38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

YAY PUPO!!! This could totally be THE ONE! So excited for you to get an awesome birthday gift. It kinda feels like it could be fate.

Still waiting. Found out that my beta Thursday was 71.3. It seems low to me based on numbers that I see other women have posted at 14dpo, but they said it's fine as long as it's over 50, so I'm not going to stress for now. The real issue is the second number. Just going to hope for the best and if it's not good news, it's not the end of the world.
Posted too soon. I just got the call. Betas are doubling every 41 hours, so the little bean is growing! I've got to schedule an ultrasound any time after December 9th. Next goal = heartbeat!
Wish, you are so PUPO! What an awesome birthday gift it will be! I'm so happy for you and I know this baby is nestling in right now, burrowing into your cosy uterus!

Dandi, yay! Your doubling is excellent!
My cp beta was 48 on 15dpo and they didn't seem to think it was a problem (turns out they were wrong, but my point is that it can be ok even that low). I think it depends when it implants. I had a dip on 9dpo, so it was only 6 days or 3 doubles later. Yours will be awesome and sticky. You and Wish will have your scrumptious August bundles of joy!

Afm, I'm just plain confused now. How much can a morning body temp be affected by the outside temp? The weather in the UK has changed over the last few days, last night we had a solid frost. My temp tonight is back up to where it was 3 days ago in the evening. I know evening temps are unreliable, but I'm still holding out for a miracle until I see the witch. I also worked out that I might have ovulated one or two days later than I thought. Confused...
:wohoo: dandi!!! That's so awesome!!
stick little one, STICK!!

ellie - I'm still keeping everything crossed for you too!! STAY AWAY, :witch:!!!
Help! What does it mean if you look at a negative test 36 hours later and it's become positive? Shall I post a pic?
That long after it's likely invalid. I wouldn't get my hopes up about it (I learned this the hard way a few times). However, it would definitely make me want to test in the morning to see if anything might be going on!
:wohoo: PUPO for Wish!!!!!

Dandi, so glad the betas are awesome....even an overachiever By 7 hours I would say.

Ellie, hope the witch stays far far away on her wicked broom! As for the test I would test tomorrow to know for sure. I never really trust the tests that old, but you never know.
So excited that you are PUPO Wish!!! I'd jump up and down for you, but I'd probably puke. I am SO ready to be off this BC. I have been nauseated for the past 26 days. How do people take this stuff?
My orientation meeting is Wednesday at 8:30. I'm guessing we'll order my meds at that point and I'll have an end date for the bc. I won't mind this tilting ship feeling if I am growing a human. But to be taking a pill that prevents it, *and* feel like I'm on the Teacups ride just feels insulting.
Oh, Pothole, that does sound vile! But, it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully not too much longer now.

Well, another temp drop today, to the coverline. Still no spots on my face, but AF will surely be here today. I've got the full feeling in my tummy that I always get in the day. It's so unfair after those deceptive high temps.

DH has his SA next week and we see the consultant on 10th December, so at least this is a productive month. I'll be in the 2ww when I see her, which is annoying because I want to ask about frequency of being in my fertile window. DH doesn't think every day is a good idea because he reckons it reduces the sperm, but I've heard every day is fine unless he has low sperm count. I guess it will be more waiting for another couple of cycles. It's so frustrating. I'm going to push for starting iui or whatever assisted conception she recommends asap, it's just not happening without.
Ellie, I am glad you have an appointment set up. And it may well happen before you even get to them. But it does feel nice to regain a tiny measure of control in this process that leaves us feeling so scattered.
Today is the last day of school for the week, and I am SO ready. Yesterday, DH had his required blood work for ivf, an STD panel. If you ladies could meet this man, you'd fall out of your chairs laughing at the absurdity of this test. I adore him, but never has a thing been so unnecessary. He is so square his corners have corners. We are each others first, and only, and we waited till we were married. He was 30. When I told him what it was, he raised an eyebrow and said "Bet you'll be on pins and needles waiting to find out, huh?"
Hope you all have a beautiful day.
Hello BnB friends,

Just got home from work. This is going to short before i sleep. Had a rough night.

WISH...... You are PUPO thats what counts. I am optimistic that this is your time. All prayers to you. We will come celebrate your birthday and bfp!

Mdc- what did you decide on the provera?

