33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Thanks, Erica. I go back and forth. I mean I was going to quit charting after OV this month because it stressed me out so much, and here I go reading into the temps again! Terrible.

I have my fingers and toes crossed for all of us. :hugs:
That makes perfect sense. I wouldn't chart either if I were you! It's frustrating enough when my temps are staying in the same place, I can't imagine how frustrating it would be if they're all over the place. I guess when people say, "Stop trying, and it will happen." They mean stop obsessing over things like charts, etc. I can't stop though. This is my first cycle with charting, and it's addictive.

Joanna, I'll be with my Mom too on Mother's Day, so that will be nice! I forgot to tell you that we did get married on a boat last July in California. It was a perfect day and evening. It's an old river boat that a couple restored. Now they use it for events. You rent the whole boat + have the ceremony and reception on board. Perfecto!!

My dog is a corgi, beagle, jack russell mix. He's freaking amazing. I'm biased, of course. :)

Well, I'm getting ready for bed. Joanna good luck with tomorrow's bbt!

Good night girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning ladies!!!

If anyone has time, can you look at my chart? I think I had an implantation dip with today's temp!!! We'll see what tomorrow brings!

I'd love to know what you think. I'm cautiously optimistic!
Good morning ladies.

Shelby, that could be an implantation dip if your temp goes up tomorrow morning. FX'd!!

Your dog sounds awesome - must be super smart with that mix! I have always wanted a beagle.

Erica, how are you feeling today? Nicole, everything good with you? I can't wait to see your 7 week ticker!

Good Morning Girls,

Shelby fx'd for you.

Joanna, I'm doing good thank you for asking:)

How is everyone else today? I'm hoping the day will go by quickly! I have to start working Saturdays for the summer months, but I still get Friday and Sunday off and I'm looking forward to that.

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Hi everyone!
Shelby, that temp drop is huge! I think that's promising actually. Joanna, your temps DO look different (I promise that's all I will say!). Erica, I agree temping doesn't make sense when temperatures aren't cooperating!
Everyone seems so upbeat, it makes me feel happy!!!!!!!!

Mother's day! Ha! I completely forgot that had anything to do with me! I'll be seeing my mom a week later (she's coming to SF for a conference and will be staying to visit :happydance:), so we'll have plenty of time to celebrate.

The weather is beautiful here, my mood has changed, I feel so much better.
Shelby, you guys are brimming with happiness in your pic! I love it!

I don't remember who asked...:blush: but I want to know the sex of the baby asap!

Have a great day, I hope you have good weather too and get plenty of vitamin D3 naturally!
I wish I were as upbeat as I sound :nope: I think I've just spent too much time looking at ovulatory charts on FF that have the same kinds of temps as mine - Nicole, didn't you have temps like this on at least one of your non-pg charts? I should probably just stop temping. I can pretty much tell what my temps are at this point - the last couple of nights I've felt so hot I couldn't sleep.

Anyway, sorry for the negativity. I'm still super super positive for you girls, and I will try to go back to positivity in my next posts!!

Big :hugs:
Thanks Nicole! I hope it means something. I haven't had spotting though. I'm so excited for you! This Mother's Day is one to remember for sure!!!

Joanna, you are allowed to feel however you feel!!! Positive or negative...that's what we're here for. I completely understand that you don't want to get your hopes up. Since this is my first round with charting...it's exciting. However, 3 months from now, I'm going to be completely over it! Looking at all the different pregnancy chart patterns...they're never the same!!! It's crazy! It seems there is an exception to every rule just when you think you've figured it out. There are definite benefits to charting, but if you obsess over it like I've been doing...then it just becomes one more stressor.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Joanna :hugs: This process is a total rollercoaster. There are high points and there are low points. We all feel it and it's totally ok to have your down days. We have each other and I know it will happen for us soon. Any time you need to talk or vent or scream or cry we're here for you :kiss:
But you've been here for us too Joanna! :hugs:

Venting is a good thing! It means you're expressing yourself, not keeping it in, and I think we can all agree that this is not the place to pretend. I can't help feeling positive for the three of you! :kiss: something is in the air! Maybe it's just the love!
Good Morning Girls.

