38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Pothole, I am just sick reading this because I was so hoping this was the time. I am glad you are getting the plan in place, just in case. I really hope the increased Femara will do the trick. Take some meds, kick that migraine, and here is a big :hugs:

Wish, likely left over hcg, but here is to hoping for bump buddies. :thumbup: Of course I went all geeky and the terminal half life of hcg is at most 36 hours and my last positive wondfo was on the 2nd so in theory....well I won't get into it. :haha:
Feel better Pothole, migraines suck.

I miss you lovelies. I don't want to be a whiner but I am anyways. I'm so sick w/ nausea. I almost don't feel human. I'm trying different remedies but haven't found the best one yet. I m avoiding most things cause this kinda symptom is making it hard to keep the secret much longer!
On the happy side, I saw baby's heart beating at a scan yesterday! Such a miracle. Measuring 7+2 so I need to fix my ticker.

Ok, crawling back under my rock again, but I am here and checking in. I'll never leave yall. :)
I'm so happy that you're miserable with nausea Sugar!!! And I mean that in the best possible way of course!:happydance: I hope it subsides soon, but not too soon. Maybe you'll find a remedy that works soon!

Pothole, I'm so sorry that af showed. I had such high hopes for you this cycle. Glad you have a plan in place. I hope you haven't been affected by the flooding. Thinking of you!
Sugar, this is going to sound so gross but it works. Get a really large water bottle and empty a dry packet of sugar free jello into it. Add just enough warm water to dissolve the jello, then fill it up with room temperature water. Do not put it in the fridge. You don't want it to set. Sip it slowly over the course of the day. The gelatin will coat your stomach long enough for the water to absorb, but will dissolve before your stomach can act to expelled it. It will keep you from getting dehydrated. Any flavour is fine except grape. I use lime, personally.
Good Morning Ladies,

First let me say that I've never met a funnier bunch of women in my life. I made my coffee and went back 3 days to catch up and let me tell you - I almost spit out my coffee.

Things moved so fast so I made notes, then had to cross them out and then add more.

Ellie - bless your heart honey, I know things will turn around for you. I am really happy that hubby is on board and so supportive irrespective of what he went through with his ex. I'm glad he found you and have the strength to look forward.
Btw - I hope you get to make that announcement :)

Left - thanks for the advice about when and how often to dtd.

Wish - I am rooting for you..

Dandi - you are too funny. When I was reading about your quickie I was on the floor. Get it in when you can girl!!! And about your in-laws......well I understand why you were livid.

mdc - My fingers are crossed for you and I really hope that you get that anniversary present you want. That would be too awesome.

Star - Glad you're healing well and here's to an "active" birthday. I am happy for sissy and that will be your story soon.

Pothole - I just want to give you a big hug. I am really sorry you are having such a hard time and not feeling well.

afm - AF is gone now and I am looking forward to officially ttc. I am staying active and I can feel my body preparing. I am so excited.

Also, we set a date April 23, 2016 we're getting married!! So I've been getting my wedding party together and we're checking out venue this weekend. 6 months will go by quick and hopefully in all the planning - I get pregnant.

I am sorry if I missed anyone.

Have a wonderful day!!
pothole - booooo. I'm so sorry, hon. :hugs: I really thought this was your month. BUT - you get another shot with IUI and hopefully the increase in Femera will do the trick!
I know how you feel about IVF. But there are so many more things they can do with it these days to come even closer to success - you have more eggs at one time to try out, they can do ICSI and inject the sperm right into the egg so you don't have to depend on them figuring out if they want to join together; they monitor them over the course of the first few days to make sure they are developing correctly and not fragmenting; they can do assisted hatching when they transfer them so they are already looking to implant somewhere. There are the PGD and PGS tests to find out if the embryos are viable. Make sure you're keeping these things in mind too when you're setting your financial plan. It's not just leaving it up to the gods so much when you cross the IVF bridge.
I hope your migraine is GONE, as gone as Left just told all of our AFs to be.

justme - welcome back to TTC craziness!! So glad to read you're feeling so positive. I'm positive for you!! And CONGRATS on setting a date!!!

sugar - yesssss I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky but, and I know I've said this, but I really think it means you're cooking one heck of a healthy one in there!

mdc - I can't wait to see your temp today! I hope it's skyyyy highhhhh :thumbup:

afm - nada but not expecting anything. I'm actually counting down to when I COULD be feeling something! haha! only 3dpiui today. No biggie. OOPS! Forgot my crinone - off to inject. Later, lovelies!
Sugar, so glad you are felling crappy, but I hope you find a remedy soon so you have the best of both worlds. Feeling sick to know bean is doing well and something to make you feel better.

Pothole, interesting remedy I will have to keep that in mind for the future.

Just, so glad you are back in the TTC game. Get ready for some fun!

Wish, ouch you have pio? I heard they hurt. Cannot wait for you to start symptoms spotting too. Not far now!

Hello to everybody else!

