38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

oh no! what happened in the interview, dandi?? thinking about it now, was it as bad as you thought?
I'm glad your injections were better than you expected, though. You get used to them, and dare I say, look forward to them b/c you know you have one more down. I'm weird, I know.

mdc - love Chicago! you know, I am so nosey that I actually enjoy listening to other people's conversations on planes. Most of the time, not all.

krasa - YES! some feeling of calm just washes over you when you know it's no longer up to you to make the sperm and egg collide. And no, i've never done Lupron and I'm nervous b/c I've heard the same. I start it the morning I leave for NC - I hope I'm not a raging lunatic while I'm there!!

I so hope you all have success with this. It still is a lot, just in a different way. And there is still some chance to it, obviously, but you have people who are experts trying to guide that chance to it's highest point possible. And hopefully they are as caring of people as I've had. I'm definitely sending thank you cards and Edible Arrangements or something when all of this is done.

left - are you still lurking, hon? Do we get a bump pic or anything? how far along are you now? how are you feeling?

sugar - are you starting to show yet at all? ms making its way out or still feeling blah?

pothole - you've been quiet. are you ok?

star - how are you doing, hon?

kiley - we need an Ireland update! how is she doing after one week?

ellie - how are you doing today? how's the cold?
Yes, I still think it was just as bad today as I did yesterday, lol. It was just so awkward. The video interview system has you staring at video of yourself as you go and it's so distracting. And at the top there's a big countdown ticker because you only have 3 minutes for your answer. I was so concerned about the countdown and not staring at myself that I don't even remember what I was saying for my answers. It was an experience though and good practice for the next interivew. :wacko:
Dandi, that interview would be awkward. I never had one like that before. I would probably put a towel over my computer screen so I would not be looking at myself or the timer. Ack! Glad the first injection went well. How many days do you have to inject?

Wish, I agree the people that work at my clinic are so nice. I hope you are getting ready to inject soon.

Afm, I am just sitting here impatiently. Still 9 days to go until my sono and then hopefully Provera if all is good. Ugh! DH said again last night he is just worried that we might not get our own baby to hold, so that is just making me more impatient. He did so great after my mmc so I guess it is my turn to be strong and supportative. Thank goodness I will have this group to lean on!
Oh that's so heartbreaking about DH. I know it has to be tough on our significant others to try to be strong for us but also process their own emotions about all of it. Just support each other and try to stay positive and hopeful. It's way too early for any of us to be succumbing to defeat. We're going to make babies dammit! <insert dammit doll here>

I was supposed to do two days, but then they called and told me to do both shots yesterday, so now I'm done at least until Friday. Depending on the follies, they may or may not have me a do a few more days of gonal-f. I'm hoping I'm responding well already so I can go ahead and trigger! I'm feeling impatient and want this iui in the books.
Dandi- sorry the interview was weird. I once did a recorded one with the camera and questioner person sitting across from me. Awkward! But I made it to the 2nd interview stage.

Wish- from what I remember Luprons not that hormonal. It was my most uncomfortable injection but didn't effect me much. I was on 1cc daily.

Mdc- it's good you and hubby have reversed the roles a little bit. Somehow it just seems to help with the process.

Afm I'm still sicko. It's the nasties sense of nausea. It's morphed beyond queasy to feeling like my body is a giant keg of newly fermenting beer. It's weird. I had a blood test yesterday for abnormalities. Hope to have the results by Tues at my next scan. I've been doing a lot of reading and I'm still in the so called disbelief stage. So surprised this happened naturally but so grateful too.

My birthday is Friday and I'm playing hooky from work to go camping with DH. It's supposed to rain a little but we don't care. I need a little RnR.

I'm thrilled with all of your progress and tenacity. It will happen for each of you, I know it will.
ah crap, dandi - that's so weird! I'd have been weirded out too. I hope they are used to that and can look beyond it, though.

mdc - :( so sad for your DH. We had someone ask us how we felt about having kids this weekend (we were at his niece's 2 yr bday party and he's not even 30 yet) and we just said 'if we have them, we have them' and he said 'yeah, that's kinda how I feel'. But I felt the need to say something before DH so he didn't have to try to give some sort of awkward answer. I know he's trying to be logical about it all but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

thanks for the tip on Lupron, sugar. I hope that's the case. I am doing 10ccs 2x/day and 2 Gonal-F at 300 2x/day. So 2 shots in the morning and 2 at night. Much different from last time where I was able to combine the Gonal and the Menopur into one shot/day.