Hope you all have a great Friday. Thinking of you guys!!
Hi girls!

Nicole, love the new ticker! I can't believe you're already 7 weeks!! Shelby, BBT looks good! :thumbup:

Silly girl that I am, I tested today on a FRER (10DPO). BFN, of course. I'm actually happy I did, because I can still tell myself it's too early, but I also am not spending the whole day looking at charts on FF and wondering if I would have gotten a BFP if I'd just tested. Feel like I got it out of my system and now I can wait, at least till Sunday, if not longer. (Should wait til Wednesday, given my 13-15 day LP, but we'll see.)

Anyway, I'm feeling MUCH better today than yesterday. Still confused by my temps, but more at peace.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and mother's day. :kiss:
Hi girls!!! Happy Friday!!!

Joanna, your temps look good still!!! They last couple days are looking really good!!!!!!

Every cycle I feel symptoms that could be pregnancy signs only to find out that they're not. So, having the chart is cool because that is out of my control. I can't "feel" it. I can't create it. It's more scientific. So, if this turns out to be yet another misleading sign, I'm going to be so disappointed.

Joanna and Erica, how are you both feeling???

Nicole, 7 weeks already??? That does seem insane! Next thing we know, your baby will be graduating from college! haha Time flies!! I'm so glad you're going to find out the sex. I wouldn't be able to wait 9 months for that info!!!

My step-daughter's 1st Communion is this weekend. So, we have family in for that. Good times. What are you ladies doing this weekend??? Erica, are you going to the ski place (I forget the name!!!) on Sunday only or making a weekend out of it??

Typo alert (I'm sure I've had tons)...
The last couple days...
Thanks, Shelby.

I have no symptoms whatsoever, but every other cycle I seem to have them so for me this is probably a good thing (especially since I don't think they're truly symptoms of anything other than high progesterone until you get a BFP). How are you feeling? I agree, the charting helps you feel like the process is a bit more scientific and sensible (rather than basing things on signs that may or may not be in our heads). My issue with it has become that it seems like virtually every pattern, except for a temp dip below the coverline on the last day of your LP, could be a pregnancy pattern or an ovulatory pattern. If I don't get a BFP this month, my charts will show that dips or no dips can be ovulatory, high temps or low temps, etc. It's kind of brutal!

First communion, exciting. Do you get along with the kids' mom? I would think you'll both be a the mass, right? Hopefully that's not awkward or difficult! Nice to have family in town though (hopefully - mine tend to be a mixed blessing, depending on who it is :))

Enjoy your Friday!
Good morning, girls :flower:

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Saturday.

PS, Shelby, chart looks great!
Hey guys!

Hope you're having a great weekend.

Hi Girls!
Erica, have fun tomorrow for Mother's Day!!! Nicole, Happy 1st Mother's Day!!!

Joanna, thanks!!! You're chart is looking mighty fine too!!! Your temps are staying high, woot woot!!!

I'm exhausted from a long day. Joanna, I get along with W1 (wife 1) because I have to. We're civil for the kids sake. My dh and W1 had a very ugly divorce and custody battle. I entered the picture 6 years later, so things aren't as tense. However, my dh's family members still detest w1. So, that makes it difficult. More family is arriving on Tuesday because my step-daughter's 2nd Holy Communion is next Sunday. So, more visitors=less rest! ...and I'm exhausted!

One thing that I'm experiencing this cycle is headaches. I don't normally get headaches before AF. So, this is definitely different. I'm terrified to test tomorrow, but I'm going to anyway!

:wacko:Correction...I entered the picture 4 years later... Doesn't matter but wanted to correct anyway.

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