38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Dandi, Are you still testing?

Star, I agree we all deserve a break here!

Pothole, that sounds so promising! And ohhh...I love carb town :winkwink:

I started my estrogen like a good girl. Also got some horrible news that someone I kind of knew just passed away from ovarian cancer. So sad, she was in her 30s and was having some pains but did not follow up until it was really advanced. Kind of helps me keep things in perspective.
Yeah, still testing like a crazy person. I got a little excited this morning bc I thought I was about to see something but it ended up being an indention. Bfns for me. I just started the slightest spotting when I got home and now I think I feel cramps coming on, so I'm probably out. I'm nervous for what the early spotting may mean though bc if I start early it's going to throw off my work schedule so badly if I have to go to the RE before Monday.

That's so sad for that woman. So young!

Pothole, good luck this month. Dinner sounds delicious!!!
Gosh ladies it so busy in here , its a full time job keeping up !!! Ill do a full post when I get home form work but for now just popping in to say hi :) xxx
hi girls! back from my fun 2-day working session with my team. I don't remember if I posted it here (b/c we weren't allowed to talk about it) but my company sold off half of it, so there are a TON of changes going on. I'm staying with the same company so the only big changes for me are that we're now a company of about 50 people instead of a little over 100, and my part of the company is the 'wave of the future' part so it's a high risk/high reward thing. Exciting but nerve-wracking all at the same time! Anyway...blah blah work blah blah.

mdc - ugh. WAITING. It's nature's torture chamber, I swear it. On the one, logical, hand - I'm glad they are giving you something to completely heal. On the other hand, boooooo for your body not just doing it on its own in a quicker manner. On a third hand - we won't be far apart if we both get BFPs this cycle!! IT. WILL. HAPPEN. I'm going to get us all 'dammit dolls' - have you seen those?
Separately, that's so sad about the woman you knew.

dandi - ugh, i'm sorry about all of your BFNs and the spotting. But I'm HOH for you until that nasty :witch: shows!! What dpo are you today? what are the next steps for next cycle, should there be one? I forget, I'm so sorry. So many of us are having tests and appointments now! :) My old brain can't keep them all straight.

pothole - you need to write a blog or something. You are so creative with your thoughts. I would love an annual pass to Carb Town, please? Steaks and bread and wine - these are a few of my FAY-vorite things! plus pizza. I should weigh 300lbs. ANYWAY - good luck on this round!!! I hope you start feeling things in t-7 days!

star - I hope this natural cycle just works and you don't have to move to Dec. Things like that happen - just when you're about to get some assistance, BOOM! natural BFP! Fx'ed!

krasa - how are you doing, dear?

left/sugar - hello preggos!! :)
sugar - is the ms starting to pass yet? are you getting anything close to a bump?

afm - started BCP last night, I almost forgot! I had to get back out of bed to take it. I was so wiped out from work that I just couldn't wait to crawl into bed, I guess. So I'll be on that until 11/1. We have a few plans this weekend to look forward to so I don't think the wait will be as torturous this time around, which is REALLY good. Maybe I'll even go into the office next week for a day and break up the routine again. Then it's Halloween, then I stop my BCP and get ready for my family visit to NC on 11/5. I think I'll start my meds while I'm down there and I go in for my first follie check on 11/11. If the follies are playing along, we should only have 12 days of stimulation (that's all I am purchasing in meds, anyway). So if I start stims on 11/7, we could trigger on the 19th, retrieve on the 21st and then transfer on.....Thanksgiving!! HAHAHAHA! I'm supposed to host that day! uh oh.... we'd literally be putting a turkey in the oven for some cooking....:rofl:
Ugh!!! I just typed a whole long post and BnB ate it. I hate when that happens.

"we'd literally be putting a turkey in the oven for some cooking...." Bahahahaha! I think that will bring good luck for your little butterball!

