38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

How is everyone? It's so quiet on here...

Mdc, sorry the witch got you, but now you've got some plans in place for this cycle, so that it's good. I hope it all goes really well.

Krasa, the money side of things sounds tough. Good luck with the appointment.
One of My DH's exes (from years before I knew him) sent me a vile message via Facebook when we got married. She was still on the friends list of his best man and saw the pictures... Honestly, I don't understand some people. I blocked her and not heard anything since.

Sudip, thanks for the positive message.

I am finally moving through the cycle, but this one is really dragging!
CD11 now and some signs that ovulation is approaching. We are going for EOD, as that worked once. I really hope this is the one. DH is sure of it, he keeps telling me so.
I've added baby aspirin to my routine (well, actually just quarter of a normal aspirin, but that's the same thing) because I've heard it can help thicken lining and my last period was light with more spotting than anything else. I know that can happen the first one after mc, but it can't hurt. I've also got a pineapple ripening here, ready for me to start munching on the core once I ovulate, because I've heard that can help with implantation...

It feels like my life is one big series of 2ww... wait-ovulation-wait-period etc. I really hope I don't look back and feel that I wasted our early married life with ttc. It's so stressful. The GP told me that going the ivf route is really tough, but honestly I think it can't be as bad as months of trying and then a mc. At least I'd be doing something, I'd feel that I had increased my chances.
I finally got a temp rise! I had a girls weekend and I didn't drink anything Friday night, for fear that it would mess with my temps. Saturday morning, I still had no temp rise. So I ended up having a couple of drinks Saturday night, figuring it just wasn't going to happen anyway. Sunday morning I had a slight temp rise, which could have been from the alcohol. When I got home last night we dtd just in case to stay on the eod schedule. I finally got a really high temp spike this morning. So I hope that it stays up to indicate ovulation finally... on cd20, geez.
dandi - finally!!! glad you got that temp rise! sheesh! sounds like you had a great girls weekend - just what the doctor ordered sometimes.

ellie - I hear you - it's all about the waiting. I, too, have been so obsessed sometimes throughout this that it's like having blinders on. Everytime I open the fridge, cabinets, go online, think about going out with friends - something is related to TTC. What food to eat, what not to eat/drink, what lies to tell about why I'm not drinking, etc etc. It can take you away from enjoying the real world quickly, so try to fight it! :) I agree with you on IVF too - it's a little rough but you do what you gotta do to increase the chances of bringing a LO into your family.

krasa - I believe the Day 3 scan is to see what follicles you have after AF, as your lining should be at its thinnest then. And I'd think the other one is maybe to make sure at least one is starting to grow in a normal ovulation cycle? day 12 would typically be only 2 days before an O, on average, if they are thinking you have a 28-day cycle. Or are starting there. Clearly they may not have seen much if you didn't actually O until 6 days later. I'm kinda guessing on what this day 12 scan is, though, so keep us posted! I've never had another mid-cycle scan unless it was during my IVF or IUI cycle and I was on meds.

mdc - I see your chart started over. ON TO THE NEXT! I hope your body is all healed now and ready to go.

hello to everyone else! i hope you had a great weekend!

afm - I'm the only one I know that has today off, so I'm going to do some 'me' things - catch up on my pile of People mags and hopefully (if our friends come to get their truck that is blocking one of the garage bays) go to a paint-your-own-pottery place. I want to make something for my folks and I always zen out at those places. It'll be even better by myself!
One week til testing day! No signs or symptoms yet but I'm going to try not to let that get me down this week if nothing appears. Each pregnancy is different and some people feel nothing for the first week to two weeks. Oh, and I might have to travel for work on Fri, so that's something to look forward to/plan/distract me.:thumbup:

Hello to everyone! have a lovely Monday!
Krasa, oh, even better and I cannot wait to hear about the appt. Glad DH is a sample ahead of time. Always good to have an insurance sample. Sorry about having to dip into retirement because the ex is being silly.

