33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi girls!
:rofl::rofl::rofl: so you do see what I see!!! I'm glad that's not my scan, how mortifying that would be :haha:
Everyone seems happy and relaxed, I love it!!!

Shelby, I was an English teacher in high school in France, but when I came here 3 years ago I had to switch to subbing in French primary schools!!! This situation is usually what's on my mind when I'm in a bad mood lately. But enough of that, I have my twelve fold plan - yeah, it's getting bigger... it includes all the different paths I could take as a teacher (France, SF, another country, american diploma, ...). I haven't even given thought to changing fields completely.
HOw long have you been teaching?

Erica, one thing at a time! And, yes, you can rant here, even if we call it the positive group (ha! I had forgotten about that!).

I can't wait to see my french ticker change :haha:
Otherwise, no symptoms, and I'm growing impatient!
I went to my zumba class, but - sorry, tmi - I was so gassy (?) it was painful - I had this pressure on my lower right side that hurt. It scared me. Although, I assure you, I was really careful.
I think the twisting and turning is not good, not the jumping up and down.

Oh well, they say pilates is good :)
Nicole you inspired me! Today when I was at work (bored to death) I decided to map out my path to finishing my degree.

I am so envious of your motivation! When I was pregnant I used it as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted and didn't exactly exercise much :blush: I did walk A LOT at the end and I think that actually encouraged labour. Anyway, I think it's really awesome you're staying fit. I have heard any exercise that you do before pregnancy is usually safe during pregnancy as long as your body is used to it, and actually helps you through the labor because you're stronger and have more stamina.:thumbup:

Joanna, I am ashamed to say my latest book is historical fiction with a typical love story blah blah blah. I can't help myself, when I have time to read for fun (not school) I love curling up with a book that doesn't really involve a lot of though or analysis. I think it's called "At the Kings Command." The book you're reading sounds good I just finished my course on world history and the wars are by far the most interesting part. Maybe I'll check that one out.

Shelby I agree with Joanna, chart looks great. I understand your fears though, I read on here sometimes about the troubles other women have had and my mind always races thinking that I could have any one of those same problems.

I feel positive girls, so far we've got a good track record, we've had a BFP every cycle so far.:happydance:
Hi girls!

You're right, Erica - we have had one BFP per cycle! Good stats!! And I love a good historical fiction/love story--just finished one called The Invisible Bridge that I loved - such a great escape!!

Nicole, I want more details on the plan!!

Pretty mellow weekend for us, but it's supposed to be quite warm, which will be great! Erica, hopefully it's no longer snowy there??

Erica and Joanna, yep, it looks like we're in our TWW!!! I'm so excited. Although, the symptom spotting paranoia has set in already. My bbs hurt. I hate symptom spotting, but no matter how hard I try, I always convince myself that whatever it is could be a sign. Do you girls do the same?

Joanna, thank you for checking my chart! It's good to know I'm on the right track!!! I thought for sure I ovulated yesterday, so I can't believe I'm already on Day 3. Woo hoo! How exciting that we're all within a few days of each other!

Erica, I know how you feel about exercise. It's so hard to get motivated sometimes! Yoga is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo relaxing! That's a good idea! I should do that too. It seems like the tornados are all out of the area, so I can get back to walking...and maybe build up to running. I have an idea...let's make this thread about weight loss and exercise...then we won't obsess over ttc!!! Then when our TWW is up, we can get back to ttc chat. Just kidding...I wouldn't be able to hold off that long.

Nicole, I am just about to finish my 11th year of teaching. Are California public schools hiring? How are the school systems in CA? I know a little French...je suis a na na na. Translation= I am a pineapple???? That is all I know! haha

Well, I hope all is good with you ladies! I'm looking forward to some quality time with my DH. My step-kids are with their Mom this weekend, so that gives us time to do some cleaning, chores, and boom boom pow. :)

Erica, have fun at your dinner with DH's work buddy and get some yoga in there somehow!!! :)

That's so good to hear that we've had a pregnancy every cycle!!! Very good track record!!! Erica, thanks for checking my chart! It's good to have confirmation that I ovulated! :)
Happy weekend ladies!

Hope you are all doing great and having a fantastic weekend:)

I don't know if this is worth noting but I had a teensy bit of spotting today. Weirdest thing. Hope that doesn't mean I don't have a strong uterine lining? Any way, Joanna and Shelby hope you enjoying your tww and Nicole hope your beanie is well and you're feeling well.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :hugs:
Hi girls. Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying a nice weekend. Erica, my guess on the spotting is that it is related to OV -- either it's left over from when you OV'd or you actually OV'd a day or two later than your positive OPK indicated. Are you temping this cycle? I definitely wouldn't worry about it indicating anything about your lining. You also might want to check your cervical position. I was just reading in that book I got that one of the causes of spotting in the luteal phase can be if your cervix is low, and you BD, sometimes it can get "hit" and cause spotting...So if you've BD'd recently, that could be it too. If it's OV related, that's a great fertility sign!!

Just finished a great yoga class today. Have found a place I love (I like active places without the chanting and such) and it's been awesome.

Have a great day/afternoon ladies! :hugs:
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Erica...I agree with Joanna. Since it's so close to ov, it's probably that!

Has this ever happened to any of you? I logged my temp this morning, and all of a sudden, fertility friend changed my ovulation date on me. So, now I'm day 4 instead of day 6. We still dtd on the ov day, so at least that's covered. But, what could this mean? Is it good, bad, or neither?

Symptom spotting... Today, I wept a little reading Mother's Day cards. Could I be weepy/emotional??? This is extremely disgusting, so I apologize ahead of time, but I burped and threw up in my mouth. Is that a little like morning sickness or was it just my lunch getting revenge??? Sorry for the gross image.