I am going to start my injections a week from today! I went into my RE's office this morning for her to go over how to do it and the schedule. And they gave me some ideas on how to drug smuggle. I'm going to bring a cooler bag and just somehow keep re-freezing one of those ice packs and keep it in there with my meds.
Oh, and I think I might have been a day off on my retrieval/transfer calculations, which is great! Again, if all goes well, then we'd transfer the day before thanksgiving. WHEW! I can deal with that!
Hi fabulous ladies! I'm really okay, and thank you all for asking and being concerned. I'm settled in to the second half of the tww. I missed the call from my RE's nurse yesterday to give me my progesterone number. She left a message and said it was "very good", but I don't know if that means 10 or 35. I thought of calling today, but I'm honestly a little relieved not to know. Now I won't pin too many hopes on what has turned out to be a completely arbitrary number so far. AF is due on Tuesday, so we'll see. I've been quiet primarily because I feel so much anxiety about the potential of ivf. I've been avoiding the boards because it's overwhelming me. I have some panic and anxiety issues. I had a bad spell and thought I was better. I jumped the gun a little. I'm safe and everything will be fine. But I have to be better at self care sometimes. Love to you all and all the crossed fingers and baby dust I can possibly send!
happy to hear from you pothole - I'm glad you're taking care of yourself in the best way you know how. :hugs:
we're here for you, if we can help to ease any of the anxiety by talking through stuff!!

man - tickets to the Patriots game tonight and DH is down and out with a bad cold. So I have to find someone to go with me, stat! And my Dad is down in NC! haha he's the fallback guy!
Hi ladies! I've been periodically scanning the thread for any bfp's! I debated posting in here with an update, but Wish encouraged me to. :)

I don't have a ton of free time anymore because I am nursing Ireland every 2 to 2.5 hours. We are doing well. I feel like a nursing machine lately. Been working hard at trying to get her back up to her birth weight. She lost 6 ounces while she was in the hospital right after her birth which her doc says is normal. Her next weight check is at her two week appointment on Monday. I'm really hoping all our hard work is paying off! She has been a pretty good baby so far. Not fussy at all (only when she is ready to eat).

I really hope you all get to experience this soon. I've been thinking of you all. I know it will happen for each of you. It's the waiting that is the hard part. sending lots of baby dust your way!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:


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She's so lovely, congratulations!

Pothole, I totally get where you are coming from. Look after yourself xx
Kiley, she's just beautiful! I'm so so happy for you! I hope the nursing is going well, I'm sure she'll get that weight back in no time.

Pothole - Do whatever you need to do to keep the anxiety at bay. It's the last thing you need right now. Take care of yourself and know that we're here!

I feel like I can feel my follicles growing. I know it's just in my mind, but I'm going to be so mad if I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and there's nothing substantial there.
thank you for posting a pic, Kiley! I'm so glad things are going well. I know you're enjoying every millisecond!

dandi - that's not foolish to think at all! I could totally tell when ONE of mine was bigger (made me think mine never got big to begin with w/o help!). I can't imagine how women with PCOS feel. GL tomorrow, my fingers are so crossed for you.
She's georgeous Kiley! I love the ideas of the 1 week picture. Will you continue weekly or monthly? I've seen lovely frames for monthly pictures.
Kiley, all I can say is she is beautiful! Thanks for the extra dust :winkwink:

Pothole, I am sorry that your anxiety crept back in, but it sounds like you are doing all you can to take care of yourself. I am really hoping for great news for you this time!

Dandi, I hope that is one big, or a couple big, fat follies for you. I cannot wait to hear your us results.

Wish, have fun at the Pats game!

Ellie, are you CD1? If so....:hissy:

Hi to everyone else!

