38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Dandi, sorry about the us and come on follies pony up!

Star, glad the witch is getting the show on the road so you can get started sooner!

Wish, I totally forgot to tell you. As we were watching the fb game I said to DH 'yeah, my friend Wish is there'. He looked at me funny and said 'her name is Wish?' I laughed and said yeah my bnb friend's screen name. Totally funny how if/when I ever met anyone in person I probably would always call you all by your all by your screen name. :rofl:
Well, that works fine for me! I've been on other boards before and used a screen name, but for ttc I decided just to use my real name. It seemed easier than having a pseudonym!

Dandi, I'm really sorry it didn't go well earlier. Hopefully things will progress over the weekend.

I have to say, I honestly feel like there are going to be several bfps on here in the next couple of months. I don't know why, it just feels right somehow.

I've decided I need to chill out more. I've been so stressed out about things that my body probably just didn't feel like a hospitable place to nestle in. I'm going to relax and reduce my stress levels. I need to find some nice things to do for myself. It can't be a coincidence that the one month I conceived was when I was on holiday in La Palma, relaxing. And that I lost it when I returned to work...

Here's to relaxation!
Hi everyone sorry I've been MIA we have visitors from Sweden through OH work . Having house guests is hard work lol,.. And leave little time to spend on bnb without looking totally rude !!!!! I've been reading though ! Boy ye are all so busy and talk so much :) I LOVE it .

I'm with Ellie about a batch of BFP coming soon :) its tough but keep going ladies , all your PMA .. Hope and dedication will all pay off one day soon xxxxxxx

I'm doing ok , scan next week to find out if a little pink or blue :) I'm excited for that but nervous too as you all know I'm an old one lol..... Don't really care what sex baby is once they are healthy :)
I'm off to make pumkin soup for my guests for lunch tommrow sent oh off with them to the pub for a drink ... Me time ;)
good morning, ladies!

:haha: that's so funny, mdc - well my real name is Michelle and 'Wish' sounds like 'Mich' so we can fake it! :)

dandi - good luck at scan #2 today. I hope the follies decided to plump up over the weekend.

ellie - i'm with you about relaxing, not that I have a terribly arduous life to begin with. But I do think it's that balance that can potentially help things. It certainly can't hurt! I might go back to my cup of tea before bed every night again. That's so enjoyable.

left - good luck at the scan! I'm sure the little one will show nice and healthy and....are you hoping for one gender over the other? I know at our age, you just hope for no tail :)haha:) but is there one way you are leaning over the other? Maybe a little girl since you have a little boy?

star - yay for an early AF and 36 days to go! by this time next week, you'll be in the 20's!

afm - had my suppression check this morning. Everything looked fine and I'll get the call on my bloodwork this afternoon (just to make sure I'm not preg). Then I start the Lupron shots on Wed morning. I'm glad I have one day here before my trip to NC to get those things right.
I have to go into my office tomorrow and Wed, then fly out EARLY Thurs morning for my trip, back Sunday afternoon. So I will try to pop in and see how everyone is doing but just so you know where I am in case I don't post for a few days. But I'll be thinking of each of you!
(I'm sure I'll be on here later today too - seems like a light day at work ahead)
Ta ta!
Happy Monday, girls!

Wish-GL starting the Lupron. Sounds like you are going to have a very busy week-but it's a good kind of busy, right? :winkwink:

Ellie-Glad you are relaxing a bit more-I'm with you on that. I've been so tense this last almost year that I can't imagine my body being a good place for a LO to hunker down. Hoping for the best for your HSG, too.

Pothole, good to hear from you and totally understandable. Take care of yourself, lady!

Mdc-My heart goes out to your (and all of ours, really) DH. This is very tough on them too and being guys, so difficult for them to show it.

Dandi-Sorry to hear that the follie check didn't show what you were hoping for. Hoping for a big fat boost in growth very soon. Is it today that you have another check?

Star-Good to see you, and glad that the countdown is getting shorter and shorter. You're almost there!

Left-Very excited to hear which team you'll be on-although I agree completely-team healthy is the only one that matters. :thumbup:

Here, AF watch has officially started. Even though she isn't due till Thursday. :) By the end of this week I'll know a ballpark estimate of retrieval timing. Trying to stay calm and let what happens, happen. Honestly girls, I too feel that we have good things coming for our group very soon. We are due for some BFPs!
Happy Monday ladies! It's a dreary monsoon here, so I would have preferred to just stay in bed today than fight the crazy traffic. It took 2.5 hours to get to the RE this morning (should have been about 50 mins!). Ugh.