So, temp up=good but spotting equals=not so good. Wahhhhh! Guess this is the dip in the roller coaster Dandi. Trying to stay positive, but this is the beginning of the end this month I believe. Although I am alright, but I kind of wished that since DH morph has to be getting better since he stopped smoking in April that we would get to do it the old fashioned way. So much easier for the timing aspect. Maybe it is partly due to the fact I get very little ewcm, and that is hindering the process and why IUI worked. Any thoughts on how to increase that ladies? I drink tons of water and use mucinex.

I just really hope the witch shows up today, tomorrow, or Sat, because it will make the timing for IUI so much better like for the next 3 MONTHS! On a brighter note we have the intake appt with the RE, so I will be excited what she has to say. I am hoping maybe Femara and trigger next month. :witch: if you are going to show do it now period. Period get it....did you get it :rofl:

Happy Thursday!
I don't know Mdc...that's a really great temp today. I'm not giving up hope for you this month yet. The spotting could just be spotting. I'm anxious to see what today and tomorrow bring! Have you tried Pre-seed? It mimics ewcm and the applicator lets you get it right up there on the cervix. Granted, I've been using it for months and I"m still not pregnant, but I really do believe that it helps chances for those will little cm.

Still no temp rise over here. I ran out of opk sticks and I decided not to buy another pack since I won't need them next month. I'm just going to wait on my temps, but so far nothing. Cd 16. If I don't ovulate today, it will officially be the latest ovulation ever. We bd last night and I guess we'll get one in the morning before DH leaves and that will be our last chance. Maybe this is an anovulatory cycle. I will be so mad if my first cycle post-hsg is wasted without an egg!
mdc - I'm with dandi - that temp spike is great! you never really know what spotting is from. Also, no POI - I do gel vaginal inserts. Super sexy when it comes out. EW! (like Jimmy Fallon :rofl:) I've been doing that all day hahaha

dandi - hmmmm.....HSG could definitely have messed things up for you. I hope you O soon and aren't left hanging when DH leaves!!

still super sneezy and random nose stuffiness/running over here. But it's just in the nose, thankfully. Not a full-blown head cold. Teeny cramps every now and then but that could be the progesterone starting to work. No sore boobs yet.
No need to symptom-spot yet, dang it!
yuuuup - so hot.

I can't make out what your pic is? I see garage doors on their side, a locked-down fuchsia refrigerator...
I tried adding a pic to my little side bio - I assume you can't see it if I can't see it. It's my kitty.
Dandi, I have done pressed in the past and probably should get back on that train.

Wish, it is of a red door that I took a picture of when we were in St. Thomas. I 'try' to be creative when I take pictures. Ha ha ha! Ohh, I was to see your avatar! I did have to crop the picture because it was too big.

Omg, RE overload even though I was prepared. Whew! Novel ahead :haha:

So the doc and staff were so very nice and very helpful with my 100 questions. Here is the skinny. She did throw out a stat that surprised me that I am going to have to look into. She said that with seeing the HB and the later first tri fetal demise, no chromosomal defect, and no uterine structural defect that my risk of another may be up to like 30-40%. Gulp! She did say that even in a perfect world with ivf sometimes things just happen so next time could be totally perfect. My clotting tests came back fine, but she said in my situation that I could opt for Lovenox in case there is an unidentified clotting disorder, and pregnancy is such a hypercoagulable state, and because of my clotty family history. She said it is totally up to us, and we could not do it next time if we did not want to. Now quite the conundrum. I would die (ok not literally) if this happened again just because I did not do something. Luckily my insurance will cover it if we chose that way. Also my lining was super thin (3mm), so she is not sure if it was related to the d&c or my usual lining which would be a problem. Oddly enough a baby Asa (which I was on my BFP cycle) can help, so of course I took one right when I got home. Oh yeah, and she said that I should have a saline us this month to make sure the d&c went fine and no other issues so no medication this cycle. :cry: Just natural, but hey it worked last time.

Poor DH is so overwhelmed, good thing we females are the ones that have to physically go through this stuff. Now off to research instead of working like I should. Oops!
OMG girls, so much to catch up on!

Ellie-so sorry to hear you're feeling down. It tests the patience and resilience for sure. I would be very frustrated too at having to "start over" so to speak on the RE train after what you've been through. I'm thinking of you.

Wish, keeping my fingers crossed-it would just be awesome to have this be your cycle after the roller coaster of stimming.

Mdc, god, you crack me up! But, it sounds like you got a lot of good info at your RE visit. And due to your background I think you would have a leg up in being proactive about things.

Pothole, sorry to hear. :hugs: This ttc business is not for the faint of heart.

Justme, welcome back on the train! Glad to hear you're moving forward.

Sugar, before you know it the nausea will be gone and you'll be holding that sweet baby of yours. All worth it in the end.

Dandi, Star, left, anyone I may have missed-Hi! Sorry I've been gone so long and I've just skimmed over anything major that is going on-got a lot of catching up to do!

Afm, CD 2. Still waiting. :coffee: Been dealing with some truly, truly amazing BS out of DH's ex. It's remarkable how much havoc a bitter, spiteful person like that can wreak for no visible purpose. But, DH and I will be closer and stronger because of it. United we stand. Two weeks now till my appt. I'm getting excited. I will probably stay that way until I get the first bill. :wacko: Ah well, worth it, so totally worth it!