So, Erica, I think we're on the same DPO now????

Symptom spotting... Today, I wept a little reading Mother's Day cards. Could I be weepy/emotional??? This is extremely disgusting, so I apologize ahead of time, but I burped and threw up in my mouth. Is that a little like morning sickness or was it just my lunch getting revenge??? Sorry for the gross image.


Shelby that was a good way to start my day, I had a pretty goog chuckle at your last post:)

Good Monday Morning everyone!

Nicole, your ticker has changed!!! Hope you are feeling well.
Joanna and Shelby how are you guys doing in your TWW.

Everyone have good weekends?
Hi girls!

Shelby, looks like FF moved your crosshairs back to where they were? It does that, I've seen lots of posts on here about it. I definitely wouldn't worry about it, esp if you're covered on the BD'ing for both days :)

Not happy to be back at work this morning--it's going to be another beautiful day here and I'm stuck in my office...Ah well. TWW is moving slowly, as usual. And since my LP seems to be between 13 and 15 days, it looks like I've got a lot longer to wait! Debating whether to test early this month or not. Last month, I held out and got all excited when AF didn't come, but it turned out my LP was just longer than usual. So it just got my hopes up unnecessarily. If I'd tested earlier, I might not have gotten my hopes so high. But then I hate seeing the BFNs. Such a tough call!
I'm with you Joanna, I've been thinking I might test on the 14th if I don't get AF, that would make me a few days late so if I was perggers it would definitely show up. Although I also find that waiting and wondering can be equally as painstaking as testing and getting that BFN.

It's beautiful here today too. On Friday someone commented on hoping the snow was gone for me, well we had a bad storm and it was snowing like crazy, I was gonna put up pictures because I didn't think you guys would actually believe me! It melted over the weekend and we are actually expecting 19 degrees today!! Woot Woot!!

It's a slow and boring day over here, I have a feeling I'm gonna be all over the boards today.
Me too! I hope I get a BFP soon because this whole TWW thing is ruining my productivity - every month around this time I spend way too much time on these boards!

Anyway, I'm going to keep debating the when to test issue. I'll keep you posted on what I end up deciding to do.

Erica, that is crazy about the snow!! Is that normal for where you are at the end of April?? Glad to hear it's warmed up today, though!
It's not unsual to get a freak snow storm in april or may, but I have lived here my whole life and I don't ever remember a spring like this one. We have had non-stop snow and cold. I hope it's behind us now, it's making people whacky.

If I test on the 11th I'll be 14dpo, but I have an urge to test on May 8th which will only put me at 11dpo, but it's mother's day and that would be such a nice gift.

My sister and I are getting matching tattoos this weekend to commemorate our relationship and all the difficulties we've over come. It just dawned on me that I could be pregnant at that point.....I wonder if I should wait?
Hi girls!!!
Good morning!

Joanna and Erica, I would go for the late test, but that's just me, I couldn't stand NOT seeing a line. I'm a pessimistic!

Now, I could share my plan, but it truly is boring. My options are going back to school to get an american diploma to teach or to write an exam to teach elementary school in french schools. Or, goign back to France and back to my job as an english teacher in high school. Since I'm pregnant, I've had to adjust these plans around my due date. I'm glad I inspired you Erica!!! I hope it helps you!
Now, as for exercising, I'm afraid I'm not doign as much as I'd like. Many times my abdomen is tight, and I can't really workout without some pinching/cramping.

Shelby, tu parles français!!! :happydance:
"I am a pineapple", that's better than most americans! :thumbup::happydance:

Erica, spotting?!???

Ok, I'm going to have to join a thread on the pregnancy forum, I have too many questions about midwives, obgyns, the american health system...
I'll be back to check up on you girlies though!
Erica, on which part of your body would you be getting the tatoo?
It's a little tree behind my ankle bone going down to my heal. Not very big. I worry about infection but I never had any problems with my other 2 tattoos so I think it should be ok?
No more snow! No more snow!! No more snow!!! Erica, let me know if that works! ;)

Girls, I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I can't respond to your posts just yet, but I wanted to say HI!!!! Yes, Joanna, my chart is back on Day 12 as my ov day. It's driving me crazy. They're basing it on my cm, I think. I have egg whites again. What do you girls think of that? Does that mean I have more than one fertile window or is it just a fluke??? I just want a normal chart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and I want a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Erica...you're tatoo sounds nice! Post a pic!

I'll get back on later!
I'm not sure, but I don't see why it would be dangerous for the baby (the ink, an infection?), I mean as long as you go to a place where they use sterile equipment - LOL.
From what i've found on the internet, even piercing your ears can cause an infection. I mean, come on!
Can you wait? If you don't get a BFP, maybe that could be something exciting to do then? And if you get your BFP, you might want to wait because the possibility of contracting an infection might scare you all of a sudden. you don't want to be worried as soon as you get a BFP.

Wow! I haven't helped at all, have I?
Tell us what you decide to do!
I agree with Nicole. I do think that the risk of an infection from a tatoo at a reputable place is about the same as getting an infection from a hundred other things we expose ourselves to daily. But, if you can wait until after you know for sure either way on the BFP, it might make the decision clearer...

Shelby your post made me laugh :) As far as the EWCM, I have definitely heard of people having it after OV and still having ovulated. The key is whether your temps confirm OV, which I think yours do. The EWCM after OV could just be a secondary estrogen surge during the LP, which happens. (Of course I'm not 100% on any of this, and I think Nicole knows the most about all of it, so I will defer to her if she has other ideas!)


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