33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

How are you feeling??? Are you super sleepy, sore, or emotional? So, your due date is around the New Year? What a new year it will be!!!!

Thanks for the preseed info. Can I get that at cvs or rite aid? My neighbor said she thinks I'd have to order it online.

Joanna and Erica, it's boom boom time! Let's have another BFP this next round!!!

Shelby, I know in Canada we have to order it online but I US it's available in most drug stores. I checked their website https://www.preseed.com/where-to-buy.html and it lists what stores have it :)

I was thinking when I go to Vegas I will pick some up but that's 2 months away, I hope I'm already preggers by then.

Thank you so much Erica, Joanna, Shelby, you guys are the best!
I asked for an "urgent" appointment to get a blood test done. My Obgyn almost laughed when I told her that I had just found out I was pregnant - apparently you usually wait 6 to 8 weeks before going to the obgyn, and you don't need a blood test. There's probably a great number of miscarriages in the first month or two, and they don't want to deal with that...

I'm really excited for you three! everything is possible right now! It's so exciting! And, to answer Joanna again, I couldn't leave this thread, I'm addicted to you gals!:hugs:

Last night, dinner with the in-laws: I kicked DH when he ordered the "charcuterie" plate. No, wait, I ordered it! I had nothing to drink... and my father in law said it wasn't polite not to drink a free glass of wine (the server brought it at the end of the meal) - :dohh: - so I had a sip, said my stomach hurt and exchanged glasses with DH. This is only the beginning! I have my book club soon! I'll have to come up with a good excuse not to drink wien with the girls.

Shelby, I have a few emotional outbursts (I burst into tears because I broke two of my basil plants I had been growing from seed...), sore Bbs (still small!!!), and cramps. This morning, a little nausea and fairly sleepy.
Really, not much come to think of it.

DH is worried, and not as excited as I would have wanted him to be. Erica, was it you who said something about DH not being into baby before he was born?

BTW, Joanna, how is DH's grandmother?
Nicole you need to change your status!!!

That's good to know on the first obgyn appointment - everyone on here makes it sound like you have to go right away, but I'm pretty sure my doc would laugh at me if I tried for that too! She is super busy and very unexciteable generally.

I have heard from TONS of my male friends (and their wives ;)) about guys not being into the whole fatherhood thing until the baby arrives, sometimes even until the baby is a year or two old (babies apparently aren't as interesting to some men until they are more like little people). I've also been told that most men freak out and that this is totally normal - so don't worry!!

DH's grandmother is hanging in there, somewhat amazingly. She's quite old, so they've had multiple times where they thought she wasn't going to make it, but she's apparently a fighter! So we'll see...She seems to be recovering from this latest infection (which they thought might be her last). Hope so!

What test did you use, btw?
Nicole dh was happy when I found out I was pregnant but it didn't hit him like it did me. I was over the moon, every flutter and feeling reminded me of the fact I had a little bean inside of me even if it was only gas! He came around a little more when he could feel and see the baby move, and again when we bought a few things and got the Dom's room ready, but not until he actually held him did he really seem like it hit him. Until he held him he hadn't realized that there was really a baby in my enormous baby all that time.

Also, what Joanna said was true for my dh too, he was very involved where he could be and made every effort to help when the baby was born, but honestly the first 6 months and even longer the baby is so totally dependant on mommmy, at least for me because I was nursing. I fed him, was up through the night with him (because dh worked early mornings) and he spent majority of his time with me. The last few years since Dominic has become more and more of a little boy and less and less of a baby, dh has become WAY more involved and often tells me that this he wishes babies could come out 3 yrs old because he has a much bigger role in Dom's life now that he's older.

DH will definitely come around, not to worry, it's just so different for them. If you are lacking an excited audience you can always come here because we are absolutely ECSTATIC for you!!
Erica, that last sentence made me laugh out loud! That's exactly it! I want an excited audience, the balloons, the party, the "congratulations" banner, ALL of it!
Instead, nothing has changed. I'm feeling flutters, some minor pain shooting across the abdomen, and soooo tired right now!

I tested with wondful and the preseed tests. The obgyn tested at the hospital to confirm.
I really felt stupid...

