33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

I've come to realize that no symptoms are good!!! So, I'm sure you're perfectly fine and healthy! Good luck tomorrow, and have a great time in Nashville. Check out the Grand Ole Opry Hotel if you can! It's so pretty! Maybe you're staying there??

Thanks for the lawyer info. My dh graduated from the Air Force Academy, so he has had a top notch education. He loves to read, and he talks a lot...so I'm sure he loves to write. :) Ever since his divorce and custody battle, he wants to dedicate his life to fighting for father's rights. It's a real passion for him. His ex hired two lawyers for the custody fight and planned to drag him through the mud. He is such a good guy (my bias aside); his integrity is off the charts. So, the fact that she tried to ruin him in court breaks my heart. His Mom is still not over the custody trial. She said it was so painful watching her son have to fight for time with his kids. My dh's ex expected that he would just agree to every other weekend, but he wanted more. He fought and won a 60%-40% arrangement. He has them 40%. Anyway, he wants to make sure that good guys like him are given a fair shake in court. His ex cheated on him with 5 different guys (that he knows of) while he was in Iraq fighting for our country. So, for her to put him through that heartache and worry is just ridiculous. Anyway, sorry for rambling. That's why he wants to become a lawyer.

GOOD LUCK with your scan tomorrow Joanna!!! I can't wait to hear about it!!! :)

Erica...GAME ON GIRL!!! This is our week!!!

Nicole, I can't wait to hear more about your trip as soon as you have time!

:hugs: to you girls!
Thanks Shelby. That is terrible what your DH went through - the system is really very unbalanced when it comes to mother's rights v. father's. As it sounds like you know, the mother could be a total deadbeat or worse and the presumption is she gets the kids unless the father can make some crazy showing. It's pretty seriously flawed, and totally unfair for the good ones like your DH! Sounds like law school might be the right place for him - there aren't that many lawyers that come to school with such great (and pure) motives - a lot are just there because they feel like they should go to grad school but don't really know what kind...Those people really regret it, because it's hard work if you're not at least a bit passionate about it. Ok, rambling over :)

Talk to you girls tomorrow.
Hi ladies. Hope your weeks are starting off well - this is the big OV week, no??

My u/s went well. The said they saw the sac and the yolk, which is all they were hoping to see at this stage, so I feel really good about that. The only thing that mildly concerned me was one of the doctor's comments (honestly, I don't know why they don't teach doctors to have a bit more tact...). Anyway, I was seeing a different guy than my normal doc, and at the end, he was looking over my bloodwork from last week. He was like, "oh, your progesterone was a bit low last week, I would have put you on progestrone supplements." So my doctor when he called me with the results last week didn't say anything about my progesterone (just that my numbers were "fine") and he didn't order retest or prescribe anything, so I don't know who to believe. Today's doctor said he tends to prescribe progesterone for everyone, though, and because this is an FS office, he's not usually dealing with "natural" pregnancies as he called them. So I'm hoping he's just normally over cautious and that my doctor knew what he was doing. So frustrating though - I almost made it out the door feeling totally reassured...If only that doc hadn't opened his mouth!!

Sigh. Luckily I have this business trip for 4 days and then a wedding all weekend in Napa, so hopefully I can keep my mind off this until next Wed., when they'll do another scan to look for the heartbeat.

Thanks for listening, girls. Sorry for rambling. I don't know why I am so nervous! I think I've just read way too much about what can go wrong! No more google for me, and no looking at any first tri threads!
It's normal to be nervous Joanna. I'm so glad to hear you're little pea is tucked in safe!!

I agree that some doc's don't think when they speak. Even the morning after I had miscarried, the ultrasound tech was supposed to just check and see if I had passed everything. She had my chart and and everything and comes into the room saying "so what brings you to emerge this fine day?" I felt like punching her in the face. Sometimes people just don't think!!

Shelby how are the opk's going?
I can imagine the anxiety you must feel, but it sounds like everything is perfectly fine! The dr even said that he tends to prescribe progesterone for everyone. Hang in there. When do you go back? Is there any way that you can contact your dr to let him know that the 2nd dr suggested progesterone? Are you going to your regular obgyn too or sticking with the fertility specialist? :hugs: and keep your spirits high! Enjoy your new mommy bliss, and try to forget about the unknown. ...and NO MORE GOOGLE!!!! :) Months ago, I would obsess about symptom spotting. I could always find my symptom via google. Now 7 months into the ttc process, I've realized that I have felt every single symptom known to man...and still no baby. You, Nicole, and Erica all experienced very few symptoms, so I think that is the key. Few symptoms=pregancy. :) Anyway, google ends up making me more confused and frustrated than when I began searching. So NO MORE GOOGLE!!! :) Unless it's to search for baby furniture, etc.

Erica, I have used two opks so far. The first day...nothing. Yesterday, a light line appeared. So, I expect I'll probably ov on Thursday or Friday. I just bought a yoga dvd, and lots of lavender products to make me chill out!!! I feel so anxious. How are your opks coming along?

Nicole, je sui a na na na!!!
Post-post spell checker...
few symptoms=pregnancy not pregancy. :)

ps. I just found out that my niece's step-sister who is 19, unwed, and a heavy pot smoker is pregnant. ugh.
Thanks, Shelby and Erica. Shelby, I'm out of town on business and so is my doctor. So my plan is to call him on Thursday (when I'm told he returns) and just doublecheck with him that he thinks I'm ok without supplements. I'm sure he thinks so, since he was on the phone with me telling me my numbers were fine, but I think it will help me to get the reassurance :)

Sounds like you will definitely be ovulating on Thursday or Friday!! Woohoo!!
Hey girls

Shelby how is it going with the opk's?

