38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Popping in quickly to wish all a very happy thanksgiving :) I for one am so thankful to have met you all :) hope you are all eating rings round ye and relaxing with family x
Ladies, if you end up needing to buy the big mamajama drugs, Freedom Fertility Pharmacy is a very solid choice. They walked me through the whole thing and offered to split the order and run only my oral meds and patches through insurance, since we are private paying for the injections. Saved me about 200. Then there was a problem running my card through (my bank flagged that 4,700 charge as fraud and declined). So they called me, and at 7 pm last night, they figured out how to charge only the med I need on Sunday so that I can start my protocol. The rest can wait till the banks are open, because I don't start them till the 2nd. I was in a full panic, and they just handled it. It's all starting to get real!
That's awesome, pothole! Once I found Apothecary by Design, I thought I found Angels. They did the same for me - found coupons and rebates and gave me a lower discount bc I'm going thru IVF Boston. Also I'm sorry you were awake for that procedure but so glad you're starting everything soon! You'll be PUPO in no time!!

Left - you're so cute!

I'm on my phone so I forget if it was Ellie or Krasa that said AF should make us beautiful instead of wretched. Loved that and couldn't agree more!

Mdc- how's the provera going?
Dandi - were you able to eat some goodies?
Star, Ellie, krasa, sugar - hi!

Afm- nothing new here! 5dp2dt so I could be implanting soon if it's still around. I've had some bouts of lightheadedness but it's too soon for all that I think. Boobs might be getting a little sore but that could be from me constantly checking!! :) and it was by far the hardest day to avoid wine on thanksgiving!! But I did. I almost broke down and had a glass but I really don't want to jeopardize anything. I'm of both minds - drunk people get preg allllll the time (not that I wanted to be drunk) but, I've had alcohol more times than I can count and haven't been preg, soooo...may as well stick it out. Next test is my bday party at a new bar/restaurant! With 30 people watching me. I might just order one and let it sit.
I started my micro dose Lupron this morning. And then I started my period. And had a mini meltdown in the bathroom of a very swanky restaurant. It scared the $h*+ out of me. Literally...my stomach turned sour and I was sick as a dog for about 20 minutes. I was almost in tears and about to stand my friends up, give away my ticket to the musical I was going to see, and go home. But I pulled it together. I'm not sure what I thought was happening. You guys it was like that scene in My Girl where she thinks shes going to die of hemorrhaging. It was like the very first time I'd ever seen blood. I mean, I'd been on bc for 23 days, then stopped. I should have anticipated it. I was just blindsided. I posted on an assisted conception board, since we are all usually busy on weekends and they calmed me. Ladies, if the one thing that my body does regularly and without help turned me into a completely crazy person, how am I going to survive this ivf protocol?
Happy sunday, girls! Hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving had a great one.

Pothole-that exact same thing happened to DH and I. Face to face with the pharmacist and the little credit card display thingy said "Declined". The pharmacist said it happens often with that size of expenditure, but talk about freaked out! Luckily the pharmacy/clinic are in the same town as we work and bank, since I was due to start the meds that night...it's almost as every kink that can be thrown in the process gets tossed in. Fun stuff! I'm right along with you about it all feeling real and moving very fast. Crazy for sure. Did you start lupron already, or was that supposed to be today? And holy crap, girl, going through what you did with no pain relief nor anything to relax you-you are a very strong woman. My hat is off to you!

Wish-how's our PUPO feeling? Laughed at your "drunk people get pregnant all the time" statement-so very true. But I would be afraid to risk it too. Your BD and my retrieval are very close in time so I'm taking that as a good omen for both of us. :)

Mdc, hope the provera is going okay and things continue to move forward.

Dandi, hope you were able to eat some of the good stuff on Thursday. I ate enough for both of us if you weren't able. Just trying to be a team player, ya know. :) Still so incredibly excited for you!

