33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Nicole, I'd like to :grr: your FIL!! How annoying and rude! Teasing is one thing, but picking on a pregnant woman who needs to eat to support his growing grandson?? :saywhat: So frustrating! Especially since I'm sure you are so tiny! How long are you staying with them? We need to try to think of some snappy retorts for you! Btw, I can't believe you are an ORANGE already! Yay for 15 weeks!

Erica and Shelby, anything new? Shelby, is it terribly hot in DC? I lived there for 4 summers - the heat was quite something!
Just realized I just assumed your LO is going to be a boy! Correction: his growing grandson OR grandaughter :) Do you have any gut feeling as to what it might be?
Joanna, I thought, "How does she know it's a boy; did I miss a post where Nicole announced the sex?" Lol! Maybe you're psychic??? When am I going to get pregnant? :)

Erica, I'm sorry you're back to square one, but I agree with Joanna that many women get pregnant shortly after a loss. In fact, this happened to my cousin and my best friend. So, there are two cases that I know of for sure! It'll happen!!!! :) :) :)

Nicole, wtf???!!! Take a deep breath, and focus on what really matters...forget about what doesn't matter (FIL's social ineptitude). What a jerk. I'm sorry he made you cry. You are supposed to be hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has he ever been pregnant? I'm proud of you for saying, "So what." Also, I'm sorry DH didn't stand up for you. Maybe he doesn't want to rock the boat while you're visiting family? Who knows? How has it been since? Anymore rude comments? I'm not too familiar with the French culture. Is it a sexist culture? Stay strong and focused on your naval orange! Don't worry about your FIL's nonsense. Eat when you feel like eating damnit!!! Grrrrr!

Joanna, how are you feeling? I can't wait for you to get your raspberry!!! So, are you assuming that everyone at the 4th of July party knows your pregnant or did they ask you? When is your appt?

It is really hot in DC right now. I just walked with my neighborhood friends, and the air was so stagnant and thick. The humidity is the worst. I used to go to Canada every August with my ex, and I loved the Canadian mornings and evenings. They were so perfect: cool and breezy, a perfect way to begin and end a hot day. I miss those moments (obviously not my ex...just the cool, breezy air). :)

Well, I feel slightly liberated in knowing that I'm not temping this month! I won't miss waking up at 5:30 am just to take it.

:hugs: to you girls!!!!!!!!! :)
HI Girls, thanks for your comments, it made me feel NORMAL to react the way I did. I'm still mad at DH though... although not openly because he still doesn't get it. What happened later on is that while I was crying in the bedroom and DH was with me, the bedroom window was open, and apparently they heard most of what I said :blush: - no NOT blush actually! When I came back to the dinner table (dinner wasn't over), I acted brave and said I was tired with the jet lag, and I'm sorry. MyMIL (who is actually FIL's secdon wife, not DH's mother, hugged me. FIL went to bbq and gave me all this meat saying: "Eat whatever you want". all that day and the next he didn't make one single comment and even encouraged me to eat more (although that was weird). They were both extremely nice to me, and caring.
I believe it's better to talk about things in the open and not let them fester. My DH was "abandonned" by his father and never likes getting into fights with him, so he was also struggling with his own issues, and I'm understanding. Although I can't really forgive him, if that makes sense :shrug:

Wow that was long!
Funny shelby what you said about him never being pregnant or WAHT!!! haha!!!

I'm up late at night, can't sleep, had a coffee THIS MORNING and my heart is thumping (it's 5 in the morning). I think I'm having a hard time. We're at MIL's house now. Being under other people's roofs is harder than having them over...

Good nighty girls!

