33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

...and thanks for letting me be a part of your thread ladies!!!
I defo don't think it's a bad thing for sure...TBH I have no idea. I think it *often* leads to AF but if it doesn't it's fine and you can still be PG. Sounds like we've got the same thing going on at the moment - I have brown spotting that's barely there when I wipe and hasn't increased at all since it started about 4 hours ago. I'm just bummed because I feel like it probably means AF is on her way. Totally may not mean that for you! And I should be more patient! (This is my longest cycle ever.)

And so happy to have you join our thread! To introduce ourselves (feel free to go by pfab as long as you like, just giving you our names so you can follow what we say), we are Joanna, Nicole and Erica. All been TTC about the same amount of time, between 4-7 months. Erica has a 4 year old son, but Nicole and I are TTC #1. So welcome!

On the temping thing, look at fertilityfriend.com. They have tons of info and instructions for how to chart and you can keep a chart on there for free if you want (or you can just do it by hand). You want to take your temp at the same time every morning and do it before you get out of bed or move or anything - just keep the thermometer on your night table. Most girls set an alarm to do it. You're looking for relatively lower temps before OV followed by a spike the day after OV of .2-.6 degrees F. If the temps stay up for 3 days after OV, you can be pretty certain you've OV'd (which in turn can help you make sure you have BD'd on the right days). Supposedly if your temps stay up for 18 days without a period after OV, you're likely pregnant, as your temps remain elevated throughout pregnancy. That's a pretty simplified version but should be enough to get you started if you want to try it. I really found it helpful for the first cycle to get to know my body. We are happy to answer any questions!!
Hi Joanna, Nicole, and Erica! My name is Shelby. :)

Unfortunately, AF just arrived. I thought for sure she wasn't coming today. :( The worst part is that it seems like every month I find different symptoms that definitely seem different than the month before. I think, "oh wow, I haven't felt this before." I psych myself up only to be disappointed. :(

Looking at the glass half full...I guess it's good that AF came on the 25th day of my cycle again. That's 3 months in a row. So, I feel good about counting on it.

I'm going to try the temp thing this month.

Joanna, I'm still hopeful for you! Are your cycles usually different lengths or is this the longest it's ever been?
So sorry to hear AF's arrived Shelby (but nice to meet you and I love your name - it's the same as my niece's!). I agree that there is some comfort in knowing that your cycles are regular - my friends who've gotten PG relatively quickly have all said having regular cycles is key.

I do think I'm done for as well. But will wait for full flow to call it. As for my normal cycle length, I went off the pill last June and we used condoms until December. Started TTC'ing in January. Since June, my longest cycle was 29 days, and today is day 31 for me. The previous 3 months, it was 25 days exactly each month. :shrug: I ovulated late this month,so I think that's part of what's causing the long cycle. I'm just frustrated at this point because the longer I go without full flow, the more I worry that I'm not ovulating properly or something like that. Anyhoo, I'm going to try to stop worrying for now and assume AF will be here in full effect in the morning. If she's not, I'll take an HPT.

:hugs: to all of you.
Good luck for the morning! Are there any factors that cause ovulation to be delayed or is it just random?

My cousin's wife just found out she was 3 months pregnant...she had spotting instead of af. However, she took a test and got a bfn. She took a test 3 months later and got a bfp. She wasn't sure how far along she was until she went to the dr. That's when she found out she's 3 mos along.

Don't know if that story helps, but it's interesting!

Do you girls ever notice how many pregnant people are around now that you're trying? I feel like they're everywhere!
Good morning girls. AF arrived for me late last night. Such an ANNOYING and confusing cycle. Spotting stopped altogether and then AF arrived full force a few hours later, just before bed. And to make matters even more confusing, my temp is up again this morning. I just want to have a chart that looks like the examples for once!!

Sorry for the rant. Just frustrated. Hopefully this cycle will be more normal. TBH AF's arrival was a huge relief because I was so confused. If this cycle doesn't work though, definitely heading to doctor armed with my charts!

Nicole, what day are you testing? Are you waiting until after AF doesn't show?
Good morning Ladies!

I am snowed in....yes...that's right, SNOWED IN!!! I am home from work because the highway isn't safe enough for me to travel. We got another 8 inches of snow. I'm SO done with this weather. Isn't it supposed to be spring?!?!?!

Joanna, I'm sorry you are out of the running. I agree, spotting sucks because you know it's coming, but you can't help but old out the teensiest hope until you get the full blown wicked witch. Maybe FF is right? Maybe it's not a bad thing? Let us know when you know for certain.

