33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Nicole, I think it's pretty awesome that you are in such a good place that you can recognize when your dh needs YOU and not baby pressure. You are totally giving him the TLC he will need to get through this stressful patch. You are too hard on yourself!! You're amazing!:kiss:

As for my weekend, I have literally spent 6 straight hours with my nose in a book today, not exactly taking care of my hubby. I had planned a nice supper but we decided to order some indian food instead so I didn't have to worry about it. He understands though, i just have to get this paper written and then I can relax a bit.

Joanna, I'm hoping you are having a blast skiing and are dtd lots regardless of ovulation or not!

Still no positive for me, although I have had LOTS of CM and it seems to be quite stretchy :blush: I'm sure it's coming at some point. :thumbup:

Thinking of you guys! Have a good night:flower:
HI Erica!
I forgot Joanna was skiing this week-end.
Cooking beef burgundy tonight :) - guess you're right, I'm not that bad a wife after all :blush:
Talked to DH about wanting to concentrate on us, and regular BD too - we both felt good after our talk!!!

6 hours! I remember doing that. Pfff... You're talking about work right? What is the subject of your paper, if I may ask?

:happydance: to stretchy CM! That's ALWAYS a good sign Ov is about to happen. HAPPY for you. Haha! Never thought I would congratulate a girl on her CM :wacko:

Hi girls! I'm back! Skiing was great fun and on top of that, got my positive opk today, so feeling good about that (for what it's worth--ah, the things that excite me these days...it's truly embarassing). anyway, glad to hear you and DH are in such a good place, nicole. i definitely think that was the right approach--i think that these boys need to be babied a bit (ok a lot) and the more we tell them we are concerned about them, caring for them, working on us, etc, the better. (especially of course if it's true! :hugs:)

more tomorrow! :hugs:
Good morning!

Glad you had fun this weekend Joanna. I haven't got my positive opk yet, hoping today or tomorrow.

Nicole, my paper is for school actually. I quit university about 6 courses shy of my degree so I'm taking the last few courses to finish it off. I'm in a totally different line of work now, I had to certify in the US for my job so my degree will have no bearing. I'm doing it because I want to finish. It's a lot with work and Dominic, but it'll be worth it:)

Hope you and your hubby's all had good weekends!
Good morning, ladies.

Erica, so impressed that you are managing to balance school, work and being a mom! How close are you to being done?

So not wanting to be back at work this morning. Ugh. Too much to do and too little time.

Nicole, how is DH? Is this when he is in Washington? Hopefully he's a bit less stressed. This is probably a massive oversimplification/stereotype, but I feel like men are more impacted emotionally etc by their jobs/work than women. (I say this as a woman who is pretty invested in her job and works a lot, so hopefully that makes it ok for me to make such generalizations :)). When my DH is having a hard time at work, it affects his whole mood - and our relationship. Somethings impact me that way, but definitely not work stuff, more like family crises, friend crises, etc.

Anyway, just rambling to avoid getting back to my work. Have a good day girls! :flower:
Good morning girls,

Nicole, hope you and DH are feeling less stressed! I agree with Joanna, when my DH is stressed it totally affects our home life. I'm lucky he is generally easy going and doesn't really have a stressful job, when it does happen I always wanna just fix it!

Joanna I am only working on the first of my six courses to complete so I have a ways to go yet.

I got my positive OPK yesterday afternoon, woke up with cramps this morning. Not sure what that was all about. You think you ovulated yet Joanna?

Anyway, have a great day ladies! The sun is FINALLY shining here, spring is on it's way:)
Yay! Sounds to me like you OV'd this morning, Erica, so you and I are just 1 day apart. I think I ov'd yesterday (CD15), which is late for me, but I'm actually pretty happy about that because I've read that it can be better to ov a bit later so that the uterine lining has time to build up.

Nicole, how are you doing?
Hi! :wave::wave::wave:

I'm so sorry for not giving you any news (was spying a little though:blush:).
It looks like Dh is coming back before I ov!!! I haven't even had a surge yet. Wow, I'm so happy I'm using the clearblue OPK! It's seems so much more reliable. Anyway... looks like you'll be half way through the tww when I Ov!

Actually, it's funny, DH taught me to separate work and home. I remember, when I started my career as a teacher, I would work so much we hardly had time together. We would eat, and sleep together, I was so tired and focused. He was never like that. I still think that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs to separate from everyday life. I would always be thinkign of my students, and how to help them succeed, and every article I read, every picture I would see I would transform into an interesting subject to teach my students. Not fun for hubby:nope:

By the way Joanna, I've been spying on your chart, at least I have your temps to read! Phew! :kiss:

Erica, I admire you too! Woooman!
Welcome back, Nicole!! We missed you! :hugs:

So exciting that DH will be back before you OV! and totally agree on the clearblue digi - takes so much of the guessing out of this process! I randomly used a first response, non-digi OV test yesterday (big mistake) and was convinced it was positive - 2 very dark lines. But not sure how that could be and now just wishing I hadn't bothered. Digis only for me from now on.

