33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

My recent rule of thumb has been, do whatever you would normally do until you find out you're pregnant. So go for it!!!!

Joanna, how was yoga??? So relaxing? Thanks for the cm tidbits. It's a mystery. If I'm not preggers this month, I'm looking forward to comparing my charts next time.

I'm going to wait to test until Sunday. I think! By then I'll be 13 dpo...unless ff changes my ov day again!!!

Nicole, is your dh getting more excited? Has it really hit either of you yet???

:hugs: to all of you!
Haha! Me? The expert? We all found out I wasn't! But I can give my two cents Shelby!
Iti is absolutely obvious that you ovulated, the temp shift is perfectly clear, and the post-ov tempshave remained high! EWcm can be confused with semen, natural lubricant, lubricant... blah blah blah. I would absolutely not rely on cm! Temps are the BEST!

DH and I have started talking about names, and he already calls me mommy for fun (although he stopped that when I said it was a liiiitle weird). I have been worrying about midwives, when to tell the rest of my family, insurance. He has been worrying about whether to buy or to rent a 2 bedroom, and what school he/she will be goign to :haha:
I'm sorry I don't seem as merry as I thought I would be :nope: it's also hard not being able to drink, smoke, or drink caffeine (makes me feel queasy now). I mean, where's MY drug when I need to unwind? And don't even mention BDing. YES, there, I said it, I'm not feeling sexual AT ALL! - this has been really bothering me lately.

I can't wait to tell my family in France!!!
You are the pregnant one! (so that makes you an expert in my book ;)) Sorry your not feeling too merry at the moment. I can imagine there must be soooo much to think about! I can't imagine no alcohol or caffeine, personally. Hang in there! I like the new ticker btw!! When are you going to tell your family in France?

Shelby, I am loving yoga. The one I'm doing is a bit of a workout, which I like. I feel like I'm getting stronger, which is cool. I went on my OV day last week, so I had some time to lay there and commune with my egg--the instructor was like, "clear your minds" and I was like "meet the sperm, meet the sperm!" You know you are ttc crazy when....

Anyhoo, have I mentioned lately how thankful I am for this thread??

Erica, do you have a drawing of the potential tat you can show us?

Good morning!

Shelby, I think you're right. I don't want to wait and be disappointed that I did. I had no problem healing my other 2 tattoos so I'm sure it'll be fine.

Nicole, I'm sorry you aren't feeling great. Honestly, the first 3 months of my pregnancy were the worse. I was so tired all the time and emotional. Kind of felt like "this is it????" It gets better!! Wait till you feel the baby move, and see the heart beat. It's pretty special.

Joanna I will post a pic in a bit. I'm SO excited!
So the idea is there are two interlocking trees from the same roots that form one strong tree. Kind of sounds cheesy when I type it out lol.

On side of the tree will be a little lighter than the other, like a shade of grey. So you can see that they are different and seperate.

This was a huge step for my sister. She is a lot more conservative than I am. It really shocked me she was willing to do this. It's really special that we'll share something so permanent.

What you think?


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I like it! Very cool! So fun that you are doing it together, also.

How is everyone this morning?
Wow, I have been SO busy today. It's such a nice change. My depends largely on the weather, so now that the sun is shining a bit things are picking up.

How are you Joanna? Slow at work?

Is this a long TWW or is it just me?
Ugh, it is taking AGES! I can't believe I'm only 7DPO. And since I seem to have a long-ish LP, FF doesn't want me to test until a week from tomorrow (May 11). I'm virtually certain I won't make it that long.

So happy to hear the weather is improving. I am totally with you on that - my mood is so weather dependant!

How is Dom these days? Does he get out for the summer holidays soon (I'm assuimg he's in some sort of preschool--not sure how that works in Canada tho)?
I love your tattoo and the concept behind it!! Very nice!

Joanna, I love the spermy pep talk during yoga! That cracks me up!!! I'm going to try that!!!!

FF is messing with me!! ugh!! They moved my ov day again. Now I'm back to oving on Day 14 which makes me on DPO Day 7. This is not helping my tww insanity!

Girls, I would post a pic of me so you can match a face to a name, but I don't want my students to ever find me on here. I'm not sure how they would or could, anyway I have one from my wedding where my husband and I are sort of far away. Maybe I'll post that one.

Is 10 dpo the earliest we can test??? How are you girls feeling?
WRONG!!! I'm only 6 dpo!!! ugh ugh ugh!!! :(
Shelby, that is so frustrating! What's the deal with your temps on CD5 and 6? Did you take them at an off time (I noticed the circles are open). If looks to me like if those were slightly lower, FF would move your OV day back. But then again, keeping it where it is (since you know you're covered on the BD'ing front) might be better psychologically because it'll force you to test later :) (I need constant help with that!!)

