38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Dandi, I really hope that was implantation!

Wish, fxed!

We were going to do EOD (yesterday then tomorrow, 2 days before then day of ovulation) but I just felt like we needed to up it so we added another one in earlier! My opk, cm and temps are all looking good for Thursday ovulation. Come on little :spermy: :spermy: x 100,000,000 one of you can surely catch the egg tomorrow when it goes for its monthly stroll down the fallopian tube!
Hi Ladies,

I have been out of touch here for a bit. I have been out of town visiting family and just busy with life.

Wish- I am praying for BFP.

Dandi- Those are good signs....hoping its the beginning of good news

Ellie- Get your grove on DTD.

Mdc- Man, i dont know how your cycle is behaving. Maybe AF is really listening to you. Praying you get an answer soon.

Just- Good luck with the wedding preparations and DTD

Krasa- how are the appts going on?

Sugar- good to hear from you. Glad all is going well.

Left- How are you doing?

Pothole- Sorry about AF. Thinking of you and praying for the best this cycle.

Did i miss anybody? Hello all.

Afm, still waiting, waiting. nothing much happening with me.
dandi - yeah, that's really the reason I don't want to test, b/c I had a trigger. Though lots of women say that it *should* be out of your system after 10 days, but still. What if it's not? and OMG, I SO hope that what you felt was implantation!!! maybe you had a slippery tube this month and the egg just went WOOSH to your uterus a few days early! FX'ed!

star - good for you for being busy with life! I may not actually be on this (or any) website as much as I am if I didn't sit in front of a computer all day long. This is a really nice break for me a few times throughout the day. Good you popped in!

left - how are you doing, hon?

ellie - sounds like a great BD'ing plan you have there!

just - so what are the wedding plans? indoors, outdoors, big, small, colors, # of people...? heehee I love weddings!

mdc - AF show her ugly little head yet? are you still temping?

pothole - how are you doing?

all of the rest of the lovelies - Hi! :wave:

afm - still not too much going on here. Still some of that wet/creamy CM which is so odd, but I hesitate to think that's a 'sign' when I'm on the Crinone. Though the Crinone turns into (warning - grossness ahead) cottage cheese stuff that doesn't really come out, so you have to remove it manually. This is definitely CM and I'm usually dry as a bone before AF.
I have had little bouts of feeling 'off' but they come and go. It is getting to the point of killing me not to test, but I can hold out 3 more days.
Dandi, I am hoping for a wonderful big fat positive surprise for you! You defiantly did everything you could this month.

Ellie, go get it girl! Love your sperm meets egg story so romantic.

Wish, sounds like positive signs! I cannot wait to hear the good news. Crinone sounds lovely. Ha! No AF for me yet.

Star, hello! What are you a week away from your bday and your follow up appt?

Sugar, that is so sweet!

Hi, to everyone else!

Sigh, for me...my body is officially rebelling if you look at my temps on CD35 :shrug: I did talk to the doc and she drew a P4 (progesterone level) yesterday to see if I ovulated so I should know today. My poor body, I think since I was so far along and it was a mmc it is throughly confused. Doc said if the progesterone is low they will put me on progesterone to induce my period. If my prog looks like I O'd then not sure what will happen, but I really do not think that would be possible unless it was like yesterday since I had a temp bump. At least on the bright side if I do need progesterone I am going to see if I have the room to take it later if it looks like it will make O interfere with any work trips. I have a damn client in CT that I have been trying to coordinate a meeting there for like a month. I think my type A has gotten worse...DH last night looked at me cross eyed when I was trying to explain all the crazy thoughts going through my head.
How frustrating Mdc! I wouldn't know what to think with those temps. I hope the blood tests give some answers today!

Wish- 3 more days!!! Crossing everything!

Ellie- Good luck catching that egg this week!
Hey ladies,

Wish - I can identify with the meetings. It seems like the last two weeks I've spent more time in meetings than I have in my office. Also, it sounds like things are looking good for you. Good luck and please keep us posted!!

mdc - hang in there. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you but your body will work its self out.

Ellie - you are such a romantic...

