38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Smithco I'm so sorry , it must be so hard for you both right now . Mother Nature can be a real cow sometimes . Its good they are looking at options re coming up with a solution . I hope you have someone you can talk to about this outside of your relationship . Its important tht you get the support you need too . I'm sure you've very many mixed emotions right now . Be kind to yourself xxxxx
Smithco, I'm so sorry. It sounds like there are still options, so hold on to that. And cry as much as you need to. This forum is a safe place to land. Vent, rant, cry, and we'll be here to listen, encourage; and one day, celebrate with you.

Dandi, good luck!

Sugar, I think we are weird cycle buddies. Still no sign of AF, but frer was definitely negative this morning. I was prepared for it to start. I was prepared for a positive. I have no idea what to do when it's neither. Calling the RE this morning. I need to know if I should expect a regular flow or if this could all break loose at any second and turn my classroom into that scene from The Shining.
HAHAHA! I have always wondered how teachers handle those situations when you can't get out of your classroom whenever you need to. I would be in a panic every single month. I'd basically have to wear a diaper for peace of mind.

I hate that it was a negative. Who knows though.... when I got a bfp, I didn't get it until two days later, so there's still a chance. Wonky weird cycles are so frustrating, they play with your emotions.
pothole you're killing me - I could completely envision that scene at the drugstore :rofl:
and now the Shining in a classroom - nooooo!!! I hope AF stays far, far away and you get a different kind of surprise in the next couple days.

dandi - good luck today!! I hope you get some answers and a plan in place!

smithco - I'm so sorry about your recent news. What a shot in the gut. I hope that IVF can work for you guys or you find another solution to things. Your bf must be so upset too. Hugs to you both.

sugar - yea, how's that temp today??

left - how are you doing, dear? I hope you and the Irish tater tot are doing well! :)

mdc - thinking about you so much. :hugs:

:wave: to everyone else! krasa and star, you've been quiet!
Oops, my temp is still slightly up. I need to update my chart. Riding the bus with my students as we come back from Goodwill. I guess I'll do it real quick.
Smithco, so sorry to hear that. I would be crying too-when we got DH's SA back in June I did quite a bit of it in fact. As you said, we expected it to be our age as the limiting factor. Give yourself time to feel what you need to feel. And yes, there are options. The way I think about it is this way, as we will find out soon enough whether we only have the one option (ICSI) or anything else. Maybe, if we have to go the ICSI route, it is for the best? So that we can freeze any extra embies while everything is still ok on our side. I know it may be hard to understand that line of thinking right now. The shock is still fresh and new in your mind. :hugs:

Pothole-first you make me laugh so hard I have to pee and then you make me bite my nails! I'm so hoping you get that late positive.

Sugar, I'm crossing my fingers that those temps mean good news for you!

GL to you today, Dandi. Hopefully the plan starts to come together.

Ellie, how are you doing? Been thinking about you.

MDC, sending :hugs: your way dear.

Wish, how much longer for the BCP? Then you start the stims, or is there a stage in between that I'm missing?

Here, pretty boring, on CD 4 waiting for the witch to breathe her last. Two more days of the co-workerless blur at work, then things can return to normal there. RE appt. one week from today. Kinda nervous about that, as its my first one.

Much love to all you wonderful girls!
Thank you so much everyone. I still just can't believe that the doctor told us that. My bf is young, healthy and very handsome manly man. Not over weight or anything. I can't believe that is our situation. I'm hoping it's something that can be fixed. But the doctor said the odds are we have to to ivf. I have be reading cases where donors have had to be used too. It's just to shocking.
I feel like I have dealt with so much obstacles in this life. And then you are handed another - it's feel like I am cracking down the middle today.
Im a photographer and I have to do to sets of maternity photos this weekend. Gosh.
I am wishing and hoping that we see a bfp here this week! sugar and pothole, Im crossing fingers for you both.