Anyways, good to know about DHs. But I'm feeling lonely, you guys are way too far away!!!! Not sure I should tell me mom...

Joanna, keep us updated on how DH and you are holding up.
Thanks Erica, I will have to check the local drug stores to see if I can find preseed!

Erica, you're going to Vegas too? All this Vegas talk makes me want to go!!!! My dh and I had our honeymoon there. We stayed at the Venetian, and it was AMAZING!!!

Hopefully, you'll be preggers by then! I'm really feeling hopeful this round with Nicole's success and charting...it's bound to happen for us girls!!!

Hey girls,
So I have an appt for reflexology today through our local hospital's wellness center. I had heard that reflexology and accupuncture are both helpful in ttc. I was just looking for more information on it this morning when I found this article. In case you're interested, here's the link. I figure even if it doesn't work, at least I'll have a nice foot massage!!! :)
Have a great day!!!!
Shelby I have a good friend that doing her reflexology training. She did it on my a few weeks ago because she has to do so many training hours to get her certificate and I enjoyed it. It was really relaxing. I think you'll like it:)
Good morning, girls!

Shelby, please do let us know on the reflexology. I've heard really good things about it as well.

Nicole, what is your expected due date? Is it right around Christmas? How are you feeling today? I think you should tell your mom; I plan to tell my immediate family when we get our BFP, just because I feel like I'll want their support and it would be so hard to keep it a secret!

I'm hoping I OV earlier this cycle...I was drinking grapefruit juice to improve my CM last cycle (which it seemed to do), but I've heard it can delay OV, which I think it did for me...FX'd it will be in a few days!! DH is whining about the every other day schedule for BD'ing, but I think it's going to be much better for us. Also, I have a great book rec if anyone is looking for even more info on TTC, you may have heard of it, it has been recommended to me by several friends: "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Wechsler. Ordered it on-line and started reading it yesterday. So far it's been both helpful and reassuring!

Hi everyone!
I was just wondering if I should go back to acupuncture. Anyways, let us know how reflexology works on you Shelby, we're all interested!

Joanna, I'm starting to feel a teensy bit nauseous in the morning - as long as I eat some bread while lying down, I'm fine. Though last night I woke up at 1am in a sweat, and swore I wouldn't be able to go through this pregnancy - my heart was racing, my stomach churning, and my teeth were chattering. I forced myself to eat some raisin bread and fell asleep minutes later. I know, crazy right? I'm really going to make the best of the not-nauseous moments, I can see them looming!!!
I will tell my mom today, I think I need to talk :wacko: - the doctors may not give a :ban: but I need comfort!
I'm supposed to be feeling excited, but I'm worried, and that's not good for my beanie!

Erica, when are you leaving for Vegas?
Joanna, hoping you Ov early so that DH can have some of it more often!!!!!!!

Nicole, so sorry you are feeling worried and stressed. :hugs: I hope talking to your mom will help. And even though we're in cyberspace, we're always "here" for you too - feel free to worry/complain/whine/moan/rant about any concerns to us! We may not know the answers but we're happy to listen!

I am sooooo antsy for OV day. It's driving me crazy! I swear I spend way too much time analyzing my CM. Which might be like the most inexact science ever. Though that book I was mentioning has some color photos of what the various types look like, which was helpful (once I managed to subdue my gag reflex! Eww!)

What is everyone up to this weekend? (Besides BD'ing!)
Hi girls!
Nicole, echoing Joanna here, I am also sorry that you are feeling some anxiety. I was just thinking that I won't be able to enjoy being pregnant at first because I'll be in a constant state of "Am I really pregnant?" Is this how you feel? What are your worries??? Talk to us...we're here for you!!!

Well, I had my reflexology appt yesterday, and it was AMAZING! It was fascinating. First of all, it was quite reasonable. Spas jack up their prices sometimes where you're paying well over $100 for a massage. This place was a wellness center, and it was basically $1/min. I had a 45 minute session. So, if you can find a place that reasonable, I'd say give it a try!!!