How is everyone else doing? We are halfway through October so there is still HOPE!!

afm - taking advantage of o and dtd when we can. Wish - as far as the wedding. We're having an outside Gazebo wedding at this place called the Boat house. The reception will be off the water front so there will be a nice view of downtown Columbus. We are "trying" to keep the count down to 100 but I am sure you all know how that goes. Most of my family is coming from NY and MD - so I am trying to get everyone settled with that. It is exhausting but I am truly loving it :).

My wedding party is small: 1 MOH, 2 bridesmaids, 2 groomsmen, 2 flower girls, 2 ushers and 1 ring bearer. So far the planning is going well. I'll let you know how much that change come 2 months from now.

I told my fiancé that if I do not get pregnant by December I wanted to wait until after the wedding. Last time I got pregnant I bloated so much it was ridiculous and that was only for two months before the loss. So I am thinking positive that the next time it will stick. So to avoid changing my dress design, we'll wait if nothing happens in two months. But I am feeling really lucky this month. This has been a busy week for us and I am hopeful...
on the waterfront sounds lovely!! we got married on the beach in Puerto Rico - loved it! I'm sure you're just enjoying every bit of it and it makes me think you'll do the same of pregnancy. Can't wait until you're knocked up! :haha:
on the waterfront sounds lovely!! we got married on the beach in Puerto Rico - loved it! I'm sure you're just enjoying every bit of it and it makes me think you'll do the same of pregnancy. Can't wait until you're knocked up! :haha:
LOL Wish - you are funny but I hope I get knocked up too. I will swap my mermaid styled dress for a maternity one... :). Puerto Rico sounds beautiful too...and romantic.

How are things with you today? Any change?
Wow, waterfront/beach weddings all around! I got married on Carmel beach last year.
:growlmad: :help: :hissy: :trouble: :grr: :devil: :sad2: :brat: :coffee: :growlmad: :help: :hissy: :trouble: :grr: :devil: :sad2: :brat: :coffee: :growlmad: :help:

Argh! Alright ovaries it is time we had a nice little sit down chat so listen up. I know you are :sleep: and all, but wake up you have got work to do.

So the doc called and progesterone is 0.3 so yeah...no ovulation for me. Now they are running hcg on the sample to see if there maybe is residual left over. So help me if there is...I might lose it. However that should not be the case (hopefully) bc frer stark white on Monday. They are also running estrogen to see if I am gearing up to O. If I am gearing up they are going to let my body do its thing. If not, Provera for 10 days and then AF could show up to 10 days after that :saywhat: That would be like a 56 day cycle. I now know how awful it is for those with long cycles bc of PCOS.

Fair warning my temp tomorrow is likely going to be high due to the vast amounts of :wine:. Three thirty in the afternoon is not too soon to start right :winkwink:

As DH said, well at least we know that was the reason for the thin lining. Not sure when he became the silver lining type, but he is right. Hope he realizes if I am gearing to O it is all hands on deck :rofl:because this is BS!
Oh Mdc, that is totally shitty. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you are about to ovulate so you can get the show back on the road. Your DH is right though, at least you know why the thin lining and hopefully that won't be a problem when your reproductive system finally gets its act together again. xxx
What the heck!? That sucks Mdc. Good about the silver lining of the thin lining though! I hope you are gearing up to o so you can try to catch it. If not, I sure hope they can get your cycle regulated quickly. Long cycles like that are for the birds.

I'm really trying not to get my hopes up, but I just have a good feeling about this month. Not that I necessarily think I'm pregnant, but things are just lining up to make me think that I have a good chance this month. My chart is just beautiful, the best it's looked since my last bfp. And while I'm not reading too much into it bc it's so early, I'm having little crappy twinges in the same spot as the sharp twinge yesterday and I'm unusually tired, both of which happened before. Im going to stay positive and if it's not the month, I still have the iui to look forward to.
Yes Mdc! I mean no! What the hell. I'm glad you know about O now but on the other hand I'm pissed you have to go through more testing AND possibly Provera.

I hope this all turns around in your favor.
Hey Dandi, that sounds really promising. I can hear you trying not to jinx things, but it sounds good! When can you test?