Ellie- your time is coming. Next year we will all be holding our LO. Hang in there friend. It will happen.

Pothole that is so sweet about being each others first. Sorry about the nausea with BC.

Krasa those are good side effects:)

All our PG ladies- Left, Sugar, Dandi how are you all doing?

As for me AF came 2 days early so i have less than 2 weeks.... So excited to Start ttc again. Its been a while!

Enjoy your day ladies!
star - that's awesome!! less than 2 weeks!! so happy you'll be back in the saddle :)

mdc - if you didn't start yesterday, you're certainly starting today, yes? how long until it kicks in?

pothole - oh that is so sweet about you and DH. Square is charming! it'll be good to get all of that right out of the way and move on to your next assisted cycle. WOO! and, of course, off the BCP. Ugh, sorry you're having such a bad time on it.

ellie - I feel like you're going to have a very good early new year! the SA may give you so many answers and then you'll get a plan in place to tackle them. Not long now...

dandi - STILL so psyched that you're preggo!! ahhhhh!! :cloud9:

krasa - have you dug out of the snow yet? :cold:

sugar, left, kiley, jessie - calling in all the ladies - how are you doing?

I'm doing fine over here. It's kinda funny - not sure how to feel, really. I'm so used to looking to the next thing I have to do or worrying about a schedule. When it gets to this point, you just have to wait. And it's far too early to experience any symptoms or feel anything so...just wait. And eat healthy. And give up coffee (for the most part) and wine. So I guess I can just focus on hosting Thanksgiving and getting my house cleaned up! need to start my lists and we got the turkey going in the brine last night. :) all is good.
Pothole, I hate that the BC is making you so ill! All worth it in the end, but pretty sucky along the way. Good luck with your orientation Wednesday! Moving right along. =)

Ellie- You are going to feel so much less stressed once your testing starts. You'd think it would be even more stressful, but it's reassuring to start to get answers and come up with a plan that's not the same old thing that hasn't been working. It's a relief in a weird way and I hope that you find it to that way as well. I hope the SA and your meeting with the consultant go well and kick off the new with a bang!

Star- less than 2 weeks! Yay! I know you are so ready to get back to it!

Wish- sitting there all PUPO, playing it cool, waiting it out. I'm so excited! Your birthday needs to hurry up.

Yeah Mdc- what did you decide? Did you cheat a little or are you starting today? What happens after the provera?

Hey Sugar, Left, Krasa, anyone else I'm missing! Wishing all of you wondering holiday week (if you're in the States). =)

I threw up this morning. I'm not sure if it was pregnancy related or not. I'm one of those annoying people that gag sometimes when they brush their teeth. Well I made some apples and oats over the weekend in the slow cooker to have for a healthy breakfast this week. When I was eating it this morning, I started to gag. It was pretty rough, but I held it together long enough to get a bit down. Then later when I was brushing my teeth.... it just happened. Twice. I don't know. Part of me is hoping it's a good sign. Part of me is hoping it's just a fluke (the women in my family don't really get morning sickness, so I've always assumed I won't either). I continue to feel very tired and go to bed ridiculously early, so hoping that's good. That's about it other than the occasional stray cramp. I wish my boobs would start hurting so I'd feel more assured. It's such torture not knowing if this is going to keep or not. I just wish I could see a heartbeat right this second. If things go ok, it's going to be so hard to keep this is a secret over the holidays with so much family time. I've laid down the law to DH that if things progress, we aren't telling anyone until my birthday at the end of January, but I don't know that we'd make it that far with a secret. I'm constantly trying to temper my excitement though. Oy!
AWESOME, dandi!!! I'm so glad you're puking and going to bed early!!! :haha:
to me, those are awesome signs. And I base that off of me not really experiencing either of those last time so they have to be good things!
yeah, the holidays will be tough for you! I'd be busting at the seams. Maybe it's good you'll be tired early - you can scoot from whatever gathering you're at earlier than usual.

yeah, not really calm and cool like you say but trying to be. I feel like I'm already having tiny little pulls or cramps on the one side, but I have to keep in mind that I just had surgery there a couple days ago!
I have another stupidly busy day at work today, and most of tomorrow, so I can't sit around and google and think too much. There's cleaning that needs to be done, store runs to be made, and we'll see if I'll throw any baking into the mix. I don't think that'll happen, though!
Pothole, so sorry that the bc pills are making you feel so awful. Hopefully you can get off the. ASAP. Love your story about DH!