And yes, I think the very early response tests will show a positive at 10 DPO, but the likelihood of a negative is still really high, esp since you could implant at 10 or even 11 DPO and then there's no way you'd have a BFP before 13 or 14 DPO. Soooo, many people like to wait until the day AF is due. I did that last month and I don't really think it made it any easier for me though...So who knows? I say if you want to test at 10 DPO, go for it. Just remind yourself that there is a very high likelihood of a false negative.

I'm going to try to hold out as long as I can. I have a feeling I won't be able to resist testing on Mother's Day, just b/c I love the sound of a mother's day BFP. But we'll see.

Erica! I love the tattoo!!! It's beautiful, and the meaning is powerful (not cheesy for me!).
Thank you girls for your kind words. Erica, I do feel like "That's it?", and I can't wait to hear the heart beat!
Shelby, that really sucks for your temps, I agree it messes with your brain! Yay! A Pic!
Thanks girls! Joanna, my empty circle days were due to a different time. I was on spring break and got up later. So, my temp would've been lower those days. I didn't realize how much our bbt changes in just a couple hours. So, then I started waking at the time that I wake up for work: 5:30am. Yuck!!!

Here's a pic of me!


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Shelby you look lovely in your wedding pic!

Joanna I think I may test on mother's day too. What an amazing gift it would be. I will go into it expecting a BFN and plan to have some wine that night if that is the case:) If it's a BFP, then great, if not, I will still enjoy my day with my sweeties.

Nicole have you found a pregnancy group yet? Are you planning to find out the sex?
Hi girls!

Shelby, great pic! Were you guys married on a boat? And yes, a couple of hours can make a big difference on the temps (as much as .1 per half hour for some women). The problem with adjusting the temps is that it doesn't make that kind of difference for everyone. Frustrating. So, I guess just stick with where FF has you now, but know you might have OV'd earlier :)

Erica, what do you have planned for mothers day (other than testing :winkwink:)? Shelby, are your stepkids with you guys that day or with their mom? Nicole, any plans to celebrate your first official mother's day as a mom?

Have a good day everyone!! :hugs:
Good morning Ladies,

How is everyone today?? It's another nice day here so I am a happy girl.

Joanna my dh is taking me to Banff for the day. If your a skier you probably have heard of it. It's beautiful in the mountains. My dh proposed there on my birthday at the top of the gondola on a beautiful mountain top. We go back with Dominic and ride the gondola up the mountain every few years. We're gonna have brunch at one of the hotels and then walk around the town. They have lots of shops and stuff. They have a famous fudgery and candy store which I will definitely be treating myself to:)

What are your plans sunday? I hope you are getting a pedicure or something nice.
Erica, that sounds like a lovely Mother's Day!!! It sounds like a very special place for your family!!!

Joanna, my step-kids will be with us briefly in the morning, and then they'll go with their Mom for the rest of the day. I'm afraid I'm going to feel a little sad this Mother's Day. Although, I am a Mother to my adorable dog Loopy!!! :)

Joanna...your chart looks VERY PROMISING!!! Don't you think? I'm fairly new to this, but compared to your past cycles...it looks good. Temps are higher!

Erica, do you have a chart that I can stalk??? lol I am sick of staring at my own!!!

Nicole, I hope you do something awesome for Mother's Day!!! Based on how you're feeling, that "something awesome" may be...to get sleep!!! Take a 24 hour nap!!! lol I hope you're feeling better. It's good to know that Erica felt the same way in her first trimester.
Oh, are any of you girls VIP members of ff? I am trying to figure out if it's worth paying for...
Erica, I have always wanted to go to Banff! It sounds amazing, and that sounds like a perfect day!

Shelby, I'll be a little sad too, unless I get a BFP!! We're going to brunch with my mom, which will be nice and low key.

As for my chart, yes, it is higher than normal, and I don't have any of the dips I usually have. I'm so nervous about reading anything into it though--I've been burned too many times! The first cycle, I thought the dips were implantation, now I'm reading the opposite into it!! I'm cautiously optimistic, but since I have a long LP, I have to keep reminding myself that the key temps for me are much later in my cycle--there's still lots of time for them to go down at this point. Also, last month my temp went UP on the 2nd day of AF! Soooooo, I don't know...trying to stay positive (but not too positive!) Thanks for looking at it! It's always nice to get another set of eyes.

I have the FF VIP and I totally think it's worth it. It gives you lots more analysis and you can search the chart gallery, which is what I spend a lot of time doing (possibly too much :blush:)

What kind of dog do you have?
Thanks Guys, I am really looking forward to it.

Shelby I haven't been charting because I was OBSESSING about it and I found my temps were whacky all the time. Tried different thermometers and I took it always at the same time, but I couldn't make sense of it.

Joanna, I'm excited for you. Things are looking positive. My fingers are crossed!!

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