33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy


Joanna, this is great news that your temp went up a bit. I'm keeping fingers x'd for you.

I always spot before, but I tested today as well and BFN. I should get AF late this afternoon or this evening. I'm not feeling confident due to the BFN this morning. We'll see what happens I suppose.
I think we should both tell ourselves that we're still in it, BFNs or no!! I've just read 2 posts on here where the girls have said they got BFNs the day AF was due, and the day after--on FRERs--and then got BFPs the next day. So here's hoping!!

(Although I really don't think I can put much stock in my temp - there are plenty of people who have temps go up the day of or before AF! It's different for me, but this is only my second month of temping).

This whole process is sooooooo frustrating!!

When are you going to re-test? It will take all my strength not to re-test tomorrow if still no AF.
I'm debating. I'm a bit concerned that my taking higher doses of B vitamins this month may have extended my LP by a day, so that I'll just be getting AF tomorrow morning. Or my LP could just be slightly fluctuating. I'm still super dubious!! My CM is also really watery, which FF doesn't seem to think is a good sign.

But, if I don't get AF tomorrow, I think I will probably wait until Wednesday just to avoid the agony of yet another BFN. From what I've read, if you implant later, it also can take the HCG longer to build up, so it will take longer for a BFP. Plus, I think the levels only double every 2 days, so it could easily take until then to get a positive result.

Should we make a pact to wait until Wednesday if neither of us gets AF today or tomorrow? I am soooooo FX'd for you - I really think the whole no spotting thing is a huge sign. I haven't had ANYTHING different this month except my slight temp difference and we all know that can be influenced by like 1000 other things!!
Ok, no testing until Wednesday if AF doesn't get us first.

This is gonna be so hard. Glad we all have each other :friends:

Nicole, how have you been feeling?
Yes! :hugs:

Check out this recent post:

Thanks for posting that! I REALLY wanna test again. I still have no spotting. My boobs are sore which is common before my period but also happened when I was pregnant with Dom so that can go either way. I'm just so damn impatient. I hate not knowing one way or another.
What test did you use? Possible it wasn't a low enough MIU? (like if it was a CB digi for example - I know those are like 50 miu). Did you use FMU?

I have such a good feeling for you this month - better than I do for myself!! I think it's cuz you don't have the spotting - it seems like you always have that, right? I just feel like something must be different!! The waiting is so agonizing tho! :brat:
I used dollar store cheapies. It's 25miu, it's listed right on the box. I have one clear blue digi left that I was only going to use if I needed a verification. I haven't had a month where I didn't spot buta After 7 cycles of trying I can't get my hopes up.
Ok, how but I get my hopes up for you and vice versa - that way neither of us gets let down!

I've been looking at my chart from last month again and thinking I might actually have a 14 day LP, which would mean that AF was actually due tomorrow. Argh. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Sounds good. I SUPER have my hopes up for you! Between the 3 of us it's got to be a BFP somewhere!
I'm so excited for the two of you! :wohoo: I can't help it!!!

I'm sorry I wasn't around, I did NOT go to Tahoe, however, I really tried to stay off BnB (not seeing you guys around really made me think I should get a life - haha).

I hate AF!!!! :gun: Don't come around here!!!!!

Joanna, temp rise sounds promising! Erica, you haven't spotted yet? You always do right?
Ahhhh! So getting my hopes up for the two of you. Just tell me to stop.

Wednesday is the day I'll be all over our thread.

I wanna know now! :brat:
Nicole! we missed you today! life-schmife! As you can see, Erica and I were very active posters :blush:

I am 90% certain AF will be arriving tomorrow morning. My new theory is that my LP is in fact 14 days (must have new theory at least once every 2-3 hours). Spent the day searching for BFNs at 14 DPO that led to BFPs....Not exactly a wealth of examples out there, lemme tell ya. Plus the temp increase is pretty tiny, and as we've seen, temps can go up right before AF. Sigh...

Erica however is a different story! You're only 13 DPO (which = more false negatives) AND you have a super unique difference from EVERY SINGLE ONE of the last 6 cycles!! No spotting! (I'm allowed to get my hopes up for you two girls!!)

