38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I really need to stay off google. I should not have looked up ivf. I read the discription of what happens and then foolishly went to bed. I had dreams all night of a Chilean mining team using a "hollow bore probe to puncture the vaginal wall" I feel like the nuns either did me a huge diservice or a great mercy because I have no idea where that is anatomically.

Update: looked it up, and still feel like vomiting. I have never been so excited to get sedated.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Try to put it out of your mind! Poor thing, I would be the same way.
Happy Wednesday, girls! Friday for some of us, myself included. Though I'm not sure it counts, since I have to start baking tonight to get everything done in time for lunch tomorrow. :wacko:

Pothole, I love the story of your DH. Mine is square too, I think it is such a big part of their charm, actually! There's something really good in knowing that to your other half, there is no one else but you. Try not to stress about IVF-although I feel the same way when I think about it-apparently the drugs during retrieval are really good (heh). It's still definitely nerve-wracking for me to think about too. But-this time next year when we are holding sweet little ones, we'll look back and wonder what we were making such a big deal of. Sorry about the bc nausea-I had some as well, though not as severe as you're describing. I don't remember that as happening when I was on bc before, you know, to control birth...

Wish-Yay for PUPO!!! I've never heard that about keeping your feet warm, but you're right, it shouldn't be hard to remember to wear socks this time of year. The snow has all melted here-crazy, when there was so much of it such a short time ago. I'm going to agree with Mdc-never too early to be a good sign, those pulls and stretches. Keeping everything crossed for you!

Dandi, sounds wierd I know, but I'm so glad you're puking!!! :) Praying for the stickiest of beans. I think it is a good call on keeping things to yourself for now.

Mdc, provera == progress, right? One more hurdle out of the way. Hopefully AF cooperates with the plan and shows on the sooner end of things.

Ellie, how are you doing, girl? Thinking of you, and sending PMA and hugs your way.

Sugar, glad you're starting to feel better. I feel the same way about this being "home". I tried to join an IVF thread but had a hard time connecting. this is such a good group and I'm very glad our preggo friends keep updating.

Star-the countdown is on! So excited for you! Do you have to work over the holiday at all? I worked in a hospital before moving into research and even I had to work holidays (I'm not a healthcare provider). All the on-call up at night stuff was tough too. It must make it a little trickier for you to time things...but you know, where there's a will, there's a way!

afm, just getting today out of the way at work. Baking the pie, rolls, and bread for stuffing tonight. I'm officially in drug-induced menopause, so I'll start stims tomorrow night while continuing on my lupron. I have to go in Sunday morning for another E2 level. I'm debating on having a glass of wine while I bake tonight, since it will be the last night I'm permitted to do so. The lupron has had me so whacked out that I have not been able to have my Friday and Saturday night glass since I started it.

So-interesting factoid. We're going through IVF due to severe MFI-his highest count was 3 million with very low speed. When I had my lupron start appointment, he had to give his sample to cryopreserve in case supplies are low on retrieval day. Doesn't make much sense, since we're doing ICSI, but okay. So, he gave that sample to freeze. The count was almost 29 million with great speed. I could not believe it. That's still 10 million below normal, but damn. We start pumping thousands of dollars of drugs into me, and his sperm decide to play much more nicely. :wacko:
HAHAHA pothole! yeah, leave the carnage stuff to google, stay away from that. I was told that's what they do but not in quite so graphic of a way. And to note, I barely spotted after my surgery. And was completely knocked out and it was the best nap ever. In fact, this was hysterical - on Saturday right before they took me in, they took me over to this little area to wait to go 'beyond the door'. I could see/hear another girl (they have little sectioned off areas for all of us in our johnnies and gurnies). I think she was just coming out of her anesthesia and someone just asked her how she was doing. She goes 'I feel GREAT! this is awesome' and I looked at her and just said 'I know, right? I'm looking forward to my nap!' and she goes 'it's like the spa but BETTER!' :rofl:

sugar - I'm glad you're feeling better!! that trifle does sound delicious. I'm no expert on the other stuff but i'd think that as long as you wash your veggies, you'll be fine. When i went over to India, that was the reason they said to avoid fresh veggies - b/c when they are washed in the water there, that will make you sick. I'd say eat all the veggies you want - at home.

dandi - oh no! No hankering for Thanksgiving goodies?? blah. I'll eat some for you.

:wave: to everyone else! I hope you're all well and have a happy and safe holiday. I love how we all think of this thread as our 'home' :)
Talk about irony Krasa! I guess there's no better time for his sperm to get with the program than now though. Better late than never. There'll be plenty of good healthy swimmers to choose from when it's go time.

