33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi Joanna,

I am 9/10dpo will have more idea next cycle hopefully with temping and OPK's. I did a ic yesterday and it was BFN and I am pretty sure I am having pre AF cramps :cry: I am due on Sat so not holding out much hope for this cycle.
How' things with you little bean?!
Brassy I just realised your pretty much the same age as me (I'm 34 next month) and I'm also TTC#1.
I am finding it all a lot harder than I thought, I imagined falling straight away and can't help thinking due to my age it won't happen, silly hey!
How are you with it all? It's really nice to dind someone my age in the same boat, and it's reassuring that the ladies on this thread have all got their :bfp:

Anyway wondered if you wanted to be TTC buddies as it would be nice to have someone to compare symptoms with and hopefully we both get our :bfp: soon!!!

Hi Gemma,
yes I would love to be TTC buddies. Shelby would you also want to be buddies? I guess we were all born in 1977, I was just born earlier in the year.
Gemma it was an almost shock for me not to fall pregnant during the 1st cycle (I know...how stupid) because when you are trying not to be during all your sexually active life, you pressume that once you don't take any protection it will just happen naturally. I didn't want to get pregnant earlier because I was trying to finish my PhD which had taken me some years and lots of hard work and emotional ups and donws. Now that I have finished it I have almost started thinking that I should have started ttc earlier.... anyways...

I hope you get your BFP this month!!! You are still in. As far as cramps are considered a number of my friends who have gotten pregnant had PMS symptoms before testing and finding out that they were preggers....:)

This month I will be following the SMEP and will be using digital opks. I will be also using a sperm friendly lub that I got...

Have any of you considered and traditional chinese herbs for aiding conception?

Baby dust to all of us!!!
Hi girls,

Evi is right, Gemma, you're definitely not out yet. I don't usually get pre-AF cramps, but I had bad cramping at 11 DPO when I got my BFP (and for a while after).

And yes, I think all of us except Nicole and Erica are 1977 babies--so great to find each other, since I often feel so old on some of the other threads! We are not old at all yet girls--don't beat yourselves up about not starting TTC till a bit later than some. It will still happen (trust me, I can speak from experience on this!) and we will be great moms because we've had lots of time to grow and mature and experience life!

Shelby, I hope you're doing ok...:hugs:
PS, i don't know about chinese herbs, but I have several friends who swear by accupuncture for getting a bfp. One had been trying for a year with her second (after getting a bfp right away with her first) and the month she tried it, she got her bfp. perhaps if you see an accupuncturist, they can also talk to you about the herbs, since I know that often goes hand in hand :thumbup:
Hi girls! I was wondering how is everyone here....
I feel a bit better about ttc today. Last night we met with a friendly couple that we hadn't seen for a long time cause the live far away. The lady is now five months pregnant. We started discussing a bit about that. She is 36 and conceived after a year! So, there is hope...
On the other hand have I told you that there is a chance that from September 1st we will be living in different cities with DH?? I will know on Monday and I am sooooo stressed about it. If this is the case I will never be able to conceive...:-(
Thanks Joanna,

Your right we're not old and will appreciate being mums so much!!!
Hey Evi I'm good thanks 12dpo today and feeling strangely optimistic about this month. I am sure I am heading for a fall but you have to hope don't you!!
I'm glad your feeling better about it, there is definitely hope for us it may just take a little longer than if we were in our 20's.
Why may you be living in different cities? How long for? :hugs:
Hi girls!
Gemma how are you today....Fingers crossed AF will stay away!!! I am glad you are feeling optimistic! :thumbup:
I am cd7 and I think I will start with my first OPK today since I usually ovulate early cd11-13. If I have to go away on September 1st then we might even miss this egg...:-(
It's because of my job that I might be away from September to June and I will know on Monday...I hope I will be able to stay. I would say chances are 50-50...If I go then we will be able to meet with DH only during the weekends (tough)...:nope:
Anyways I will try to make the most of the eggie!:sex::sex::sex:
Hi Evi,

I feel like the old :witch: is gonna get me any minute! Never mind onwards and upwards I have my thermomenter and OPK's for next cycle so will annoy DH with those :haha:
I have my fdx'd that you get to stay where you are with work and that you also catch the egg this cyle
Hi Evi,

I feel like the old :witch: is gonna get me any minute! Never mind onwards and upwards I have my thermomenter and OPK's for next cycle so will annoy DH with those :haha:
I have my fdx'd that you get to stay where you are with work and that you also catch the egg this cyle

Thank you Gemma!~
I would like to tell you that my thermometer and I are now inseparable. I started temping after my ovulation in my last cycle and had no idea about this kind of stuff..I was really impressed when the day I got AF I saw my morning temperature to have dropped (although I knew that this is happening). I am looking forward to see it rising after ovulation. I feel good about getting to know more about my body...

Although you feel that AF will be there soon I hope she stays away from you...There is still hope! :flower: :flower:
Hi Evi,

I feel like the old :witch: is gonna get me any minute! Never mind onwards and upwards I have my thermomenter and OPK's for next cycle so will annoy DH with those :haha:
I have my fdx'd that you get to stay where you are with work and that you also catch the egg this cyle

Thank you Gemma!~
I would like to tell you that my thermometer and I are now inseparable. I started temping after my ovulation in my last cycle and had no idea about this kind of stuff..I was really impressed when the day I got AF I saw my morning temperature to have dropped (although I knew that this is happening). I am looking forward to see it rising after ovulation. I feel good about getting to know more about my body...