Nicole any new developments at 6 DPO?
Well girls, looks like I'm out. No AF yet but my temp is below the coverline so I expect her any minute. I think my LP was just a day longer this month (which totally unfairly got my hopes up! Never again!) :nope:

Anyway, feeling ok. Had my cry on Sunday (first time temp dropped) so I feel like I've got that mostly out of my system. On to cycle 5. And on to cheering you girls on!! Any updates this morning?? I need you to get BFPs, ok!!?? :happydance:
Joanna, I'm so sorry! That's not fair! Your body is playing tricks with you! I don't want to give you hope, yet I don't want to say I believe you're out. I'll just stay neutral until tomorrow, but know that I, and Erica are here for you, that we are all in the same boat, that we are questioning our bodies and our DH's sperm, our lack of luck, or our fertility. I'm going to see my obgyn this morning, and talk about my worries. She'll probably brush me off, but I need to have one or two exams done to feel like I'm doing something, not just waiting around. So, that answers your question: at 6 dpo, nothing out of the ordinary, just a lot of moodiness, and lashing out at DH. I have to get it out of my system before mom in law gets here TONIGHT!!!!!!
One thing is that we definitely have to Bd more during the LP phase - no stopping!

Yesterday I went to see a friend you gave birth unexpectedly early: her water broke when her due date was a month and a half away! She had to have an expedient cesarean, which she didn't want... Her baby boy is in an incubator (I'm not sure that's the term?), and so small and fragile, it's heart breaking. She's fine, and the baby too - his heart beat goes up and down, wut that's normal apparently. The father is a little freaked out - he can't stand the nurses moving, pushing, bending his baby (it is impressive how they do this with such confidence). I was just in awe, and forgot about me the whole time :winkwink:

Anyhoo, off to obgyn, I'll tell you how it went!
Thanks so much for the kind words, Nicole! I've been checking this site every 10 minutes this morning waiting to hear from you girls. :blush: So much sadder than usual this month. I just know AF is coming and I hate that I have to wait.

Please do let us know what your doc says. I think I'm going to wait till I finish this next cycle, and give us 5 months (so I'll have 3 months of temps to show her) and then go to see mine. In the meantime, I think we're going to try to BD every other day instead of every day leading up to OV--following that SMEP plan. Maybe that will help DH is his spermies are out problem.

Thank you both for your continuing support. I don't know what I'd do without you!! :hugs:
Oh, and sorry to hear about your friend, but glad all is ok at the moment. We had friends who gave birth to a baby last fall about 2 months early. She was in the NICU for about 6 weeks but now she's totally healthy. Stressful for the parents, but they sure do know what they're doing in the NICU--it's like the safest place on earth for new babes!!
Welcome back Nicole! I missed you :hugs:

Joanna, I'm so sorry you think the witch is coming. I was hoping SO much for you. Unfortunately I feel the same way. I started to spot late last night. Looks like my lp may have been longer this month too. I was upset and shared a bottle of wine with dh (he only had one glass) :blush: had a good cry and now I'm ok. 7 cycles girls! Ugh:(

Dh and I talked about trying this month and if it doesn't happen, taking a month off. We're just so stressed about it. I'm sure we will decide to just keep on trying once af comes and goes and emotions calm down.

Anyway, you doin ok Joanna? Nicole, how come your going to the obgyn? Routine check up?
Noooo! I soooo hope that AF is not coming for you, Erica.

I can totally relate to the good cry, and I'm glad your DH is so supportive and able to talk with you about it. He sounds like such a keeper!

This is the worst part of the whole process - I find I always feel better once AF is winding down. I start feeling a bit more positive. I can understand how that would get harder after 7 cycles, though. It's getting harder for me each time and this is #4. We have to remember that our chances each month are only 20% or so (less for me since I'm 33 already!), and that it's normal for it to take a full year, as horrifying as that may sound. As for taking a break, there are lots of stories on here of couples just deciding to kind of give up and wing it--not worry about TTC--and then getting pg that very month, so who knows, maybe it works? I'm telling myself that I'm just going to temp one more month, to confirm that I'm regularly ov'ing and then I'm going to stop that -- it's just too stressful. I find that I am barely sleeping in the mornings because I lie away worrying about what my temp will be. It's awful!!

Hang in there girls. lots of :hugs:
Now I think I may stop temping next month - just spent a few minutes futzing around on FF adjusting some temps that were taken on Mountain time (one hour earlier than Pacific time) right around ovulation (just my luck to be traveling then). Totally changes the cover line. Seems like the whole chart is unreliable to me if just a minor tweak can do that. Very frustrating. Sorry for rambling, just venting. Also added the positive OPK that I got a couple days after OV, to mix things up.

Just very frustrated and disillusioned at the moment! I though temping was going to give me more clarity but now I feel like it's given me less!

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