My RE appt went great. I left feeling so much better than I did going in. We love the doctor so that was a huge relief. She's very personable and down to earth, which made the whole thing feel less intimidating. And she seemed very positive about our chances given our stats. Today they drained my body of half its blood volume pretty much, and took a bit from DH too, to do basic labs plus genetic screening. I'm set up to do more labs, an ultrasound, and a glucose tolerance test on day 3 of my next cycle, then an HSG. If all goes as planned we are looking at an iui the end of October with clomid and a trigger. I feel such a sense of relief to have a plan in place other than the same thing we've been trying and failing at every month.
Yay Dandi! I had a feeling the 10th would bring us good news. In my case...no news. RE says it's either late implantation or a late period. I will test every morning till it shows, I get a positive, or I hit cycle day 35. And since I'm still awake at nearly 1 am, I can offically say that day 30 is here. And may I just take a moment to say: Seriously body? We've been doing this dance since I was 11 and you decide to start changing things up NOW?! Never, not one time have you ever been late for our monthly rendezvous, but now? Sorry. I'm just at a loss over here. If I make it to 35, I'll have a confirmation blood test, then they'll trigger my period. So now my two week wait has become a three week wait. Fun!

Eta: The witch found me in the night. I'm okay with it. At least it happened at home where I can deal with it. And honestly, as a teacher you have amazing bladder capacity but I was going to the restroom constantly. Pregnant or not, that near compulsive checking was going to give me a uti.
Happy Friday,

Mdc- many prayers to you at this time. Am so so sorry.

Smitco- am also praying for a solution to your case.

Pothole- gosh these bodies of ours are so so weird at times! Am sorry about the witch. Hang in there.

Dandi am glad your appt went well. Oct will be here before you know it. It always feel good when you have a plan on the way.

Sugar- Positive thoughts for you with those high temp.

Ellie- how are you doing my Lady?

Krasa- thinking of you and your up coming appt next week.

Wish- still boring BCP? Cant wait for the next step.

Hello to everyone i missed.

Afm, i had laparoscopy/ Hysteroscopy on 9/8/15 which was converted to laparotomy with myomectomy procedure. In short my doc found one of the fibroid has grown to about 10cm by 6 cm ( almost the size of a golf ball) and was blocking my right tube and part of my uterus so i had to have an emergency c section to remove it. From a simple procedure that was supposed to be only one incision i ended up with c- section incision with staples and all that. I got admitted for 2 nights and got discharged yesterday. Going back Mon to have my staples removed. No baby making for 6 weeks. Am glad that fibroid got removed and my tubes are now patent. The dye was able to flow through in both tubes. I now have to take it easy for my body to heal before ttc. I will be posting to cheer you all though. I have a feeling we will all be celebrating out LOs by this time next year. Prayers to you all my good ladies.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Oh no Starr! I'm glad they went ahead and got the fibroid, but it stinks that you had to have a full myomectomy. How are you feeling? I vividly remember the pain from my first myomectomy. It was the worst when standing up for the first time post surgery, but it was all downhill from there. I hope you heal quickly, but don't rush anything. Rest and recoup! It will all be worth it when you can get back to baby making with those clear tubes and uterus.
Thanks Dandi. It hurts to cough, pee, pass gas and to have a BM(sorry TMI). How long did it take you to heal ? I hate being like this but i have no choice now. I am taking it easy.
The pain started to level out after about a week and became bearable after about two weeks. I was still really sore and bruised at that point, but could function without the pain meds. At four weeks I was ready to get back to normal activity, but I would get fatigued so easily. You should start to notice it getting better soon, just rest and hang in there!
oh MAN, star!!! I'm so glad they found that and removed it immediately! but now I'm so sad that you're out of the game for 6 weeks and in some pain. I hope you heal quickly.

sugar - FX'ed for you!!!

pothole - yikes, glad the gates of hell opened while you were home. And yes, I feel like our bodies turn into the watched pot that never boils once we start TTC. It's pretty insane.

dandi - SOOOOOO happy for your successful RE appt!!! That sounds like a typical and awesome plan and I'm so glad you don't have to rush into IVF. IUI wasn't an option for us.

smithco - I have to say that I felt good about moving straight to IVF w/ICSI once we figured out where we stood. It does take the 'nature' and normalcy out of everything but it also takes the guesswork out of everything too - grab my egg, grab his sperm, stick one in the other (and hopefully not in the wrong order!) and watch them grow. Then take a couple and stick them into the side of my plump uterus and basically just hope they take. I had assisted hatching too, which helps with implantation. So they really had the best hope for being successful!!

afm - yep, still boring old BCP here. Last one is on Monday, then I go in for my suppression check on Tues. Which is a sono, if i remember correctly, to see that there's nothing going on with my follies. Then a day or 3 later, I'll start stimming. I got my box 'o' meds yesterday, everything is hidden from our house guests!! some stuff has to go in the fridge so it's tucked behind cheeses in a drawer. :haha:

I hope you all have lovely weekends and those of you who are needing your healing time - mind, body, soul or all of the above - I hope you get that all to yourselves this weekend. Love you all! <3
Happy almost weekend, girls!