So, the fascinating part was this...there are so many pressure points and out of all of them, everytime I asked her why a certain spot hurt, she would tell me the body part to which it corresponds. So, out of all my body parts, the pressure points that were sore or caused a little pain were my thyroid, ovary, fallopian tube, and spine. This is interesting because I'm on the border of having hypothyroidism. Border meaning I'm just right below the level that would require meds. So, that's interesting. Also, I have a herniated disc...so that would explain the spine pressure point. She said the ovary and fallopian tube pressure points could be sore if I'm going to ovulate soon...which I am. I am hoping that's all there is to those areas. I have had ovarian cysts, and the longer I'm off the pill, the more likely I am to get them. So, I'm hoping that's not the case.

Anyway, if she had said "oh this is your gall bladder, or this corresponds to your eyes" I would say it's not a big deal because I don't have problems with those areas. But, since I felt pain in areas where I have had or have issues...it's super cool.

If I don't get pregnant this month, I may try accupuncture next!!! :)

I have family visiting for Easter. They just arrived today. I'm going to try to not let this affect our BDing!!!

What are you all doing???

Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been back in the thread in awhile - I really haven't been on the computer much at all lately. 24hr "morning" sickness hit shortly after we got back from Costa Rica, and is only now starting to let up a bit! I find I can't think toooo much about being pregnant right now - if I start getting excited, I start to feel more nauseous! :sick: So not much interesting going on with me. I did get an early scan done around 7 weeks and got to see the little heartbeat flicking away, though!

Anywho, really just wanted to say congrats on your :bfp: anetha!
Heyyyy! Welcome back Thistledown! GREAT to have you back! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm going in for a scan when I'm 7 weeks too! Although they say to come in between 8 and 12 weeks, they scheduled me early.

Shelby, and Joanna, anxiety is all better since I talked to my mom! She was so happy for me, it was exactly what I needed. Dh is just starting to get involved (to be fair, it's only been four days since the BFP...) - and that helps too :flower:
True, Shelby, I really feel like I'm only 4 days pregnant! I worked out today I was feeling so good. Apparently doing abs is even recommended the first trimester (and from then on, but not on your back). My mom asked me not to go to cardio class though. I think I'll go but take it easy!

Reflexology sounds so interesting! I might see if there's a class in SF. I bet I have a problem with my liver! Don't stop giving us details!

Is Erica in Las Vegas btw?

What's your name thistledown???
Good morning girls.

Nicole I like your ticker! I'm so glad you feel good about telling your mom. She's probably over the moon. Women get more excited over this stuff I think. You must be so excited about your scan. Seeing that heart beat makes it so real.
I don't leave for vegas till june 11 unfortunately. I'm hoping I'll be pregnant by then. If not, it'll still be a blast.

Shelby, I'm glad your reflexology went well. I've been having problems with my lower back. The massage therapist has been helping but I wonder if reflexology would help.

Joanna I feel the same way about ovulation. I want it to be here. This cycle actually has hit me harder than the last few. Dh's sisters were here yesterday talking about having babies and how its better to have them close together (neither have kids). It made me so mad, like it's so easy to just have a baby whenever you want. They have no idea how hard I've been trying to do that!!!

We are having brunch with dh's family tomorrow and easter dinner tomorrow night with mine. I won't need to eat for a week!

Welcome back thistledown!!
Welcome back Thistledown!!

Nicole, so glad your mom was helpful and reassuring - moms are the best sometimes!

Shelby, that's great news on the reflexology - so amazing how much they can tell about our bodies. I will have to try it some time soon.

Erica, sorry about your sisters in law. I feel like going through this experience is going to make me such a more sensitive person on pg issues in the long run. People say the most insensitive things. I know they don't (usually) mean anything by it, but still!

Easter brunch for me tomorrow but that's about it. Lunch today with a non-ttc, non-married, no kids friend which should be nice a low pressure!

Have a great day everyone! :kiss::hugs:
Hi!! :flower:

I'm thinking I'll OV either today or tomorrow...Got a +OPK last night. Fx'd as I am soooo anxious to be in the tww (though I know I will hate it once I get there!). Anyone else? Erica, I think you're a day ahead of me this cycle, so you must be close!

How are you, Nicole? Are you guys telling anyone other than your mom?

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