33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Welcome Jessie777! My name is Shelby. I'm not on clomid, but my dr mentioned that would be the most likely 1st step in December if I'm not pregnant by then. I've been ttc since January, and I'm beyond frustrated.

I'm sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. How many cycles of clomid are you going to try?

We have a great thread here. The girls are very supportive! Keep your head up!

Hi nice to meet you this is my second cycle I am going to take m last pill tomorrow then in 4 days start ovulation testing and then have some mommy time with daddy ever other day Dr order! :) I have made my husband take vitamin c vitamin e and zinc it help semen count. I am also going to try preseed it says it helps get the little swimmers there faster
Hi girls - I was away this weekend and thought I'd come back to tons of posts! But seems like it was kind of quiet. How was everyone's weekend? Nicole, are you back in the states yet? Any word yet on whether it's a boy or a girl? Erica, AF is due today or tomorrow, no? Any signs??? Shelby, I hope you're doing ok :hugs:
Hi girls!
I just finished a tae bo workout: cardio inferno! It kicked my butt! :) My plan is to do that every other day, and the other days I am walking/running. ...trying to lose weight and get healthy!!!

How was everyone's weekend?

I hope all is well!

Hello ladies,

Joanna, another wedding?? holy! I've been to an indian wedding and it was quite long but the food was well worth it. Hope you had fun.

Shelby you and I are on the same wave length about getting healthy. I told dh the same thing this weekend. I have to focus on something positive for myself right now. I was working out so steadily and eating well when I was pregnant, when I lost the baby I just stopped caring.

Jessie welcome :flow:

Nicole when are you home? Hope your trip was awesome!

AF arrived on time. I still don't think my body is "right" from my miscarriage. Everything is different from before. August is depressing for me because I started trying about this time last year. I am so close to giving up "trying" and just let whatever happens happen. I now it's been 2 months, but honestly the miscarriage still affects me so much. I think about it constantly.
Yay for tae bo! I've always heard that is such an awesome workout! :thumbup:

Erica, so sad to hear AF arrived. :hugs: I was so hopeful for both of you this month. Any vacations or anything to look forward to for August? I definitely understand how it is a tough month for you. How is Dom? Does he go to school starting in September (or August)?

And yes, another wedding. Food was awesome, but I am sooooooo over weddings. And flights - I've flown 6 times in the last month or so and it sucks. I'm ready to be home for a few weeks (which thankfully we will be). Came down with a cold last night which kept me up half the night. Boo.
Hey girls!
Erica, I'm so sorry for your continued sadness. While I don't know what to say or do for you to really help you feel better, I want you to continue to talk about it anytime. We're here for you just to listen and comfort you. Your pain is heartbreaking, and I just wish I could give you a huge hug. Even if we're not talking about it, I always think of you and hope that each day is better than the one before. Just continue to love your dh and Dom every single second and aim your energy toward them. :hugs: :hugs:
Joanna, I can't believe the insane amount of travel you've had!!! You need to rest!!! I'm banning you from any fravel in the next 2 weeks!!! :). Does that help?
I've done an amazing job this month of not obsessing over ttc!!! :). There are days that I don't even think about it!!! Can you believe that? No opk either!!! Maybe this approach will work for me!!!

Hi girls! How is everyone? Is Nicole back? Shelby, that is great that you are able to avoid thinking about TTC - so liberating! I hope you're feeling positive for this month!! Erica, I hope you're hanging in there too. We are due for some good news!! :hugs:
Thanks Joanna! How are you feeling? What's going on? Anything new with baby news???

Where is everyone else? Erica? How are you??? Nicole??? I miss chatting with you girls!

:hugs:!!! :hug:
Hi girls! I am Evi. I am 34 and trying for #1. This is our 2nd cycle trying (I know it is too early). I have read this thread from page 1 to 85 (yes, it took me a few days...) and I feel that I know you all :) Wishing all the best to the pregnant ladies here and the best of luck to the rest of us ttc!
Welcome, Evi! I am amazed that you made it through our entire thread!! Unfortunately we've been a bit slow the last week or so...Not sure if Nicole is still on vacation...Cycle 2 is when I joined B&B as well. Hopefully this process will go quickly for you!

Shelby, I'm good. Feeling nervous since I now have a lot longer between appointments - last saw doc last week (at 8 weeks 3 days) and next appointment is at 11 weeks 1 day, but trying not to worry too much. The mild nausea I had seems to be wearing off (also trying not to worry about that!). Basically just trying to make these weeks go by faster!

Where are you in your cycle right now? I know you're not focused on TTC this month (yay for that), but do you have a rough estimate of when you OV'd--assuming we're past that point? How much longer before school starts up again?

