33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Ladies - came across this interesting study on implantation on here so thought I'd share. (Seems actually to be science-based, so much more reliable than a lot of what's out there. Either way, it's interesting...)


Soudns like you had a pretty eventful week end. I'm sorry about your brother Erica, although he's young, breakups are so hard. I can't imagine that happening to me anymore!?!
Renovations Joanna? A few beers? Probably warded off stress, so it's all good! :thumbup:
I went out last night with DH, a Moroccan restaurant: expensive but really worth it. This is the first time I had small portions and felt full!

I have signs of Ov coming up, and you're right Joanna - I've been testing with clearblue digi AND the sticks just to be sure. The sticks are jsut starting to show darker lines, whereas the digi isn't...
To be continued...

Ahhh! Just got a positive OPK!!! I nearly jumped out of my chair, it was like seeing a BFP!
Yaayyyyy! I've never been this excited with a +OPK, haha!

Rats! DH isn't here tonight! Ok, there will be some serious BDing near midnight!
Nicole, that is totally how I felt when I got my positive OPK! It was ridiculous how excited I was - you'd think it was an HPT! Exciting that you're be joining us in the 2ww! :happydance:

Yum, Morrocan food!!
That was a great read Joanna! Like I said before, I would have been about 19-21dpo before I got my BFP with Dom.

I second the "Yum, Moroccan food"! We have a place here we like to go to and it's delish!

Woot Woot Nicole! I'm happy for your +OPK. Get :sex:!!!
Joanna, does this mean I can only ask you about symptoms starting on 12DPO? I can do that! I'll be strong!
I have to admit, we didn't :sex: last night, we were both exhausted :sleep:
Since we BD'd two days ago, DH said: "THAT was when you should have ovulated! Why do you always ovulate WAY AFTER our best BD? For God's sake woman!" - to which I thought: "Ok, here we go again, no BDing at the crucial time" YET I replied: "All I want is for us to have fun, to experiment, discover and dtd regularly - I don't care if it doesn't happen this month, really".
This morning, he sent some :spermy: my way... He was late, and hadn't had his coffee, but did everything he was supposed to do. I'm sorry for TMI :blush: but this is a BIG step for DH: he's making his first efforts to BD for a baby :yipee:

For the late ovulation, what a MSYTERY! And so weird that it would have happened when Joanna Ov late too! Is there something in the air in California? :shrug:

You girls are lucky to have family close by! My siblings are in France or in Canada! There are so many siblings that fight over the silliest things and don't stick together. As the oldest, I've always tried to stay neutral, not judge them, but I've always been wary of this happening. The members of your family aren't always you best friends but they're the last ones that will be there for you when all goes haywire.

Ok, enough of me, I'm feeling chatty :flower:

Good day girls!
How many siblings do you have Nicole? What about you, Erica - just the brother and sister or are there more? I have 2 sisters, both younger (one 3 years younger, 1 nine years).

Well, Nicole, you could ask me, but I'd have nothing to report. What about you Erica...any "symptoms"?

I'm definitely having trouble keeping my resolution not to read too much into my temps...part of the problem has been I'm not sleeping well, so temping at 6 am almost every day instead of 6:45, which is my designated time...FF says not to adjust, so I haven't been adjusting, but I think if I did, I'd feel better!

Oh, and Nicole, my DH came around like that this cycle or last, can't recall, it was such a breakthrough! I think at some point his competitive nature kicked in and was like wait a second, why can't we make this happen! Let's get on it! He was pretty into "trying" this month, and no issues with talking about it.

Good morning girls,

Nicole that is such awesome news that DH seems so on board with things this time around, maybe taking some time to focus on each other really was just what he needed.

Joanna, I have just the 1 brother and 1 sister. We are all very different in large part do to the age difference. My brother is 8 years younger and my sister is 6 years older so they have trouble sometimes relating to each other with a 14 year age gap. I relate to them both and when we all get together it's always nice. My sister and I never used to be close (I was the annoying little sister), but now we are extremely close. We are not close with the rest of my family (cousins, aunts, uncles etc.) so we are very lucky to have each other.