Nicole, no pressure :) We just want a BFP for you!! I'm keeping hope for you. You're over half way through the TWW and I can't wait :hugs:

Pfab, spotting isn't always bad, lots of women spot and still get BFP's. I know for myself though I always spot before AF shows up so it's usually a sign that it's coming. It's definitely not a for sure sign that AF is on the way though. If you're looking for help with temping check out fertilityfriend.com. If you put in your temperature it will plot it on a graph for you and help you makes sense of it all. There are really good tutorials and access to lots of other women's charts to learn from.

yay for boozing it up this weekend!!! My son is turning 4 on Saturday and as excited he is and fun it will be for him, it is a painful reminder tha DH and I always talked about having another by now or at least having one one the way. I may have to have some :wine: as well. My in-waws are in town for it and as close as we are, they have no idea we've been trying and I'm sure the birthday party will inspire comments from the peanut gallery about when another baby will be coming along. I will have to do my best to keep my composure and :ignore:

:hugs: and :kiss: to you guys, gonna try and navigate my way down the block to the store to get some party supplies for saturday.
Joanna I'm sorry, I didn't see your last post that AF arrived for sure. :hugs: I don't know how I managed to miss that post. Do something nice for yourself you SO deserve it after such a confusing cycle.
Ack! Snowed in in April! That is CRAZY. Hope you can make it out for the party supplies. And tune out any chatter from the in-laws about baby making! I'm hoping to do the same with mine in NY this weekend. Hopefully they'll be distracted by my pregnant SIL.

And yes, Nicole, no pressure at all. I'm just so happy one of us is still in the running. But know you've got tons of support if AF does show. Lots of :hugs:
Ok so I missed an entire page on our thread lol. Sorry guys I just now realized this. I think the snow is affecting my brain...
HI girls!

Sooo, it's a new cycle for everyone except me! I think my cycle will be longer than usual too (late ovulation), because I don't see any signs of AF (for a 28 day cycle, it should start tomorrow, full flow). I'm counting on AF to be here on Tuesday! But, who knows, it could be shorter or even longer than that (ie Joanna).

I had a glass of wine two nights ago, but woke up feeling really nauseous (this happens with wine), so not drinking anymore.
I haven't started pilates!!!!!!! :saywhat: but my cycle isn't over yet! haha!

Have fun drinking girls! :happydance:
Pfab, we had decided some time ago to look on the bright side: AF=new cycle=new resolutions=drinking wine, extreme sports (naw...), yoga, new activities, cooking for our DHs to make them feel loved...

No worries, I don't feel any pressure, you can ask me anytime.

I'll be back from Las Vegas Tuesday afternoon. Still here tomorrow, but after that, I may not be here too often, but thinking of you, of course!
And when I get my BFP/BFN, you will be ovulating in a week's time maybe even sooner! And I'll be excited for you!
Nicole, I laughed so hard when I read your "new resolutions= drinking wine"
That is resolution I can definitely stick to. You made my night with that one.

Girls, it's been an emotional few days but I can honestly say that having you to "talk" to makes it SO much better. Joanna and Nicole, your support from the beginning of our friendship has been so special to me, and Shelby I'm looking forward to getting to know you better :)

Love you guys! Sleep well
Good morning, girls! :hugs:

I agree, Erica - it has been an emotional few days for me too - I feel like it's been a roller coaster and not a good one! Feeling really good about the decision to stop temping from now until probably CD7 or 8 and then stopping again once I've confirmed OV. Even talked to DH about it (he's become so much more involved - it really helps), and he agreed that the temping post-OV just "gets in my head." So here's to a more relaxed cycle 5!! More yoga for me too!!

Nicole, have a great time in Vegas. Are you bringing any tests with you? If not, it will be so exciting when you come back, since that's the day AF would be due, no? (Btw I think my LP was only longer than usual because I took a high dose of vitamin B6 which is supposed to lengthen it. Not sure why I did that, and not doing it this time. But if anyone needs to lengthen their LP I'm proof it works!). I am soooo fx'd for your BFP. :happydance:

I hope everyone has a good weekend! And Erica - hopefully no more snow!! That is insane! (i'll spare you the weather forecast for southern california ;))
Joanna and Erica,
I felt like a roller coaster on Sunday and Monday. My poor dh! Even though I hadn't started AF at that point, I sort of prepped myself early for AF. Those are the worst days. Once I get past that hump, I'm ready for the new cycle! I'm glad you girls have the same outlook "new resolutions=drinking wine." I agree Nicole!!!

Nicole, I hope you get your BFP!!!!!!!!!! Have fun in Vegas!!! We went there for our honeymoon because we couldn't go on a long one; it was AWESOME!!!!

Girls, just to give you some more info on me, I live in the DC area where it is a blustery 70ish degrees!!!! ha ha...Erica, I'm sure sunshine and warmth are headed your way!!!