I'm CD 2, she came late yesterday afternoon. If FF had my O right, that's only a 10 day luteal phase, which has me nervous. Oh well, onward! I go in to the RE in a bit to do the baseline blood and ultrasound I think, get my femara to start tomorrow, and learn how to do the fsh injections I guess. I'm squeamish though and won't be able to do them to myself and DH can't make it to the appointment today for instruction, so I hope he doesn't kill me with an air bubble or anything. I'm nervous, but excited to start this IUI cycle. Definitely not overly optimistic, but cautiously hopeful and a little bit sad to be honest. We know that if this doesn't work in a few rounds, that's pretty much the end of the road for us as far as trying to make our own baby. We've decided to go ahead and look into starting the adoption process while going through these iuis the next few months. That way if nothing happens, we've already made some progress down the next road.

I hope everyone is having a great week! I'm so looking forward to the weekend, one more day!
Wish, sounds like things are working out for you super great with the job reorg and on the turkey basting front. :rofl: I had not seen the dammit dolls so I had to look it up. What a great idea, probably better than the pen I threw against the wall that broke when I heard the news. :haha: It will be awesome when (yeah when) we are bump buddies! I did the math and I could have my IUI anywhere between 12/1 and 12/9, of course right when I am trying to schedule out of town meetings. So we will just have to see. I blocked off the first week and Dec so far and really trying to get one of my meetings not to happen then. If this month I have to travel I will definitely take vacation days next month around O time. Geez so complicated!

Dandi, ugh about the witch and the LP. Glad you have a plan though even adoption wow! I know that is such a personal decision, and DH and I also discussed that as an option if all fails. However, I have a good feeling about the IUI and am so excited for you!

So I feel like the estrogen is making me bloated, although it really shouldn't and it is likely in my head. I have really been GF/carb free/ veggie only and have probably gained a little despite also keeping up with the gym. REALLY! On brighter news, I am getting packed for Yosemite and we leave tomorrow :happydance: I am not much of a camper, but there will be family, wine, and of course s'mores. Cannot wait to hike and snuggle around the fire.
dandi - I have a good feeling about this IUI too. FX'ed so hard. I love that you are thinking about getting the adoption stuff moving too. I still struggle with that option, personally. I know exactly how you feel with your sadness, though. My eternal optimism went into this IVF stuff not even thinking 'failing' is an option. It's just what it's going to take to make me preg, right? Well, after this last round, DH was like 'we're in this knowing it's going to take but there's a possibility it won't'. Well, maybe YOU are keeping that in mind but I'm not!! haha
Just a note - the first shot is the worst b/c of the anticipation. I promise it's not as bad as your head makes it think and then the rest are cake.

I forget who was talking about the RE meds and the costs before - star or krasa? shop around first - that was a mistake I made and I just went through my Rx provider's pharmacy and everything was charged for at full price. So I basically hit my lifetime limit in one cycle. If I had gone through Apothecary by Design first, then I could have been covered on a couple of rounds. You can find out if your RE office coordinates with an Rx vendor and maybe get a discount that way too. Mine told me about their former relationship with theirs but I didn't quite know that they meant to GET my drugs through them.

mdc - your weekend plans sound so awesome. I love camping and Yosemite is someplace we definitely want to go to. Especially after visiting Yellowstone last year. Family, wine, s'mores and fires are also some of my favorite things!!! if your IUI is that week, that would be during my TWW so we def wouldn't be far apart at all. And I think Dandi is right in front of me. And Star is right behind you. Let's get us all some Christmas presents! Squeal!
Yay for Christmas babies! Am right behind you guys. I cant start ttc until mid Dec.

Dandi- I have a good feeling about your IUI. Am so optimistic. You will be due sometimes in July Dandi. Am just being excited for you. All the best with those injections and femara this cycle.

Mdc- Beginning of this week was not so good for you with AF and person you knew passing. That is sad. Makes us listen to our body when some parts start acting differently. I am glad the week is ending in a good note. How many days to go with the estrogen? Enjoy your weekend.

Wish- I am hopeful for this round. Cant believe you are on the way to good news. You will soon be baking a turkey inside you. Am already excited. Thats some change there with your job. But sometimes better the devil you know than the angel you dont know right. Thanks for advice on meds Wish. Will check that out.

Left and Sugar its alway always nice to hear from you ladies.

Ellie hope your tww is going well

Krasa appt is almost here. Thinking about you.

Just- Are you on your tww too? Hows the wedding preparations going?

Pothole- Good luck.