I am trying not to symptom spot, but I have been VERY emotional, like super fragile, ready to cry at any moment (was teary while I was describing my siblings:blush:). Although, I feel bloaty and my back has been bothering me a bit. So as with every other sympom out there, it could be a good sign but it's probably AF on her way.:shrug:

Sorry for the long message today. I'm feeling rambly.

Are you guys gonna wait to test this month? I'm gonna try and hold off as long as I can.

I know what you mean about feeling emotional, Erica - I've been tearing up over totally ridiculous things...But (of course) now can't recall if that's something that happens to me every month this time!

My temp dropped--as it did last month at 9DPO--so trying not to read anything into that, particularly since clearly last month was not a BFP month!

I was like that with my sister too - we were not close in high school - fought all the time, but then we lived together for a couple years after college and have been really close since. She's younger though, not older. My relationship with the little one (9 years younger) is almost like mother/daughter more so than sisters, but we're close too.

Have a good day girls
Haha! Talk about teary. Today, I was substituting, and the kids kept testing my nerves. I felt like crying! And I'm not the one to cry over a day of kids chatting and doing everything they're not supposed to do :) - I didn't have time to eat breakfast though... and that makes me craaaazy!

Joanna, how can you not read into your temps? It's really hard! I have been taking mine because I was worried, and will stop tomorrow (last temp, might as well have ff give me some crosshairs). You could jump of the deep end and stop temping? BIG challenge there...

I have a half sister and brother (7 and 10 years younger) in France, and a half sister (15 years younger!) in Canada. I'm very close with siblings in France (we grew up together), and closer since I left (they've grown up!). They're so young, I never had but a big sister attitude towards them. This is changing though... a good thing!

Yes, Erica, I think it helped a lot to work on making DH feel important in my life! :flower: Thanks for reminding me this!

Bises :kiss:
Good morning! :flower:

No, I definitely don't think I'm ready to stop temping! The only reason I can pretend to be able to not read into my temps this month is that at present, they are virtually identical to my last cycle - and we know how that ended!

So, unless I start puking my guts out (or get some truly obvious sign of pregnancy like that), I am officially not testing until Monday, which is when AF is due according to my LP.

Went to yoga last night for the first time in like 4 years. So awesome! Definitely can feel that it made me calmer!!

How are you girls? Still feeling teary? I definitely think that is a good sign!! :hugs:
Joanna, yay for yoga! I was supposed to go to yoga Tuesday but I bailed on it. I just felt too weepy:cry: I suppose it could be a good sign, but I'm preparing for my final which I write on the 26th, getting busy at work, worried about my little bro (I know he's oung but he is really struggling with this break up), and trying to keep the house running (dinner cooked, house cleaned etc.), so I have been feeling a little stretched and think that is more likely the reason for my emotional state.:wacko:

I find it hard to find a balance sometimes! Anyway, it'll all be calmer very soon when summer hits and all I have to worry about is work and having fun with the family. DH and I have decided to go to vegas in June just the two of us. We love it there and I can't wait for our mini vacation.

You guys doing any travelling this summer? Nicole you gonna test early?
:happydance: to YOGA Joanna!
Erica, you are superwoman! Anyone would be teary and frustrated!
Vegas sounds like fun! We'll be going there in a week with my stepmother and her boyfriend.

Let's see:
I'm on CD21 = 3 dpo
I can test on 13 dpo. That's CD 31!
So, either AF comes on time (CD 28, 10 dpo) or later (CD29-CD 31).
GREAT :wacko: a late period won't be a symptom!!!!!!!

So, I'll be testing on CD31! In 10 days!

I will also resist temping.

Joanna, I understand, temping can't be stopped once it's started! :winkwink:
Don't analyze your temps, comparing them to last month!!!

Have a great day!
I completely agree - Erica you are amazing! I can't imagine balancing work, school and a toddler! It's definitely enough to make one a bit emotional to say the least (tho I still think this could be a pre-PG "symptom"!)

Yay for Vegas trips - I love going there! So nice to just sit by the pool, stare at the crazy people...Hopefully you'll both be PG (or Nicole, almost PG) by the time you go - curious to hear what that will be like, as I always spent the majority of my time in Vegas with a big fat drink in hand!

