38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

good morning, my fine, feathered friends! :)

pothole and krasa - mid-Dec is right around the corner, that's so awesome!

ellie - your temps are looking so good. Not long now!!

dandi - yeah, this is complete torture. Maybe stop until tomorrow? You've gotten lines, now just belieeeeeeeve. :) FX'ed for you!

my scan went REALLY well this morning! I'm just about skipping around!
right side - 18, 17 (from 16.5/14.87)
left side - 19, 18 or 17, 14 (from 16.8/14.2/13.4)
lining - 11.5!

Even the doc poked her head in and said that things are looking really good and we'll either trigger tonight or tomorrow. I have that one additional pen on it's way to me in the mail right now, so at least I have that if she wants to go until tomorrow. I'd love for that last little one to plump up so we have the best shot!
up and down on this roller coaster!

mdc - I might need that diet. I'm up 3lbs since last week! wth!
Hi everyone, I'm taking a break from my new Pinterest habit to to check in on my favorite ladies! Keep up the PMA. You're all making great progress through this process.

AFM: Nearly everyone in my personal life knows. I mailed out the announcements last week. I'll tell work later n Dec. I'm finally starting to have a bump that's not from cheese burgers so I'm going to start bump pics this weekend. I decided on a nautical themed nursery. I'v seen gender neutral examples on the web. My 2 sisters promised to help decorate and the next appointment is the 30th of Nov.
happy 2nd tri, Sugar!! I just love your story - natural pregnancy after being told to go the assisted route, having to save money for the next round and BOOM! A happy and healthy natural pregnancy. Makes me all warm and fuzzy!
I agree, I just love your story Sugar! So happy for you that things are moving along so well, announcements and nursery planning! Yay!

Wish, those follies are amazing! You know the rumor is that the late bloomers are the quality stuff. Fingers crossed so hard that little 14 has a growth spurt and joins the others. So pumped for you and this cycle!

I don't exactly have a beta test scheduled. I don't know how it works at my RE. I just have to call tomorrow and tell them what the test says. I would assume they'd want me to come in and have a blood test regardless before I go off of the progesterone though, but what do I know. I'm pretty sure it's a negative this month and the cheapies have just played me for a fool. That's ok though. I had a little cry this morning, made my peace with it, and we'll move on to the saline sono. Maybe we'll get another go at a positive around Christmas or my birthday in January. You can't rush perfection.
Krasa, I make my green smoothies with celery, romaine, spinach, filtered water, green apple, lemon juice, and pinch of sea salt, and half a banana. Makes enough for two days. Actually tastes pretty good because the apple and banana sweeten it up a bit. I kind of just eye ball the portions of greens. Good luck with the uterine sounding. It it is just an ultrasound no biggie just a wand. Saline ultrasound was not too bad. Cramping but less than an HSG.

Ellie, dpo 8. Yippee!

Wish, :wohoo: on the huge follies! I knew they would come around. Cannot wait for you to be PUPO!!!! Diet, is not that bad. Last night I had some roasted chicken with a pan sauce with steamed broccoli over some cauliflower purée. So not all lost. :haha:

Sugar, I love that theme. Seems like just yesterday you got your BFP and you are in (or well on your way) to the second tri already!

Dandi, ugh tugging at the heart strings! I really am still hoping for an amazing surprise for you this time, because you are still not out. Biggest :hugs: Either way I agree it WILL happen soon!
dandi - so you have to take one more test in the morning and if there is a line, they'll have you go in for a beta? I'm sure there will be a line!! you're totally not out! I am picturing you in the office with them telling you it's a BFP and you going 'no, no - it's ok, i know it's not. We'll be ok' and them being like 'it's right here. Science. Believe us.' :)

mdc - meant to mention that I love your nerd alerts! I get all excited about what I'm about to learn!

thank you girls for being my constant cheerleaders. It really does pick me up! I got the call - I'm going to go in for one more scan tomorrow and prob trigger tomorrow night. Only a few more shots for me! I want #5 to grow! Going to guzzle lots of water, I'm slamming a salad down right now and will have a chicken chili for dinner with a few veggies added. Come on little guys!
I'm dying laughing because that will be exactly how it goes if they end up telling me its positive!

Woohoo for a trigger tomorrow!!!
Holy cow, the next week is huge for this thread!!! Can't wait to hear what happens, girls!

