38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Well, we were going to, but I can't have sex or submerge in water for 24 hours. Tomorrow though!
oh dandi!! did they say they saw the dye spill out at the end? if so, then you're definitely clear but it does sound like you had some blockage to begin with. Make sure you get it on tonight!! {eee errr eee errrr} :sex:
probably the last thing you wan to do right now!

ellie - FXed for you all over the place!

star - thank you so, so much. Maybe this change of events is just what we needed....

so update on me - I talked to my RE today and while she's concerned about the slow growth about multiple follies, she did actually give us the option to do an IUI. So after many calls with IVF NE billing, my insurance carrier and emails with DH, we're going to do it if tomorrow's scan shows more growth in Mr. #1!! Emotional rollercoaster upswing! :wacko:

She also said we can continue in hopes that the follicles grow, but I didn't see a need for that. She said we can also just cancel and next time she wants to try a protocol of Lupron and Gonal-F. So if we did that, I'd just be stuck with boxes of Menopur that I just refilled. To do the IUI, we stop the Gonal-F but continue with the Menopur for the next few days. So I figured let's use up the Menopur, stop the Gonal-F and save those for next cycle, if needed.

I feel like this is a much more relaxed plan and am happy. I just hope tomorrow works out to give us the green flag for it. So more to come tomorrow!

hugs to all of you for dealing with my ups and downs this week. It really is comforting to know I have you all to lean on when times get confusing, tough, frustrating, etc - as well as to celebrate with when things all go well! :hugs:
Hey ladies,

My AF showed up today...finally. Now I feel like I am on the road to normalcy!! One step closer to officially TTC. Had my appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist today and she offered some good advice. I'll be adding folic acid to my regime as she thinks it would help with the process. I've seen a lot of ladies on here take it so it can't hurt right.

I hope everyone is super awesome today. I'll check back in later to catch up with all the "goings on". :)
Oh, I love this fall back plan!!! It would be amazing if Mr. folly will cooperate and make this happen. Much more laid back without feeling like its a wasted cycle for the Ivf. Can't wait for an update, fingers crossed!!!

She wouldn't say if she saw the dye spill on the left side. She just said she think the left is open too, which makes me wonder if it was a slow spill or something. Guess I'll find out next week.
Ellie- you never know with even the temps misbehaving a bit.... A girl can always obsess :)Hoping for the best.

Dandi- well, it’s over. I had some pain on my right tube during my hsg and the dr said it was partially blocked because it didn’t spill at first but second time it finally had some little bit spilled. I read somewhere sometimes its spasms that make it look like a blockage. Hey, yours did spill though. And you are also fertile 3-4 months after your hsg according. It has happened to others and i hope it happens to your too.

Wish- Tomorrow Mr. may surprise us and grow and may be come out with some of his friends. I sure do pray he does. You are in my thoughts as you go ahead with the IUI.

Just- Yay for AF finally decided to show up. Let’s the game begin. Fx for you during this cycle.
OMG I have been trying to get on here all day to because I knew it was a big day! Unfortunately this has been the first day in forever I have been swamped.

Wish, yeah team IUI! That completely makes sense to me and who knows it sure seems like this follie wants to play ball. Sucks that you may have to cancel the IVF, however this seems like such a solid plan! Now, still hoping for the IVF so don't you worry still fingers, arms, legs, toes crossed, but bring on a BFP either way.

Dandi, sorry about the painful HSG, but if the tech did not think she cleared the tube she would not have likely said she thinks she opened it. As for the waiting room we are always our worst enemy, and I agree with Wish they probably looking at you and saying you look so put together. I am hoping the doc has good news for you next week. I know when I tried my first HSG and they said I had a stenotic cervix the doc said well at least we may have found the problem. At first I was devastated and no it did not make me feel better, but eventually it gave us next steps. Cannot wait to hear your next steps!

Ellie, so exciting! Things are looking awesome for you this month. Any symptoms?