I'll tell you when it's a boy or a girl, promise! Think it's a girl
Girls!! It makes me sooooo happy, I cant' even tell you, when I have messages from you! Had a total meltdown last night - tears, the whole works - because I thought I saw a v. faint spot of yellow that could be brown in my panties. I even made DH look at it (and we are not the type to even pee in front of e/o, let alone show e/o things like CM! I hope our sex life will recover!). I also convinced myself that what are likely gas pains were cramps...Anyway, long story short I totally lost it. I think it was anxiety about the appointment this morning (haven't had it yet) and just generally from reading too much about what can go wrong. Not my best moment. I've really got to try to hold it together here better!! :wacko:

Nicole, I'm glad they overheard you and that FIL is changing his behavior! Sorry you're not getting backup from DH. It does sound like there's a reason he doesn't want to challenge his father, but that doesn't make it any easier for you to have to deal with it!! And I totally agree about how much harder it is to stay with family than to have them stay with you! Whenever we stay with my in-laws, I feel kind of trapped, like I can't really relax. No fun. Where are you guys exactly? I've only really been in Provence (did a bike trip there several years ago) but dying to get to Paris some day soon. We are watching the Tour de France on TV (DH is obsessed with cycling), yesterday lots of gorgeous shots of Brittany!

Shelby, I know what you mean about the cool nights being refreshing. In CA, that's what we have most nights. But I have to admit I often miss the warm summer nights in DC too - it's so nice to be able to wear a sundress to an evening bbq!! Or on a walk like you described! Here (near the beach in soCal) you pretty much always need some kind of sweater and/or pants at night. I also miss the thunderstorms. I have so many memories of getting absolutely drenched in the summer in DC, but since it was so warm, it didn't matter.

Anyway, thanks girls for everything. I will let you know how it goes at the doctor today. :hugs: :hugs:
Well, doctor's appointment was kind of a waste of time. Doctor didn't want to do a scan because he says it's too early, and all he'd see at this point would be the thickening of the lining. So, he ordered bloodwork to test my HCG and progesterone. I really hope those come back ok so that I can try to relax a bit. My blood pressure was super high when they took it before the appointment - can't seem to shake this anxiety. Going back for a scan on Monday, when I'll be 5 weeks, 1 day.
Congrats Joanna, exciting news about the scan on Monday. They don't do ultrasounds until 11 or 12 weeks here which is such a long wait!! Glad you're feeling better about but keep in mind your hormones are going crazy so it's totally normal to have freak outs! Don't beat yourself up too much.

Nicole I'm glad things worked out with DH and his parents. Sometimes I think men don't know how to deal with pregnancy properly. I'm just happy that you resolved it before you snapped on your FIL!

Shelby enjoy DC. It's super hot here right now (by our standards anyway) but you're right, the evenings are just nice and the mornings too.

Take care
Yes, that's great news about your scan for Monday Joanna! I'm sorry they couldn't do more for you today, but at least you'll have some tests done to confirm and check your progesterone levels! That's great!

Nicole, I'm glad your FIL was nicer for the rest of your visit! I can't help but notice your emoticon saying that you feel "crappy." Are you ok? I'm hoping it's just an old emoticon and you actually feel "amazing." :)

Erica, is everything on track for ov time? I need to buy more opks. Also, I think I'll start using it this weekend. :)

I'm in a bit of a funk right now. My dh is worried because he thinks he's done something. I told him it's nothing really that I can put my finger on. I just feel blah. I'm sure 75-99% of it is that I'm not pregnant yet. The other 25-1% is that there are things I would do differently with the kids, but they aren't mine...so I don't really have a say. He tells me all the time he values my input, but it's just not the same.

They're in camp all summer. I was so excited because we selected various camps: football, basketball, nature, etc for them to try. When they're with their Mom during the school year, she tells us she doesn't have time to get them involved in things. So, I really wanted to expose them to various sports and activities this summer to see what they like or don't like. I believe exposure is key to a well-rounded individual. That's how I plan to raise my child.

However, as soon as the kids complain, "I hate sports. I hate football. I hate basketball." They're switched from those things and put into a basic camp where they do very little physical activity, they play their video games most of the time, and bla bla bla. I was so upset with the situation which I think is why I'm in this funk. I would tell my child to try it for the week, the end. No discussion. I'm sure after a day or two they would like it enough to finish the week...and maybe continue on a team or not. However, at least they would've finished the week in whatever it was.