And I agree with you regarding teaching. Most of my close friends are teachers (truly--like 5 of them!), and they work the hardest of anyone I know, especially when it comes to taking work home (literally and figuratively)! I am constantly in awe!

Erica, how is the temping going this month?

Have a good day girls.
Thanks Joanna! :hugs:

Ok, so tmi question. Do you ever feel like the sperm is not doing what it's supposed to? Haha! It sounds ridiculous, but I feel sooo powerless before Ov. I don't "believe" in my man's sperm figuring it out, finding their way, zooming towards their destination. I see them turning in circles, chatting, looking at the scenery, or congratulating each other on the length of their tails :haha: - but NOT doing what they're supposed to. When is the smart resposible one going to show up?

Anyhoo... Joanna, digis ARE the best, and what's that spotting (yes, I spied) on 2 DPO???
Erica, you're temping?

Talk to you soon, the sun is out, it's 25°C, I feel like a new woman!
Ooops - that spotty blip was a mistake - must've made it when I entered data on my phone :blush:

And yes! I agree on the spermies - I have no idea what DHs are doing??! I mean we BD a lot and I think on the right days...Are they getting lost? Taking a wrong turn?

Loving the warm weather down here too! (Except for course for the fact that I'm in my stupid office!!)

Thanks for your kind words Nicole. I'll be happy when this course is over...I write my final in a few weeks.

The world needs more teachers like you! I had a few teachers growing up who took an interest in me and I'll never forget them. I bet you have more of an impact on your students than what you know.

Joana I have been temping, although I started getting a bit obsessive about it so I quit putting into fertility friend and just keep one of the bedroom charts. I've missed a few days because Dom was up early or DH had something else on his mind when the alarm went off:blush: I've been pretty casual or at least trying to:)

After we dtd I literally put my legs in the air and hang out for a bit before I put them down. I stay elevated for a while to because I'm always worried about those :spermys: making it to promised land!

So glad we are all pretty much on the home stretch of this cycle! Even happier that we are all enjoying some much needed sunshine!
Erica, I put my legs up too! Today, I actually jiggled around, then stopped because I thought they might lose their way even more :wacko:
Still no LH rise :shock:
Will I ever ovulate? Or did I Ov early? Or did I miss it?

Edit: I've been reading some interesting remarks on the net. About BDing, what I have gathered is that it is best to BD 2 to 3 times a week before LH surge (so, take it slowly, and give time for DH to recuperate...), then BD up to 4 days in a row - 3 days in a row before Ov, one day after (just in case!). In case of low count sperm, once every two days before Ov (but one day before Ov).
The strategy is: have fun, not too often, and get more excited before Ov - usually women have BD fever around that time anyway!

Well, I'm a little worried right now, that's probably why I've started looking up these things again!
Nicole you had me giggling at the wiggling around comment! Any luck with the surge today?

DH and I went on a date night last night. So nice! We woke up to 10 cm of snow and there is 10 more on the way. I'm beginning to feel my sunny disposition fading with the weather. When will spring be here!!!

Hope you guys enjoy your weekends!

Haha! I know, I'm crazyyyy!
Have a good weekend Erica and Joanna!
Hello Ladies,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Took my little brother out for wings and drinks last night. He had his first bad break up. He was so sad. I had forgotten how much that hurts.

What did everyone else do?
Good morning!

Your poor brother--that's so rough! Does he live close to you?

My weekend was nice, but definitely not relaxing. Lots of home improvement projects, and no sleeping in :( Did a fair bit of drinking too, so hopefully that's not going to ruin my chances this month!

Erica, is there still snow where you are?

He actually just moved out of my house mid February. He lived with us for a year and a half and left a few weeks after he turned 19. We're very close and live in different parts of the city but see each other often.

Home improvement projects? Doing some reno's? That always goes hand in hand with having a few drinks:)

It snowed 25cm on Saturday. It was BRUTAL! There is still snow but the good news is that it's melting really fast and looks like we're in for some nice weather the next few weeks. Thank goodness. Joanna you would be happy though, I hear the skiing is awesome at all the hills around here!
So nice! I wished my sister lived closer (although luckily one does - I have 2 and the youngest lives in my same city, while the other is across the country).

Glad to hear the snow is melting fast! It's time for spring!!

Yes, fixing a bunch of relatively minor stuff in the house and doing some tree trimming...definitely required some beers to pass the time!

Nicole, any sign of a positive opk yet? I OV'd 3 days late this month (CD15 instead of CD12, which will lengthen my cycle to the longest it's been in months), so I'm guessing that's what's going on with you too! Although if your temps go up, I wouldn't discount the possibility of missing the surge. I think the CB digis--while I LOVE them--are less sensitive than other OPKs (perhaps much like the CB digi tests?). I've tested with strips and other non-digi OPKs and gotten near positives on days when the CB digi comes up with the big empty circle....

Have a good afternoon/evening ladies!

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