Just, yeah for AF! So weird how sometimes we are cheering her showing and then others cursing her under our breath. Totally agree with the folic acid, best to get your body stores built up/replenished before you LO is on board.

Star, hoping you are doing well. So exciting with all the upcoming decisions and I am so excited for you and DH. Such a long crazy road for you (and all of us), but I agree we are the most deserving and determine young women I know. And we will all get our LOs sooner rather than later!

Krasa, no one will get sick of your updates, just all hoping they get you in ASAP!

Hi everyone else!

Ok, I know you all missed my novels to everyone. Ha! Crazy busy today at work which is a nice turn of events so I did not have time to obsess (Ellie you are not the only one). My temp this morning dropped below the cover line so who knows. It was pretty early, but ff did not take my crosshairs away just yet. Definitely not a charting expert here, but maybe it only does after a certain number of days below the cover line. :shrug: I do have an extremely full feeling today for really no reason, but only dpo5 so likely just a coincidence. I remember having that a couple days before my BFP but that was way later in the tww. Now that I have time to think...warning crazy town up ahead...maybe a sign of high progesterone and decreased gastric motility because I have left over prog from the mc and extra from a little surprise. Or probably just additional AF prog. See crazy over here :rofl:
Mdc, it's so annoying when the temps don't do what they are meant to. What does your dh make of it? Mine is funny because he tells me I'm getting too obsessive and upsetting myself if I go on about it, but then suddenly takes an interest and even asks what my temp was today! I was fully expecting to have to have one full cycle after the mc before it got back to normal. It is agony thinking we might have to wait an extra month though. I really hope your temps even out and stop being so rocky. The other symptoms must be driving you mad too. I hate that early pregnancy symptoms and af symptoms are so similar.

My temp shot up again today and I feel sweaty this morning. AF is due today, but I'm not ready to test yet. Part of me wants to, part of me wants to wait out the day until she's actually late.
Good Morning Ladies -

Mdc - I happen to like your novels. Too bad I read them at work because I can't get my popcorn and blanket. :)..

Ellie - Go for it... and test.

Dandi -- Sorry sweetie, how are you feeling?

Wish- I hope things look up for you today. Fingers crossed for you too hon.

Star - thumbs up for looking forward. Positivity is the key.

I am sorry if I didn't get everyone but you ladies move so fast and I can't keep up. :). Have a wonderful day and wishing tons of babydust as we welcome the month of October. Wishing we have gobbling's of our own..
Ellie, thanks and your temps are amazing and no AF! Yikes! I forgot, did you test out your hcg after your mc? I took two tests but got some others because and will probably continue because they are still positive. Guess progression/regression is going to be he only way I will tell. I try and not put too much stock in my temps because they are always rocky. I sleep so poorly because of the cats who know what my real temps would looks like. After I O I really should put the stupid thing away. As for DH he asks more about if I O rather than my temps...he does think temping is a little :wacko: Cannot wait for you to test tomorrow! Wishing you the best of luck!!!

Wish, hoping for great news for you today :hugs:

Hi to everyone else!

Temp back above cover line so I am good for now. It could also not help I only got a couple temps in before O because I was doing the ummm...no insertion thing into you know where for 14 days to be a good patient so my cover line may be higher than it should be.