Although you feel that AF will be there soon I hope she stays away from you...There is still hope! :flower: :flower:

I feel exactly the same!! I can't wait to start taking my temp, how exciting!! I know what your saying and I think I will hold onto a little bit of hope untill tomorrow, but in my heart of hearts I know we haven't done it this month :nope:
I will keep you posted though...!
Hey, jumping in here! I'm 33, and am trying for #1 also. I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks in July, and have had a normal AF since, and currently got a peak reading two days ago on my CBFM...BD'd that day, and now am in the 2 week wait. We'll see what happens! Best of luck to all of my fellow thirty-somethings on their BFP's!
Hey, jumping in here! I'm 33, and am trying for #1 also. I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks in July, and have had a normal AF since, and currently got a peak reading two days ago on my CBFM...BD'd that day, and now am in the 2 week wait. We'll see what happens! Best of luck to all of my fellow thirty-somethings on their BFP's!

Welcome wookie! You have found the right place. I am really sorry about your m/c. I have never been pregnant but I understand that must be really tough.
Baby dust to all of us!!!:dust:
The strangest of things has just happened to me. I have just spoken to e very good friend of mine on the phone. :telephone:
She is pregnant! I am really happy for her. We started ttcing together two months ago. What I didn't like is that she is now 8 weeks pregnant and didn't tell me last time we met although she knew... She said that she didn't want to upset me and make me feel bad. Of course I wouldn't be upset. It's just that the fact that she admitted not having told me for that reason makes me feel bad and upset. Do I look so desperate?:dohh:
I have just made a decision. I will stop discussing this with my friends. I will only discuss it with my mom, DH and you guys.... :shhh:
I don't want people to feel sorry for me....:sad1:
Ahh that is awful, don't let it upset you, I'm sure she wasn't thinking of how she is making you feel? You certainly don't come across as desperate on here. Did you tell her how she made you feel? I would, I'm not one for holding back!!
I'm the same though I can't really talk to anyone about it other than you guys on here so it is a god send!
Cheer up hun :flower:
HI girls!

It's funny to see all the ups and downs we had are about the same you girls are having. We're all in the same boat as far as realizing it ain't easy. Especially, as someone said on here, since we try for years not to become pregnant! I can't wait to see another BFP on this forum :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I miss you Erica :cry: jsut tell us where you are, what you're up to, that's all!
Joanna, how big is the tummy? When's the next ultrasound? HOw are the hormones, and work??? Are you still working out? You're almost at the end of your first trimester, how time flies!!!
Shelby, aaaargh, and aaaargh again. Soooo happy there are all these girls to support you better than us bumps :nope:

Hi Girls,

Shelby I hope you are doing ok. I know how frustrated you feel!

Nicole and Joanna how are you guys feeling? I hope you are well and enjoying every minute of it!

:hi: to the rest of you girls as well.

Nicole I'm still around!!! We are still "trying" but I was just so obsessed with this site, the opk's, temping and everything else. I was so let down after the MC, it was one of the hardest things I've ever been through and I felt myself feeling so down after AF showed up last cycle. This whole experience has been hard on me and I just decided it was time to make the good things in my life my main focus, my son, my dh, etc. Although I'm still wanting and wishing for a baby, it has become a secondary focus. I've been spending a lot of time with DH and Dom enjoying the last few weeks of our summer and trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible. I love you guys! I haven't left or forgotten you! I am just trying to keep a balance:) I am still checking in and making sure you're all ok. :hugs:
HI Erica! Thanks for coming in and sharing. You're so right to stay away, but I'm still selfishly happy to see you back :flower:

Lots of love from the whole gang!!!
Hey girls,
I'm sorry I haven't been checking in as much. Welcome Wookie!

Brassy (Evi?) I would love to be ttc buddies. I don't know what that means. lol I thought that if we're on this thread together, we're buddies. :)

Erica, I feel the same way as you. Coming here when I'm not pregnant magnifies the fact that I'm not pregnant. So, I'm taking a bit of a break. I started school again, so I have that taking up my thoughts and time...which is good.

We continue to ttc, but I also have my sights on December when I can discuss clomid or something... Until then, all I can do is try to stay sane through ttc.

I'm hopeful that Erica, Evi, Gemma, and Wookie all have their bfps soon! :dust: to you girls!

Nicole and Joanna, continue celebrating and know that you're giving me hope and inspiration. Especially you Joanna. The cycle before your bfp, you were so stressed about your uterus and what your ttc outlook would be. Then, wah lah, a bfp!

So, it happens girls. It will happen for all of us. I just thought it would've happened for me by now.

Hi girls,

Shelby and Erica, I was so pleased to see messages from you - I miss you girls!! :hugs: But I fully understand the desire to step away from this site - I had the same feeling during my last month ttc. Shelby, is there no way to talk with your doctor before December? I assume they're strict on the one year thing or something? And you're right - it was at my lowest point that I got my BFP. So it will happen. I know that knowing that doesn't make it any easier, so I think what you're doing--trying to focus on other things for now, at least until you can get to your doctor--is the right thing to do. :hugs:

Nicole, HI!! How are you?? I can't believe that you are well over half way there! I definitely did not feel like time was flying - I thought it was slow during TTC, but this was waaay slower. It's just starting to go by a bit faster. Still trying to ride the bike and do the elliptical. Belly is sticking out a bit, but since my uterus is just retroverted, I honestly think it's just from my gaining weight (I always gain weight in my tummy first - lovely).

Evi, sorry about your friend's comment. That seems really insensitive on her part to me. Wookie, welcome! Gemma, I can't remember, are you testing soon?


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