33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Ok, so here goes... I have had pressure in my lower abdomen, on and off, since Sunday. Sunday I thought it may be the rich food, last night, I thought it might be constipation, but it's fairly constant.
I'm not whooping right now (only 5dpo) but if I write this down here, I'll be able to come back over these symptoms and say: this can happen without being pregnant, and it will be that easier to not symptom spot next cycle. That's my approach...
For example, I know that breast tenderness is definitely not a sign for me since they are always (at least 6 last cycles...) tender and fuller from O to AF!!!
:blush: I'm not crazy girls... just facts, that may or may not be linked to pregnancy.

Now I feel silly...:blush:

Oh yeah! Dancing class is ZUMBA!!!
Don't feel silly!! I think it's totally natural to try and pay attention to whats happening with your body considering we're hoping and praying for it to tell us something. The last 6 months I have felt an array of "symptoms" which have proved to amount to nothing. This month I actually don't really feel much of anything, no odd cramping, breast tenderness etc. but even if I did, I would try not to place much hope on it because like you, I have taken sort of a mental inventory of them in previous months and know that they can happen when pregnant or not pregnant.

About the "whooping" thing, I just meant look at us both...you having a cigarette and me having wine.....what rebels!!\\:D/
I agree! I think it's so key to at least pay attention and keep track of what you're feeling, at the very least so you can rule it out as a "symptom" next time if you don't get your bfp. For example, two months ago I had a raging horrific headache 2 days before AF came -- now I know that for me, a headache is never going to be a PG sign (no idea if anyone said it was, but you get what I'm saying here). The annoying part to me is that one month you can have a ton of symptoms (like me 2 months ago) and the next no symptoms (last month for me) and then still get AF both months!!

Anyway, I'm basically just dealing with feeling full/vague abdominal pressure and discomfort/gassy (I know, I am gross, tmi) for the last few days. But as Nicole points out, that kinda stuff can be from food, and all sorts of other causes (including PMS!!) so not reading into it. The only "symptom" that really threw me for a loop was the pain that woke me up on the night b/w 6 and 7 DPO. I've come to believe that might have been food related too though. But it was weird and definitely annoying nonetheless.

Sigh...Back to pretending to do my work for another half hour or so...
I am intrigued about this pregnancy plan that Nicole posted. If this month doesn't work out for me, I might actually give it a go.
You guys are the best!!! :hugs:

The rebel group is born!
Sooo, Joanna, what bad things have YOU done??? :happydance:
LOL. I've been drinking--lightly, I swear!--throughout this process. Just stopped a couple nights ago. Until then, figured a glass or two of wine wouldn't hurt!!

Good night ladies
Good Morning Girls!

Hope everyone is feeling good today! I work Mon-Thurs which makes today my last work day. Yipee! Can't wait to start the weekend. Been putting off yoga all week, figure it's time to get to it tonight.

Anyone else have plans?

Have a great day!
Good morning! Erica, so jealous of your 4 day work week! I've got my sister coming into town this weekend, so main plans are to hang out with her. Should be fun and help me take my mind off ttc. I'm feeling better this morning because my temp went back up...Not sure what to make of that, but have decided to view it as positive :shrug:

Have a great day, ladies!
Yes my 4 day week is awesome. I do aggregate testing so the winter is our slow time and usually end up working partial days too, but then come spring/summer it gets crazy around here and I'm usually doing mon-thurs and saturdays. With the fluctuation in my hours thank god for being on salary! The winter here this year has been particularily long and cold so although I've been bored I get to leave early and spend more time at home with Dom. Can't complain I guess.

Hanging out with your sister sounds great. My sister and I are quite close but between us both working and her 3 kids doing this and that and my son doing his stuff we find it hard to spend time together like we used to. How we would both love to have a weekend together! Does your sister know your TTC?

Glad you're feeling positive about your temps. Good things are coming Joanna, I can feel it!!
Aren't sisters the best?! Yes, we are close. But she's in med school right now, so she's super super busy all the time. I haven't told her we're ttc yet, but most likely will this visit. She actually worked in an obgyn office before starting school, so she's got lots of useful knowledge!

Definitely nice to have a somewhat flexible schedule in the slow times - there's nothing worse than being stuck at with nothing to do! Glad you can go home and be with Dominic! That's rough about the winter. I lived in Vermont during college and I remember thinking, in particular one year when it snowed on Easter in April, that the winter was never going to end! But the cold is good for getting cozy and BD'ing!!
How many days before AF is due for both of you?
I can't waiiit!

Ok, book club tonight with some friends... will be drinking, but not too much. Or maybe I should not drink and get them used to the idea? Hummmm...

So, I don't know what the hell is going on, I have had cramps and backache last night, and today slight twinges. Making me crazy! however, I strongly believe - let's say 69% that it is gas/constipation/irritation from starting work again (substituting all week, here and there, non stop). Also, tmi... I have a yeast infection - first time in a year. When I took the BCP I had this every SINGLE month, it was awful. Since I stopped the BCP I have felt liberated. Sorry, truly tmi...

Joanna, happy your temp went up!