Star-oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that you had your removal converted, so to speak. I hope the pain starts to lessen soon and that all those uncomfortable/painful things start to go back to being normal parts of life soon.

Dandi, sounds like you got a good plan in place. Very glad to hear that you think favorably and are comfortable with your doc. I'll be excited for October to get here for you! If you don't mind me asking, what labs did they draw on you? Were they dependent on where you are in your cycle?

Pothole, sorry to hear your news. :( Glad you were at home when she found you, though.

Smithco-I hope you are doing okay. Good luck this weekend, it will be tough, but keep your head up if you can.

Wish-I know BCP is boring, but I'm excited for you. Hopefully no one wants a nice chunk of gouda or something when your guests are in! :)

Sugar, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Ellie, Mdc, keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

afm, boring old day 6. :) DH had a followup SA yesterday, the first one took about a week to get back so we're not looking for news anytime soon there. Just hope that they are back in time for the appt with the RE.

Have a great weekend, all you beautiful ladies!
No, the labs for yesterday weren't dependent on cycle day, they were just general base tests that they wanted to run. I know they were testing both DH and me for all stds, as well as genetic screening. For me it was also thyroid and hormone levels and I'm not sure what else. They took 8 vials from me.
May we all have happy weekends no matter the adversity upon us. Rest well my friends.
Have a great weekend everyone . Anyone up to anything exciting ??? I've no plans as yet so ill see where the weekend takes me :)
Star, sorry you had to have this but hopefully it will make a big difference for your ttc xxx

Wish, good luck with the sono and I love the idea of your meds being hidden behind cheese in the fridge! I'm really hopeful for you xxx

Krasa, good luck with the SA results. My dh was dreading having to do this and I can't really figure out why, but I suppose they feel quite threatened by the idea something might not be right with them. The crazy thing is, it's easier to treat so would be an ok reason! Day 6 is 6 days closer to your lo being in your arms xxx

Smithco, wow... How's your bf dealing with the news? That must be tough to hear, but hopefully they can get it sorted now they know what the problem is xxx

Dandi, it makes such a difference having a nice doctor, doesn't it? I miss my old GP. We moved to this area a year ago and the GPs here are all locums, so I never see the same one again. It makes me feel really insecure. Fingers crossed for you xxx

Pothole, I feel your pain! AF appearing at school is a nightmare. I usually wear something the day it's due if it doesn't happen first thing. I'm sorry she showed, but fxed this is your cycle! xxx

Sugargully, where's your chart gone?! I'm a bit of a chart stalker and was watching yours, but you took it off! I really hope everything's ok xxx
Edit, found it on an older post and it is looking really good!!!

Left, thank you for what you said and I hope everything's going well xxx

Mdc, I'm not sure if you are reading here, but still thinking of you so much. I hope things are starting to get easier. It's a really tough thing to go through but you are so strong and you will have a sticky bean xxx

Afm, I'm on cd10 and we're going to start bding EOD today as I really hope to ovulate on Thursday. I've been temping but it's not given me much of an idea if my cycle has resumed, the temps are so chaotic. I've stopped bleeding (just a bit of brown mucus, sorry for tmi), so I hope so much that it's on track. If not, the EOD might have to go on longer... DH has been warned!!! For some reason, I do feel that this might be another good cycle for me. Whenever ovulation occurs next, I'm hopeful that the mc left me super fertile :)

Happy Sunday to you all xxx
ellie - I'm so hopeful for you to have some of that extra fertile power from a mc.

dandi - I remember when they ran through the battery of tests for me too. Gets more of the whole picture of things so they can put together the proper protocol for you.

krasa - welp, you must be on boring old cd8 now :) BD'ing starts soon I'd imagine! FX'ed you catch the egg!

left - I hope your weekend took you to wonderful places.

I had a sorta frustrating weekend, but it's fine. We have those family friends (my FIL's best friends) in town and they are just SO old school. Very nice people but they talk a lot of nonsense sometimes and our opinions on most things just don't line up - politics, music, even the use of derogatory words. And they drink. A LOT. (So no one is even seeing the cheese b/c it's not up where the wine bottles are in the fridge!) So it's tiring, a bit. But they leave in the am and we'll be back to normal soon. We only see them once a year so I can suck it up and focus on how good they are to my FIL. :)

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