Ellie, ugh...sorry that you feel out, but glad you are getting ready for the next step. It is always scary, but I agree with the others it does make me feel like I have some control. As for the ED or EOD you are right it depends. We eventually did the EOD routine bc the in demand ED got to be too taxing for us. Btw, I love you new emoji in your sig. :rofl:

Star, get it on girl! So glad you are back in the game again. Hope your DH is ready :winkwink:

Wish, so happy that you are PUPO and I know your little embie is cooking along just perfectly. I would say pulls are good since the embie was placed in your uterus and not too early IMO to have that be a good sign. The rest of us have to have the eggie travel a bit to get cozy...your had a first class delivery to uterine town. :haha:

Dandi, that seems like a great sign! Funny I wanted nothing more than to throw up so I would feel pregnant I did not think the sore boobs was enough. You are throwing up and want sore boobs. Guess we just want it all huh? :haha: I understand about wanting things to be different this time around. DH and I talked and 'when' we get preggo we are likely going to tell early this time around instead of waiting bc last time we did not tell any family. I am sure you and DH will know when the time is right.

I looked at the schedule and started the Provera today (very early in the morning...just saying :rofl: ) instead of yesterday to make double sure the timing would be good this month. I am on it for 7 days and then I just wait for the :witch: The test will be how long it takes for her to show. I have read between 3-7 days, and the doc said 4. Maybe I should make take a poll like people do with guessing delivery dates for babies :rofl:
thanks!! I wish it was sooner but it still follows the same schedule, i guess? I looked it up - apparently I did have some time to google. So it should still implant 6-10 days after my 'ovulation' or retrieval. So hopefully this weekend!
I'm sure the tugs and pulls are just from them sticking the catheter in my uterus or something like that.
apparently I have enough time to pop on here every so often throughout the day too. you guys must get tired of all of my posts!

mdc - I think 5 days and that's solely b/c I would love it to be 3 days but mother nature likes to play games. And if I said 7 just b/c that would land on my bday, then that would rot.

also - so many people have been telling me to wear socks in the TWW. Anyone heard of this? guess it comes from Chinese medicine - the foot has many gateways (or something) to the uterus so warm feet = warm uterus = good conditions for embie. Shouldn't be difficult considering it's Nov in New England, I wear socks constantly. Someone else said warm drinks too. It's all worth a shot!
Pothole, I love your description of your DH. Perfect.

Wish, I've been hearing about this too recently, keeping hands and feet warm during implantation. I'm so hopeful for you!

Mdc, finally! I'm so glad you are finally getting to a point where you are back on track.

Dandi, the signs are great!

Star, are we cycle buddies then? I started today and can't wait to get these 2 weeks dine.
Hi ladies, I'm doing pretty good. nausea seems to be subsiding, thankfully. I've only gained 2lbs which seems impossible with all the unhealthy stuff I've had to eat in order to get nutrients in. I'm afraid to eat raw veggies and salads! There's been so many contamination stories in the news lately, like Chipotle restaurant. Am I mad? I've been sticking to canned, frozen, or cooked veggies. Lettuce is my biggest worry.

My round ligaments in my tummy are sore. The doc said to use Tylenol or a heating pad. I didn't know the uncomfortableness would start so soon.

I'm also really aware that many of us on this thread have experienced losses at this stage. Your angels are in my thoughts and if I ever say anything that seems insensitive please let me know. I have joined another thread of bump buddies but you ladies are my "home" and I want to be here for you. There's something so comforting coming to our thread and knowing we are here for each other.

On a lighter note, state-side ladies are you ready for Turkey day? I'm making a red velvet, strawberry trifle to take to a friends. My first try so I hope it's good!
So glad you're starting to feel better Sugar! Just in time to trade it in for the discomfort,lol. You said it perfectly, no matter how many other threads I join, this thread is "home". =) That trifle sounds delicious! I'm so not ready for Thanksgiving. I have no appetite (completely foreign to me), so I can't decide what to take since I don't want anything. So I'll be with the crazies doing last minute grocery shopping tomorrow, yay for me!
Dani get used to the Not wanting anything feeling but you have to just pick the thing that makes you feel least uck when you think of it and go for it lol.......

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