33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

I'm sorry you've had a scare! I'm sure you're fine. As you said, melanoma is quite rare. I despise the word cancer, so I know how you feel. My Dad died from cancer when I was in college, so I thought cancer meant death. However, since then, my Mom has survived breast cancer and my sister has survived ovarian cancer + two types of thyroid cancer. So, I have more hope than before when I hear the word, cancer.

I'm not trying to make this about me...I just wanted to share with you that I'm sure you will be fine!!! ...and if turns out to be cancer, I'm sure they'll protect you and your baby!!! It's amazing what can be done medically. They've made leaps and bounds since my Dad's diagnosis.

I'm praying for you and hoping that you will have peace of mind soon! I hate that you now have this added worry. Keep your head up though! Focus on your little blueberry. Awwww! That's so tiny!!!

:hugs: to all of you! I'm so happy to be surrounded by such wonderful ladies!!!
Hi guys,

Joanna I would have freaked too! I know everything will be ok though!

Shelby can you teach me how to sew?! hehe. I love to try but I'm not very good at it.

Banff was awesome. We had a great time. It was our 6th anniversary:) I can't believe how fast time goes by. We've been together for 11 years!! We were so young!!

Anyway, Joanna I can't wait to hear about your next u/s.
Thanks, girls. I hope so! Shelby, so sorry about your father, that must have been so hard on you and your family. That's amazing about your mom and sister, however! It's true, medical science has come a long way!

Erica, congratulations on 6 years!! Glad to hear Banff was fun.

How many DPO are you girls?

Welcome shump76! Congrats on your third ttc, you are very welcome here! If you need help or want to rant, here is the place! Although we started out as the "positive" group ( Joanna, am I remembering correctly?), there's no denying we've had our ups and downs.
There was another new recruit here, where did she go?

Joanna, I understand how stressful the beginning is, and the tears and panicking. However, you are simply having a mole removed. Doctors ALL say that when they see a suspicious mole, I had a birthmark removed, just in case. It wasn't cancerous. My stepfather had another removed, no cancer. No no no Joanna, don't stress, sending you a ninja!!! :ninja:

Kisses to you all!
Baby's moving around right now, it's whenever I sit down in front of my computer recently :cloud9:
Thanks, Nicole! I know you're right! And I've honestly calmed down A TON--it was just the initial shock I think, combined with my hormonal craziness, that made me such a wreck. Soooo exciting you can feel the baby now!! That must be amazing! How bout a bump pic!?

Shump, welcome!
Awwwww Nicole! How exciting...movement...and it's the size of an onion! I can't believe you can feel movement when it's that small!!! It's just so fascinating. :) I'm so happy for you!

Joanna, I'm glad you're feeling better about it all. You really will be fine!

Erica, what's going on with your tww? Any news?

Unfortunately, I started spotting today. So, I'm sure af will be here tomorrow or the next day. To be honest, I don't feel as bad this month. I think the temping really produced more stress than anything. I constantly compared my chart to others. Without the temps, I had no choice but to wait. It also helped me not symptom spot so much. So, I'm disappointed, but I'm not devastated like last month.

We're taking the kids to an amusement park tomorrow. So, it should be a fun day!

Welcome SHump76!!!

:hugs: to all of you!!!
Erica, I forgot to respond...
I'd love to teach you how to sew!!! However, my sewing skills are well enough to impress a 9 yr old. I don't think it would impress anyone older than that! lol I love doing it though. It helps take my mind off things, makes me feel productive, and it's very therapeutic!

It's so wonderful that you've been together for 11 years...and married for 6!!!! You have such a beautiful family!!!

Hello Girls!!

Welcome Shump!

Nicole I LOVED feeling my baby move! Until about the 8th month when he ran our of room and I had the permanent imprint of a foot bulging out my right side under my rib :) We used to play music for Dom and he would go crazy in my belly....I loved that time.

Joanna let us know how your u/s sound goes today!!

Shelby I had sore boobs for 1 day I think and nothing since. No "symptoms" at all. I think I'm due for AF around the weekend sometime but I haven't really been keeping track because I'm trying so hard to be relaxed about this process. I'm really glad you're feeling ok with everything although I'm sad you're spotting. Keep me posted, we're in this together :hugs:
Shelby, I'm sorry to hear about the spotting. Has it stopped? Seems still too early for AF.