Now I need some advice from all you lovely ladies because I have a potential dilemma. So my MIL has a milestone birthday this weekend that we are flying to, and the last time we saw them I was mysteriously not drinking and we did not go on a jostling ride because a) thought I might get sick or b) did not want to risk the LO. During that trip through family gossip my SIL asked if I was preggo and I just said we were trying. Now I guess she text my DH the other day asking why we were being so secretive, and he said so help me if she brings it up...well you know it won't be pretty. We do plan on telling people when the time is right, however a milestone bday for MIL is not the place. I did break down because I really never thought that people would think about bringing it up...I mean mind your own beeswax. However how is she supposed to know, I am pretty certain she got pregnant easily and no mc because of previous conversations. Now don't get me wrong I love my in laws, but sometimes I am glad my own family is oblivious. Hopefully last night were the last tears, but I was surprised I was still so emotional. If someone brings it up (and I know it will wine will be involved) what the heck do I/we say?
Ugh, that's such an awkward situation to handle. Most people don't understand how sensitive the subject can be to those going through struggles and loses. My family has no shame and asks me all the time at family gatherings in front of everyone. They know about my mc already though. Whenever anyone asks though, I just say, "we're trying" or "we're ready to be parents whenever God sees fit", something generic like that. Then when they pry about why we're so secretive about it, I usually just say, "We'll let you know when there's something to report" (in a slightly annoyed tone) and change the subject. It usually shuts people up. In your situation, I'd probably just say, "yeah, we're still trying" and look them in the eyes while taking a sip of wine. Good Luck!
Oh that sounds tough. We had a housewarming last weekend and a few people asked when they saw the nursery (full of dh's guitars!)... I told one friend, but I couldn't face telling the smug pregnant friend, so I just said that we were still trying and changed the subject quickly so she wouldn't pry.
Good luck!

Yes, I did a test on the fifth day of mc, the last proper bleeding day. It was totally negative, so I know I'm clear of hcg from then. Any lines tomorrow will be new ones! Still no af today, but real right side tenderness in tummy. I ovulated on the right this cycle and my backache and tummy ache have been more right sided, so I'm hoping this is good news.
The thing is, I'm terrified to test. I really wanted to today, but didn't. I'm worried that I won't be able to do it tomorrow morning!
I'm out. No AF yet, but temp fell to cover line and bfn just now. I only tested because dh wanted me to, the temp drop and no longer sore breasts told me already. The one thing is do now wonder is if it was a cp or is AF just late because of the mc?
Oh Ellie I'm sorry , those temps looked sooooo hopeful :( its hard not to get your hopes raised when AF is late and with temps like that . I hope your ok , ( or will be ) xxxxxx
Good morning ladies! Sorry I've been out. It's been a really busy week! Last weekend I did respite with my 23 year old buddy. And it was a looong weekend. I live in a town with so many theatre options, so I went to a play last week, then Rocky Horror Show last night, and in between I went to a book signing in Atlanta. Tonight is dinner with a large group of coworkers. Tomorrow I'm helping with a 5K (if it doesn't get rained out), making cupcakes for and attending a 1 year olds birthday party, and going to a wedding. Then Sunday is a really fancy brunch and Dirty Dancing at our largest theatre. It's been a crazy first half of the tww. :) My progesterone check was Tuesday. 21.9, so a strong ovulation. I don't really have any symptoms other than being tired, but it's been raining since last Thursday, so I really think it's just that the whole school seems to want to go back to bed. It's taking me a while to catch up on everybody, so I'll write again soon.
Ellie - I am really sorry. I was hoping for different news. How are you feeling?
Ellie, I am so sorry and such crappy news! So cruel with those temps and I hope you are taking care of yourself. :hugs: I read that cycles after mc can be wonky. I would think that would be because of delayed O, but maybe it can also effect LP.

Pothole, you are busy! Hopefully the Starbucks payment gets you a sticky bean. I still have to chuckle at that story.

Wish, thinking about you and anxiously waiting to hear what happened/is next.

For me another weird temp dip today so I am kind of at a loss and likely going to be a wonky cycle. Guess time will tell. Sigh! Anyhoo happy Friday everyone.
Sorry Ellie. I think it was probably just a little off cycle because of the mc. Mine was so very crazy post mc, and I've heard that it's normal for it to not be a normal cycle. I know it doesn't help with the feeling of disappointment we all get on cd1, but at least your temps were beautiful. I'd take that as a sign that your body got back to normal very quickly and is ready for the next bfp. Hang in there.

Wish, anxiously waiting on an update. Hoping everything is going ok!