I'm 8dpo and my chart is looking as good as I can hope. I can't trust any "symptoms", so I'm just going to feel hopeful while my temps stay up. I'm hoping for another rise in the next 2 days, so it is triphasic. Other than that, just gotta be patient for another 5-7 days... I'm meant to be testing next Wednesday, but might do it on Monday for our 6 month wedding anniversary!!!

So much baby dust to us all xxx
What a great anniversary surprise that would be!!!
Wish, your follies are doing GREAT!! So excited for you, and you have a couple more injections to get that lil' one bumped up a notch. Your lining looks great too-nice and cushy, an embryo Ritz-Carlton. Can't wait for your retrieval.

Dandi, huge :hugs: to you hon. I am still praying for the best for you, and can also totally see you being as Wish described when presented with the good news. ;)

Mdc, I tend to eyeball my smoothie stuff as well. It just sort of depends on the day with what I put in them.

Sugar, your story does make me smile-and is a sort of beacon of hope for all of us going through this journey. Enjoy the 2nd tri-I hear you feel better than in the 1st. Your nursery plans sound awesome as well.

Ellie, I like the way your chart is looking!! Fingers crossed for you.

Pothole, can't wait to be bump buddies with you and Wish!!

Star, Left, and anyone else I may have missed-happy hump day, and hope things are going well for you!

Just got back from my sounding/injection teaching appt. The sounding was, as mdc said, no biggie. Not even a cramp. The injection teaching, however, pulled at a heartstring as the nurse wanted DH to do a practice IM injection. He did it, and did a good job for his first try, but welled up with tears. Almost made me cry, poor fella. It will get easier for him as time goes on. Picked up the medications-my god, the sticker shock. The way our insurance works is that we pay out of pocket for the meds and then get reimbursed. Better than nothing for sure, but ouch.

Have a great Wednesday. It sounds like Thursday and Friday are going to be big days for us!
Sugar- does your gender nuetral nursery theme mean that you have decided to be surprised??? I don't have the will power for that but I think it's so exciting for those that do!

Krasa- glad the injection lesson went well. Poor DH, I hope it gets easier for him overtime. The silver lining of those painfully expensive meds is that it means this is really happening! Things are really rolling now. :)

I hate to be the wishy washy loon, but my hope is restored! I got home tonight and tested again, because yes I'm a crazy person that can't leave it alone. I got a clear positive on both the cheapie and the frer, the darkest yet. My evening tests have been consistently darker than morning tests for some reason, so if I have even the slightest FRER line in the morning I'm going to be excited to go for betas. It could be something!
Yeah I really am grateful for this bfp. That month I was going to update my signature to show that I had finally started some savings towards an egg transfer in Dec. Now that money gets help to prepare for this little one.

I'm very committed to team yellow. For me this roller coaster journey has made me "team baby" really and I want whatever gender God provides. Also being my first I want the gifts to be reusable for the next bundle years from now. There's a lot of pressure from aquaintaces to find out, even hubby wants to know. I don't want him to go through gender disappointment while I'm still preggo if it's a girl. He has 14yr old and 10 yr old girls from a previous marriage and is team blue. I think seeing the baby will wash away any disappointment he may have.

P.S Dandi I pray you are preggo!
Dani I've met many women on here that their fmu is never good and that later in the day is their best . I for one am remaining hopeful ;)
ahhhh!!! it's test day for Dandi - the REAL one! And definitely a beta day. OMG, I can't wait!!! :wohoo:

ellie - your temps look SO GOOD! :happydance: I can't wait until testing day for you too! I love that you want to do it on your 6 mo anniversary date! :)

sugar - my DH is team yellow all the way and I honestly think it's to mess with me! (if you guys know a bit about my DH by now, it's that he loves to mess with me!) I am a planner and would love to find out but actually, you just wrote a really nice message about being Team Baby and really not caring too much. it will be fun to tease people with it too, though. :)

krasa - I'm glad things went smoothly with your sono and the injection lessons. That's sweet about DH - did he tear up b/c of the point you're at to try to have a baby or b/c he doesn't want to stick you? Either way...<sniff> he sounds like a sweet soul.

