33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

That's great news about the heartbeat, Gemma! I know how easy it is to be scared, and I had multiple scans before 12 weeks. It's just a nervewracking process. I had heard the doppler can help a lot (provided you actually find the hb!), so glad you got one and some peace of mind. The glucose test is the test for gestational diabetes; I think you do have it in the UK, as I've heard other ladies on here from there talking about it. Basically between 24-28 weeks or so, you drink this nasty sugar drink and they test your body's tolerance to the glucose. I'm nervous about it partly because it's supposed to taste yucky, but mainly because I eat A LOT of sugar (I'm a candy addict), so I hope I haven't given myself diabetes!

Erica, I'm planning to work till the [bitter] end. If I take off before, it cuts into my time with the baby on the back end, so as long as I don't get put on best rest or anything, I'll be at work until the day I go into labor, fx'd! Wow, puking 3 times a day - that sounds AWFUL! I can't believe you had that all the way through with Dom! You're right--this time around does sound a lot better!

I am also planning to work right to the end. I am totally on board with your thinking. I want to be off with the baby as long as possible so I'm gonna try to work right until the due date.

I giggled about your diabetes comment. I had a sweet tooth too and gained a decent amount of weight and I was ok. You look super healthy from your last picture so I wouldn't worry too much :)

I have my first trimester physical tomorrow. I should get to hear baby's heart beat, so I'm excited about that. I'm not so excited for the rest of the physical however.

Gemma your ultrasound is getting closer! You getting excited?? Mine is next tuesday and I can't wait!
Oh and Gemma, what brand is your doppler? I was thinking of getting one.
Hi Ladies,

My doppler is angelsounds but to be honest if I had done more research I might have gone for a sonotrax possibly, although saying that mine has been great and I have found the heartbeat!
I am very excited for my scan, I was getting so worried that something might be wrong that I was thinking of paying for a private scan which we really can't afford so now I have found the heartbeat I am really excited for the scan and can't wait to see our little bean.
I bet you can't wait for your scan Erica, apparently once we have that scan time will fly, not sure I believe that though lol
Joanna I haven't heard of that test will ask my midwife on the 29th, doesn't sound very nice lol How are you feeling in general?

I am really hoping that once I am in 2nd trimester I will start craving healthy foods as at the moment I am constantly eating bad food and last night had another pizza!!
How you feeling Erica? I keep feeling something going on in my stomach which I am sure is growing pains but still worries me slightly, do you have that? xx
Oh and thanks Joanna it was very reassuring finding the heartbeat and has really put my mind at rest at this nerve wracking time! x
Also with regards to working I was thinking of going of 2 weeks before I'm due but maybe I will play it by ear and if feel okay work right up as I would like maximum time off too x
Hi Girls,

Gemma I get those feelings in my tummy too. I am trying to remember what it was like with Dom but it's so hard to remember 5 years ago! I had some bad lower back pain and achiness in my lower abdomen in line with my with hip bones, I was super worried. I did some reading and I think it's just because my belly is stretching a little.

I'm sure it's just growing pains :)

I can't wait to get my energy back. I keep thinking about what Joanna said about feeling great around 17 weeks. I'm so tired!

You guys doing anything special for the holidays?

Joanna it's thanksgiving for you this weekend right?
Oh good that is so reassuring that your feeling it too. It has stopped now but then I feel it periodically along with aching boobs!! Sure it is just all part of being pregnant.

I am really tired too and can't wait to have more energy!!
I have a lovely weekend planned with my mum, we are going shopping and she is taking me out for dinner, can't wait! What about you?
Hi girls!

Erica, Thanksgiving for us is always on a Thursday (no idea why), so you're close - it's this coming Thursday (a week from today). We're hosting my husband's parents and my parents. So not too large a group, which hopefully means not too too much work for us!

Gemma, I had aches and pains of and on for pretty much all of first tri, so I wouldn't worry too much. Especially around where you girls are, and continuing through 15 or 16 weeks, I had sharp pains that my doctor said were round ligament pain.

And yes, the energy totally returned for me after 17 weeks - I honestly had been terrified that I had just become out of shape and lazy, but I'm back to normal now and it is AWESOME. tho ive heard that you start getting really tired again in 3rd tri. Was that your experience Erica?
Yes, unfortunately that was true for me Joanna. I mostly felt it at the very end because it's so hard to sleep when your close to full term. I found I was either up to pee, or I was so uncomfortable I couldn't sleep much. It gets tiring carrying around the extra weight too.

