33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

I know, and I don't mean to contribute to that process by getting your hopes up further. But I think there is definitely a reason to feel positive this month!!!

DH is not nervous at all (at least as far as I can tell). To be honest, he's had a pretty smooth life so far, healthwise and otherwise, so I really think he just thinks it's going to be fine. (I conversely always assume the worst as you girls have seen!) If he doesn't force me to find out sooner, I am leaning toward just waiting till I see the doctor to get the results. I feel like if there not great, I'll be all over the internet focusing on worst case scenarios, and it would I'm sure be more reassuring (and accurate) to get the doctor's take. We'll see.

Thanks for your analysis on my chart. I had the same thought. So, we'll see. As I said, I'm not going to read into it until CD 11 or 12, which is when I have a downturn without fail, typically. I may test early too, just because I didn't last cycle - good one cycle, bad the next!
ughghghghghg I had a little spotting last night. No sign of AF symptoms, no ovulation symptoms we haven't dtd for a few days....WTF IS HAPPENING WITH MY BODY!!!! I am frustrated girls!!!

It's been a month and I am getting SO impatient!

PS: Hi guys! Shelby nice chart
That must be soooo incredibly frustrating Erica! If it's not a BFP, hopefully it's AF on her way so that you can get started again and know where things stand. (But I'm hoping, for the record :), that it is BFP related!). :hugs:
Hi girls! Erica, that must be driving you crazy! I'm hopeful that you'll get your bfp soon...or at least a fresh start!!!!! Have you had af signs yet?

Joanna, what about you? What's going on with you? I haven't had a chance to look at your chart yet since I'm on my phone. Any anomalies?

I took a test this morning. I have a faint line that appeared by the time I got home. It may just be an evap line. I'll test again tomorrow. I don't have too many signs other than sore bbs and my lower back feels like it's burning.???

:hug: BFP time for all of us I hope!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! Test again! As I think said last time, I don't really believe in evaps, having never even had a glimmer of a line. To me, it looks like you would have implanted yesterday, so I think it'd be super faint. I bet this is the beginning of your BFP! As soon as you get a clear line, please post a pic!

I haven't tested or anything...No symptoms at all and I'm way to scared of seeing another BFN. If my temp stays up on Thursday (12 DPO), I'll test. It went back up today, but I've had temp rises at 10DPO before, so I can't read into that. Plus, I'm worried I might actually be 9DPO only. (I have FF on the Fertility Awareness setting right now...If I put it on Advanced, it has me ovulating a day later, which would be so annoying, and I don't think it correlates with my other fertility signs.

Anyway, I am sooooo excited for you!! :happydance:

Erica, how are you doing? Has the spotting stopped I hope?
That's what I told my dh. He shows doubt because it's faint, and I tried to explain to him that there is NO line most months. So, when there is a line...it's a line! Damnit! Who knows! I'm really hoping it's not a chemical pregnancy again. My back pain is really bothering me right now. I don't have any cramps, just back pain.

Ok, so I looked at your chart, and it's very interesting. Typically by now, your downward trend begins. However, you have an upward trend. I'm so hoping you get your bfp so you don't have to worry anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's go girls!!! BFP! BFP! BFP! (insert cheerleader tone and pom poms)
yes! a line is a line! and a line this early is REALLY a line! i'm certain your test with FMU tomorrow morning will be darker! as i think i mentioned in an earlier post, i'd try to see your doctor right away if it is, and tell her you have just had a chemical and you want to do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening again!! :happydance: :happydance:

as for me, thank you for the encouragement! i'm still not convinced this month is any different, just cuz FF is waffling on my OV date. if i'm 9 dpo, the downward trend would not have started yet. i honestly cannot wait for tomorrow morning so i can see what my temp is then. i still have soooo many doubts because of my FS appointment. it's just really hard to feel positive!

but i am sooo cheering you on, lady!!
Thanks Joanna! I'm here for you too...cheering you on every step of the way!!! I have training until Thursday...it's from 8:30 until 5, so I won't be able to go to the doctor. :( If I don't take the full training, my money won't be reimbursed. Also, my dh and I are leaving on Thursday for a vacation. So, I'm praying that this lasts. I'm being super careful!

Even though I am at training, I will be checking in to see how your temp looks!!!!!
Good luck, and stay positive!!!

I'm sure it will be fine. How great would it be to get your bfp right before vacation!?! Update us tomorrow morning if you can!
Hey ladies,

Wow what great news Shelby! Looks very promising.

Joanna looks like ff has you at 11dpo, how you feeling today?

I stopped spotting, it was a small amount and then yesterday morning again a little (light pink on monday night and brown yesterday morning). I have absolutely ZERO symptoms of AF. I kind of wish I had monitered my ovulation closer, but I just wasn't ready to get into all that stuff again. I really don't have a choice but to wait it out. I should have done a hpt a few weeks ago to make sure the pregnancy hormones were out of my body.
Hey girls!
So, Erica, it looks like you may have implantation bleeding??? Have you taken an hpt yet just to see? No af symptoms... very interesting!

Joanna, your still on an upward trend!!!! :).