Ellie, not that I am glad, but at least I am not alone the witch is so light/messed up after O. So infuriating. I agree with the low dose aspirin, and my doc did say it works to assist with the lining. I did order some red raspberry leaf tea, as that is supposed to help also.

Dandi, yeah for the temp rise and the final bding session. Hope you had a great girls trip!

Wish, have a great 'me' day! Those are so fun. Cannot wait to hear the symptoms roll in.

So I was fooling everyone I guess as I was messing with FF. I was playing to look at O schedules. Still no witch, but I hope she will get here soon because this is the longest LP ever, dpo 17. Still spotting and I was crampy last night. This cycle is just so weird. Although my temps confirm O, I am not sold (it has been super warm here and I have been sleeping like crapola). I just was the witch to show up and hopefully the temp drop today will make it happen. I have to get new day 3 labs for insurance and if I do not get the witch tomorrow I will email the doc to see what she suggests. Poor DH last night finally said he is concerned, and it broke my heart. He thinks we will get preggo again, but not sure if it will stick. Luckily the doc said that weekly US will be performed. That stat from the RE (30-40% chance a mc will happen again), really threw him for a loop. I feel the next time will work, but I am more worried about getting pregnant now. God the stress of all this!
Oh Mdc, I'm so sorry things are so uncertain at the mo. I hate it when my dh is worried, I rely on him to remain positive when I'm faltering. You will have a lo in your arms, it will happen. I totally get your fears though. This whole thing was hard when there was nothing but it certainly hikes up the fear factor when you have a mc. I don't know that I'll ever be able properly to enjoy a pregnancy now...

I have had a really bad cough and DH bought me some cough medicine today. The first thing I noticed was that it contains guaifenesin so I am totally going with that, since it's supposed to improve cm!!! Not that I need it this month... I seem to have lots of ewcm today, even though not expecting O until Thursday. I've been avoiding antihistamines the last couple of days so that might be why. I even texted DH today from school: "this may be the least romantic proposition of all time but... I have full on egg white cervical mucus so will be seducing you tonight!!!" He was very amused!
I'm sorry Mdc. Did you ever find any other information that supports that statistic that the doctor gave you? I've never heard of such a thing, it would throw anyone for a loop I'm sure. I would think that the fact that you've gotten pregnant before would be a huge positive and indication that it will happen again and if there was no reason determined for the mc, then one would naturally think that it was just a fluke of circumstance and that you have just as much of a chance of a healthy term pregnancy next time as anyone. I know it's hard, but hang in there and stay positive for both you and DH. The first step is getting pregnant again, and it's going to happen. You'll handle it step by step. :hugs:
oh mdc, I'm so sorry that DH is worried now. I wholeheartedly agree with what dandi said - I don't know how they came to that conclusion when they don't know the reason for things happening in the first place. So LACK of a reason means 30-40%? that doesn't seem to add up. I believe you'll have a little one in your arms in 2016 as well.

ellie that text is so funny! My DH would be like 'what's...? oh wait, forget it! why would you text me that??' hahahahaha

9dpiui over here - no real symptoms to speak of. I've had a couple of niggles in the uterine area and - don't laugh - but when I sneeze, it hurts my uterus. That happened last time, it was KILLER after a week in. So hopefully that's something but I'm not going to read into TINY things. Symptoms are going to have to slap me across the face. Boobs are still completely fine.

I can't remember - to those that have been preg recently, did you have any early symptoms to speak of? I remember last time that I was surprised at how few there were and how I had driven myself nuts for a year and a half looking for these damn things! Trying to keep that in mind and not go nutty.
Hey Ladies -

I had a crazy weekend and was off yesterday so back at work today.

Mdc - Happy Anniversary and I hope you can find something that would make since out of the information you received. I would be baffled too. I also agree with Dandi - it will happen for you and DH.

Ellie - you are too funny. I could only imagine your DH face when he read that text. lol

Krasa - looking forward to hearing an update from the appointment. And I totally get it about the ex. We have one of those too...