Ellie- you are totally right about relaxing. I have a story similar to yours. I finally conceived the first time at the end of a lovely 3 week break from work. I don't think it was a coincidence at all. Do whatever you can to find the time to relax and keep calm, I just know that it helps us!

Left- So excited to hear what you're having! I hope it goes perfectly and all is well.

Krasa- Yay for AF coming early when it counted! I'm so excited for you! It's going to really start going fast now.

Star- the countdown is moving right along. It'll be here before you know it.

Wish- Good luck with your drug smuggling this week and enjoy your trip! It's so weird to learn someone's real name after calling them a nickname for so long, lol. I like it though. You ladies know more about the most intimate details of my life than anyone right now, it's appropriate that we know each other. My name is Bran, nice to "meet" you all!

Mdc- what's going on with you this week? Are you traveling? Aren't you suppose to start some new med this week? Forgive me if I'm wrong, I'm too lazy to go back and look at the moment.

Hey everyone I missed!

Afm, the scan this morning showed improvement. I'm cd13 and I had 3 main contenders in the race for lead follicle. I think it was 14, 13, 11, so they're growing, just slowly. RE thinks we should still be ok to go ahead with the iui. They gave me another low dose of gonal-f there in the office to try to help these guys along. If my blood labs come back ok with no surprises, I'll trigger Wednesday and IUI on Thursday. Bad news is she thinks I have a polyp or fibroid. It wasn't there Friday though, so it must have popped up quickly. If this round is a BFN, I have to have saline test. I can't imagine that's going to feel much better than the HSG. So now, I really hope this one takes if only to avoid that for a while!
Ellie, I agree time to be zen! I just downloaded a fertility yoga book and I am hoping to start doing some everyday.

Left, omg so excited to learn the babies gender! And yum pumpkin soup...can you send some my way?

Wish, yeah that everything looks good. I hope this week goes by quickly for you!

Krasa, cannot believe you are starting early by the witch started to play nice. Yippee!

Dandi, so glad your follies are pick up the pace, and IUI Thursday :happydance: Hopefully the polyp will not get in the way. I have a saline myself on Friday, and my doc said it is better than an HSG. Although I know wish's cervix made hers uncomfortable I am hoping it will be a breeze.

Hi to everyone else!

Awww, we finally got some rain and it is nice and dreary this morning here, but I agree wit Dandi too bad it is Monday bc it make me want to just snuggle in bed. So I am still taking my estrogen until hopefully I get to graduate to Provera on Friday. I will likely conveniently forget my Fri am dose so I can get a just start for Provera. Timing is crucial this month bc of a work trip so I am SO hoping for good news. And yet another cousin just delivered her little girl today. Happy, but ahhhhhh! Ready for it to be me damn it. Wait I said I was really working on zen so.....ommmm....I will have a healthy baby soon.....ommmm. Back to my Fertilitea and yoga :rofl:
hahahaha love the zen-ness around here! I'm all up in tea today b/c of this cold. Ugh, I'm coughing my face off.

krasa - yep, the good kind of busy and the kind like 'oh wow, we're at my first follie check already! that was fast!'-busy!

dandi - I agree it is funny to read the real names! I remember you saying you weren't fond of your name b/c you didn't think it really fit you. I love 'Bran'! I'm SO happy that your follies are growing now! sometimes the stimulation drugs do quite the opposite. I'm sure one or two will be ready for prime-time come this Thurs!

mdc - let's get this AF show on the road, eh? there are schedules to be met! yet all in a very zen way, of course. And I couldn't agree more - I'm done with all of the baby announcements. I think I have one preggo friend left at the moment, but she doesn't live around here anymore and it's never been her main focus of conversation when she's been preg before. Like she's not posting all over FB about it.

oh and goooooood luck with the salines - I hope they are way better for you than mine was! mdc is right - it was just my cervix being a punk and not allowing her to get the catheter past. The actual saline itself was fine. Don't stand up too quickly!! :rofl:

rain or not, I just want to crawl into bed. 3.5 more hours of the day...
I look forward to your feedback Friday Mdc! I hope it's no big deal for both you and me!

