33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Erica, so you would see an evap line when u checked later on? That's what I'm afraid of.
I'm still spotting...it's off and on. It's brown cm...tmi sorry.

Joanna, I'm sure you'll be fine!!!!!! I understand your nervousness though! Just try to enjoy!!!!! :) I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!!! Now you don't have to go through all the infertility stuff!!!!!!.
That is the worst feeling - taking your temperature and finding it has fallen. So sorry Shelby. Remember, though, it's still only 11 DPO, so it could go up tomorrow. I've seen charts on FF, and I'm sure you have too, where the temp drops late in the LP and then rebounds. Hang in there. :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks Joanna for the encouragement, but af came today too. This just sucks all around because it's our anniversary. So, no bding for us. Btw, I used frer this am, and it was neg. Not even a faint line. So, that tells me that the dollar general test is craP. I'll never put myself through that again.
I won't be temping anymore. I'll just use opks.

I'm so upset and disappointed because I feel like maybe I just don't deserve a baby for whatever reason.

Anyway, Joanna, I really truly am soooooooo happy for you, and I'm so relieved that you don't have to go through ivf or whatever you would have to do.

Erica, how are you?
So sorry Shelby. :hugs: :hugs: All I can say is I was sure that I was NEVER going to conceive naturally--you remember all my talk of severe endo?--and then we did. So don't give up. I ended up sticking with the temping, but I totally understand wanting to let it go - that's what Nicole did, and she got her bfp that month. It adds to much stress, and once you know you're ovulating, it's just not necessary. You will get your BFP.

Maybe try going back to your doc and seeing if she'll test your progesterone (they do that usually on CD21, or 7 days after OV). Low progesterone could have caused your chemical, and could be the reason for the early spotting.

I can totally relate to how you feel right now, so I won't tell you to feel better or anything like that. I will say, however, that this WILL work for you. I just know it. Hopefully you can enjoy some wine, or some other treat, to celebrate your anniversary. I'm so sad to hear AF arrived - I was so hopeful for you this month. Next month is THE month. :hugs:
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I'm crying right now!!!!!! Are you pregnant Joanna??????? I haven't read anything yet, but you have a ticker!!!!!!! yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Now for a more sensible reply: SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!
I do feel like screaming though. And I jumped up and down like a kid, grinning from ear to ear, saying I'm sooooo excited! DID you HEAR me???
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

So, did you have a "feeling"? What were your symptoms apart from the high temps?
I remember temping after the test just to see my temps go higher, and they started slopping down! I stopped taking my temps IMMEDIATELY. Since you're a temp maniac like me, I would advise to not temp.
HOw are you feeling today? and DH?

I think we've both proven something: the best way to get pregnant is to go see the doctor with the feeling that you're never going to get pregnant. LOL! :wacko:

Erica, hold in there, argh... something has got to happen! That is so unnerving. Did you try BD? That's always helped get it going for me :blush:
... if it's AF of course!

Shelby, sooooo :growlmad: at those tests! How are you holding up?
And don't ever use clearblue, they give false positives more often than any other brand. This is a good website for more on this: peeonastick.com

Have a great weekend everyone! :heart:

ps: Yes, Shelby, how can a lemon be bigger than a peach, really???
Thank you!!

I think I may have had a slight feeling, only because I had been so scared to test (didn't test at all the prior month) but somehow I made myself do it. So maybe I knew a little bit. But yes, mainly it was the high temps. And I'm going to stop taking mine now. It's true, it's disconcerting when it goes down even just slightly, even though know it's nothing b/c I've seen so many pregnancy charts where it does that. But why add stress!?! I am going to keep POAS though, probably, just until my first doctor's appointment (in 5 days). The tests are getting darker, which somehow comforts me...It's going to be a long and scary 12 weeks!

