33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi girls! I'm 33, and I've been TTC #1 since January. I'm so frustrated; it's good to see that somebody is in the same boat. I take my ptest tomorrow morning. I'm so nervous.
Welcome pfab! You're exactly the same as I am! I'm also 33 and just started ttc in January. The other ladies on this thread are 31 and a bit younger, ttc for between 4 and 7 months. How many DPO are you? Do you chart?
Hi workingttc!
I'll actually be 34 this year, and I hear the clock ticking loud and clear!

I'm 13dpo, so I'm going to take a test tomorrow morning. Where are you in your cycle right now?

I haven't charted yet, but I've been keeping track on a calendar. I keep track of symptoms, spotting, etc. I have taken ovulation predictor tests, and they seem to coincide with cramping in my ovaries.

I haven't taken my temps yet. How effective or helpful do you think that is? What are you looking for in temp? Increases when you ovulate? I'd like to try charting, but it looks overwhelming??? Any pointers?

It's good to know there is someone in the same situation, and even better to know there is someone in the exact situation...same age, same amount of months trying, etc!

Write me anytime!!
I missed you guys too!

WELCOME PFAB!!!! Yay for a new ttc buddy! :friends:

I'm 31 (the youngest?), not using any protection since july, but ttc for 5 cycles only - ha! seems like an eternity.

Erica, I'm so sad! :cry: - DH seems like an awesome man! I've thought about taking breaks so many times (every time?) and yet, you and Joanna are right, once you're in the middle of AF, the idea of not trying doesn't seem crazy anymore. Been through that...

Here's the deal pfab: I told everyone on here to start charting!!!! I ended up stopping, now Joanna wants to put an end to it, and Erica temps by her bedside. The internet chart is a trap! If you're using OPKs, I'd stick with that. I'm happy I did temp seriously for 2 cycles (I can be sure I am ovulating), but now, that's it! I'm done too! You end up reading into your temps as if they are goign to give you an early BFP.

So, came back from Obgyn. She said DH has to stop smoking (I think that's protocole, she talked about this for 15 minutes straight), and that we should BD every other day. Hmmm, I don't know about that, although that's what we've been doing. Otherwise, cervix is healthy-looking, so she says :blush: - I quote: "Oooook, so there's your little cervix...looks veryyyy nice!" - cute :rofl:
Otherwise, she told me to come back in 6 months if I want to do fertility tests. It takes a year (doing everything right) to get pregnant. Oh, and she wants me to take pre-natal vitamins. Well, duh, I should start now.

Long long text.

Joanna and Erica, I might have a drink with my in-laws tonight :) - Cheers to my best ttc buddies!
Pfab, how long is your cycle usually?
hi! i *think* i am 15DPO today, but tbh i am not at all sure. super frustrating, really, as at this point i just wish AF would get here so i could start the next cycle. (got a BFN yesterday and my temps are low so pretty much certain it's on its way).

i have a complicated relationship with temping...sometimes i think it's a great tool. (it confirms ovulation, which OPKs can't do, since they just predict it, by showing you a clear and sustained temperature rise following ovulation until AF arrives. it also confirms whether you've BD'd on the right days, which can be an issue for couples that don't temp). but it's also a huge hassle and for me a source of a fair bit of stress. it definitely has been a stressor this month. (i won't bore you with the details but earlier pages of this thread have a bunch of them :wacko:)

anyway, it's great to "meet" you, especially since we're in such similar situations. i really hope you get your BFP! sounds like you're definitely still in the running. if you don't and you decide you want to explore temping, Nicole (another poster on this thread) and I can give you lots of tips--but hopefully you won't need them!!

Nicoe, so interesting about your obgyn - I think we're going to definitely try the every other day route this month. Must be so reassuring to be told your cervix and everything looks good!! Have you told DH about the smoking thing? I am terrified that if I go to the doc she'll tell me my DH has to cut back on his drinking...the boy would be destroyed...

And pfab I echo what Nicole said regarding charting!!

Lastly, still no AF for me. I'm super annoyed as I think it means my cycles are getting longer. I liked the short ones! More chances for BFPs!!
Thanks girls! anetha, my cycle is 25 days. I might try the temping thing this next cycle and see how it goes. I'm going in for my annual gyno appt on June 2, so if I don't get a bfp by then, maybe the dr can help. I scheduled an infertility appt for June 16 just in case I haven't conceived by then.

Joanna, I'm sorry you didn't get your bfp this month. :(

anetha, I'm glad you have a "very nice" cervix!!! That's always helpful!!! :)

I'll keep you posted on the test tomorrow.