I'm not sure when I ovulated this month, just waiting for my crosshairs now. It was due yesterday, but I had temp hikes yesterday and today so might have happened a day early. Just have to see what FF decides!

The great thing is that we covered all the bases and bd 3 days in a row, even though DH is convinced it's not good for his sperm production. I read that, unless you have been told there is a problem with them, every day is ok. We tried SMEP before and it just seemed a bit too much and so we did EOD which resulted in a bfp. I hope so much this has worked this time. I think I knew the ovulation was possible on Wednesday, I had a gut feeling we needed to add one.

I've got a lovely day off school today. They discovered a problem with one of the water tanks and are fixing it. They have to turn off all the water all day, so the school is closed! Yes!!! DH and I are going out for a meal with some friends of ours tonight so it's nice that I'll be all chilled out. Might even go and buy a new dress!

Then tomorrow we are celebrating my mum's birthday with her and my brother and his family (it's actually on Monday). She's going to be 70, so it's a big one. She has advanced MS and doesn't do well with too many people, so it will just be a family meal. I've had made for her a lovely photo book of lots of our wedding photos with captions. She wasn't able to enjoy a lot of the reception, so this will help her enjoy it now.
Hello beautiful people! I had to give myself an Internet time out. I was in a dark place mentally and as positive and wonderful as you all are, no one but me could change it. It would have been unfair to dump that crazy on you all. So I reread one of my favourite series, took lots of photographs of Dude in a pumpkin patch, and allowed the pity party to run its course. I'm not all better, but I have enough pma to move forward.
Not sure what I told you the last time I was here, and I'm too lazy to go look. So essentially, since this is likely my last iui, we moved up to 3 femara. My scan is Saturday morning at 7:45 with iui probably Monday afternoon. I am currently filling out paperwork to see if we qualify for a discount on the drugs for ivf. If not, they'll be 5,000. My REs financial services manager advises not running them through insurance. My insurance contracts with a company called Catamaran. They jack up the price to almost 8,000. Then the insurance covers 5,000. So I'd still be out of pocket 3,000, but I would have used 5,000 of my 15,000 lifetime max fertility benefits in one swoop. There's a program that will discount 25, 50, or 75%, so that's what we are aiming for. So that's all for me. I'll keep up better going forward.

PS. Mdc, did you know you can fit an entire bottle of wine in a large Tervis Tumbler? Pop in a straw, snap on a lid, good to go. I used to take one to my in laws house at Christmas. If I was drinking white, it's gingerale. Red, cherry coke. They don't drink, but I swear, those people have inspired drinking problems in all their children's spouses. So all the benefits of wine, none of the judgements. Okay...maybe some judgement. ;)
Hi Pothole. It's lovely to see a post from you but I'm so sorry things have been so tough. I totally get it... I didn't cope well with the period after my mc, sent me on a massive downer. I think this ttc process is really bloody hard. Until you've been through it, you can't start to realise how all consuming it is. I really hope you continue to feel stronger. The financial side of things sounds really complicated. I'm glad I have the nhs - it might not always let me explore the possibilities I want to, but it is good that it essentially takes the choices out of my hands. I don't have any savings to go private, so I can only do what the nhs allows me to do.

Take care lovely girl xxx

Ps I started on the pineapple core today. After reading some pages, I've decided not to continue with baby aspirin at the same time, as this may be harmful.
I've done the whole lot this cycle... Guaifenesin, bromelain and aspirin. Preseed and a softcup. BD every day during peak fertility. This will be my cycle... PMA!
Happy Friday I say with a tad bit of a headache. :haha:

Dandi, those symptoms sounds awesome, and I really hope this is your month! Loving your PMA also :winkwink:

Ellie, sounds like you nailed it this month, and excited you are starting your tww. Fingers crossed this is your month! Your mom's bday sounds so lovely and I bet she loved your present.

Pothole, so excited you are gearing up for your IUI already! Glad you took time to be good to yourself and back with PMA. Let this one work, but I also am excited you are getting things in line just in case. I did have to laugh out loud about the tumbler tip and I will have to keep that in mind! I agree family and TTC is enough to drive us to drink. Ha!