One of you said that we should remember to cook for our husbands and make them feel special. I sooooooooooooooooo need to do that. I lose sight of our relationship in all of this TTC, so I really need to bring it back to us and what we have...not what we don't have! Good advice!

I'm also trying fertility friend or countdown to pregnancy...is one easier/better than the other?

Also, I'm still spotting, so should I count these days as my period or wait until it's on full force? I hate when I spot because I never know if I should factor those days in or not.

I'm going to try reflexology next week. Have any of you tried that??? I've never had it done, but I've heard great things about it!

I can't say enough how thankful I am to have this forum and to chat with you all!

Hi! Yay to drinking!

Thanks Shelby, I will have fun (I'm going with my in-laws tho...).
To answer your last question, fertilityfriend is what I've always used, and you can add the link to this thread so we can all spy on your chart (hum, hum...). I don't know about countdown to pregnancy, I just know that the first one is more popular.
Your first day is day of FULL flow, not spotting. If you've been counting the spotting in each cycle, that may have been why you think you have a 25 day cycle?
Have fun charting! And looking at other charts, I remember those days... :winkwink:

Reflexology sounds great! I've done acupuncture, and it helped me relax a lot (fell asleep!).

I'm Nicole by the way!
I'm in southern California where temps are supposed to hit 90 this weekend - it's crazy. Desperate to escape from work this afternoon and enjoy the sunshine...or perhaps some cocktails in the sunshine...hmm....

Shelby, I've tried both fertility friend (referred to as FF on here) and countdown and I think FF is better. They have lots of helpful info and FAQ sections that I use all the time in addition to the charting feature. FF also has a pretty easy to use mobile site, which is helpful for entering temps before you forget them :)

I'm finally feeling better now - I agree with Shelby that those last days right before AF arrives when you know it's coming are the worst. At day 3, I'm feeling fairly calm. My temp finally went down (relief) so now I can just chill until I have to start peeing on OPKs, which is at least a ways off!

:hugs: to you all!
Good Morning girls,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Joanna and Nicole enjoying the sun I hope. Shelby I hope you are too even though it's not quite as nice as the weather in Vegas or California. I don't know what 70 degrees translates to celsius, I think 32 degrees farenheight is equal to 0 celsius, well were sitting at -12 celsius right now. and honestly I haven't seen a "spring" this cold and snowy in so so long and I have lived here my whole life. It's depressing!!!

Anyway, I splurged this weekend, lots of food, lots of drink, Dominic had his party and I was a bit emotional at the end of the evening.Time goes too fast. I had my splurge and now I'm starting to feel myself again.

Joanna and Shelby, I really hope you guys are feeling better too, not so emotional anymore. Maybe Nicole will come back with good news :)

Take Care ladies

I just saw Nicole's ticker - 13DPO! I'm dying to hear if she has news!!

As for me, not much to report. CD 6, AF is ending...Planning to wait to temp again until CD9 or 10 and then just to confirm OV. Not much time to think about TTC this weekend, as we were visiting DH's sick grandmother, which was very sad. She's still hanging in there but I don't know how long she has. Definitely put my stressing about TTC in perspective.

Erica, glad Dom's party went well. I hope you were able to dodge any inquiries about TTC. I got super annoyed with my parents this weekend because I found out from my sister that they've been speculating that I'm pg (without telling me of course) because I didn't drink one night when I was having dinner with them. So frustrating.

Have a good day girls!
Hi Girls, no sign of AF, but NO signs of pregnancy either (SMALL achey Bbs, that's it!).
Temp is 98.6 - but then again, like Joanna, I had high temps one cycle, even AFTER period was half way along the road.

I'll be testing on 15 dpo - Wednesday (I'm giving my egg 14 days). Late ovulation really suuuuucks! Last night I dreamed of a BFP (then I was doing the dishes later and thinking of how I should announce it to DH) - I woke up thinking how stupid that was, it was painful! That's why I can't test yet, I'm too scared. I prefer seeing spotting than a BFN. Is that crazy or what?

Las Vegas is fun, although my in laws are getting on my nerves, seriously overwhelming :wacko: - but I'm keeping it together. The only thing is: I'm drinking as little as possible!!! It would be so much easier if I knew, for sure! Then I would be happy-BFP or happy-drinking!

I'm sorry about your DH's grandmother Joanna :nope: - and the family speculating about you, how annoying! But you might be in a few weeks, so they might be right soooon! :happydance:

Erica, if it makes you feel better, it's cloudy, windy and cool here!!!!!!!

Thinking of you three, :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:
I am sooooo hopeful for you Nicole. We really deserve a BFP on this thread! I know exactly how you feel on the testing. Stay strong! I have such a good feeling for you! :hugs:

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