33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi Joy! That's my cousin's name! :)

Joanna, I'm so glad you had a good time at the wedding! Also, you're so lucky to not have nausea! I don't think that means there is anything wrong! You're just one of the lucky ones! :) Our wedding was on the Scarlett Belle. It's a beautiful revamped river boat. If you ever need a place for an event...birthday party, anniversary, etc...it's perfect. They plan everything! They cater, decorate, and entertain! :) It's quite reasonable too!

Nicole, your trip sounds lovely! :) I'm glad it's getting better!

Erica, how are you??? :)

Hi pfab, nice to meet you! It's a great name...I love it. I get teased alot but I wouldn't change my name for anything. :)
Hi Girls!!!

Welcome Joy nice to meet you.

Shelby how you doing with the TWW? I don't think I've ov'd yet, I've been watching my cm :blush:

NKOTB were awesome!!! a little older than I remember :)

Joanna, I'm glad you are back!! Hope you had a great trip. Don't worry about the morning sickness (or lack of), my mom wasn't sick with any of her children.

Nicole the museum was awesome, Dom was a bit scared at first and then he didn't want to leave. I got him a T-Rex shirt and he wants to wear it everyday!!

Missed you girls this weekend!!
Thanks, Erica. I know I need to stop obsessing about it...I just wish I felt even slightly nauseaus...or any other symptoms for that matter. I have heard about lots of women who don't get any MS who go on to have healthy babies, and also about women who don't get it till 7 or 8 weeks. I just want to fast forward to my u/s on Wednesday...

Hopefully OV will come soon!!
Shelby how are you feeling?? I'm tired of waiting already and I've just begun the TWW.

Joanna and Nicole how are you preggos:)

Joy anything new??
Hey girls!
Erica, I'm tired of it too!!! I'm glad you ovulated though!!!!!!!! This waiting part is torture!!!

What has been on my mind most is my step-kids. They don't have camp this week, so for the past two days, I've been full-time step-mom. I am a ball of nerves. This is such a hard, sucky job. At the end of the day, they're not even mine. They have complained and fought nonstop. I took them to a friend's pool...they complained about going to the pool. The entire time at the pool, they fought over the pool toys. When it was time to leave, they complained about leaving. One o the twins reused to get out o the pool. If he were mine, I would've gotten him out somehow. But, there are limits to what I can say or do. UGH!!!! I came home, told my DH that I need a break. I feel horrible right now. I feel like I'm a horrible step-mom and maybe I shouldn't be a mom at all.
At the same time, I know it'll be different with my own child. I may look at him/her and say, he/she is acting like a brat, but I'll still feel love in my heart for him/her because he or she is mine. When these 3 act like brats, they really test my love and patience. The unconditional love isn't there yet.

:( I'm really upset right now. Sorry for venting.
...And my F button doesn't work...
I meant to say refused to get out of pool...not reused...
Hi ladies. Checking in. Today I'm on cd3. I've been doing alot of online research on fertility and ovulation. There's so much I didn't even know about my own body. :/
AF is heavy today. And of course it's a triple digit day outside so I just feel icky. But other then that, nothing new going on here. Looked at car seats and baby clothes at Walmart today with DH. Saw the cutest little onesies. And they were only $2! I wanted to buy a couple but had dh with me and he doesn't want to buy stuff until I'm actually pg. Grrr...doesn't he know it's always good to plan ahead? :p
Shelby, that sounds so frustrating!! You will be a great mom - being a stepmother is a thankless, incredibly daunting and difficult task, which is fortunately nothing like being a mother to your own babies. You sound like you're doing an amazing job - so many stepmoms don't even try.

How many dpo are you two? I need to start my countdown :happydance:

Joy, it's amazing how much there is to know, isn't it?

As for me, time is passing slowly...I have a big u/s tomorrow - we will hopefully be able to see the heartbeat (though if we can't I'm told it's not reason to worry until 7 weeks...I'm positive I still would though!!)

Thanks so much Joanna. I cried a good bit tonight..and had a vodka cranberry drink with my neighbor. Joanna, your kind words are so appreciated because I really question how well I'm doing. It really is a thankless job! :( I keep telling myself that the kids will appreciate me someday on some level.

Anyway, Joanna, I'm soooooooooooooooo excited for your u/s!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!! Please give us a report asap!!! I'm saying a prayer tonight for you and baby Sweet pea!!!! :)

Erica, I'm on dpo 4...are you on dpo 1? I've been feeling some cramping. :( Is everything going well with you?????

Joy, I admire your will to buy things for baby! I wouldn't be able to for fear that I would jinx myself!

Nicole, I hope you're having a beautiful, peaceful time wherever you are!!! Give us an update!
:hug: to all of you :)
Joy, I admire your will to buy things for baby! I wouldn't be able to for fear that I would jinx myself!

I know right. I kinda thought that way too, but after talking to some wonderful gals on another thread, I feel ok with it now. They reminded me that even if I don't get pg (God forbid), I can still gift, sell or donate the things I can't use. that's the only way I can justify buying. Lol. :blush: But I won't be buying anything big like cribs, etc. Just non gender baby clothes, baby bath tub(always a great gift if we can't use it), receiving blankies, stuff like that. :)
They will, Shelby. As a child of a father who remarried, I can tell you how much I have come to appreciate my stepmom. She has always tried hard, and never played my dad against us kids, and I've come to realize I am soooo lucky, because not everyone has stepmoms who are that great. So it took us a bit of time (it always does, I think, especially if the kids are younger and/or the divorce is messy), but my sisters and I have really come to believe we are blessed to have her in our lives. I'm sure your DH's kids will too - just keep trying, and don't be hard on yourself if they push you away. Just try to focus on the good moments, like the lavender story, and they'll come around. I'm sure they're also going through a bit of what I experienced where you feel like if you start to like or love your stepmother, it somehow feels a bit like you're betraying your mom. But that feeling passes as time passes from the divorce. You are doing great (and a great thing)! :hugs:
Thank you so much. :). Erica or Nicole said you always know just what to say, and I concur!!!!!! Thank you so much!