It doesn't last long though:)

Makes sense about thanksgiving on a Thursday, guess that's why black friday is a Friday:)

Gemma, your weekend sounds great! We have family photos tomorrow and then we're viewing them on sat. Dom has gymnastics Friday and skating sat, and my sister has a concert on Sunday night I'm going to see. Should go by fast. Normally I like my weekends to go slow but this one I don't mind zipping by because my ultrasound is on Tuesday. Can't wait!!

Joanna is there a baby shower in the works for you?
Thanks Joanna I saw someone else mention round ligament pain and it was just like that and has now gone so feel fine, especially as I'm 12weeks on Tuesday!!!!
Wow Erica your scan is on Tuesday you must be sooooo excited! I just have to get through 1 more week and it will be my turn. I am still using my doppler most night to feel reassured but I am sure nothing beats seeing the little bubba on the screen wriggling around. Your weekend sounds great too, hope you have a fab time.
I am getting really excited to have this baby now it is starting to feel real if that makes sense. I do have days where I feel a bit scared but then the excitement takes over!!! I'm starting to show now which helps I think! xx
Gemma it totally makes sense! I feel the same way, I'm showing (I look more pregnant than what I am) and I've hit that 12 week mark and it seems so real now. soon we'll be feeling baby moving around in there :) can't wait!!!

Joanna let us know how your test went!
Ahh I cannot wait to start feeling it move around!!!!

I have put my doppler away and am never using it again as gave myself a massive scare yesterday. Tried to find the heartbeat before work and couldn't find it anywhere and got into a mad panic thinking the worst. I spoke to my midwife and broke down and she told me to come in and then found it straight away phew! But made me promise I won't use my doppler again!! So if you don't have one Erica my advice is don't get one, way too stressful!!! Have you had your scan?? xx
Gemma that would be SO scary. I'm glad everything is ok. I will take your advice and pass on the doppler. I would be obsessed!

My scan went great! Everything is how it should be, baby is looking great. They ultrasound tech had to get the baby to re-position a few times and gave my tummy a good push and the baby would respond. It was so cool. At one point she pushed and the baby stretched way out like she had woke him/her up.

Dh is convinced its a boy because when the baby stretched you could see the entire outline of the body from the bottom view and there was definitely something between the legs.

We also got to see the baby swallow some fluid and then we saw a little bubble in the tummy where the fluid was. It was really awesome. I am finally feeling like I can be comfortable with this pregnancy.

I have a few pics I was thinking of posting :)
Oh wow that sounds amazing, post the pics I want to see!!! I can't wait for my scan on Tuesday now. After thinking it was so far away I can't actually believe it's nearly finally here!!! xx
Gasp! You girls have been moving along so nicely! Glad to read all the good news!!!
I'm back just to say hello. Still 4 weeks to go, but baby is breech and next week I'm going in for a "version" where they manually - 60% success rate - turn the baby head down. Fingers crossed!
I have gained so much weight it isn't funny, 34 pounds! Just don't want to go beyond 40... yikes. I have NOT been working out AT ALL.

Second trimester was when I was the most tired - because was anemic and didn't know for too long. If you're feeling weak , ask for an early test, not like me!

Happy HAPPY pregnancy girls!!!
Wow Nicole, oly 4 weeks left!

Gemma have a great scan!!! Let us know how it goes!

Joanna, hope you're doing ok?
Hi girls! wow, nicole, i can't believe how close you are! fx'd the attempt to manually turn the baby works!

erica, so glad to hear your scan went well!! i passed the gestational diabetes test, which was a huge relief...otherwise no news from me really. just waiting for days to pass more quickly!

gemma, when is your scan?
Hi Girls,

I had my scan and it was amazing!!! The little bugger was upside down so I had to jump about so they could get all the measurements they needed but wow! He/she was opening and closing her mouth and moving arms around it was quite emotional.
Nicole wow only 4 weeks to go how exciting, good luck with the turning. I feel like I'm never going to get to that stage lol :wacko:
Joanna I am so pleased that you passed the diabetes test :hugs:
Erica post your pics I wanna see!!! I will post mine when I get home too xx
Ok Gemma, here are a few of mine :)

Lets see yours!!!


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Wow, Erica, those are awesome! Welcome to 2nd tri!!

Hope you ladies are doing well...Nothing new to report here really. Still feeling great, although not sleeping too well. :hugs:

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