I'm just disappointed and it's a constant reminder that they're not mine.

Sorry to vent. ugh.

:hugs: to you girls!
Ugh, sorry Shelby. I totally understand what you mean - I'd do the same with my children. And I can only imagine how tough it would be to have stepkids around during the TTC process. Are you still doing the accupuncture? I was talking to a friend at work who swears by it. Apparently with her first baby, she got preggers right away, but it took her a year with her second. She went to accupuncture toward the end of that year and got pregnant the next month. I remember you weren't that psyched about the practitioner you saw, though.

Erica, how are you feeling? Is Dom enjoying the summer time?

Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? I've got to work :( But only on Sunday, so hopefully it won't be too bad.

Now you have me thinking I should do acupuncture again. I think I'll give this month a go without it, and then if necessary, go again next cycle. I just read many threads on bnb where many women get pregant after it. So, there has to be something to it.

Sorry you have to work on Sunday! Bummer! What do you do?

This weekend, I have a lunch date with my cousin who wants to discuss getting a divorce. She thinks just because I'm divorced that I must be a fan of it. I only believe in divorce for two reasons: 1. infidelity and 2. emotional or physical abuse.

She hasn't experienced either of those; however, she's come close to #1. I am going to try to be impartial and positive. Although, I'm not sugar coating anything for her. She needs to know the reality of divorce especially when kids are involved. Her response when we spoke on the phone was, "I know it's going to be hard on the kids and all that, bla bla bla." She actually said, bla bla bla, as if it's no big deal.

On Sunday, we have a baptism to go to for my other cousin.

Good times. I'm hoping to slip some wine into my weekend at the first opportunity!
I'm a lawyer. So weekend work is sadly not uncommon (to sound like a lawyer).

Yikes about your lunch date. Hopefully there will be wine before, during and after that...As a child of divorced parents I can definitely say there's A LOT to the whole "bla bla bla" part! And I agree with you on the legitimate bases for divorce. Maybe your cousin is actually going through a harder time than she's owning up to? Or perhaps she just doesn't realize what a huge deal a divorce is when you have kids in the mix, and that's why she's being so cavalier about it. Either way, hopefully you can get through to her, and help her figure out if it's something she really NEEDS to do.

Do you and DH have the kids all summer?
Joanna, I know how you feel about working weekends. We are having people over Saturday to help us paint the exterior of our house and replace some fencing. We're gonna have a bbq after and many drinks in between.....but I just found out I'll be working through the whole thing!! Bummer, I was hoping to be done by noon but it's just gonna be too busy.

DH's inlaws moved closer to us, they'reabout 45 min away now instead of 3.5 hrs. They asked if they could take Dominic last night until Saturday when they come over to help out with the house, so DH and I are gonna go hit the rooftop patio at our favorite pub tonight. I've had a crazy emotional week so I'm looking forward to sometime with him where I'm not all teary and/or bitchy. Glad AF is gone! It made me :wacko: this time.

There is so much traffic and stuff this weekend here because Will and Kate of Wales are here to visit during the Stampede. People are flocking like crazy to try and get a glimpse of them at the appearances they're making.

Nicole when are you back? Hope you're having fun!

Joanna, you're getting close to that raspberry!!! SO EXCITING!!

Shelby I had the same conversation with DH's sister about her step kids. They're newly weds and they'e trying to find that balance because she doesn't want to overstep her ground. Her DH encourages and supports her to but she just doesn't feel like she should even though she would change A LOT of things. I think it's a really hard position to be in but you sound like you handle it really well. :hugs:

getting close to ov time girls.....getting quite nervous about really trying for the first time with opk's. I will probably start using them on monday or tuesday.
Will and Kate are coming through here next, supposedly...I'm dreading the traffic issues it will cause! What's the Stampede, Erica?

Oh, and wanted to tell you - I def think there is something to this whole more-fertile-after-MC thing - another girl on my CBFM thread just got a BFP on month 2 after her MC. And before that she had tried 8 months! FX'd for you this month!!