Star, Left, Sugar, Ellie-hope you're doing well and that your week starts off wonderfully.

afm, had my first blood draw this morning. My E2 was 518 (that sounds like a lot to me...that's after only 3 days of stims, and my baseline was 49) so my dose of follistim is going from 225 down to 150 and I'm adding in a vial of menopur as well for the first time tonight. And staying on 20 of lupron. The exhaustion caused by the lupron went away when I started the follistim (that was on Thursday) so that's really good, as it was my only side effect so far. I'm not feeling bloated or anything yet-well, not from the stims anyway-but can feel things starting to get underway in the ovaries. I don't have any exercise restrictions, but will be biking instead of running until retrieval just to be safe. All in all, I feel pretty good. Heh. Bet I'm not saying that this time next week!

Love to all you amazing women.
Pothole, I was typing as you were posting. Hang in there, you are going to do just great with all this. It is very overwhelming at times. One thing that helped me-I did have some freakout moments like what you're describing-was to tell myself that all those things that my body just did, by itself, under it's own control...are no longer controlled by my body. They are now under the control of pharmaceuticals prescribed by a trusted individual who has been doing this for X amount of years.

It helped, but didn't prevent some of the anxiety. It will get better, I promise. :hugs:
Oh pothole! I wish you had my cell to text me from the bathroom!! Yes it's expected!!

Krasa- how it takes me a week or more of stuns to get that high! Well done! Sounds like you're responding really well!!
:hugs::hugs:I love you ladies. I really do. I'm okay now. I was just completely shocked. It's like I forgot what a period was. Total disassociation from any logical possibility. That's a weird feeling.
Wish, I wish that, too. I was a mess. But I wish that kind of thing on the good days too. I feel closer to you guys than my real life friends in many ways, because we are in this with each other.
Krasa, that does help, thank you. Off to take my next shot. Woo!
good morning, ladies! :coffee:

pothole - I feel the same way!! you all know WAY more about my situation than anyone and it's so very comforting to have you all here with me.

mdc - you should be in full-on AF by now, right? or even finished?? what's next??

dandi - how are you feeling? I have to look back at any of your symptoms...

krasa - i'm so glad you're feeling good!! that fatigue is killer, I'm glad that's gone. I've actually felt pretty amazing this past week not being on much, no more needles, no more fatigue. Being off of caffeine (for the most part) and no alcohol has also been pretty nice. Except when I'm around others who are having a beer or wine....that's killer. I sound like an alcoholic!

ellie - what's new for you?

star - countdown should be about DONE, right? is this the home stretch?

left and sugar :wave: how are you ladies?

I hope everyone who celebrated had a great holiday. I did - no one fought, no kids got strangled (though it was close), the aunts/cousins helped to wash every dish and everyone left by 10:30! I only had to sweep and wash the floors and linens the next day! LOVE IT!
7dp2dt and I couldn't feel more normal. I keep thinking maybe I feel a twinge or a pull or a cramp or a sore boob but nothing really. I'm not tired, I'm not nauseous. I don't know if this embie has stuck around or not. I really was having some serious waves of lightheadedness last week but those have subsided too.
I'm off to Cleveland today for a few days for work. I'll try to check in with everyone if I can.
I hope there are exciting things starting this week!
ok, dandi - you didn't really write down any symptoms b/c you just went by the tests! did you have any?
I'm so annoyed at myself. I'm grasping here.
Happy Monday,

Wish- that twing you are feeling maybe it. Keeping the faith. Yes the countown is over for me. Cant believe i am done waiting.

Pothole am sorry you had to go through a meltdown but glad you are doing well and still on the game.

Krasa- Dec 7 will be here before you know it..... Thats the ER day right? Hoping for the best. On your question on working holidays, I do work some holidays and sometimes some weekends. Thats the negative of working in a hospital. But i love what am doing. My patients and co workers makes it worthwhile going there 3 nights a week.

Mdc, Dandi, Left, Sugar, Ellie hope you are all doing well.

Am CD 10. Waiting for the big O. Started BD every other day from cd 8. Fx crossed this is it.

Have a good day Ladies.
Sorry in advance for this rant...

I'm feeling really fed up today. One of those days where I resent all pregnant women (sorry those of you reading this who are pregnant, it's not personal and I know you understand), I feel like all bumps and babies are put on this planet to upset me and honestly am starting to think I will never be pregnant.