Erica, that is so crazy about the baby moving to music--how awesome! What is it like to look at Dom now and remember that he used to be so small?? Must be amazing. Btw, on the symptoms point, I had the least symptoms the month I got my BFP. All I had was cramping the night I got it (at 11 dpo).

My appointment went great. The baby is growing right on schedule (actually a couple days ahead) and the heartbeat was great. I had been so nervous--I can't seem to stop worrying even though I have no reason to really. It feels great to have some reassurance.

Yay Joanna, I'm so happy for you.

When is your next u/s?
Thanks, Erica!

I have one more next week. The doctor I'm seeing does them a lot because he's used to treating IVF patients, who get a ton of monitoring. So even if you conceived naturally, he follows the same protocols and does weekly scans through week 8. After next week, I get to "graduate" to a regular ob, and then I imagine I'll have to wait until my 12 week scan...We'll see though. I'm such a nervous wreck - I've always been a worrier, but never anything like this - I may see if I can get into my ob once before the 12 week appointment. Need to pick an ob first though!
So exciting Joanna! I know I know... a pic... but I find that I look awful in all of them. Lol, silly right? Ok, I'll ask my stepmom to take better pics this time and post one ... in three days probably (going to meet a friend in a small town on the coast - quality girl time, I'm excited!!!).
Erica and Shelby, waiting to hear more from you.

Yes, moving a lot in there! erica, I can't WAIT to have foot bulging out my side. It's funny how freaky I thought it would be and how happy it actually makes me to feel her/him! It makes me smile every time he/she pokes around in there. Last night, don't laugh, but I read a story out loud in english so the baby could hear my calm voice (we're usually screaming and laughing in my family, probably stressing it out...).
Thanks for sharing Erica! I love it when you do that!

Joanna, I wans't worried come to think of it, I was always mad for some reason! Probably because I was worried. Duh...

Hey girls!
Joanna, it sounds like your appt went perfectly! Yay!!!!! That is such a relief, so stop worrying!!! I know, easier said than done. Do you want to find out the sex when the time comes? How do you want to decorate the nursery?

Nicole, you have a sweet potato! Holy moly! :) Feeling and watching the baby move has to be one of the coolest things. I was going to ask you the other day if you're reading to the baby or playing certain music for the baby. Then I ran out of time. So, I'm glad you wrote about reading in English in a calm voice. Although, if a loud boisterous family is the norm...maybe you should play some Iron Maiden...that may be comforting for him/her! :) jk

Erica, I am still really hopeful for you. The month you that you had your bfp, you didn't have very many symptoms.

AF is definitely here for me. It's not as heavy as usual, but she's here. She came yesterday. Sometimes my cycle starts on day 25. This time it started on day
24. My luteal phase was only 10 days, and I was 11 dpo. I'm wondering if ff got my ov day wrong. ff has a really hard time calculating my day. This time I used my opk as my main indicator.

I'm disappointed, confused, frustrated... But trying to not be a Debbie Downer every time I post. Sorry.
Hi girls!

Shelby it's ok to be frustrated. Vent as much as you want!! It will happen for you, I know it.

Still no symptoms of AF. I sat down and figured out where I am in my TWW yesterday and I think I'm about 11 or 12 dpo. I am guessing because I didn't track ovulation this month. Just watched my cm and had lots of :sex:. I'm not expecting anything because I didn't really "try" with the opk's or temping or anything. I had a relaxed month with it though, it was what I needed. So I think AF will be here Sunday or Monday.

Hope the preggos are doing well:)

Can't wait for that pic Nicole!!
Thanks Erica, but I'll still try to keep my brooding tones to a minimum. :)
Ok I am on my second month on clomid 50mg and last month I am sure I ovulated yea it's been a while since that has happen. Anyway I took my temperature and did ovulation test knew when I ovulated had sex and nothing how frustrating. I am so discourgr after 4 years of trying.
Welcome Jessie777! My name is Shelby. I'm not on clomid, but my dr mentioned that would be the most likely 1st step in December if I'm not pregnant by then. I've been ttc since January, and I'm beyond frustrated.

I'm sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. How many cycles of clomid are you going to try?

We have a great thread here. The girls are very supportive! Keep your head up!

Hi girls!

Shelby, I'm so sorry your feeling down, and I echo Erica - it's totally fine to vent as much as you want to us. That's what we're here for. :hugs:

How are you Erica?

What is everyone up to this weekend? I am headed to yet another wedding, this one in the bay area. It's an Indian wedding, so I'm told it will be quite long...

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