Joanna, when I was reading this thread from the beginning and found out about your struggles (and Nicole's) but seeing your signature as preggers at the same time I was so excited when I reached your posts where you announced your bfps!!! I was so happy for you!
Hi Joanna! Welcome Evi! Erica and Nicole??? Where are you girls???

Evi, that's awesome that you've read the entire thread! :) Now you're brought up to speed! :) Good luck on your ttc.

I'm now 8 months in and still nothing. So, I'm really just sick of tracking temps, cm, and opks! Joanna, you're so right...not tracking is liberating!

Evi, tell us more about yourself!

Joanna, I'm sorry you have to wait for so long between visits, but remember what Nicole or Erica said about being fine once you're past a certain amount of weeks! You're past the worry hump I believe. ...and now you have an olive...a green one! lol! Why not a black one? or a calamata olive??? :)

:hugs: to all of you!
Yay for the new pic Shelby!

Yes, Evi, tell us about you - where in Europe do you live? As you saw, Nicole is/was (?) in France...
Hi girls, I live in Greece (I know this doesn't sound very good right now). I have also lived in the UK. I got married last year (we have been together with DH for more than six years) but only have started ttc recently since I was trying to finish my PhD during this past year (which I did and was really liberating). In general I am being worried and stressed very-very easily and as expected I already feel stressed during the 2nd cycle ttc. On the other hand, DH is not worried or stressed at all, which is very helpful at the moment. I am trying not to talk with him about my worries often since he doesn't think that there is a reason to be worried at the moment and he thinks that ttc is a procedure that we should be enjoying....:) (he does!) So finding this thread is great since I have found you guys and can talk a bit for how I feel.
I have been in France a number of time (research related and I loved it)! Also, wanted to let you know that English is not the first language for me....
Wow - if English is not your first language, you wouldn't know it!

I think that the 2nd cycle is when most women start to get a bit concerned about TTC. Most of us think it will happen right away, even though we may have heard that it takes time, just because we spend so much of our lives being told that if you don't use protection even once, you'll get pregnant! Most men, on the other hand, are definitely like your DH and don't get concerned until much, much later (if ever!). I started talking to my DH about my concerns during our 4th cycle, I think, and he became more receptive to discussing it each cycle (initially he was just like, you need to relax). I hope it happens quickly for you so you never get to that point!!
Hey girls!!!!!

How is everyone! I'm back! I'm finally back! I have been back for 3 days actually. I was supposed to be back on the 9th but at the airport, just before boarding, I nearly fainted :cry: - getting up at 4am, traveling by car then by train just to get to the airport was too exhausting. I was having hot flashes and just crawled to the floor not caring what would be said. Anyway, they called emergency, and I just had very low blood pressure and couldn't stand up for a while. Needless to say the crew was freaked out, they didn't want me in the plane! But they were very professional, and planned the same flight for the next day. I slept at the hotel, and was able to fly the next day (although I was still nervous it would happen to me again). The Ob says it's normal to faint, that your blood pressure in the 2nd trimester is lower etc... she didn't seem very worried. So that's good news for the baby...

By the way...

A BOY! I'm having a boy!!! A boy? Me? A girl? Giving birth to a boy? I can't get over it... DH is a little disappointed and scared and I don't know what to say to reassure him. After the initial shock, I'm ecstatic - I just can't believe I made a boy, haha!

Help! What can I tell DH to make him feel better? :shrug:
I think it also goes back to him seeing his father leave, and him having a very strong bond with his mother. His whole family wanted a girl too... which doesn't make it any easier.

Welcome to all newcomers! Evi, I admire you for reading 85 pages! But I also remember reading threads where women ended up pregnant, I couldn't stop reading too!

Here's a pic, finally!
welcome back, nicole!! and yay for the bump pic! I can't believe you are carrying a canteloupe!! glad you survived the airport experience, that sounds scary and stressful. and congrats on the news of a boy! i'm actually hoping for a boy, so it sounds wonderful to me, but i'm sure your DH will come around to the idea. maybe you can talk through with him why he was hoping for a girl, and help reassure him that a lot of the good things are the same for baby boys and girls?

shelby, evi, erica, how are you girls?

had a nice but busy weekend here...hike yesterday, then lots of errands, followed by me crying my eyes out - literally - over the movie marley and me on pay per view. i've seen it before, but it never ceases to make me bawl. hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Hi girls!
Nicole that's a great picture!!! Congrats on the boy...I would love to have a boy, too.
A friend of mine had consistently low blood pressure and would faint, sometimes in the middle of the street, throughout her pregnancy. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy...

Towards the end of this week I will test, although at the moment I just have pms symptoms. However, as I have read in other threads this doesn't always mean that you aren't pregnant, although at the moment I think that this is not the case. I have started temping a few days ago. Temperature still up, but it is too soon, plus I don't know my pre-ovulation temperatures...

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