Joanna, sounds like what happened to me last cycle, remember? Temp was low, but still no AF. Low temps = AF apparently (that's one good thing about temping...). Hang in there :flower:

Pfab, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!
Totally! Yes, at this point I honestly am just like please just get here already!! I don't really want 31 day cycles to be a norm for me! Planning to exercise hard tonight in hopes that it will inspire AF to get off her lazy a#@ and flow already. Because yes, low temps = AF (or at least they certainly don't equal baby!) :hugs:

My Ovulation Chart
Just for laughs... Warning; dry humor

Some Lp signs you can ignore:
Your gums are bleeding. Your gums bleed when you brush them too hard, and/or you haven't been to the dentist in a while. If your gums start bleeding while you're in the middle of a conversation, and you have to be handed a kleenex, maybe it's a sign.
You have an iron taste in your mouth. It's because you just sucked on a penny to see what it tastes like so you know what an iron taste feels like. Or, you just had cheese, wine, and a banana. If you have an iron taste in your mouth and you spit blood, maybe it's a sign, but you should also get your teeth checked out immediately.
You have twinges? It's gas. You're bloated? It's gas! Sorry hun...
You have creamier cm, you just came back from running, or you've been pressing on your cervix too many times in the last five minutes. You wake up and you need a tampon? Hmmm, maybe it's a sign.
Your bbs are tender, even swollen, you could say that they "feel" a little bigger although you don't see a difference in the mirror. It's progesterone. Blue veins? Your skin is fair, and you are using an ultraviolet light - hey! You can't do that! Mayyybe if you can see your veins bulging from under your skin... and your DH starts serenading your bosom, maybe, that's a sign.

Ok, that's it for tonight. I have become a crazy symptom analyzer, and this sure helps in bringing me back down to earth.
:kiss: girls!

V. funny. Update on me is I remain SUPER confused. No sign of AF at all, and now temp is back up again. Nothing dramatic, but over any coverline I've ever had. And not I'm 16 DPO. Even if FF is wrong on my OV date (possible of course) I still think I'm at least 14 DPO. It's baffling. :huh:

Scared to test again and see a BFN, though.

Any updates on you girls? Erica I am soooooooo hoping the spotting has stopped. :hugs: No AF!!!!!!!!!! :ninja:
workingttc!!!! You're still in the running! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

I took a test this am, but got a bfn...

Still no af though. I can't remember if I told you girls, but the last two cycles were both 25 days. AF arrived in the morning on those days. So, assuming I still have a 25 day cycle...AF should be here, but she's not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess I'll wait another day before I test. I think I'll wait until Friday.

One thing is I had to pee twice in an hour. Even with coffee and water, this is unusual.

Good morning girls.

Welcome pfab!

Joanna, how are you doing? AF show up?

The witch got me last night. I knew it was coming.
Nicole I am rooting for you! I am so happy that the obgyn went well.

Have a good day all.
Didn't see your post at first Joanna, still having problems with the internet so I'm using my phone. Not as easy to navigate!

I'm so so so happy no AF so far. Keep us updated!
Huge :hugs: :hugs::hugs:. I hate that the :witch: arrived--it feels almost as bad as if it had happened to me. I was so hopeful for you. I hope you're hanging in there and getting lots of love from Dom and your DH right now! We are here for you if you need anything!!
Thank you. I'm doing ok, up and down. I'm sure once the emotial time passes from AF I'll be feeling better.

I'm glad you have not seen the witch yet Joanna. I am so keeping fingers crossed for you!

Nicole it's getting close for you right? I giggled at your earlier post, made me smile this morning.

pfab, sorry about your BFN, keep us posted on how it goes tomorrow.

It must be someones turn this month!!! Fx'd Ladies!!

Well girls, I think I'm finally officially out. Just started spotting about an hour ago. I don't normally spot at all before AF, and so far it's just brown, but I think she's on her way. Looks like just an unusually long LP. Mainly just relieved at this point. Tomorrow will be my last day of temping until after AF ends. Then, my plan is just to temp long enough to confirm OV. (Hopefully I'll be able to stick with that plan....)

Nicole it's all you!!

I feel like screaming! It's not fair!

Don't count on me!!! I have absolutely no symptoms (tender Bbs, but that's always the case during LP).


Will be back later!
I'm back.

JOanna, I'm still waiting to hear from you!
Erica, I'm sorry, it really sucks, we're here for you, you seem to be ok, but don't forget, we all feel for you :hug:
Nicole, no "symptoms" is a good thing! As we know, "symptoms" at 8DPO are just PMS "symptoms" - so I'm taking this as a good sign for you! (But will keep my hopes to myself ;))

This spotting thing is the pits. Bring on the full flow so I can FINALLY start cycle 5 here!! I've really begun to loathe FF. It's actually telling me that the spotting is a positive sign, which I just do not think it is. I do not need to be toyed with at the moment!! :gun:

Good news is that when AF ever does fully start, I'll be in the clear to do lots of boozing with DH's bro and family in NY this weekend (of course SIL is preggers but I'll try to ignore that).
So, is spotting a bad thing for sure? Can you girls help me with the temping thing. What am I looking for when I ovulate? A dip or spike? How significant? Also, do I only take morning temp?

AF isn't here yet, but I do have a very, very light brown color when I wipe. :(

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