And yes, clearly going to the doctor and nearly giving up hope is the way to go! Just read another girl's story on here; she'd been trying 11 months, went to the doctor, and scheduled some tests for when AF arrived and it never did. She thinks she conceived the day she went to the doctor!
Hey girls,

Shelby I'm so sorry AF came. I think you and I will be in sync! I think AF is coming, I feel a bit crampish and more emotional. I'm really feeling like it will come any time. Please don't think you don't deserve a baby, it took me 8 months and Joanna 7, it takes time and its totally not fair know. I really believe it will happen for both of us :hugs:

Hope you two pregos are feeling well!
Oh and Joanna, try not to worry....I feel confident that most pregnancies are healthy and normal and mine was an exception. I felt something was wrong in my heart.....I took a pregnancy test at 6 weeks (I told myself it was because I had 1 test left but really I didn't feel right) and it was positive but so so so faint. I knew it was not a good sign but I convinced myself it was because it was late at night. if the tests are getting darker, your good!!! Try to relax, enjoy it!!!
Shelby, I want to add to what Erica said. There is absolutely no reason God wouldn't want you to have a baby. Please, don't think that or we will definitely all get together and ...:ninja::ninja::ninja:!!!!!!!! Ninja you, or keep reassuring you :flower: You're a wonderful person, taking care of your stepchildren, and hosting big gatherings, etc.
Anyway, we'll be watching that kind of behavior!!! remember, I'm a teacher too :) And more seriously, it really is a question of statistics (and if you believe in God, think that maybe he wants it to be arbitrary because it would be hell on earth if we could decide when to have a baby). Hang in there, you'll be next in no time. We're here for you.

JOanna, you're allowed to be a little worried but not over-worried. Testing is good, but I'm glad you're not temping anymore :happydance: - best decision ever!
You're sticking around too right?

Erica, AF? I really can't waiiiiiit to hear from you.

Off to the airport in 3 hours!

Wow, Nicole, where has the time gone!! 14 weeks, 5 days already! I can't believe it! So are you showing yet? Have a fabulous time France. Oh, and of course I am sticking around!! All I do on first tri is read and run on the boards, and I responded to a March due date thread, but TBH I'm happy with my TTC friends. I don't even think I'll look for buddies on there or anything. I would never leave this thread! (At least not until all 4 us can start a new all-pregnant!!).

Erica, any update? What sorts of things do you do to celebrate Canada Day? Is it like the 4th here - fireworks and such?

Shelby, I hope you're having a great anniversary weekend and getting lots of love and attention from your DH. The good thing about shorter cycles like yours and mine is OV will be here in no time! :hugs:
Nicole have so much fun!!!

Joanna Canada day is really similar to 4th of july for you guys. Lots of bbq's fireworks and excuses to get together with family and eat and drink. Its been a great weekend. Lots of fun.

Shelby, hope you are feeling better.. You and I are both cycle day 2! Af came last night. I can officially start over.
Hey girls,
Nicole have a great time in France! I bet your lemon is bilingual by now!

Joanna, how are you feeling? Have you told anyone other than your dh? I'm loving your ticker...little poppy seeds! So cute and so tiny!

Erica, I'm so pumped that we're on the same cycle day! Woo hoo! I'm so glad you got your fresh start. Amen!

The ocean helped me back to reality, and it's so tranquil and healing. My dh and I just sat on the shore with our merlot-filled coffee cups (incognito) and listened to the waves break, took in the scent of the ocean air, and felt the breeze clease us of our frustrations and stresses. Sorry, that was super cheesy, but it really was just what I needed!

Thank you girls for being supportive and kind. I threw a pity party for myself once af arrived. I realize that having a baby has nothing to do "deserving" one or not. It's just a feeling I couldn't avoid at that moment. Af's arrival every month is such a let down. On the other hand, I should be thankful that af arrives on schedule each month. Some women don't even have that.

So, you don't have to send out the ninjas. :) I get it. I just need to be patient! But, have I told you lately that BEING PATIENT SUCKS! :) Sorry, I didn't mean to yell!