Rooftop pub sounds awesome...work this weekend not so much!

I'm getting so excited for OV time for you girls!
The Stampede is an annual rodeo that Calgary has. We've been having it for a million years and it's supposedly the "greatest outdoor show on earth."

It's 10 days long, there are chuckwagon races and rodeo and a HUGE carnival with rides, a concert every night and other entertainment like hypnotists and stuff. It's basically an excuse for people to go and get wasted! Everyone puts on a cowboy hat for a week and acts like we're some sort of cow town....which we aren't really, and the girls wear hardly any clothes and the guys drink and party. I've grown up here and as a kid I loved it. Rides and candy etc. great for kids, but at night it's for the adult crowd for sure.

We'll take Dom on some rides on family day because that seems to weed out some of the rowdier crowd.

It kicks off with a stampede parade this morning and Will and Kate drove the parade route with their windows opened only an inch and waved to the crowd. People literally lined up overnight to get a look at them for 2 seconds throuugh their tinted windows!! What a waste of time!!!
Both the rooftop pub and the Stampede sound fun Erica! Enjoy!!! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in the step-parenting realm. It's so frustrating. We're heading into ov time, so here's some :dust: for you!!! :)

My emotions got the best of me today. I've been snapping at dh for no reason. He's been really concerned. The step-parenting thing is one part of it. Today, I just couldn't shake my funk and just cried it out. I think the thought of another tww followed by more disappointment is too much to handle. He said, "Well it just means we get to keep trying." Of course, that sounds awesome to a man. However, with each month that goes by, I wonder, is something wrong with me? I feel like I jinx it no matter what I say or do. I just hate the disappointment that follows.

Joanna, I'm sorry you have to work on weekends sometimes! Do you like being a lawyer other than the weekend work? My dh is considering going back to school for a law degree.

Nicole, how are you???

I'm going walking with my neighbor...will check back in later!
:) :hugs:
I've totally been there, Shelby. So hopeful for you this month. For me, just when I was emotionally at my lowest it when it happened. Hopefully it will happen before that point for you, but remember, nothing you're feeling will jinx it. It will happen! :hugs:

Going for a bike ride today with DH and then some outlet shopping. Should be a good day. We told my parents, sisters, and DH's family yesterday, which was fun. The biggest surprise for me was my youngest sister, who is 24--she just started sobbing (with joy, apparently). Anyway, I remain a crazed ball of anxiety, but that will probably be the case for me for many more weeks :blush:
Wow Joanna I'm happy you got such a great reaction!

I'm at work so I will probably be spending too much time on here today. Probably not a great thing for me so I will try to busy myself with other things.

Shelby try not to feel to bummed, it will happen for us!

Take care
Hey girls!
Just checking in. I've had a pretty good weekend. How are you girls doing?

...and I started my opk today.
HI girls! Haven't forgotten you, jsut less time than before!

Love you! Joanna, can't waiiiit for the scan.
Kisses to Shelby and Erica!

Hi girls,

Nicole, hope things are better.

Shelby, forgot to answer your question - I do like being a lawyer (most of the time). It's a lot of hours (but no more than a lot of my teacher friends put in!) and for the first couple of years, I often felt like my life was not my own. But the last 2 years have been better. Tell your DH if he likes to write (and read) a lot, it's definitely something worth pursuing...But it can be a long (and expensive) road, since you've got to do the 3 years for school, so you've got to be pretty sure it's what you want to do.

Weekend seems to have flown by here...I can't believe it. I'm headed to Nashville for work for the next several days, but I'll be checking in regularly to see those OPK results! My scan is early tomorrow morning (before I fly out), and I'm super super nervous. From what I can tell, they should see something based on my HCG levels, so I really hope they will! I'm trying not to be even more nervous about not really having any symptoms...No morning sickness, only a little bit more tired than usual. It's early yet, right?

Anyway, :hugs: to you girls!

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