I just got the call back from the RE and all is good with my bloods, so we are set and ready to go with the IUI on Thursday at 10am. I'm triggering 24 hours before, which means I'm going to have to give myself the shot bc DH will be at work in another part of the city. I'm already freaking out. The look on the nurses face when I asked her if she could give me my shot this morning bc I couldn't do it and DH wasn't with me...I'm pathetic. I'm just going to have to watch some youtube videos and woman up. Maybe take a xanax. I feel light headed already.
Oh gosh girls-I maybe didn't word that so well! The AF watch is on, meaning, I am watching way more than I usually am, even though she isn't due till Thursday! Sorry about that!
Oh boo Krasa. I hope she gets it in gear. Isn't the cut-off date Thursday as well?
Yup-for me to have retrieval in mid-December, CD 1 has to be no later than Thursday. Gulp!

Good to hear that your follies are looking good-excited for you! Sounds like a big week for quite a few of us coming up.
Get your game face on, Dandi!!! You can do this - one shot, lasts about 3 seconds total! It's for the little one!! :bodyb: :bodyb: :bodyb:

maybe ice the spot first, then have some ice ready to stick right on it after you're done? I bet that will help tons.
I'm not worried about the pain, I'm just worried I'm going to pass out since I have to look at the needle in order to stick myself! I'm such a wimp when it comes to needles, blood, etc. I thought about going to our health services dept on campus and asking one of the nurses to do it, but I don't want anyone at work to know what I'm doing. I'm going to do it! I'll get it together eventually. :sick::wacko::nope::bodyb:
Krasa, ok witch get here ASAP!

Dandi, you got this. I have yet to get a shot myself and I hate getting shots. I am kind of weird but I have started watching people giving themselves the shot on YouTube as kind of exposure therapy. At first it is really uncomfortable to watch, but eventually I am getting sensitized so I am hoping it will help me when the time is due. Not sure if that would help at all, but thought I would share. I am kind of weird like that. I even pierced my own ears when I was in high school because I did not want someone to do it to me, and that way I was in control :rofl:
Well AF showed this morning. On to ivf. I feel okay. I really do. I am trying not to overdo at the moment because the stress and anxiety can really wallop me. But I think I'm in a better place now. I'll call the REs office today and get this ball rolling.
I'm excited for you ladies! There's so much going on we'll have plenty of BFPs for sure!

Afm I have an us and dr visit this afternoon. Praying for a strong little one. My nausea is easing up and now I have new symptoms. My face is super oily like I'm using evoo as moisturizer or something! And I'm having randy dreams that wake me up at night. DH better watch out, I haven't touched him since Aug but it's time!
Pothole, so sorry about the witch and take care of yourself. Glad you have a plan in place!

Sugar, good luck. Totally normal now for the nausea to subside, but I can understand it makes you nervous. As for DH you get it girl :winkwink:
:hugs: Pothole. I hope that you are able to find peace going forward with your plan.

Sugar-GL at your appt! I laughed about your "randy" dreams-thanks for that!

Dandi-I bet you did just fine, huh! :)

Hi to everyone!

Still waiting impatiently for the witch to show.
Hi everyone , Pothole I'm sorry she showed up :( make sure and do something nice for yourself today . Looks like a new chapter starting in your journey to motherhood . IVF land will be busy ... Wish you still the tour guide ;)

Dani your not a wimp . Sticking yourself with a needle is no small thing ! Good luck with it and I agree with wish the ice sounds like a good plan :)

Kras I'm for once wishing the witch shows up for you !!!! Come n girl can you ever do what your told !!!

Sugar can't wait to hear how your us goes . Getting to see LO again is exciting . And then maybe some romance this evening . Sounds like a plan :) oh wont know what hit him !!!

Mdc you have a sono on Friday right ??? Ill be checking in for your update

Wish this week is a busy one for you ?? Hope those follies are behaving and grow huge :)

Star hope the waiting is going ok ?? How much longer before AF leaves the building ?

Ellie ov around the corner I think ???

I hope I've remembered everyone your all such busy bees :)

AFM 21 weeks today , scan on Friday excited to find out if LO is a little blue or pink :) of course ill keep you all posted ;) today I think ill do the baking soda test just for fun !

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