Pothole, you are keeping busy! I'm exhausted for you, but that's great to have so much going on to keep your mind off of the tww. I can't wait until it's test day for you!

Hi Left! I hope you're feeling great and moving right along with a healthy pregnancy.

Mdc- temps are so annoying. They certainly keep you guessing.

Afm, I'm just on O watch. I had crazy good cm yesterday, cd9. It's early, but since the hsg can cause early O, I made sure we bd'd. Yesterday and today I'm still getting low on my opk monitor though. I was hoping my temps may tell me more, but I woke up at 4am and DH wasn't in the bed, so I jumped up in a panic and went searching for him. He couldn't sleep and was laying on the couch. That means that my temp at 6 was ridiculously high since I had been up and my adrenaline was running, so I'll probably have to discard that one. Guess I"ll just have to trust the opks this month.
Witch arrived at school. Yuk.

I just rang the hospital to get myself back on the fertility testing train. I need to have an HSG but they can't find my chlamydia results from the blood test in July and they won't do the HSG unless they can be sure there aren't any old chlamydia scars. My fairly innocent past apparently isn't enough for them! She's going to chase that up and also book DH in for his SA. If they can't track them down, they will have to be done again and it takes a couple of weeks to get them back, so I'll be waiting for the next cycle...

One thing she told me that I can't quite believe: if I would normally have been referred for ivf/iui etc, they won't now be able to do it because I was "pregnant". That one week of happiness is going to carry on wrecking things for me. Because we conceived naturally, even though I never even got to see it on a scan or hear a heart beat or get an HCG level above 50, we can't get help conceiving. How unfair is that?

DH thinks this is the month. I think that's because I've given up on PMA and he's trying to counteract my "I'll never have a baby, I'm just not meant to be a mummy" with his determination that it's around the corner... I also think he's desperate to avoid a SA!
hi girls! sorry for the little absence - we had quite the day at work yesterday. I had to go into the office for a company meeting and we found out that we're divesting. I'm staying with the core company but a lot of my friends/coworkers are moving to this new company. It's all a big shock and sad - one of my favorite things about my job is the people I'm surrounded by. They are all just so smart and fun and dependable, it's like a family (or better than a family, from how I just described it!! haha). So we all took the day to be sad and hug and hang out and drink a little. Today I'm down at a client, sitting in their cubicle land with a slight headache b/c menopur does not like alcohol at all. Man, I don't miss the cubicles! people are so loud! at home, it's only me and my kitties!

anyway - ellie and mdc - i'm sorry for AF and wonky temps, but I think that's just how the cookie crumbles after it goes through the ups and downs you both just went through. Whether it was 10 weeks or one, your body just went through some pretty powerful shifts! Please be patient with her, she'll deliver for you both again! I just know it! <3

dandi - glad you got some BD'ing in, even though your temps/opks are saying it wasn't necessary! Better safe than sorry! :) it's all fun anyway, right?

pothole - holy crap, do you sleep?? glad you're keeping busy this TWW but be kind to yourself and rest some too!

so we're going ahead with the IUI - I had a scan and blood work yesterday. Mr. #1 was measuring at 14.5 yesterday, so I'm sure he jumped to the 15's today, but I didn't have a scan today. I guess the doc doesn't think he'll get much bigger than he is, so we're just going to watch my estrogen and LH and if/when I start to surge, we'll trigger. So trigger will either be tonight with a Sunday IUI or trigger tomorrow with a Monday IUI. I just told DH he needs to now save his soldiers. :sperm:

So that's it for me! Crazy things going on, of course, but trying to keep a level head about things. I'm not really super impacted by the work stuff - I've been on this side of the company for awhile anyway, so I'm just maintaining. It could actually mean some really good things for me - being with this 'new', reset company from the ground floor could mean I get into a strategic or management position quicker. It'll just be sad to no longer work with my buds.

I hope you all have stupendous weekends!! I'll update you all after the IUI. So weird, I don't even know what to do with that! haha

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