38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Ellie having a cold was a symptom for me. I hear our immune system is pulling double duty and can't fight off the cold while growing a little one. Fingers crossed for you!
So it seems that it is an actual valid symptom, yay! Only problem is that it is screwing my temps because I feel quite ill today and my temp has spiked. I'd love it to be a true triphasic, but I don't actually know what it should be!
Happy Sunday, girls!

Ellie-I'm so hoping that your cold is a symptom and that you're going to be getting good news in the next few days...will you test, or just wait it out? I can totally understand how you hate BFNs. And absolutely, you're allowed to vent a bit about the annoying coworker! I get to avoid that mostly, as my field is entirely male dominated. I feel lucky in that way I guess.

Dandi-Oh, remodeling. I'm not sure which is more fun, remodeling or building new. I built my house around a year and a half ago and moved into it as soon as there was plumbing and worked on it while I was living in it. It's interesting to say the very least. Hope you made solid progress and/or knocked 'er out this weekend. It is such an awesome feeling when it is done and you see the awesome which you created!

Wish-So glad you'll be jumping right back in. If AF cooperates I'll just be a few days behind you starting bc. Is there such a thing as stim buddies? I agree that the money part is the worst thing. Counting my blessings there, as insurance will take a big bite out of the medications and I haven't touched my HSA all year so that helps too.

Star-How's the countdown going? December will be here before you it! Hoping you're doing well and preparing for some serious BDing. It will be a merry Christmas in your house for sure.

Mdc-have you had any changes regarding possible O? forgive me if you've given updates and I missed them...it's so busy in here that when you miss a few days, you miss a lot! Hoping for things to get back to normal for you so you can get back to obsessing like the rest of us! :winkwink:

Pothole, Justme, Left, Sugar, and anyone else I may have missed-hope your week starts off great.

afm, still waiting. :) But, waiting with a plan in mind so that helps. I've never wished for AF to show her ugly-a$$ face but I'm praying that for once, she decides to cooperate! It is going to move fast once it gets moving, that's for sure. I'm going to be doing what my clinic calls "standard" protocol, from reading on the internets I think it is also called mid-luteal lupron protocol? But I may be reading that wrong. To be honest, there was so much information dropped all at once that it is a good thing the nurse calls with instructions for each step. I start bc, then a few days before i take the last pill, I start Lupron injections, then my period starts, then i start taking stims on top of the lupron. Then stim, stim, stim, until it's time for the trigger. I don't know the dosages of what I will do just yet (or maybe they told me, and it is currently lost in the information overload) but I will be getting follistim (600 iu cartridges), menopur (14 freaking vials?!? seriously?!), 10,000 iu of hcg as the trigger, then pio injections. They aren't too concerned with ohss even with the high afc as my doc says my age will work against overstimming. I sure do hope he's right!

My best to all you soon-to-be-mommies.
Wow, Krasa, that does sound quite complicated! I really hope it all works out. I'd want someone to ring and remind me with all that to remember!

I'm rather ambivalent about testing at the moment... I want to tomorrow but I am also so dreading a bfn that I might just wait it out until Thursday... Also, my MIL is coming to stay tomorrow until Wednesday and we are going to try not to tell anyone next time we get a bfp. If she was staying and I knew, I'd not be able to keep it a secret and then I'd have to tell my parents too!!!

It's killing me though!
I caved in and tested. BFN. Only hope is that af might not be due until Friday, so it might still be too early to tell, but I think I need to prepare myself. So unfair, I really hoped this was it with these temps, must just be that I'm unwell.
Krasa, love it non-age appropriate eggs. Come on witch get with the program!

Dandi, I hope the cabinets went well this weekend. I am going to be nervous for the shot too, but I have heard the first one is really about the anticipation and then they are a breeze.

Ellie, sorry for the BFN, but you are right it is still early. I would agree about the immune system thing. I had a swollen lymph node the month of my BFP.

Wish, those smores sound awesome! I will have to do that next time. I hate Comcast also. I have to use VPN and I had a hell of a time in the beginning it was SO frustrating!

Star, I wish I had AF. :hissy: Estrogen is going strong until the 6th.

We had such a wonderful time this weekend and it was beautiful! We some great hikes to some waterfalls, had a deer right by our tent, as we were eating dinner a raccoon stole my almonds right out of the bag, and got lots of time with my niece and nephew. We did have a scary moment because on the way through the mountains...our breaks overheated and stopped working. Thank God we were just getting past the hairiest part! Now boarding a 5am flight for work, so obviously I did not plan this well, as I had to get up at 230 this morning. I remember the days when that is when I would be getting home from the bars. How things have changed. PS this estrogen sucks! So much water weight and don't get me started on the tons of CM...yuck!
Just popping in to say Ellie your chart is looking amazing. Looks like the perfect triphasic chart! Don't give up hope yet. Maybe you implanted later than normal. Sending you lots of baby dust!! :dust:
mdc - sounds like an amazing weekend and I'm SO happy that it didn't turn into a complete disaster with your brakes!! holy scary! Where are you off to today? I hope AF gets here for you soon but doesn't surprise you in the middle of a meeting or something.