I took one on monday and it was no line at all so I didn't take one yesterday because it will likely not be positive until today or tomorrow. I don't think I'll do another one today to be honest. DH is under a lot of pressure at work and he told me he really wants the TTC to be as relaxed as possible. He wants to just have lots of :sex: over the next week and see what happens.
I think he and I are still gun-shy because of the miscarriage. We want this time around to be different. We want to enjoy the process as much as we can because last time was filled with disappointment after disappointment. We're gonna try a relaxed approach for now at his request...which I really don't have any problem with. I hate when he is stressed at work and I'll do anything I can to lighten the stress at home for him.

Nicole when are you back?
Hey girls!!!

I think that's the best approach: relaxing, having lots of bding, and just enjoying life together! I feel less stressed this time without temping, but we'll see how the tww is.

Off to bed! Good night ladies!!!
Yay for lots of BD and relaxation! So hopeful for you girls this cycle!! :hugs:

What is everyone up to this weekend? I'm going to a wedding in Napa, which should be interesting sober...we've decided to tell the people we're going with, just cuz they're going to suspect, even though they're not our closest friends.
Hey girls.

Hope everyone is having a great day! I went to see New Kids on the Block and Back street Boys last night lol!!! I got tickets from work so I went to the stampede and then to the concert. It was so fun!! I'm dragging my ass today!!!

I'm going to stampede with Dom tomorrow and Drumhellar on Saturday for the Dinosaur Museum. I'm looking forward to a great weekend.

Shelby did you get your +opk yet??
Have fun in Napa! I bet it'll be a beautiful wedding! Maybe they'll have some non-alcoholic drinks that look like wine??? ...or you could take some grape juice! :) My dh and I thought about having our wedding in wine country, but we decided on Oxnard, CA instead. Do you know where that is?

Erica, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! I love the New Kids!!! Was the concert awesome?!!! I went to several of their concerts when I was little! Good memories for sure!!! It sounds like you have a great weekend ahead!

I got my +opk today. :)

So, I got all this lavender stuff to calm me down. The other night, I asked the kids during bedtime if they would like some lavender spray on their pillows. They were very reluctant, but after smelling it, they said yes. I told them it will help them sleep. So, ever since that night, they request lavender when I tell them good night. They are so funny. Every night, my dh reads to them. However, tonight, after he finished reading, he said, "Shelby, they're asking me for lavender! They want lavender!" lol It cracks me up! They are 6 (soon to be 7) and 9. My one step-son says, "Shelby, this works so good; I can sleep all night." The other says, "Spray everything please. I want my blanket and my pillow pet covered in lavender. Wait, can you spray three more times please." Too cute. Their sister says, "Spray mine last so it stays longer." I better buy stock in lavender spray!

Have a great weekend girls! :)
Shelby, that is too cute to be true! I love lavender too! I started drying my clothes with a small handkerchief sprayed with lavender extract, and my clothes smell so good and cleaner than with softener! ahhh, the joys of the housewife, lol :haha:
Sounds like you're the best stepmother anyone could have :)

I've been having such a great time with friends and family, eating all the cheeses (pasteurized of course), sausages, and fruit I can put my hands on. My parents live in the countryside, and they have a huge vegetable garden and an orchard. Everything smells good. It's been raining though...

Erica, that is so funny, sounds like you're having a great time! I LOVED going to the dinosaur museum, Dom is so lucky! :happydance:
Joanna, how are you feeling? Any nausea now? Maybe it'll be like me? Give us more details!!!!

Hi ladies. Is it too late to join you all. I will be 34 in a month and a half. Ttc#3 for a little over a year now. Today is Cd1 for me.
Hi Babegurl77! It's not too late to join us! Welcome!!!! I just turned 34 earlier this month, and I've been trying ttc my 1st since January. We have a good group of girls here! My name is Shelby. :)
Hi Shelby and thank you. Very nice to meet you. I cant wait to meet everyone else. Here's to BFP's in our future. :)
Hi Joy! Definitely not too late to join! I'm Joanna. I had been trying since January for 7 cycles when I got by BFP a couple weeks ago. How old are your other two?

Nicole, did you not have morning sickness? I have been freaking out because I don't seem to have it, and I just hit 6 weeks today. I know that 25% of women don't have it, so maybe I'm just in that category....I'll feel better I think after my u/s on Wednesday (when we should be able to see a heart beat). The Napa wedding was GORGEOUS. The bride is in the media field, so she is a pro at planning events. It was just really beautiful. Not drinking was though though, especially when coupled with feeling pretty tired...I think alcohol definitely normally helps me stay awake and engaged at these sorts of things.

Shelby, yay for the positive OPK, and I love the story about the lavendar! You are the best stepmom!! I do know where Oxnard is; we actually just went up there for a bike ride last weekend (I live in Los Angeles). You were on a boat off there, no?

Erica, how was the Stampede? Did Dom have a blast?

Nicole, glad you are having such a good time!

Hi Joanna it's nice to meet you. Congratulations of your BFP!!! That's exciting. Did you do anything special or take anything (clomid,soy,epo etc) special to get BFP, or was in all natural?
I have been trying to conceive now off and on for a little over a year. I guess you could say its been more like NTNP, since I wasn't really trying hard until now. AF showed up today and something in my head just clicked and said you're almost 34 girl you need to get your butt moving. Lol.
I have two sons, Lewis is 16 and Jordan is 13. Both used to live with me and visit their father on the weekends (he lives 5 mins away), but my oldest moved into his dads a few months ago and comes to my house on the weekends. He has more freedoms at his dads house- and less rules. But that's a whole different story. Lol
Anyhow, can't wait to get to know you better. Have a great evening. :)

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