Dandi - I hope you temp rise means good news for O

Hey there to everyone else :)

afm - well AF is long gone and I am firmly on the ttc train. I do not know if its the intense ab workout that I've been doing or my ovaries doing something funky- but while OH was dtd it was really uncomfortable on my left side. It wasn't unbearable - but a enough discomfort that we had to switch positions (sorry tmi).

With planning the wedding, love and passion is definitely in the air so I am hoping we get lucky this month. I just hope that this discomfort goes away. I think it is ovulation - but I don't know.

Have a wonderful day ladies!!!
Oh Wish, I so remember the sneeze pain! It's hard not to symptom spot, but it does make you wonder. I get so crazy with it though that I have completely stopped noting any symptoms on FF. I addition to the sneeze cough pain, I remember that one of the first things I noticed before I even tested was the sensitivity to smell. I had to throw out all of the garlic from our pantry because I could smell it from our bedroom. And I had twingy pains in my boobs. And the dream that I was breastfeeding a litter of puppies that I found, wtf!? Are you going to test or are you going to go in for betas if af doesn't show?

I got my crosshairs today, showing O on Saturday. It could have been Sunday though because I had a couple of drinks and I'm not sure how much that would have thrown off my temp. The bd schedule around that time was Friday morning and then Sunday night, so hopefully we covered our bases enough to have a chance. I'm really trying not to read into anything, but this is the first time in months that I've had a very clear deep o dip followed by a high spike. I hope it's a good sign of a good chance this month! I'd love to get pregnant for free!

Speaking of which, one of my girlfriends confided this weekend that she also had to see a fertility specialist. I kind of already knew, but didn't know the details. She went on injectibles, but no iui or ivf. She said her first daughter cost $13,000 and her second daughter cost $6,000 because she had some leftover medication from the first time.
HAHA breastfeeding a litter of puppies - that's awesome! I've had some VERY weird dreams this week but nothing pregnancy-related. And I had a bit of an acid-y stomach yesterday too - that was my biggest annoyance last time once I found out I was preg. Just all acid-y and bubbly for no reason! We'll see. I won't be testing early - my beta is on Monday so I'll just wait for that. Though I am at a coffee shop riiiiiight next to a Walgreens right now....so tempting to pick up an FRER or 2!

it's such a relief to know that even a friend or two is going through this as well, huh? I have 2 that I know of, though I don't see them on a regular basis since they live so far away.

sounds like you got your timing spot on, dandi! FX'ed!!
Wish, I really did not have anything either when I was pregnant. A couple niggles and some heartburn a day or two and nada. Niggles sound good! I am anxiously waiting for Monday for you!

Dandi, no I did not find anything, but when I see her again I will ask. I think she was just going off stats at my advanced maternal age we have a higher risk. I remember your puppy dream and it is one of the best I heard for a pregnancy dream. :haha: It is funny how many people struggle with fertility and good to know friends went through the same. Your bding looks good and the swimmers have a long shelf life. Let the tww for a 'free' baby begin.

Just, I really don't think there is such as thing as tmi here! Might be O. I forget are you temping or doing opks? Glad passion is in the air with you both and keep it that way. Sometimes TTC can really take the fun out of all of this.

Hi everyone else!

So I am now having a thoroughly messed up cycle. Likely my body is like what the f*#k I thought we were pregnant why would I ovulate. I have been messing with FF and maybe I did not ovulate after all. Posted a question for charting experts out there. I am super late (dpo18), and remembered some of my pre O temps were really early in the morning. I did have residual hcg even up to last Wednesday on a frer which can delay O. :shrug: I guess that would make me feel better about the whole lining thing, but throws me off for my sono and day 3 labs. Guess I will email my new doc and see what she says. Maybe the witch is trying to stay away because I told her that her schedule was not convenient for IUI if she was on time. If she finally listened to me it is about damn time :rofl:
The only symptom I had in my very short pregnancy was sore and swelling boobs. My left boob in particular grew that week. The day I mc, the pain went straight away and so did the swelling. I get sore boobs before AF, but this was something else. I was desperate to take my bra off when I got home because it felt restrictive but, as soon as I did, they felt unsupported and sore.