Love to all you wonderful ladies!
mdc - wow! first, I'm so glad you aren't showing any genetic issues that could hinder a pregnancy. Second, that also sucks on the other hand b/c of your increased % to maybe mc again. That does seem weird to me, though - SO MANY women miscarry and how many actually get that test done to know it just wasn't meant to be vs a chromosomal thing or something else? I'm really glad you got all of that info, though. Good luck with the saline thing - that sucked for me but my cervix didn't feel like cooperating that day. So I guess it's a no go for this month, then? :(

krasa - good to see you! I'm sorry you're dealing with ex drama. That has got to be the worst, but you'd think we'd grow out of it!! Adults amaze me sometimes.

So I'm starting to think that the Crinone wasn't what gave me the super sore boobs last time and it was really the pregnancy. I've done my inserts Wed, Thurs and this morning and no difference in feeling all around. So I guess I'll be on the lookout for that as a symptom next week as well. ;)

Happy Friday to everyone!
Krasa, sorry about the drama that seems rough. Is this the intake appt to gather info to see when you can start? How exciting!

Wish, I am sure the saline thing will suck but after my d&c it cannot be that bad. Of course I kind of freaked and Dr Googled to much yesterday and made myself worried about the super thin lining. However I have always asked about my super light periods (like I usually could get by with a liner) and so maybe that has always been part of the problem and hopefully not from the D&C. The BFP month I was on Asa so maybe it help me a bit. Frustrating that my ob did not think about checking that. Argh!

So with the thin lining I am probably out (or if it I got a BFP likely a chemical) so no testing for me unless the witch is really late. So this month if the sono is good (please let it be fine...really like pretty please) then maybe a natural IUI if my work trip does not get in the way. Come on AF get here! Next month on to clomid and trigger if nothing in Oct. My re said a new study just came out stating clomid has slightly better rates than femara, but if my lining is an issue Femara it is. All of this is so draining. DH and I got into it last night because I was crying (all the talk of the mc, the crappy lining, lovenox, and scheduling) and he just handles things so different. The war of the roses style-estrogen versus testosterone. Sometimes a girl has to cry. Made up this morning in a good way :winkwink: So off for the anniversary weekend.

Love all of you strong ladies, and I know we will all get our LOs in 2016!
My wife was also 38 when she got pregnant. so keep yourself cool and calm. Everything will be all right and you will end with a hapy ending.
thank you, sudip! I'll be 40 in Dec so I'm really hoping for a miracle!

mdc - well, your stinkin temps are playing with my head now! they look awesome!! I don't even bother crying in front of DH, he won't understand and think I'm being overdramatic so I just keep it to myself. I haven't hit too much of a wall just yet but I'm sure it's coming. Hold on to your hats when it does!!
Besides all of that and if AF can stay the hell away, I wish you and your DH a happy anniversary! Have a very fun weekend!
Sudip, thanks for the uplifting news and congratulations to you and your wife!

Wish, thanks! Yes, more dark brown spotting so I am reserving myself to next month. Bright side guess I will have some anniversary wine.
Mdc don't want to give false hope but don't count yourself out just yet . I had dark spotting / a little red on my last pg for 4 full days . So much so I put a tampon in !! Turned out to be ib . Your not out yet
Sudip-thanks for the encouragement, and congratulations to both you and your wife!

Mdc-sort of. I had the intake appt, which is designed to see what options you have. We only have the one :) which we are okay with. Well, I'm ok with it, DH took it a little hard. Understandable I think. This appt is to meet with the financial folks (you pay up-front any balance your insurance says they won't cover, one appt at a time), meet with one of the IVF nurses and go over a sample schedule, DH gives his sample to freeze in case there aren't an adequate amount of swimmers in his sample on the day of retrieval (required, since we're there for male factor), they may or may not do another ultrasound on me. I'm not sure what purpose an ultrasound will do on that day, the appt is on the day I am supposed to O, actually. So I would anticipate more things happening following AF showing up on the next cycle-day 3 labs, maybe an u/s on day 3 for AFC. I'm not sure though-Wish might be able to weigh in-if the AFC on day 3 would be different from the one they already got during the intake appt. That one was on day 12, 6 days before I O'ed. But, you ladies will be getting the blow-by-blow afterwards! I hope your saline u/s isn't too bad. I have read they can be nasty, but also that there are gals that don't think they are that painful. Really hope you're in the 2nd group.

Wish-how are you doing? How many more days to go before testing? Keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is your cycle!

Dandi, Ellie, Star, Sugar, Left, Justme, Pothole, and anyone else I may have missed-hope your weekend was awesome.

AFM, still waiting. :) Thanks for the supportive words regarding the drama, ladies. It will work itself out-toxic people poison even themselves eventually. DH and I are stronger because of it. However, this is knocking a huge hole in our IVF funds and it looks like we are going to have to tap a retirement account to get everything covered. Things could be worse though, I have to keep looking on the bright side of things.

Much love to all you amazing girls!

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