Afm, am counting days until am back to ttc. About 49 days to go. Yes am literally counting.
Mdc your weekend sounds awesome, I'm jealous! I love camping, fires, smores, it sounds lovely. Have a great time! I hope you can get your schedule worked out for December. You're right that it's so complicated. I had e everything lined up with my work schedule for this cycle to kick off next week and now the early af has thrown it all off. I actually had to tell my boss today what's going on to explain why I had to miss some important meetings today and why ill have more leave next week. Good luck timing it right!

Star, I love the countdown!!! 49 and ticking!

Wish, I'm going to borrow some of your eternal optimism for this cycle, lol. I'm fresh out at the moment, but I'm sure it'll come back in a few days. Adoption is definitely a big decision and unfortunately it can come with some sadness when it comes about at the same time another dream may be dying. We knew we had a desire to adopt early on though and had the conversation before we even got engaged. DH was the first biological child in his family after 3 generations of adoptions, so it's always been in his heart. We thought we might complete our family with an adoption someday, but I didn't think we'd be starting our family that way. I'm ok with it if that's what happens though. We'll see how these iuis go.

Hi to the rest of you ladies!

Today went well I think. I have to complain about one thing though. I hate when they ask a cryptic question during the ultrasound and it seems to happen to me often. Today it was, "hmm, day 2 huh? Are you sure you've had full flow? Bright red?" Uh, yes I'm sure. I'm of advanced maternal age, I've had a lot of periods and know what to look for. Are you saying something looks off with my lining, bc i wish you'd just say so before all of the worst case scenarios flood through my head! Ugh. Anyway, I came home with my goody bag of femara, gonal f, and trigger. I'm so glad that I know the price of wish's ivf meds so that I felt grateful for what could have seemed like an outrageous pharmacy bill. I got my lesson and learned how to "mix and stick." I start meds tomorrow, finish Tuesday, BD Thursday, ultrasound next Friday, iui likely sometime between Halloween and November 2!
mdc - I don't know if you've ever tried this, but bring along the following: reese's peanut butter cups, andes candies/york peppermint patties, nestle crunch bars, or other. Use these in lieu of the regular Hershey bar in your s'mores. Ridiculous. Have a great time!!!

dandi - glad you're all suited up for your week of meds!! Yes, I hate those cryptic questions too. I'm at the point where I can't hide my sarcasm now - 'sooooo - what are you seeing that's making you ask that question?' And I'm happy to share my optimism!!! Let's get these little turkeys in the oven!

star - 48 left! :)

not too much going on here. I'm about to order a straightjacket off of Amazon b/c of my internet issues I've been having for about 2 weeks now. We have yet another comcast person coming out tomorrow morning. They keep telling us that our signal is strong, there's nothing wrong. I keep telling them that my work (voip) phone cuts on and off and is garbled when I'm on a conf call and my laptop sticks all day - email, websites, webexes - EVERYTHING. I can't work like this anymore!!! it's making me so mental!
Nothing TTC going on with me right now, of course.

anyone besides mdc have good plans for the weekend? we have a birthday dinner at a great restaurant tonight and then a 2 yr old bday party tomorrow. After Comcast guy. ;) Then football on Sunday.
We've got a fun filled weekend of yard work and finishing phase 1 of our kitchen remodel. As it stands now, half of my kitchen cabinets are the old color, half the new color, with no glaze, no doors, and blue painters tape every where. We're hosting a family halloween party next weekend, so it's hustle time now to at least get one side of the cabinets finished so our kitchen doesn't look completely tragic. Then yard work to make it look festive and fallish for the party. I see lots of mums and pumpkins in my future.

Reese's s'mores are my favorite! Now I'm adding them to the party menu. One won't kill me.

Comcast is the devil. End of story. We had to cancel with them, switch to DirecTV, and get internet through a designated hot spot added to our cell phone plan, because no one else offers internet in our area... even though we're only 30 minutes from a major metropolitan area. Good luck. I have a special kind of hatred for Comcast. I still have to deal with them on a large contract at work and it grates my nerves every single time.
thank you - I really wish I knew what was going on. It's just our house, no one else. I actually did call DirecTV b/c we have their TV service but unfortunately, my work VoIP and the VPN I sometimes have to log into for work both don't work well (and aren't recommended for use with) HughesNet. Fios doesn't serve my area. So I'm stuck with them.
You may enjoy this (excuse the language - if you haven't figured out by now, I have a trucker mouth sometimes):
Sorry I've not kept up with what everyone is up to, but good luck to those in any kind of wait!