I hate anesthesia. I remember when I came out of it from my D&C I was mad that they wanted me to stay laying there (rightly so since I was still out of it). I was ready to get up and go home. And I was pissed that every time I woke up DH had stepped out, bc I kept wanting him to find my clothes so I could get up. However, I do have very, very find memories of my morphine naps post surgery several years ago. That's where it's at!

No more puking over here, but I did have nausea late in the day and into the evening yesterday. I hate it, but I'm hoping its a good sign. DH and I went back and forth last night on whether to tell my parents tomorrow. I want to wait, but I know my mom is going to ask and we don't want to lie about it either. I'm going to try to skirt the question, but if it comes down to it I might cave. I'm fine with my mom knowing, I just don't want it to get out to the rest of my very large, very close, extended family. I guess we're winging it.
Okay body, you are officially ridiculous! I went for my orientation meeting this morning. Protocol would have me having bloodwork and ultrasound on Friday, so they just combined it. Nurse comes in, explains that this is "The Big Nothing" ultrasound. As in, they want to see thin lining, no action of any kind up in there. Standard stripping and probing commences, and lo and behold...thick lining and a 28mm follicle on the left side. A 28! 2 rounds of clomid and 4 rounds of femara never got me a 28, but the cheapest birth control known to man gets those ovaries a hoppin'! So now we wait. If my bloodwork comes back with elevated progesterone, I stop the pill, have a period, and hop back on it in 3 days. That would push my stimming to beginning on Christmas Day. I'm glad they check. I'm glad they caught it. I'm ecstatic that I didn't just blow an $11,000 investment. But for the love!!! These wackadoodle bodies of ours make me crazy!!!
Oh my gosh Pothole! Who would have thought?! Glad they caught it, but I hate that that pushes things back. Did the nurse say anything about it? Do they see that happen often? Is there any way of knowing if it will happen against next time or do you just have to wait and see? Crazy crazy bodies!
Just got off the phone with them. My hormone levels are really low. Perfect in fact. So apparently I ovulated already. I am going back in at 1:30 and they will drain the fluid off of what they are now calling a cyst since it no longer contains an egg. If it were smaller, they'd leave it alone, but at that size, it's taking up too much room where we want new follies to grow. And then I'll sit down for my 2 hour orientation meeting. I'm going to be up all night. Today was my cooking day and it has turned into a comedy of errors. Oh LO, please please please get on board and make all this insanity worth it.
Awesome! So does that mean that you can go ahead with the stimming schedule as planned?
I think so. She didn't give me any dates this morning because they could have been pointless. But from what I understand, we are moving forward. I have to get a refill on my bc because I need 2 more days of it, then I'm guessing on to something else. She said it happens to about 10% of patients but rarely happens more than once. So if this month had been a wash, the chances were very good that this next cycle wouldn't have presented a problem.
Holy smokes, Pothole! 28?!? I'm glad to hear that you can go forward though. Whoda thunk it???
Wow, Pothole. Our bodies are really odd creatures, aren't they?! I hope things work out just right for you.

I just want the next 2 weeks to fly by, so I see the consultant and we get some answers (maybe) and I can be in the 2ww again. I hate the boredom of the waiting to ovulate time. Still, I do concentrate better on work.

Since periods are already the hope killer, I think they should be more fun when you are ttc. I wish they made us feel great: silky hair, clear skin, good mood. To already know we haven't conceived again and then have to put up with pain, mess, bad mood and greasy skin and hair is just not fair. Ugh.
oh my goodness pothole! what a weird surprise! nothing like being almost an enigma, huh? I'm glad it got straightened out, though, and you don't have to keep waiting.

ellie - the waiting is certainly the hardest part. Makes me nuts.

I'm not sure how much I'll be on over the long weekend and into next week - probably Monday morning and then not again until Thurs. But by then I'll be 4 days from beta and hopefully experiencing some cool symptoms!!
take care y'all - love ya!
Turns out, a hollow bore puncturing the vaginal wall is every bit as uncomfortable as it sounds. My cyst was drained, and using the same procedure they will use for retrieval, but without anesthesia. It really doesn't take all that long, it's just the pressure and the pain of the stick. The worst won't be a problem in retrieval, they have to hold a long swab against the puncture site to stop the bleeding. It took longer than the drainage. But without the anesthesia, he can only force and hold you you open so wide before the pressure is unbearable. When you are knocked out, the process is much quicker because the access is consistent. So I'm wearing a bulky pad to catch the blood, and cramping like crazy, but we are moving forward. I stay on bc till friday, then start Lupron on Monday.
Wow, busy day here. I hate to read and run, but I love our little 'home' here and want to wish everyone a wonderful Gobble Gobble day (even those across the pond).

Pothole, yikes sounds awful. I had my D&C without being under and if was awful, so I can only imagine your pain.

Very exciting times coming up!
You're a strong person Pothole. I would have demanded some kind of pain relief. That's awful.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thank you all for your friendship and support!!!

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