well guess what?? Follicle #5 made the jump last night!!! So today's scan showed:
R: 21, 20.5
L: 22, 20 and 18 - it jumped up 4mm in one day!!
Lining is around 10.5 or so (she said she might have just mis-measured yesterday but anything over 10 is perfect)

So for those just starting off on this adventure - your follies can surprise you! I went from one being measurable at 11 last Wed to all 5 maturing in a week. Obviously from my last cycle, we know that they can just choose not to respond as well, but you just never know.
i'm sure all be getting the call to trigger tonight, retrieval Saturday morning. That's so much more convenient than being knocked out mid-week and having to try to go back to work later. We have a dinner party we're going to that night - i'm sure I'll be fine for that and can even have a little vino guilt-free!
Aaaaaargh I hate it when I type a reply and it gets lost!

Wish, that is so extremely exciting. I can't wait until you are safely PUPO!!!

Dandi, update please! So anxious to hear!

Krasa, that's so cute about DH. I love it when they show us how much they are involved in all this and how much they care about us.

Sugar, that's lovely. I won't be able to be so patient, but I like your philosophy. DH and I just want a healthy baby and will be happy with either, but I know he feels pressure to have a boy, because he is only son of an only son of a VC winner (very high military award), so his name needs to live on! I'd maybe quite like a little girl, but would be overjoyed with either.

Afm, as you can see, my temps are either looking rather good or being very cruel. 2 more like today's will register this cycle as triphasic on fertility friend's new pregnancy monitor triphasia detector! Lol... The things that get me excited nowadays!!!!!
Krasa, oh that breaks my heart about DH. I actually had this conversation with my DH about if he would give me a shot and at first he was like hell no, but eventually he said he would if he had to. What do you use in your smoothies?

Sugar, amazing strength you have. I actually thought about that a little. Last time I was so anxious, and the thought crossed my mind next time to be team yellow. Pretty sure it was a fleeting thought, but maybe not. Totally better just to focus on a healthy baby.

Dandi, holy crap girl and best of luck on the beta today. I will be stalking!

Hi left!

Ellie, so excited for your temps! Like I said earlier I feel a big rush of BFPs on this thread coming!

Wish, I KNEW IT! I knew the follies would play along this time. And retrieval, vino, egg redeposit, PUPO, and Thanksgiving all in a week. Wow! All too exciting! When do you think they will transfer?

Getting so ready to join all the fun here. I just got a couple of my wine club shipments in last night and joked with DH I better drink up now because I am going to be preggo with this next IUI! If nothing else I will PMA myself to be fat, preggo, and vomiting in Jan. Sounds lovely right :rofl:
Ellie, your temps look fantastic!

Wish, congratulations on those big juicy follies, that's so awesome. I knew the little runt didn't want to left behind. Retrieval on Saturday, oh my gosh, so close!!! What day did you transfer last time?

I'm waiting on the call. They said they'd call about noon.... seventeen minutes ago. They should know better than to give an anxious woman a time frame and not stick to it! My nerves are frayed!
omg this next month is going to be so exciting for all of us!!

ellie - your temps better not be playing a joke on us. I can't take it. I think I threatened sugar's temps last time and maybe scared them into proving true (yup, it was TOTALLY all me! :rofl:). I'll threaten yours too if it helps!

mdc - right? totally busy week next week. And the week after I have a business trip from Mon night to laaaaaate Wed night, so that will take up that time.
ohh, wine delivery! love that. DH received a $100 gift card for nakedwines.com - if you buy $160-worth of wine, you get $100 off. Sign me up! Though it may be sitting in the wine cabinet for 9 months, but that's ok with me!

dandi - omg, did you tell them that you also have an army of ladies dying to know the answer??? killing me!

so last time I transferred on day 3, I believe. So that would be next Tues. They would like things to last until day 5 b/c the longer they can last outside of their natural habitat, the stronger they are I guess. I just want them back in me ASAP. I felt this weird longing for them last time. Hey! Maybe I do have some motherly instincts! :haha:
there are still so many things that need to go well, so trying to keep a level head. I just would like, best case, 3 eggs that fertilize and develop well so we can transfer 2 and freeze 1.
it's going to be an exciting weekend!
All threats towards my temps gratefully received!

Come on Dandi's docs, get on the phone NOW!

Wish, that's all so soon, yay!

Mdc, can't wait for your iui too!

We may all be bump buddies really soon!!!

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