We have some fun plans. DH's new rock band have their dress rehearsal tomorrow for their first gig and wives & girlfriends are invited... My first time as a wag! Sunday will mostly be spent cleaning the house prior to MIL's stay from Monday to Wednesday. I'm on half term break now for a week, which is just as well because I've got a stinking cold :(

As for ttc stuff, I'm now 9dpo and still waiting. It's torture, but at least I'm on the home straight now. Somehow the second half of the 2ww isn't so bad because the end is in sight! My temps are looking good, though I didn't have 9dpo dip like the bfp cycle. I had a 5dpo one instead!

I think I can officially start symptom spotting now, so I'm going with copious ccm and sore/swollen boobs. I'd include sore throat but that's just my cold.
Hi Girls!

A quick update, since I'm at work. The RE appt went just fine. When I start is going to depend on (of course) when the witch shows. It appears I'm on the very cusp of an "uptime" for my clinic, where patients start cycles. If the witch shows up by or on the 5th, I start my bcp that day, and start stimming two weeks after that. If she shows up on the 6th (as she's supposed to), then I start the bcp the following cycle, and stims at the end of that cycle.

We are doing PGS, so it will be a frozen transfer either way, and the way the dates work out I will either wait one cycle between ER and frozen transfer or go straight from the cycle of ER into a frozen transfer cycle. I thought it would take a lot longer to get the PGS results back, but it only takes two weeks.

My RE is great-loved him and the nurses. He called my ovaries "non age-appropriate" which made me laugh.

My insurance coverage is better than I thought. Only the embryo transfer counts against the 25k lifetime cap-so we have more chances than we thought. We were under the impression that we were only going to have the one shot at this-not so, thank god.

More later-this is what I can remember off the top of my head. Will give full scoopage to you all (and get caught up on where everyone is) a bit later or over the weekend.

Love to all you girls!
FX'ed ellie!!! what's a 'wag'? Wife At a Gig? haha What does DH play? Are they a known band or still climbing their way up? That sounds fun - have a blast. Your symptoms sound awesome - can't wait to hear on Monday!! When are you going to test? And having cold-like symptoms have been some other people's first sign of things - I hope it's that for you!
we posted at the same time, krasa! That's GREAT news!!! Come on AF, make an early appearance on 11/5!!! I'm so happy for you that your monetary expectations are being exceeded as well. That's the worst part of this whole thing, i think.
Oh Krasa, that's so exciting. Let's hope she either comes early or not at all!!!

WAGs are Wives And Girlfriends. Usually applied to those of footballers but DH thought it would be funny if I were his WAG!!!
DH plays lead guitar. He's played for years and is really good but only just joined this band. They had some local success previously, with a different guitarist, but haven't started gigging with current line up yet. Their first gig with him is next month :)

I have read about cold symptoms being a common sign because your immune system is weakened around implantation. Probably just a bug from school... I'm not going to test again until Thursday because I hate bfn. I did one the other day for a laugh, knowing it was way too early. I just wanted to poas and decided to get it out of my system when the bfn was probable, if that makes any sense at all!!?!?

I actually feel kind of rough right now. If it's because I'm pregnant, I'm fine with feeling ill. If I'm not, ugh.

Annoying pregnant colleague is off sick again. She got pregnant really easily and then told everyone as soon as she missed her period and has been off sick so often since. I didn't like her before but I've got zero sympathy for her now. Might sound callous, but she's really annoying. Anyway, I'm allowed to express my sour grapes on here, aren't I?!

Love to you all, my wonderful future mother girls :)
YAY Krasa! I'm so glad you know your plan now and it sounds great! Fingers crossed that AF decided to come early this time so you can get a jump on things. That's a wonderful surprise with your insurance coverage. Can't wait for more updates! "non age appropriate".... I love it!

Ellie, I sure hope that cold is a sign! Kudos to you for trying to stick it out until Thursday. It's so hard not to test early when you think you have some symptoms, hang in there girlie!

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