So, I've been using opks again this month. I started on the internet cheapies and then yesterday switched to the posh ones DH bought. Today's looks like we are go go go!!! I'm due to ovulate on Thursday, which fits with the 24-48 hour later scenario. My temps aren't too reliable atm because I've got a cough that's keeping me awake. I had to sleep in the spare room last night because poor DH put his pillow over his head in his sleep and I didn't want to give him a nightmare! The temp this morning was way up, but I discarded it because I only slept about 3 hours over the whole night!

DH knows he's got to "perform" later tonight, I've given him instructions not to overdo it playing squash...
Ok so I thought I might start a pregnancy journal so I wrote my first entry on the note pad in my phone. Well turns out I'm not going to journal, I don't want to upset anyone or lose friends at how infrequent I'm on the Internet. But I would like to share that entry with you, especially since Wish asked about symptoms.
Here goes. It's simply copied and pasted from Sept. 16th. The day before I got my BFP.


I had all my usual luteal phase symptoms. I didn't really symptom spot because everything seems like a normal tww window. Only 1 difference became evident during dpo 13-14 I got a sore throat. I even went and bought throat spray in case I was getting sick. My husband had been home from work due to a bad sinus infection so I thought I was catching it.

Once I got 16dpo I realized this cycle was turning long. I looked back at my chart from September last year and saw it was a long one too. Part of me thought this may just be a longer cycle. Also the RE said after my hystroscopy last month that my next cycle could be different. AF was in fact 2 days late. When thinking about the two parts of my cycle being longer than usual I started to feel a little worried. I feared that it was just messed up from the surgery or from the supplements I take. This really was my first thought, not a bfp.

There was no bleeding/spotting at all. I have a full bloated feeling like before an AF. My breast are sore but again they always are during my cycle. My nipples are more tender than usual so I'll count that as a symptom.

I'm actually writing this before I know. I got my OB to request bloods but I went to the lab after work. I won't get those results until later the next day. So in the morning I'm taking an hpt. I'm so scared. This is either a life altering beginning or a frustrating set back. Time will tell. Hope I can sleep tonight!"
oh sugar, thank you so much for sharing!! I love that it was written before you even found out. You should print and frame that in the baby's room or something. :) or at least print it out to keep forever, maybe show your LO when they are older.

ellie - good luck BD'ing!! I hope O comes right when you are expecting her!

mdc - I'm sorry your body is a complete mystery right now, but it seems like AF is doing what you want her to so that's great!

I hope you're all doing well. I'm without internet at my house, the guy is supposed to show up today between 10-12. I have back to back meetings ALL DAMN DAY so I don't know if I'll be on again until tomorrow. No updates from me - 10dpiui and nothing really happening. Still sneezy at times, but it's October in New England, after all. :) I'm feeling a little 'fuller' in my belly area but I haven't worked out in 3 weeks and I seem to have grown a new addiction to breakfast sandwiches. So who knows. 4 more days to go! I'm really tempted to test since I'm not really feeling a thing.
just an update on symptoms - tons of wettish CM today. That's not normal for me on 10dpo - I'm actually usually starting AF right now. I'd like to say i'm 'late' tomorrow but can't really b/c of the Crinone.
This is going to make me sound like a crazy person and I know that it probably means absolutely nothing, but I need to document it just in case it does mean something. Earlier today I had the sharpest, painful twinge in my uterus while sitting at my desk. So sharp it made me bow over and gasp. The only other time I've had that happen was during implantation last time. Now it's a light dull ache in the same spot. I'm only 4 dpo, so I think the likelihood that implantation is happening is slim to none, but as soon as I had the pain it's the first thing I thought about. I'm realistic here, but omg how I would love for that to be a sign.
Wish, I don't know how you have the will power not to test early. More power to you because I would have caved this morning. Probably for the best though because you got a trigger shot this month right?

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