No plans for this weekend yet! Not as far along as you guys in my tww so I'm not going to want to POAS over the we.

Good to hear from you!
Erica :winkwink: I see you're answering the same questions as me in the TWW.
Mine is *supposed* to be due on 3/14, which would be the 25 day cycle I've had for the last 3 month. BUT, I don't know how long my LP is, or if I ov'd early this month, so I suppose it could come any time now...No clue...:shrug:

Anyhoo...book club sounds like fun! i was in one until the beginning of last year but we basically disbanded because everyone had kids!! :cry:

Have a good night girls!

ps - nicole so sorry about your YI. i get those whenever i take antibiotics and it BLOWS. truly no fun, and definitely seems like it could complicate any analysis of CM!
Wow... I shouldn't complain about the weather in San Francisco. It has been raining quite a bit lately but it isn't cold. Come live here! for a visit with your DHs :haha:
Joanna, lol for the kids coming in the way of book club. In our group, no one has kids... but I know there's another girl NTNP :)

WAIT! I just had a look at your chart, and you were worried that your LP was too short?!?!??? Here you are at 12DPO, and still no AF ? If you are due for AF in 3 days (Monday?) then your LP would be 14 days. Pretty good!:thumbup:
How are you felling? Relaxed?
I'm feeling obsessed! It's terrible. I can't seem to stop POAS'ing, which I know is very bad :nope:. Need to try to be more :coolio: about all this. Unfort, have a huge stash of internet cheapies calling my name. AND, working from home today, so there's nothing rein in the craziness! I think if I do get AF this month, it will actually be somewhat helpful because I'll know what my LP is and when I should really be testing...Right now, I'm basing everything on my "usual" cycle length.

Hopefully you are more relaxed? Sounds like it!!
Good Morning Girlies

Nicole, Book club sounds so fun. I would love a night out by myself once in a while. sorry to hear about the YI, I haven't had one in a few years but remember it being not all that nice. Maybe it's a sign that things are changing :)

I'm sort of iffy on my AF date. Only because I ovulated on either the 28th, or the 1st so I figure I'm 10-11dpo. I should expect it on the 14 or 15th I suspect. I have had tender boobies today and yesterday a little which I had with my first, but I also have before AF comes so I'm taking that with a grain of salt. Also, have been a little backed up and gasy myself....I think we've all mentioned it at one time. Maybe we should title the name of this little group the gasy girls path to pregnancy.:haha:

Any way, I had such big plans for the weekend but last night Dominic was up with fever and vomiting. Poor little guy. We're both a little low on sleep, and kinda grumpy because he was literally up every hour or so. We'll see how he feels tomorrow but it could end up being a pretty quiet weekend for me. Might have to reschedule my date with DH since I won't leave him if he's feeling crappy. Oh well, he'll keep me on my toes.

Bought some dollarstore tests, doing my best not to test this weekend. Trying to be strong!

Have a wonderful day ladies. :hugs:
Hey! We're all at home today!!!

I had no idea you were testing JOanna!
It seems like we'll be getting AF around the same time - I'm due on 15th or 16th. I changed my chart to OV on the 14th (the earliest) because that would explain the serious AF symptoms I am having right now: lower backache, moodiness :devil:
I'm choosing to bring my hopes down! It makes me feel like I'm in control.

Thanks Erica... :nope: to YI! Can't check CM, trying not to infect myself further by checking cervix... Yup! TMI! Sorry gals, can't help it...

Book club is fun! Last night I was a very BAD ttc girl, had a beer, some wine and shared a few ciggies with friends. I hope I didn't kill my chances... :blush:

Erica, that's too bad for your weekend, hopefully Dominic (love that name) will be ok soon?
I still have no plans for the weekend...
I'm feeling obsessed! It's terrible. I can't seem to stop POAS'ing, which I know is very bad :nope:. Need to try to be more :coolio: about all this. Unfort, have a huge stash of internet cheapies calling my name. AND, working from home today, so there's nothing rein in the craziness! I think if I do get AF this month, it will actually be somewhat helpful because I'll know what my LP is and when I should really be testing...Right now, I'm basing everything on my "usual" cycle length.

Hopefully you are more relaxed? Sounds like it!!

Joanna, no, I'm NOT relaxed, haha! But not too crazy either (I'm still 9 dpo, or 7, who knows really).

What are the tests saying? are they defo negative?

good for you for being positive about this cycle charting and bringing your confidence back!
Oh yes, most def :bfn:. Trust me, I've looked from all angles in every light! Only using ICs and dollar store tests though--refuse to go out and buy the pricey ones (yet ;)). Sooo, holding out a small glimmer of hope that those just aren't very good tests. I'm also not sure if I really ov'd on the 12th. Kinda wish I'd done some more opks.

Anyway, your chart looks good. And I'm glad we'll all be finding out at around the same time - it will help me so much to get through the news if it's bad! Esp if one of you gets good news! Fx'd!
PS Nicole - I took another look at your chart with the new OV date - I think it looks really good! Are you waiting to test until the day AF is supposed to arrive? After? You and Erica have sooo much more self-control than I do. Should never have bought the ICs!

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