Hi to all you other lovely ladies!

So pity party is over, and in the grand scheme of things all is not lost. I re-read my last post and was a little overboard, but that is what I get for hanging up with the doc and then typing right away :wacko: Now just waiting today to hear what the doc says, so fingers crossed no hcg and estrogen is ramping up. Too bad DH is leaving on a work trip Sunday-Wed, but que sera. What I really want my body to do is to heal and be healthy for my next super sticky BFP. So on non TTC stuff, I am knocking off work early and DH and I are going into SF for lunch and then next week we are going to Yosemite. So I am excited!
hi girls! my, a lot happens in a day!

mdc - girl, I'm glad you were able to vent away on your keyboard to us! screw this stuff sometimes! if I were there, i'd have come over with a bottle or two and we could have shaken our fists in the air together! But now, back to PMA - your body will heal soon, it's almost there. Then it'll be ready for baby - a nice big healthy chunky one!

digging the convo on the bottle of wine to go! hahahaha

pothole - proud of you too for taking the time you needed to go through those lows and find yourself back up out of those depths. I'm glad Dude was able to help out too. Little does that little guy know how much he helps you, as much as I'm sure you help him, if not more. Are you going through Compassionate Care? I don't know if that's just a New England-area thing but worth googling. It's a discount program for certain meds. And try seeing what Apothecary by Design charges for their meds - they have a team that literally tries to find the best prices possible for you. Good luck with your scan tomorrow!! Team IUI!!

ellie - i'm glad you have all bases covered even if you O'd on Wed. Enjoy your day off today, your dinner tonight and your birthday gatherings this weekend. That's very sweet of you to have created a picture book for your mum!

dandi - DON'T TELL ANYONE but I feel the same way as you do!! I am feeling really positive about this month but I don't want to jinx things and just set myself up for heartache on Monday. But this watery CM is really leading me to think that things are going well. And I think I might have the little tug back, but on the left side this time. And I've done 2 pretty bonehead things in the past day so I'm hoping that's the scatterbrain symptom. And having some little twingy cramps every now and then too. And could have fallen asleep on the couch last night at 7. And...haha that's it.

so one bonehead thing was that I thought yesterday was 11dpiui and that's actually today. How does one lose track of which day they are on?? :shrug:
Ellie- it sounds like you have covered your chances really well this month! I hope you get your crosshairs tomorrow. You did all you could this month, so now it's just a matter of waiting... the hardest part.

Pothole- I'm sorry that you were having a dark spell, but it's completely understandable. This stuff can really put you through the ringer emotionally. You did all that be expected of any of us, you dealt with it, had your down time, then move on and focus on your next opportunities. You're so strong! Good luck scoring some cheap drugs. The price tag on those things are unreal.

Mdc- You know how this goes. We vent, have a brief pity party, then suck it up, put on our happy, PMA armor again, and try to make fertilty struggles our bitch . There's no such thing as overboard here (at least I don't think we've seen that yet, it could still happen from any of us at any point though, lol). I hope you hear from the doctor soon so you'll know what's next. I'm hoping all hopes that there's no more hcg and that you're about to O on your own!

Wish- I love you symptoms!!! Love them! It's so hard to be optimism and also not feel like you're jinxing things. Monday, Monday, Monday! Just three more wake-ups!

I decided to embrace the crazy that I'm feeling and I went and bought a bunch of dollar store tests. I started testing this morning, which is way too early at cd6. But I thought what the heck. This may be the last month that I test early for quite some time if I'm going to be doing trigger shots starting next month. So I'm just going to keep hope alive and test everyday until AF shows.:wacko:
go dandi!! be crazy, girl! I almost bought tests today but was too distracted by my lack of internet and the fact that I should start paying rent at the coffee shop. Also, I posted my thoughts about the watery CM being from Crinone and another woman who is on it said she sees the same thing. Boo. Have to throw that symptom out. BUT - I think I mentioned that I have to 'manually' clean things out from the Crinone. Well, while all up in there, i also check my CP and I also have a similar thing going on - CP is high, VERY soft and my canal is just super squished like last time.
My fingers are cramping from being crossed so much!

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