krasa - yessiree, we can be stim buddies!! I'm doing Lupron too but I don't start it until after BCP is done. Then I stim with Gonal-F 2x/day, which is basically the same thing as Follistim. No Menopur for me this time - I was doing 2 vials/day for 2 weeks or however long that was, so you can go through it really easily depending on how many they have you do a day. And a 'vial' is really just a little nugget of powder that you have to squirt saline on to dissolve. I was originally picturing these full bottles of fluid I'd have to be injecting!

dandi - how are things going? did the remodel go well this weekend? were you able to finish?

ellie - your temps still look amazing. i'm HOH for you!! I hope you feel better soon, either way. Yuck. and I totally get what you mean about 'getting poas out of your system' - the only time I feel confident in doing that is when I know it's going to be a BFN and I just need to do the action.
Oh, and yes - please vent away about drama queen coworkers. :) I have a friend who basically unfriended another one of hers after she got preg b/c she acted like she was the first person on earth to get preggo. Too high maintenance for me, glad I'm not friends with her.

afm - comcast came and spent 2.5 hrs here the other day but finally found the problem. They weren't psyched that it took them so long and so many visits by so many people in their company to find it, but they did and I am no longer super mental.
TTC-wise - one more week of BCP. I'm going to see if staying on it one more day will help out with all of the scheduling issues I see. The Thanksgiving Day transfer (potentially - not trying to count chickens before they hatch, here) and having to smuggle drugs to my parents' fridge.
And just a side note - I stopped exercising when I started stimming last month and I was able to maintain the same weight this whole time. My FIL goes out and gets like 10 lbs of Chinese food the other night and that's all I've eaten for most of my meals bc we gave so many leftovers! Up 3 lbs. Enough of that nonsense!! I hate to waste food like that, but dang that's a lot of salt and bad stuff!
Ellie - It's still early and your temps do look great. You still have just as much of a shot this month as you did before you poas. Many times people don't get a + until cd 14 or 16 (trust me, I've done the research, lol!). Keep an eye on those temps and test again Wednesday if af doesn't show.

Mdc- that sounds like a lovely weekend. Holy sh!t about the brakes though! At that point I would have had to get out on foot and meet everyone else later, lol. I hate the the hormones are giving you the yucks, but all for a good cause. I hope AF shows soon!

Krasa- Also hoping AF shows for you! It's so weird to want her to hurry and show when we hate to see her most months. I really hope you're able to get in on the next round with your doctor's office. How exciting that it could start moving so fast so soon for you!?!

Wish- I hope your plan works so you're not smuggling on a high holiday!

Afm, I'm on day 4 of Femara. After hearing so many Clomid horror stories, I guess I can't really complain, but the Femara is giving me the most crazy vivid dreams. I mean super vivid and one after the other. I haven't really sleep well in days now. I wake up and I feel hungover, not to mention usually pretty weirded out and confused about the intensely awkward things that are happening in my sleep that seem so real. I'll be very glad to take the last dose tomorrow and get some sleep later this week. The injections come tomorrow. I'm so psyching myself out about those. I need to get a grip. I'm sure it'll be fine one the first one is done. I realize I sound like a giant sissy. Ugh. The cabinets didn't go as planned. I had hoped for DH's help, but after his first attempt and having to go back behind him to fix things, it became clear that he's not cut out for that kind of detail work, bless him. So it was a one man show, moving slowly. I've got to go home and do two more coats tonight so I can do glaze tomorrow and hope to get these suckers done before people show up to my house Saturday. One another note, I just got an email that I got an interview! But it's a video interview and I have 48 hours to do it. It couldn't come at a worse time, but I'm going to figure it out and get it done tomorrow night I hope. It's my first interview in years and it's with a computer prompt program, I'm so nervous! It would be a work from home gig though and I really really need to get out my current position. Wish me luck!
Thanks girls. I knew you'd get it!

What's weird is that the test did look like it had a very faint shadow at first and it is quite clear when I open the photo in an app and change the effect. After a few minutes though, the test was totally negative. I'm hoping it's just too early. I think I ovulated a day later than ff says, so only 11dpo today... DH went out and bought some more tests today, so I'll probably do another one tomorrow!

My colleague is a pathetic woman. She told everyone as soon as she missed a period and said she couldn't do all aspects of her job (PE teacher) because it would endanger the baby. Ugh. She then took 2 weeks off and we all thought she'd lost it, but no... just didn't want to overdo it. Back at work for a bit, now off again.

When I got engaged, she was going on about how she wanted her boyfriend to propose. When he did, she told everyone that she had already planned the wedding. I told her it can get quite stressful (this was just before my wedding) and she said that it was planned and not at all stressful! They are getting married next summer, baby must be due next spring sometime, she announced pregnancy last June I think.