I have been doing calculations and I think we have a shot this month if the sono goes well. My work trip my interfere, but hoping all the stars will align. I also made the mistake of looking on you tube about lovenox injections...agh! I guess when it comes time to decide I will just bite the bullet and likely do them. Rather do everything I can.
Yep, it seems that the nice high temps were just illness and lack of skill and not something lovely :nope:

I'm now extremely determined. I've booked my HSG in next Wednesday and I'm hoping it will make me super fertile! THIS is my month! I will be duffed :haha:

Who's with me? I reckon it's time for a glut of bfps on this thread and some lovely bump buddies!

Dandi, I am sure you will see some beautiful follies tomorrow :) Can't wait to hear the result!

Mdc, I hope this cycle is a goer. I ready want us to be bump buddies again!
Thank you all. And Good Luck Dandi! I can absolutely feel my follicles when they are growing. I bet you have a couple of really big ones!
Ellie, I am with you all the way to being bump buddies! Good luck with the HSG! My sono is next Friday so we are both on track.

Ugh, my cousin just announced a little baby is due 13 days after my old due date. I really am happy for her because she is such a sweet person, but there is always a twinge. I need to get back to PMA and just visualize that this IS going to happen and it WILL soon.
hi girls! foggy Wish here....had a great time at the game, a little too much fun! :)

mdc, ellie - it is going to happen. I'm positive of it. But I do agree - we need an upswing on this thread!

dandi - how'd the u/s go today?

nuthin going on here except sleepiness. Last BCP will be Sunday night and then I have a suppression check early Monday morning. Next week is when the fun begins and given the busy busy week I have, things will be happening before I know it. I just hope and pray that my follicles play along this time. I can't take their unwillingness again. I hope this change in protocol is the answer.
Follie check didn't go so well today. I've got 4 between 8-9mm and 3 between 6-8. Lining is under 5, so no good news today. RE wants to wait until Monday, do another scan and see what they do. I would have rather she had me do a few more days of gonal-f, but she's the expert. I hope things are better Monday or I get more meds to try to make a difference before I end up ovulating on my own. I'm definitely having much more ovary pain than ever before though, so maybe I haven't been ovulating on my own after all, but my temp rises....who knows!

I hope you lovelies have a wonderful weekend. Happy Halloween to those who enjoy the festivities. I'm off to clean, cook, and prepare for our party tomorrow!
Happy Friday Ladies,

I have been gone for a couple of days but now am back! I had a week long inservice at work that had me feel like am back to school again! Am changing units at work that is why i had to do that. Going to be working in a cardiac step down unit. Am excited and nervous at the same time. We will see how it goes.

I can see everybody has some plans. Thats great.

Wish- you will be Pupo in less than a month! Thats exciting. You are becoming a pro at smuggling drugs:)

Mdc- Sono soon, you are heading in the right direction. Good luck. I hear you on pregnancy announcements...a good friend of mine from college called me last night with news that her wife is expecting twins. They already have a 5 and a 3 yr old! Am happy for them too BUT...never mind, am just going to zip it.

Ellie- sorry about AF, but glad you have a plan on the way. Praying that you get good news with your HSG. A couple of us have done it here if you need to know anything we are here.

Dandi- Am sorry about that news. Monday may bring good news. The RE will know about the next step if Monday doesnt go as planned but you are in good hands. In the mean time.... Enjoy your halloween party. Have fun!

Sugar- Happy birthday! Have fun camping:) any upcoming scans, tests? Would to hear how you are doing?

Kiley- what a precious little baby. She is adorable. Thanks for sharing her pic.

Krasa- Did AF come or is she close? All the best with the next step.

Pothole- fx and hoping and praying this is IT!

Just - hows the wedding preparation going? And you how are you doing?

Left- our cheering lady thinking of you.

I hope i didnt miss anybody.

Afm- 39 days to go. AF came 2 days early so that shortened my count. CD 5 here. I have been eating right, exercising, just preparing this body for ttc again. I have lost 5lbs, 5more to go. I pack my extra lbs well because am tall but its about time i get rid of them before they accumulate.

Have a good weekend all!

I have feeling this thread is going to be full of bump buddies next year. Cheer up my good ladies BFPs are on the way.

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