All of our travel this summer centers around the 5 weddings we have to go to. Some are in cool spots, though, so that will be nice.

Nicole, how long is your LP usually?

Yes, Vegas will be all about lazing around, but not drinking too much! Will be interesting. 5 weddings a a lot, I don't think I've been to more than 3 in a life time! What kind of cool places will you be going to?

My LP is usually 12 days, so if AF comes on time, my LP would be shorter than usual. I guess it would be only 9 days long.
HOwever, if AF comes later, and I have a 12 day LP, then I will have a 31 days cycle.
It will be interesting to see how my body reacts to late OV. I'm hoping it will maintain a 12 day LP, which would mean that I can count on my body to regulate itself...
How about you Joanna? Shouldn't you be goign through the same thing since you Ov late?
Spending waaaaay too much time on this site and FF today, largely b/c desperate to avoid the work I have to do before the weekend! Terrible procrastination....

So I've read that while your follicular phase may shift in length--ov'ing later or earlier--your LP usually stays the same. So I'm pretty sure I'll get AF (if she's in fact en route) on Monday after my 13-day LP. But we'll see...Today is 11 DPO. Last month, my temp dropped at 9DPO (check), went up again at 10 and 11 (DPO), and then dropped at 12 and 13 DPO in anticipation of AF. Nicole, I'd guess you'll have a 31 day cycle this month and keep your same LP. (But our bodies are such mysterious things I'm learning - who really knows??)

Weddings are in NY, Napa, San Francisco, LA, and Vermont (of all places). Most excited about going to Napa, though hopefully I'll be preggers by then so it may not be quite the same....

Plans for the weekend?
I hope you worked your a** off Joanna!

Great info, thanks!:thumbup: - that makes me feel better, I don't want my body to start shortening my LP , argh.
So I should start spotting on April 18th, and get full AF on the 19th.
:cry: do I have to wait that long?

Yay for Napa, will it be in the summer?
Plans for the weekend were a baby shower but my friend's water broke today! Apparently, since he would be too premature, she has to stay up to two weeks in the hospital. I'm hoping to be allowed to visit her.
Orrr... lake tahoe last minute ride saturday morning, and back on Sunday. It would really take my mind off everything!

11 dpo, excited for the two of you!
Hi girls!

How has the weekend been? Nicole, did you go to Tahoe? Erica, are you ok? It's been a while since we've heard from you :(

I was really upset this morning because my temp dropped to right where it was the day before AF last month (at 13 DPO), so I'm virtually certain she'll be here in the morning (along with a second drop to below the coverline). I don't think it's reading too much into my temps to think this - who's ever heard of a BFP when your temp has been dropping for 2 days right as your LP is ending?? No one, that's who! Anyway, I'm trying to put my mini-breakdown behind me. DH and I had a good talk about strategies for next month, so that made me feel better. Now you 2 just need to get your BFPs!!!
Hi guys!

Joanna I'm so sorry you were feeling crappy today. :hugs: I am keeping my fingers crossed AF won't be there in the morning. On the upside, I'm happy to hear that dh seems so supportive.

I'm sorry I've been away, we've been having problems with our internet and I haven't been at worlk sinc thursday. I am writing this on my phone and tried to do so on friday morning but I must not have saved it or something??

I haven't been temping, I'm just trying to go with the flow. Dh has said I've been very high strung the last few days so I've been trying to relax. No definite signs for me one way or another. No spotting, but my boobs and back have been bugging me so could be af.

I hope you are feeling better. Keep us posted in the morning. Nicole I hope you got away and had a great time! Next weekend is vegas for you right?

Thinking positive for us all :kiss:
Good morning, girls.

Erica, glad you are ok and I think not temp'ing can definitely reduce stress!! I'm officially now more confused than ever because instead of dropping today like it should have, my temp is slightly up. But I tested (as today is 14 DPO and I have a 13 day LP) and BFN. Ugh.

The fact that you don't have any spotting is a great sign, no?? Have you tested at all (not encouraging this -- I only did because today is the day AF is due and I wish I hadn't)? Is AF due for you today? Do you always get spotting before?

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