She's just one of those people that gets on my nerves. It didn't help that she sneezed and fell pregnant then took all that time off for no reason. I refused to go to a training session that she was in the week after my mc, I just couldn't face being in the same room as her. I feel intense dislike towards her and this upsets me, but I really do. The only way to control it is to avoid her!
Oooo Dandi, good luck with the job interview! Also with the injections. You are really busy at the moment!
good luck tomorrow with your first injection, dandi! you're going to chuckle as soon as you stick it in. No big deal at all!

ellie - she sounds wretched and not my type of person at all! i'd avoid her like the plague too. I really hope you are on 11dpo and if you had a late implanter, then you're super early to test! :) FX'ed so hard for you!

welp - the change-up in scheduling is a no go. I guess this type of protocol is pretty strict as to when we start things, so I start Lupron next Wed and do that twice a day for the 12 days, then start the Gonal-F that Saturday. So looks like I'm smuggling drugs again. In fact, they need to give me a letter for my flight that says I can carry needles!!
also, i just sent my bday invite list to DH and had my friend's email address in the CC field b/c I didn't know her personal address off the top of my head (used the autofill functionality in email) and forgot to delete her! the email included my notes about talking to my Doc and how I didn't want people to be suspicious at my bday party. Ughhhhh! oh well - I texted her and just asked that she delete it b/c it included personal stuff between DH and I. I really wouldn't care if she knew, but again - we want to keep things quiet.
Ugh! I hate that feeling of panic when you realize you've emailed something to someone that you didn't mean to. Good luck with your smuggling this season!
Arg, nooooo! That feeling of an email/message sent to the wrong person... Horrible!

I texted DH (when he was my bf) that car sharing with my colleague that week had been "interesting". Aforementioned colleague texted me 10 minutes later to "thank" me... Yikes. Luckily, I hadn't said anything worse!
I know! She's one of my closest friends too, so again, i wouldn't much care. Typically, she would already know. But I got all jittery and nervous when i realized! Thankfully, DH wasn't too concerned.

And I totally forgot to wish you luck in your interview, dandi!! I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park!!
Dandi-GL with your interview! Also hope the injections start off just fine for you. The only injections I've ever given were to my dear departed furbaby. But it really does make a difference (so it seemed) to keep the bevel of the needle up.

Mdc-Sounds like you had a great weekend. I do love that the board gets so quiet on the weekends. Despite everything we all still have our lives keeping us busy!

Wish-so just a bit longer till you start your Lupron. Do you have side effects from it? I know it is different for everyone, but have read everything from no side effects, to headaches, to turning into a crazed emotional wreck. Oh, and i know that "oops" email feeling too...nothing like that dread feeling after you hit send...

Ellie, still holding out hope for you!! Your chart does look awesome!

KileyJean-what a precious profile pic!! Congratulations to you, lady!

Pothole, hope you are doing ok.

Star, how is the countdown going? Thinking of you!

afm, still waiting. :) Knowing that the start of the IVF journey is around the corner has actually relaxed me a lot. I'm not tracking anything this cycle, and am barely even monitoring anything really. Just trying to see the good in things and always look at the bright side. TTC is now out of my hands, at least the biological part, and I guess I am ok with knowing it is not going to happen any other way.

Happy Tuesday to all of you!
I totally agree Krasa! I remember Wish saying something similar after her first round of ivf. I feel so much more relaxed too now that it's essentially out of my hands. No more temping or charting. No obsessively following the strict smep schedule. It's been so nice to just kind of not think about it as much. Now it's just remembering to take the right meds on the right days and remembering my appointments. It's weird to say that it's easier, but it is.

I'm so nervous for this interview tonight. It's my first interview and years and I really want the position bc it would mean working from home and no more awful commute. If anything though, it will just be good practice to get into the swing of interviewing again... albeit with a computer screen with no person on the other side.
Dandi, gl on the interview tonight and the inj. Be strong and tell me it was no big deal (yeah being selfish because I am going to be such a baby when I have to do it).

Wish, wow you are a pro at the injections and drug smuggeling. Never thought about the plane thing. I hate when I add someone I do not want to on an email, and it is always a little bit of a panic. I think you asked...I am in Chi town for work. So excited you are ramping up for this cycle.

Krasa, I also agree this assisted is not as stressful, so I am happy you are just relaxing.

Ellie, ugh sometimes people are just too much. Hoping you are still hanging in there and will get your sticky BFP.

Hi to everyone else!

Not much going on for me and just sitting in the airport to head back home. Best part is DH bought me some noise cancelling headphones and OMG it makes flying so much better and takes the sting of not getting upgraded away a little.
The interview was horrible, but the shots weren't as bad as I expected. The nervousness of mixing it correctly was the worst part. DH was fine doing the injections, i definetly couldn't do them to myself (mad props Wish). It burns afterwards more than I thought though. All in all, not a big deal and I'm a big baby. :)

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