I took a test this morning. No line, but we'll see when I get home. I used a different brand this morning. I still have a backache. Also, I have a ridiculous amount of gas...tmi sorry! If I'm not pregnant, then pretend I never told you about that!

Back to training!
Ugh!!! You're still on an upward trend...not your!!!! Proofread Eng teacher!!!
I'm still super hopeful for you Shelby. It's still so early, an if you implanted the day before yesterday, it is likely it would still barely show (or not show up at all) on an HPT. The waiting is the worst!!

Erica, I'm hoping this is implantation bleeding!!!

Yes, my temp is still going up. I'm not going to get excited about it though because if I change the setting on FF to "advanced" ovulation detection, it says I ovulated a day later, which would mean I'm only 10 DPO. At this point, just hoping this day will fly by (soooo much work to do!!!) so I can see what the temp does tomorrow and Friday. If it's up tomorrow, I'll be a lot more hopeful! My tentative plan is to test on Saturday if my temps are up because we are having a wine tasting party that night and I'll want to make sure it's ok to drink. AF will be due on Sunday, or possibly even Monday (if I ov'd a day later). This is the worst part about having a longer LP - I have to wait forever for AF to be late!

I can't believe this is it! Shelby, sounds good, JOanna, I won't say anything, but I will say it anyways! I'm so hopeful for you this month! Erica, really hoping you know soon enough what's going on with your body :wacko:
I thought it was so funny what you said about feeling pregnant. I feel sooo bloated at times! However, a collegue of my husband asked me how many months I was :happydance: Nobody had told her, she just assumed I was pregnant because of the way my stomach was poking out. Then I finally found a bathroom, and my stomach went back to a normal size :haha: I'm telling you, one hour it looks like a small tummy, another it just looks like I should start learning to suck in my fat!

I'm so sorry girls for not being around lately... still thinking of you, always!!! I'll be in France on Monday, and i will NOT forget to look up on you girls!!!
Ohhhhhhhh my god, sooooo excited!!!!!! ahhhh! haaaaa!

Hey girls!
Nicole, isn't a peach is bigger than a lemon??? I guess that's one big lemon you're carryiing! :) Have a great time in France!!!!

Joanna, I'm sorry your lp is longer and your ov day isn't clear. That really makes things more frustrating. The waiting game...ugh. Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! :) I can't believe you're waiting until Saturday to test. Excellent will power!


I checked my test when I got home. It may have a very very very faint line, but I'm not sure if it's my imagination. The other test from Tuesday morning darkened, and so it looks like I'm super preggers. However, that tells me that this specific test has evap lines??? I'm not sure. I'm really not sure what to think. I'll test again tomorrow for the heck of it.

Erica, what's going on with you??? Anything new??
Nicole you're a lemon! How exciting! That's funny about DH's coworker. I want you to post bump pics (as soon as there is a bump that is!). Have a lovely time in France!

Shelby, I'd just keep testing. Do you have FRERs? I think those are the most reliable, from what people say. Will you have internet access on your vacation? I hope so - I will be waiting with baited (sp??) breath to hear what happens!!

Honestly, I haven't tested because I am TERRIFIED of what will happen to me if I see another BFN (not because of any great willpower!). Each month my depression after AF arrives seems to get worse, and I know it will start up as soon as my temp drops (so hopefully it just won't!!). I've deliberately only got 2 CB digis, so it's less tempting to use those.

Erica, any update?

Hey girls,

Dying to know how you're doing Shelby. You too Joanna!

Nicole, I'm glad you're doing well! Can't wait for a pic of that baby bump!

Still spotting a little here and there, I have no idea what it is. I doubt it's implantation, and I'm not letting myself even think that's a real possibility at this point. I don't have typical AF symptoms but it could be that my body is reacting differently with AF since the miscarriage. All I know is that I feel a bit bleh and still really sad about this whole thing. I'm trying not to let it bother me and trying to let it go but honestly it is really really hard. The prospect of having AF is sort of a relief because I know my body is getting back to normal, but it is also a BIG reminder that I'm not pregnant anymore:(

I'm emotional....maybe AF is close
Oh, Erica, I'm so sorry you're feeling sad. It's so hard to let such a big loss go (and I think one truly never does), but hopefully it gets a teeny bit easier every day. I agree that getting AF will probably help (even though it's a painful reminder) because being confused and wondering what the heck is going on with your body is the worst. Still, we'll be hoping for a first-cycle-after-miscarriage BFP. :hugs:

I'm vacillating between being hopeful and coming up with reasons why I shouldn't be (I'm such a terrible pessimist). I moved my OV date a day back (by switching the setting on FF to "advanced" from "FAM"), just to keep me from getting my hopes up too high. I don't really have any symptoms (except--TMI--gassiness yesterday -- ew!). I might test this evening if I'm not too scared, since it is our 6 month wedding anniversary and I feel like it would be a great day to get a BFP. BUT, I also might just wait. I've seen too many charts where temps keep going up and then just crash on the day AF is due. We shall see....

Shelby, are you headed out on vacay?
Joanna it's so hard when you want to stay relaxed but there are good signs that keep your hopes up a bit!

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!!

Happy 6 month anniversary!! I didn't realize you guys were newly married!!

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