicole, I am so so so anxious to see how this turns out for you! It's getting late for no AF! How long is your LP usually?

Erica, so sorry you're sick! (Tho if one must get sick, I suppose this is the best time of the month for it!) :hugs:
Erica, I want to do the same for my hubby too! What a great idea.

:happydance: for resolutions!

LP is 12 or 13 days, cycle is usually 28, but it was 29 once! Really, there's no hope for me, you girls are too optimistic, it's killing me!
We're all 3 here again! (Bad Joanna, as I vowed to check this site much much less until at least the tww!! Slow day at work...) Anyway, Nicole I will officially keep my optimism for you to myself--don't want to add any stress!! Hang in there -- you'll have an answer either way very soon! :hugs:
I'm only optimistic for other people!! Hehe. I Hope for the best, but I understand totally that you know your body and I will zip it!:shhh:

You guys can't come on BandB less! I am SO bored at work I won't have anything to do if you aren't around!
:rofl: don't worry--i just SAY i'm going to come on here less--dreams of being more productive--and of course i'm right back here an hour later!! at least it's thursday! your last day, right? hope so...i just want the days to go by fast so i can get to my OV date!!
HOW aggravating! I think my period is stuck! :haha:

And by the way, thanks to you guys, I took a test, and BFN - stark stark white - of course! This happened to me once in November, I spotted brown for three days, then heavy flow.
This is me right now: :muaha:

I would ALSO like to NOT come back so often, but it's impossible!

Erica, we have to talk about this "secondary infertility" business. I didn't realize you were that worried. What are you thinking is wrong?
Ugh ugh ugh! :brat: so sorry that we made you test!! i officially hate :witch:
even more than usual this month!

I promise to zip it for the remainder of your cycle nicole!! :ban:

And Erica, Nicole is right, what is with the secondary infertility concern? Is there something specific you're worried about?

Have a good evening, girls.
Sorry girls didn't mean to worry you! I just am an cyber-condriac. I self diagnose everything via information on the internet! Its hard because I was pregnant so fast and easy with Dom and now I am on cycle 7 trying for this one! I get worried! I looked it up online and there is a thing called secondary infertility and its often unexplained. 2 normal, healthy people who already have 1 child can't get preggers with #2. I've mentioned it to DH and he said that we were super lucky the first time and quit reading about that stuff! They have a secondary infertility forum on here and whenever I go in there my heart breaks. I get so scared that soon I will be one of those stories about trying for 3 yrs for my second. I know waiting up to a year is common, but sometimes I just can't help but think negatively. That's why I need to stay out of that forum! Gotta stay positive, dh is right, sometimes it just takes time, nothing is wrong.

Thank you guys for keeping me in check! :hugs: I have to keep those thoughts out of my head. Stress doesn't help this process.
Ok, Erica, I'm happy you explained your worries.
NOW, I'll be checking to see if you are visiting the SI section!!! :devil:

have a great evening! :flower:
Hehe, Thanks Nicole!

Hope you lovelies are good today. I am working today unfortunately since I took Monday and part of Tuesday off to be with Dominic. I figured I'd come in today and make sure there isn't anything that needs doing before my weekend starts.

How you doing today Nicole? Has the :witch: reared her ugly head?

How about you Joanna? You have a busy day ahead of you?

Any weekend plans girls?
Good morning, girls.

Erica, are you recovered? Hope so! Being sick is the worst - I can only imagine how much harder it would be with a sick toddler as well!

Not much new for me to report today. Added extra vitamin B6 and B12 to my regimen, and trying to decide on a BD strategy for this month. Previously, we have DTD on OV day plus at least every day for the 3 or 4 days before. So am trying to decide if we should do a bit less (maybe DH's sperm need some extra time to regenerate) or double up on OV day or the day before...

Also, DH is now concerned about the radiation that he has heard is coming to California (where we live) from Japan. I don't think this is a legit concern but of course he has me worried that the one month we conceive, there will be some toxic cloud here...Argh.

Anyway, what's new with you ladies?
I was thinking along the same lines with the bd'ing sched. I read somewhere that you shouldn't have sex until you're fertile time so you have the maximum amount of :spermy: but to me that would be so mechanical, so planned! My DH said the other day, when we got BFP with Dom, we just had lots of sex, all the time and it worked. No stress, no planning. I saw a BFP on here the other day and she put up her bd'ing schedule and she did every other day until ovulation, then every day for 3 days.

What you think?
The every other day before +OPK and then 3 days in a row is the SMEP plan, which people do seem to swear by. I also did a search on FF's chart gallery and it seems the highest percentage of PG charts show BD'ing on 3, 2, and 1 days before OV and on OV day. So I don't know....I don't think I'll have any control over it really, unless I want to increase the amount of sex we have, and even then, will really just depend on the circumstances next week. I know that DH will not be up for "scheduling" BD'ing. Ah well...

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