All because someone else at work has announced her pregnancy. I was supposed to be next. I didn't get to announce mine, and that's not feeling very fair right now.
Also the pregnant PE teacher who I told you about before is back after having 6 weeks off. With a beautiful bump. Then another colleague decided to spend a day of her maternity leave bringing her baby into school today for us all to coo over (I didn't coo, I walked straight out of the room and went to the loo to cry). Not a good day.

Ugh. Feeling sorry for myself, came home and ranted to poor DH for 10 minutes, then cried some more.
Pothole, you will survive this protocol. With everything going on it is fine to have a melt down every once in a while.

Krasa, glad the injections are going well for you and you are not having any side effects except being a tad tired.

Wish, glad you made it through turkey day wine free! As for your bday party I agree totally order a glass and pretend sip! By then you will be so close to finding out. Ohhh, enjoy exotic Cleveland.

Star, yeah back in the swing of things! I bet it feels good to be back at it.

Hi to everyone else!

So I have been on an emotional roller coaster and I am going to blame the hormones. First I totally left me meds at home and so in had to make an ER call to the doc to call in my scripts. Of course I did not notice it until 430 the day before Thanksgiving and I panicked. Although they were awesome and it was taken care of. Then I am usually easy peasy and don't get worked up before my period, but I am quite the little bitch right now. Probably did not help I was with my family feeling trapped in my sister's house. I love them, but it was just too much. My sis is pretty controlling and everything we did was based around their schedule and what time the baby napped/slept. Then on Sat it just started off wrong. When I got up I wanted a little ummm...attention and DH said we need to get on the road...which was true, but of course all I heard was that he did not want to. Insert pouty face. When we got home on Sat, DH seemed like he was purposely pushing my buttons about little things and I snapped. He just does not understand, and said that I have been weird all week. All I could say is that I was trying the best I can and it was hard to explain. Sigh! Yesterday DH was extra nice so at least the weekend ended on a good note. Thank God today is my last day for a while. Now just waiting on the witch and then to clomid. Luckily for DH I will likely be traveling when I am on that :rofl:
Oh Ellie, I wish I could just give you the biggest hug right now! There are always bad days and yours is definetly up the on the shitty scale. It is fine to feel mad and rant because we need to get emotions out. However, you WILL get your take home baby and are doing everything you can to make it happen. :hugs:
Thank you Mdc. I'm sorry your Thanksgiving was a bit crappy. I'm glad I haven't got to spend Christmas with any babies, I think I'd find it too hard right now. I hope AF comes quickly so you can get on with things.
Ellie and mdc I'm sending you both the biggest cyber hug I can find :hug:
Some days there is nothing for it but to crawl into bed under the duvet and hide from the world till it passes .....

It helps to bring chocolate in with you ;)
Ellie I'm so sorry!! I haven't yet had quite that reaction but a couple weeks ago I popped open FB and boom - another announcement. I was livid. We aren't close friends so I almost defriended her. Still thinking I might, I don't care for more ultrasound pics.

Mdc - hahaha I'm sorry to laugh but I love the way you write. I'm sorry about your thanksgiving. Ruined. Booo. And for your roid rage - I'm also sorry. Let's get this AF on the road!!
Just popping in to check on everyone. So sorry for those having a tough time right now. So excited for those making progress on your protocols.

Afm, living in limbo over here. Just waiting out to see if this might really take this time around. Back to work tomorrow after the Thanksgiving break, dreading it.

For those having a bad day, let me share this laugh. DH is in the middle of some drawn out dental procedures and he came home today with a temporary crown. He was complaining that it felt loose. While talking on the phone, he turned to the side to sneeze. The next thing I know, he's jumping up, yelling at our dog, and prying his mouth open. He had sneezed out the loose temporary crown and the dog caught it in the air like a treat. Thankfully, he caught it before the dog swallowed. I have laughed so hard my sides are killing me. I wish I had caught it on video. Obviously, DH isn't quite as amused. I'm still laughing.
Oh Dandi, that's the funniest thing I've heard for ages!!! I'm crying with laughter! Thank you for cheering me up! I know our dog would be the same!!!

My DH had something similar at his first gig the other weekend... He nearly spat his plate out during his guitar solo and had to make sure it was firmly fixodented in place the next time!
HAHAHAHA!! dandi, that's hysterical! just the visual of the dog reacting so quickly and thinking it's a treat!

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