Anyway, once again, I am so thankful for you girls. Our thread is such a blessing, and I absolutely cherish it. Nicole and Joanna, thank you for sticking around. Erica, thank you for coming back. You girls are amazing, and I hope that one day I can give you real hugs instead of virtual ones! But, here's a :hug: for now!

ps, my dh just said, "Honey, what are you doing?" I replied, "Writing to my friends on the baby site." He responded, "Are you telling them that we're going to do it? Lots of it!" I couldn't resist writing this. He's so funny. We have a very juvenile sense of humor together, so now I've exposed you to it. Sorry. :)

:) :) :)
Shelby, I was so happy to read your post and find out you are feeling restored by the ocean - it really can give you such a great sense of peace. Your DH sounds awesome! I am so hopeful for you and Erica this cycle. I know being patient blows, trust me--it was never ever my strength (and still isn't). I don't like when I read girls' posts on here saying just relax and be patient - it's pretty much impossible to do that once you're on your first month trying, so really, why do people bother saying it??? It will happen for you, and you don't have to be patient - you can get upset, vent to us, get angry, all of that. We are here for you, no matter what! I honestly do not know what I'd do without you girls!! :hugs:

As for me, I'm good. Feeling better now that I've passed AF's due date. Seeing the doctor on Thursday morning (got the first appointment of the day :)). I've got a list of questions for him, but not sure I'll learn much more than that, since I'll only be 4w4d then....I CANNOT wait for you and Erica to get to O time!! Erica, are you using OPKs this month?

Hey girls,

Hope everyone enjoyed there weekend! Nicole should be having a blast visiting her family by now.

Joanna I'm glad you are feeling so good about things.

Shelby that weekend rejuvenating sounds wonderful. I am feeling a little bleh this morning. I think AF has me a bit out of whack. Just counting the days until O time. I will be using opk's this month, but no temping. I'm really scared :( I just feel like it's gonna take another 8 months for this to happen again. I was so happy my body officially reset after the miscarriage, but now that I am in the waiting game for ovulation I am remembering how happy I was to be finished with this all.....but here I am again:cry:

Anyway, I just need to get off the pity pot and stick it out. I really have no other choice.
:hugs: Erica. I hope the time until OV will speed by. I've seen multiple girls on here who have had losses after many months of trying (one girl I just read about had been trying 7 months) and then get their BFPs right after the loss. Supposedly you are more fertile during the 1-3 months after an MC, so hopefully that will be the case for you!!

I had a good holiday weekend. I think everyone we know now knows I'm pregnant (even though we haven't told anyone and don't plan to for a while) because I wasn't drinking on the 4th (and we saw like 10 of our friends).

Counting down the days with you girls till OV.
Trying to be positive! Hopefully I'll be a bit less :wacko: when AF departs. My mood swings were CRAZY this time!
Awwww Shelby, I'm SO happy you had a refreshing ocean/beach time with DH, and NOT cheesy! Uh uh! I'm sure you guys did greatly benefit from that empowering moment together in front of the wild, untamed ocean. Lol, see, I'm the cheesy one! :haha:
Oh, and loving DH's remark! Sounds just like my hubby! So funny and carefree, love it!

Erica, so happy AF arrived, Joanna always has the right words for everyone (true!), so I don't know what to add to what she said. It's a good sign you're back on track and that your system doesn't stay out of whack! So strong and healthy!
And I forgot to say happy Canada's day to you too :happydance:

Joanna, I can't leave this thread either, and I haven't even needed to find friends in the preggers section. You girls are the best!

Can I rant though? I arrived at my Dh's father's place 2 days ago. I can't stand his father!!!! Argh! When it's just the two of us hanging around, we get along well, we have lots to talk about, there's no unease. However, he's a teaser. In France people tease, no problem with that. But he keeps on teasing me whenever I eat something! He's always saying: "You're eating again?" - "What? Are you hungry? We just ate!" - and last night, worst of all, I was eating a piece of bread with cheese on it (the beginning of the meal) and he had this smirk on his face. I looked at him, and he said: "You're going to put on 20 kilos".
I was furious! :gun::gun::gun:
I wanted to cry so bad!
I just said, well, so what? Haha! It will be a test, to see if DH still loves me. And he turned to DH and said: you would put up with that? Half-jokingly. Dh said "No, of course not".
I hate them both. I'm so mad at DH for not standing up for me. 10 minutes later I left the table and cried my eyes out. Dh still doesn't understand why I'm so upset. I don't understand why he didn't stand up for me when I was obviously not in a position to punch his father in the face. LOL

Thank you girls, I feel so much better now, but I'm crying again now. I'm not eating that much at all, but I'm very sensitive on the subject because I have put on a few pounds.


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