I can't wait to hear about your u/s!!! :).
You do too, Shelby! I always feel reassured by your responses! My u/s went great. We heard the heartbeat and saw the baby, which is measuring right on schedule (it is so tiny!). So I'm feeling much, much better. The doctor also told me not to worry about not really feeling sick yet--she said it often doesn't kick in until 7 weeks, and I might not have MS at all, not to worry about it. Thanks for all your support girls!

The countdown is on...I can't wait until it's test time for you girls!
YAY! I'm so glad you heard the heartbeat. The chances of something happening go WAY down after the heartbeat is heard. I'm so Happy for you :hugs:

Joy I love looking at baby stuff but I haven't bought anything yet because I have lots from my first one anyway.

Shelby, you are WAY too hard on yourself! We all are in our own way I guess. Just remember that DH loves you and believes in your capability as a step mother, mother and wife. He wouldn't have married you if he didn't believe that you had the strength to take on this job. I think it's normal to doubt yourself in that situation but try to remember how strong you are!!

Nicole, I hope you and your bump are doing well! When are you gonna post a pic of your baby belly!

Well, I think I've ov'd. I haven't been temping or using opk's but I had ewcm late last week, I think I probably ov'd Sunday or Monday. We'll see what happens I guess.
Oh Joanna! That's great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooohooooooooo! What a relief!!!!! Now you can transfer your energy to joyful, fun things!!!! :) It really is amazing that a baby grows from something so small as a pea. That's just insane! Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!!!!

Erica, thank you so much for your kind words. You girls are so awesome. This thread is amazing that way. It goes well beyond ttc. I have been doubting myself and wondering how I'm going to do this whole step-mom thing. I'll just keep doing my best, and at the end of the day, that's all I can do.

Erica, I'm sure you've ovulated!!!! ...but just in case...you should continue bding!!! Your dh would agree with me!!! :) I'm not sure how you're feeling about this tww, but I feel like I'm in a good place. I haven't thought about it as much...mainly because I'm not recording my temps every morning. So, not obsessing over charts and all of that is refreshing and less stressful. I'm so hopeful that we're going to have bfps this month, but I'm also thinking...if this isn't my month...it'll be ok...

Nicole...???How are you???
:hugs: to all of you!
Hi girls! Welcome Joy! Any questions are welcome!

I don't have a pic of my tummy but it's starting to show now! I will post a pic as soon as I can, I promise!

Erica, so glad you Ov'd :happydance:
Shelby, you're a great stepmom! However, I don't see why you couldn't tell them that it isn't "right" to complain when there is no good reason to. Not in the heat of the moment, but later. If you have to take care of them, you also have the privilege of teaching them how to behave (although, as a stepmother it is more delicate...). It seems like you have a healthy relationship with the children, that's all that counts.

Joanna, I started feeling nauseous around the 8th or 9th week if I recall, NOTHING before then. No morning sickness really. I was mostly disgusted by smells. It got worse around the 12th week, that's when I started eating cheddar cheese and crackers instead of a full meal (porridge, and fruit was yummy too!). I never threw up though, just the idea of anything too smelly/tasty made my stomach churn and my palms feel clammy, lol! Like sun dried tomatoes soaking in a garlic sauce, yuck at the time!!!

I'll be back to tell you more, but I'm feeling good, and still on vacation!

Hey guys,

Nicole it was so good to hear from you! Glad you are enjoying your vacation.

Shelby any "symptoms"? My boobs are sore but thats typical with AF.

I'm going to banff for my anniversary this weekend. I remember 5 years ago at this time I was testing fanatically because I wanted to drink over my anniversary weekend and I "felt" pregnant. I had BFN after BFN so I indulged only to find out a week later I was pregnant with Dominic. How time flies....It was so much easier then.

Hope all you lovely ladies have a great weekend:)
Hey girls!
Nicole, it's good to hear from you!!!!! Keep havin' fun!!!!

Erica, Happy Anniversary!!!! I hope you had a lovely weekend! :). Any more symptoms?

I haven't had any symptoms. I had some cramping today. Nothing unusual. I'm really not letting myself get my hopes up this time. I took a test today because sometimes af comes on cd 25, and I'm on cd 23 or 24 right now. It was -.

On a good note, I taught my step-daughter how to sew this weekend. She made a pillow, and I made curtains! :)

Joanna, how are you???
Hi ladies!

Shelby, that's awesome about teaching your stepdaughter to sew. I swear you are the BEST stepmom!!

Erica, I want to go to Banff so badly - I've heard it is lovely! Did you have a nice time? How many years is this for you and DH?

Nicole, can't wait to see a bump pic. Thanks for the info on your experience with nausea/morning sickness.

As for me, I'm doing ok. Had a scare on Friday because I went to the dermotologist to get a "mole scan" (like it sounds - they look you up and down and tell you if anything is fishy) and he said one of the moles I'd been wondering about had to be removed, as it could be cancerous. The thought of a possibility of cancer was enough--with my raging hormones--to send me into hysterics, so it was a rough afternoon. I won't find out the results for a week either. Still, I've mostly calmed down after repeatedly reminding myself that melanoma is very rare and that it's unlikely that there's anything to worry about. Rough day though!! Other than that, just feeling really tired (that started Friday) and a teeny teeny bit nauseas/queasy when I'm hungry. Also random abdominal pains, but nothing severe or long-lasting. I have another u/s on Wednesday, so looking forward to that!


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